[libtravel-routing-de-vrr-perl] annotated tag upstream/2.09 created (now ded9ea0)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun May 10 16:33:32 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.09
in repository libtravel-routing-de-vrr-perl.
at ded9ea0 (tag)
tagging 6ae513687b45013a89b5da762f4acc768ceb4318 (commit)
replaces upstream/2.08
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sun May 10 18:23:55 2015 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.09
Daniel Friesel (284):
Allow user to specify date and time
Major code cleanup
Added debug switch
Code cleanup
Added documentation
Added zsh completion
use 5.010;
Ignore all unknown information
A little bit input validation
Added --time-for to get departure/arrival time
efa(1): Fixed typo
efa: Added --post to add any values to the HTTP POST request
efa: Don't touch $raw while parsing
Added --via (→ --from some place --to other place via teh place)
Removed --time-for, added --arrive and --depart instead
Added --restrict option for line selection (e.g. use ICE lines, too)
Some restructuring
efa: Show possible alternatives when receiving ambiguous input
efa: Display possible values for every ambiguous input
Don't use STDERR to display choices (it doesn't have binmode utf8)
efa: Put some stuff into subs
efa: parse_content: Print skipped infos in debug mode
efa: Don't print trailing separation mark ("------")
efa(1): Fixed a typo (thx zaba)
efa: Added alternative "efa city stop city stop" invocation
efa: Added note about no-break space in a regular expression
efa: Display additional train-related information
efa: Added --ignore-info switch, ignore bicycle-related information by default
Added --ignore-info to zsh completion...
efa: Extend $ignore_info to cover more cases
efa: Added <from> <via> <to> invocation
efa(1): Fixed and updated --ignore-info
efa(1): Fixed the --restrict list
Assume that this is v0.9
efa: Added --help option
efa: Added --prefer option (choose connection based on speed/interchanges/walking)
efa: Added --proximity ("Berücksichtigung von Nachbarhaltestellen bei Start und Ziel")
efa: Added --max-change (maximum number of interchanges)
efa: Added --exclude ("ausgewählte Verkehrsmittel")
Version bump to 0.9.1
efa: Added --walk-speed ("Gehgeschwindigkeit")
efa: Added --bike option ("Fahrradmitnahme")
efa: Improved --ignore-info handling
efa: fixed a typo in an error message
Added makefile
efa: --walk-speed: Use smart matches instead of regexes
efa(1): --from and --to are no longer mandatory
efa: Added support for --{from,to,via}-type
efa: Fixed parsing of "Fußweg" messages
efa: Fixed generic messages without time
efa: Show "Fußweg" on all connections, not just the last one
Version bump to 1.0
efa: --date: Make the year optional
Makefile: Don't use $(RM)
Makefile: Don't use install
Shortened zsh completion a bit
efa: Use perldoc -F
efa: Refer to efa --help whin invoked with wrong arguments
efa: Support additional cases of un-timestamped connections
efa: Support more non-timestamped connections
efa(1): Fixed a POD warning
efa: efa.vrr.de changed something, fixed the resulting encoding fuckup
Version bump to 1.0.1
Makefile: install: Make sure the file mode is right
Added tests (right now only for valid pod, but whatever :-)
efa(1): Mention missing unicode support for arguments
test/main: use sh -e
efa: Added --version switch
efa: Renamed --restrict option to --include
efa: Fixed a really stupid mistake
test: Do a normal syntax check of bin/efa
Some code cleanup
efa: Code cleanup
Use foreach instead of for with useless $j counter
efa: parse_content: Merged two if () checks
efa: parse_content: Correctly parse Fußweg messages with time
efa(1): Unicode may work or may not.
Version bump
Improved readability of the regular expressions
Yet more code cleanup
Fixed length of unicode chars in printf (but now unicode in arguments doesn't work)
Update Changelog for 1.0.3
efa: Allow stop-specification as addr:stop and poi:stop
Yet further continued code cleanup
More code reuse
Simplify --exclude parsing
Improve an error message, use die/warn instead of print STDERR
Update the version in the script... ahem.
efa: Add licence text
Release v1.1
Add argument verification for --date & --time; die upon invalid arguments
Add short options
Slight makefile/manpage cleanups, release v1.1.1 while at it
Replace shell test script by Perl TAP stuff, add test target to Makefile
Fix --date verification regex
Add test for a few offline efa options
efa: Add option checking for --exclude
Add tests for some more options
Add tests for short options
Add short option for --version
efa: --max-change arguments are verified by Getopt::Lang
Add some actual parser tests
Fix --ignore-info handling, add more parser tests
efa: Correct --date help message
Add installation note to README
Release v1.1.2
Die upon invalid options
test/50-efa.t: Some cleanup
efa(1): Add some general POD sections
Add --timeout switch, decrease default timeout from 180 to 60 seconds
Use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath for parsing. Todo: Lots of code cleanup.
