[starman] annotated tag upstream/0.4014 created (now f981571)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Jun 25 19:28:26 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.4014
in repository starman.

        at  f981571   (tag)
   tagging  b1859914734966631283ebc6710fab38359e7a16 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.4011
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Thu Jun 25 21:16:25 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.4014

Andrew Nelson (2):
      Allow --net_server- to prefix any options you want to go straight to Net::Server. References GH Issue #109.
      Move the Net::Server arg parsing into Plack::Handler::Starman, for scriptability purposes. References GH Issue #109.

Jeremy Krieg (1):
      Fixed warnings about modifying a hash while iterating over it in Plack::Handler::Starman.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (12):
      removing the NAMIVG section
      add NOTES to recommend putting Starman behind nginx frontends
      Merge pull request #111 from holophrastic/net-server-generic-options
      Merge pull request #113 from kriegfrj/fix-nsa-iterator
      add Server::Starter family as a suggested dependency
      calculare size/MD5 because it might change...
      Move to xt release tests.
      Merge pull request #114 from timbunce/connection-reset-error

Tim Bunce (1):
      Treat ECONNRESET like EPIPE (i.e. ignore), not as a fatal error.

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.4014


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/starman.git

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