[libstrictures-perl] annotated tag upstream/2.000001 created (now 7dcf353)

Axel Beckert abe at deuxchevaux.org
Tue Jun 30 22:29:40 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

abe pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.000001
in repository libstrictures-perl.

        at  7dcf353   (tag)
   tagging  8480a7f36d0461425ce9cd1f70ff213ca973d26a (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.005005
 tagged by  Axel Beckert
        on  Wed Jul 1 00:25:41 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.000001
Version: GnuPG v1


Axel Beckert (1):
      Imported Upstream version 2.000001

Christian Walde (2):
      added test on reporting of failure to load extra deps
      add self to contributors

Diab Jerius (1):
      support PUREPERL_ONLY

Graham Knop (99):
      avoid constant.pm to save some memory (due to utf8)
      also detect mercurial
      add myself to contributors
      add SEE ALSO section with links to extra strictures modules
      update changelog
      include extra testing files
      update prereqs for meta v2
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005000
      add missing skip label to test
      update changelog
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005001
      add ExtUtils::CBuilder to configure requires, and change to dynamic config
      don't list extra prereqs on perl < 5.8.4
      update changelog
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005002
      fix ->VERSION calls to query version in newer perls
      update changelog
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005003
      don't list extra prereqs as hard prereqs in META
      upgrade changelog
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005004
      include perl version in prereq metadata
      fix Makefile.PL boilerplate bug
      put perl prereq in correct location
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.005005
      update Makefile.PL boilerplate
      remove version bumping make targets and let distar handle it
      remove realclean from Makefile.PL and let Distar handle it
      fix test for t/xt/lib/blib to only trigger on directories
      delay checking for vcs dirs until we are in an appropriate file
      include dir sep in regex in docs
      fix perl version conditional
      split extras testing into separate file and make it more robust
      add travis config
      avoid using pod checking functions that plan
      list pod test modules as develop prereqs
      don't silence errors in tests
      make sure VERSION is numified
      mention test cleanup in changelog
      bump version to 1.005006
      Release commit for 1.005006
      reformat docs
      store requested strictures version so we can switch behavior based on it
      refactor extras loading
      refactor file checking for extras
      factor out env check from file check
      better error handling for bad versions
      refactor hints testing for better naming and flexibility
      strictures 2, disabling fatal warnings on some categories
      document version switching and version 2 behavior
      comments about why we have some exceptions to fatal
      author test for new warning categories
      don't test category list if other modules preloaded
      add 5.20 warning categories
      add strictures::extra module
      better testing of extra module load failures
      use different mechanism for disabling some warnings
      clarify behavior of extras
      add new warning categories from 5.21 series
      update docs for current behavior
      add rationale for category exclusions to docs
      changelog for v2
      change to version 1.999_001, but set it to 2 at runtime
      Merge branch 'version-2'
      Release commit for 1.999_001
      remove extraneous manifest includes
      avoid goto UNIVERSAL::VERSION on 5.6
      better diagnostics on version check failure
      add missing 5.6 warning categories
      changelog 5.6 fixes
      bump version to 1.999_002
      Release commit for 1.999_002
      bump version to 2.000000
      remove 1.999 headers from changelog
      Release commit for 2.000000
      also check for .bzr
      add new experimental::bitwise category
      more extensive travis testing
      wait until STDERR is restored before rethrowing error in test
      remove extraneous strictures import in test
      use string eval for testing hints to avoid compile vs runtime complexity
      calculate next version to test rather than hard coding
      only goto &UNIVERSAL::VERSION on perl 5.10+
      clean up hint capturing code
      update abstract since we don't fatalize all warnings anymore
      don't rely on VERSION method to retrieve version to test against
      test that we can use the exact current strictures version
      Bumping version to 2.000001
      Release commit for 2.000001

Karen Etheridge (37):
      repository metadata
      spelling and punctuation fix in die message
      memoized the VCS check into a global variable
      move subtests into their own directory, so prove -lr t still works
      detect when running tests via dzil
      document the new behaviour in the presence of Dist::Zilla
      Release commit for 1.004001
      add the web git repo information
      lots of C<> markup
      use link markup whenever referring to this module, vs. strictures in general
      I<> markup
      use em-dashes
      grammar, spelling, punctuation fixes
      Merge branch 'topic/doc_cleanup_20120908'
      update .gitignore with standard entries
      prep for 1.004002
      Release commit for 1.004002
      use hyphen in error message
      add pragmas to recommended prereq list
      prep for release
      Release commit for 1.004003
      simple repro case for crash bug
      prep for 1.004004 release
      Release commit for 1.004004
      be specific that the crash was a regression in 1.004003 only
      specify the minimum perl version necessary (for CPANTS)
      make changelog more readable, CPAN::Changes-compliant
      ensure we create a v2 meta file
      properly set v2 metadata!
      add self to contributors
      require the pragmas if a compiler is present
      revert to previous formatting
      clean everything in "make realclean"
      fix bump-version to use the right filename(s), handle decimal versions
      better bump-version, from Import::Into
      strip off comment, that doesn't get bumped with the real $VERSION

Matt S Trout (30):
      first version of strictures.pm - code and brief docs
      port build system to new style, fix POD tests to pass
      tweak extra testing to not fire user side
      clarify indirect as an author requirement
      fix up tests
      release commit - 1.1.0
      add bareword::filehandles and multidimensional
      bump version to 1.2.0 since we're adding author checks
      convert to Distar, fixup author
      Release commit for 1.002000
      rename t/smells-of-vcs/.svn to .exists and mkdir a .git instead
      bump version to 1.2.1 for point release to ease debian packaging
      Release commit for 1.002001
      fix spelling error (thanks to mxey of #debian-perl)
      only try and mkdir the .git if it doesn't already exist
      bump version to 1.2.2 for 'matt is an idiot' test fixing point release
      Release commit for 1.002002
      defatalize lack of extra testing modules
      test ALL the tests
      1.3.0 since we've increased the extra testing
      correct distar setup
      fix test to handle defatalization
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.003001
      switch to testing calling file to avoid firing on dependencies
      bump version for release
      update manifest inclusions
      Release commit for 1.004000
      extra testing rationale
      fix 5.16 crash due to qw() list being readonly

Peter Rabbitson (5):
      No extra tests on ancient perls
      Attempt to load extra testing modules only once
      strictures has no dynamic deps (no deps in fact)
      Fix 8e604fea from being overly specific - qw is readonly everywhere

matthewt (1):
      fix warnings, improve author side error


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libstrictures-perl.git

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