[libtest-mockobject-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.20150527 created (now 32c2e25)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Jun 21 01:40:34 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.20150527
in repository libtest-mockobject-perl.

        at  32c2e25   (tag)
   tagging  2b1ac712b997e4e948c7ab1383c25cd0084e28d9 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.20140408
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sun Jun 21 03:30:26 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.20150527

Karen Etheridge (2):
      add missing meta information
      add missing Changes info re -debug flag.

Olivier Mengué (9):
      Do not create %FIELDS if it doesn't exists
      Constify $^V check to allow inlining
      Do not load fields.pm and Hash::Util
      Add config for Travis-CI.org
      Travis-CI: disable 5.8
      Mark CGI, Test::More, Test::Exception as 'test/requires' dependencies
      T:MO:Extends remove useless "eval use T:MO" in import
      Alias T:MO::Extends::import to T::MO::import
      T:MO->import: use eval-block instead of eval-string

Rob Van Dam (1):
      Simplified README.pod for the benefit of github

chromatic (65):
      Checked in Test::MockObject 0.02.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.03.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.04.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.05.
      Updated to Test::MOckObject 0.06.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.07.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.08.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.09.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.10.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.11.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.12.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.13.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.14.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.15.
      Updated to Test::MockObject 0.20.
      Removed deprecated Test::MockObject::add().
      Set $AUTOLOAD in parent AUTOLOAD(), if delegating (RT #14251).
      r10946 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2005-12-24 01:13:30 -0800
      r10948 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2005-12-24 01:24:42 -0800
      r13084 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:36:09 -0800
      r13085 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:36:22 -0800
      r13086 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:39:39 -0800
      r13087 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:41:02 -0800
      r13092 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:44:04 -0800
      r13093 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:18:55 -0800
      r13096 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:30:10 -0800
      r13097 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:45:09 -0800
      r14286 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-03-18 14:13:44 -0800
      r15646 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-04-08 23:04:20 -0700
      r15996 at windwheel:  chromatic | 2006-04-20 18:09:35 -0700
      Fix the documentation for re-enabling logging (reported by Nicholas Clark).
      Made fake_module() croak when faking a loaded module but not mocking any subs
      Fixed check_class_loaded() per RT #19448, reported by Adam Kennedy.
      Fixed incorrect dependency version for Scalar::Util (alexchorny, RT #21773).
      T::MO::E should die when called with an unhandleable method (Paul the Nomad).
      Removed use of Module::Signature.
      r4387 at waterwheel:  chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:40:30 -0700
      r4388 at waterwheel:  chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:41:08 -0700
      r4392 at waterwheel:  chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:50:24 -0700
      r4393 at waterwheel:  chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:52:57 -0700
      [Test::MockObject] Migrated to use lexical warnings for disabling redefinitions.
      Converted to Dist::Zilla.
      Added -debug flag to load U::i and U::c on demand.
      Added .gitignore.
      Improved test dependencies.
      Updated .gitignore.
      Merge pull request #2 from karenetheridge/master
      Updated UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can deps.
      Make Extends support fields objects (RT #84535).
      Improved .gitignore.
      Merge pull request #6 from dolmen/enable-Travis-CI
      Merge pull request #5 from dolmen/fix/FIELDS-once
      Updated Changes for new version.
      Merge pull request #9 from rvandam/readme
      Updated CGI dependency.
      Updated Changes for new version.
      Merge pull request #10 from dolmen/fix/dependencies
      Merge pull request #11 from dolmen/fix/no-eval-string
      Updated Changes for new release.

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.20150527


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-mockobject-perl.git

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