[libclass-load-xs-perl] branch master updated (e83a082 -> ee11c65)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Jun 28 12:31:41 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libclass-load-xs-perl.
from e83a082 update changelog
new 22b8a7e Add debian/upstream/metadata
new c9b10f8 Update debian/changelog
adds a5a2708 initial checkin
adds d18aa46 remove uneeded inc files
adds eb680a6 Add .gitignore
adds 571dc2d copy all tests from Class::Load
adds c24bbf6 make sure all tests use XS implementation
adds 16906d0 Recopy tests from Class-Load, now with simple mechanism for switching between XS & PP in tests
adds 9dc3dc4 copied latest version of Class::Load test suite
adds b7d09fc Ignore built module dir
adds fd3df50 add some minimal releng bits
adds d5d7c5f Copy tests from Class-Load
adds e650bc8 Handle version object in $VERSION correctly
adds bd83f02 copy tests from Class-Load
adds 251270e Update tests
adds 5fd33ea add some pod
adds c859eb7 v0.01
adds 71983b4 sync tests
adds 7aae4b3 sync tests from Class-Load
adds 69ba9bc sync tests
adds 708f2ee Require latest Class::Load
adds 00f47c2 Bump version
adds d7c5c67 Changes for next release
adds 60193b5 v0.02
adds 781e677 Add Test::Fatal as test prereq
adds 25fbb7a Changes for next release
adds 7bc4ec3 Bump version
adds f486a40 v0.03
adds f1b95c7 Copy tests from Class::Load
adds fe4054a require Class::Load 0.13
adds fee2f6c Copy tests from Class::Load
adds a5b0828 Use AutoPrereqs, but require Class::Load 0.15 explicitly
adds 62af8b0 Changes for next release
adds 3e7c0d2 Bump version
adds b7e804b v0.04
adds c5c7f04 Update test files from Class::Load repo
adds 8a596a4 Require latest Class::Load to keep tests in sync
adds 8587a97 Add latest tests for Class-Load repo
adds 73b8c03 Fixed assumption that a given stash value must be a GV just cause it's ISA or VERSION ...
adds 086689e Bump version
adds 66243d4 Just require Class::Load in code
adds 81dd241 Clarify a change
adds 2c85df7 v0.05
adds 5952ea3 Fix broken logic that lead to calling SvOK on a NULL value
adds 04e3cb1 Bump version
adds acd46fb More detail in Changes
adds ac3f29f v0.06
adds b72e61b convert to my pluginbundle, adding lots more metadata, tests and a CONTRIBUTING file
adds a0ca90d automatically generate an updated ppport.h
adds 553a0da contributors to metadata and git
adds 9924fd6 refer to moose irc channel and mailing list
adds 6967efd switch from Module::Build to EUMM *and* MBT (dzil test runs both paths)
adds 44605ad remove unneeded shebangs
adds b05f056 canonical repository moved to https://github.com/moose/Class-Load-XS
adds a7f9f53 fix pod coverage tests
adds 7e5f337 Class-Load-XS-0.07
adds 81990d8 add a ppport.h, needed for local builds
adds 34a0c58 use new CONTRIBUTING file, customized for XS-based distributions
adds c648681 header for Changes file
adds 5211318 alas, MBT does not want the .xs file in the same place as EUMM, so we cannot ship with both
adds d41f383 remove redundant/useless $VERSION compositor that belonged in the .pm (where there already is one!)
adds e0c0c91 Class-Load-XS-0.08
adds 4c7cf3d tighten up entries
adds 7d0d274 use surgical_podweaver option to automatically get the same configs as used for [PodWeaver]
adds 240bc8f even tighter entries
adds 412be6b add authordep for podweaver plugin
adds e0cbddb add a placeholder .mailmap
adds c56554a now using [Git::Contributors]
adds e85792a whitespace
adds 70fb382 we should be able to handle installing on 5.006 too
adds 4e4d9fb add a clean namespaces test
adds 5010bb5 add some keywords to metadata
adds 66297b6 run ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Dist::Zilla::Develop out of inc/, so contributors don't have to install it
adds fea6e45 skip generating man pages for dev builds
adds 5294a50 Makefile.PL is already excluded by the bundle
adds 3a6282c also copy ppport.h back from the release, to keep it current
adds ce5d998 remove extra whitespace
adds 8cb9582 Added PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT option Added pTHX/aTHX macroses where is necessary as described in perlguts
adds 4fb90a5 Merge pull request #2 from hurricup/master
adds 349ac6e changelog for PR #2
adds 5bf7d30 Class-Load-XS-0.09
adds eeaa7d6 Imported Upstream version 0.09
new aaa6d3d Merge tag 'upstream/0.09'
new 576b020 Update debian/changelog
new 24db015 Update years of packaging copyright.
new 017d8bb Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
new 49b0f26 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
new ee11c65 releasing package libclass-load-xs-perl version 0.09-1
The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 13 +-
MANIFEST | 11 +-
META.json | 793 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
META.yml | 577 ++++++++++++++++++----------
Makefile.PL | 16 +-
README | 4 +-
README.md | 33 --
XS.xs | 13 +-
debian/changelog | 11 +-
debian/control | 3 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/upstream/metadata | 8 +
dist.ini | 15 +-
lib/Class/Load/XS.pm | 26 +-
ppport.h | 230 +++++++++---
t/00-report-prereqs.dd | 131 +++++++
t/00-report-prereqs.t | 268 ++++++-------
xt/author/00-compile.t | 9 +-
xt/author/clean-namespaces.t | 11 +
xt/{release => author}/eol.t | 4 +-
xt/author/no-tabs.t | 56 +++
xt/author/pod-spell.t | 10 +-
xt/release/changes_has_content.t | 2 +-
xt/release/kwalitee.t | 9 +-
xt/release/minimum-version.t | 2 +-
xt/release/no-tabs.t | 14 -
xt/release/test-version.t | 22 --
xt/release/unused-vars.t | 8 -
30 files changed, 1568 insertions(+), 771 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 README.md
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
create mode 100644 t/00-report-prereqs.dd
create mode 100644 xt/author/clean-namespaces.t
rename xt/{release => author}/eol.t (58%)
create mode 100644 xt/author/no-tabs.t
delete mode 100644 xt/release/no-tabs.t
delete mode 100644 xt/release/test-version.t
delete mode 100644 xt/release/unused-vars.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libclass-load-xs-perl.git
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