[starman] branch master updated (3e234a4 -> 46621a8)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Thu Jun 25 19:28:24 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository starman.
from 3e234a4 releasing package starman version 0.4011-1
adds f9fff7c removing the NAMIVG section
adds c2c7b72 add NOTES to recommend putting Starman behind nginx frontends
adds b7be0da Allow --net_server- to prefix any options you want to go straight to Net::Server. References GH Issue #109.
adds 357e6c4 Move the Net::Server arg parsing into Plack::Handler::Starman, for scriptability purposes. References GH Issue #109.
adds e2469fb Merge pull request #111 from holophrastic/net-server-generic-options
adds 3ffdcd2 cleanup
adds d852eae Fixed warnings about modifying a hash while iterating over it in Plack::Handler::Starman.
adds 6379c28 Merge pull request #113 from kriegfrj/fix-nsa-iterator
adds 463e964 add Server::Starter family as a suggested dependency
adds a45d712 calculare size/MD5 because it might change...
adds 53145b4 Move to xt release tests.
adds a861c7d 0.4012
adds 1392471 0.4013
adds 261cfb9 Treat ECONNRESET like EPIPE (i.e. ignore), not as a fatal error.
adds 9bcb99c Merge pull request #114 from timbunce/connection-reset-error
adds 24febd7 0.4014
adds b185991 Imported Upstream version 0.4014
new 1a5ad0e Merge tag 'upstream/0.4014'
new a4527f9 Update debian/changelog
new e5b459d add bug closer
new 46621a8 releasing package starman version 0.4014-1
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Build.PL | 2 +-
Changes | 10 +++++
MANIFEST | 6 +--
META.json | 19 ++++++---
META.yml | 9 +++--
README | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
cpanfile | 3 ++
debian/changelog | 9 +++++
lib/Plack/Handler/Starman.pm | 7 ++++
lib/Starman.pm | 29 ++++---------
lib/Starman/Server.pm | 8 +++-
t/chunked_req.t | 9 ++++-
t/{findbin.t => release-findbin.t} | 8 ++++
t/{rand.t => release-rand.t} | 8 ++++
14 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
rename t/{findbin.t => release-findbin.t} (72%)
rename t/{rand.t => release-rand.t} (78%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/starman.git
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