Parse most options via subs instead of vars
Slight variable name cleanup
Put some more stuff into functions
efa: Fix opt_date
Fix special cases like "nicht umsteigen, Weiterfahrt [...]"
Update and reenable parser tests
Add parser test for ambiguous input
Fix(?) UTF-8 issues with bin/efa. Nobody knows why it works.
Set utf8 binmode on STDOUT & update tests again. I have not the slightest clue why the tests are actually still working.
Set proper encoding for decoded_content
Specify decode comment
Use latin-1 for decoded_content
Update documentation
Release v1.2
parse_tree: Minor performance improvenets (bin/efa: 2.5s → 1.8s avg)
Slightly change option error messages
Use HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML. Major performance enhancement.
Use XML::LibXML directly
Remove HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML workaround
Detect efa.vrr.de error messages
Update documentation + fix typo in source comment
Detect non-itinerary efa.vrr.de output (i.e. upon invalid input data)
Write errors to STDERR
Fix a few perlcritic warnings
Update Changelog and README
Actually, release v1.3
Remove prereqs file (useless for distribution)
README: Add modules required for testing
Remove --x-type, error handling for --to city type:something
Update zsh completion
Fix --exclude argument validation
Move tests to t/, re-structure the directory while at it
Switch to Module::Build
Initial splitup to WWW::Efa. Lots of stuff to improve yet
First try at API. And it even seems to work.
Rename bin/efa test
Add Efa::Error class (probably sucks so far :p)
Fix internal error handling + tests for it
Initial module test (new/isa/can)
Tests for WWW::Efa->new() => correct post data
Make POD test futureproof
Add Test::Synopsis test, rename pod test
Make WWW::Efa synopsis actually work
Split up Error.pm into WWW::Efa::Error::{Backend,Setup}
Add README, begin documentation for Efa::Error::Setup
Some documentation
Add $efa->setup_error() to replace $efa->{'error'} check
WWW::Efa::Error::Setup: document as_string a bit
WWW::Efa::Error::Setup: Add accessors for inernals
Add remaining error classes, sort of
Efa.pm: Remove unnecessary double quotes
Remove 'time' option from WWW::Efa
Fix efa --help
(Hopefully) fix addr: etc. handling. Thx penma.
Fix tests for new POST stuff
Build.PL: Get version from git. Still need to get it into the .pl file, tho
WWW::Efa: create_post: Fix indentation, use correct date/time
WWW::Efa documentation updates
Improve(?) error handling
WWW::Efa: Also allow dd.mm dates, for those really lazy people
Slightly improve date handling
Update gitignore
Code cleanup, remove WWW::Efa::Error stuff for now (to be reimplemented)
Rename to Net::Travel::DE::VRR
Update Changelog
Introducing ::Route and ::Route::Part
More descriptive accessor names in Net::Travel::DE::VRR::Route::Part
Eliminate $efa->parse(), include it in $efa->submit()
VRR.pm: Change new() key names
VRR.pm: Somewhat unfuck post_ methods
efa(1): Note that it works all over germany
VRR.pm: Convert all remaining functions to methods
VRR.pm: Make post_ methods better usable as external setters
VRR.pm: Documentation
Fix efa --ignore-info to allow the argument to be omitted
Rename to Travel::Routing::DE::VRR
Remove useless git version magic from Build.PL, update gitignore
bin/efa: Actually use Travel::Routing, not Net::Travel...
VRR.pm: HTTP request error handling
Try Exception::Class
VRR.pm: Document new submit behaviour
VRR.pm: Add Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception base class
Document exceptions
Further documentation fixes
efa: Add little help text, do not launch perldoc on --help
Update Changelog and README
efa(1): Update EXIT STATUS
efa: Show help upon Getopt::Long error as well
efa: Handle more setup errors
Minor code style adjustment (no parens after accessors)
Release v1.04 (about time)
Documentation: It's Travel::Routing, not Travel::Status >_>
efa: Fix Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Net handler
Re-add VRR.pm setup error tests
Release v1.05
Documentation / Build.PL: WWW::Mechanize is no longer required
Add missing LWP::UserAgent dependency in README/Build.PL
Release v1.06
VRR.pm: Fix spelling mistake (inofficial -> unofficial)
start switching from HTML to XML mode (parsing works fine, todo: error detection)
Re-add error checking
Fix extra info display
efa: Add -E option to display total route time and ticket class/price
Add more XML dumps for future test cases
Initial support for intermediate stops (via -E -E). will be cleaned up tomorrow
Fix display and parsing of delay connections
add tests for XML parsing
Route/Part.pm: Fix typo in via
note that ->via does not work reliably, remove it from bin/efa
Add ->via test
Route/Part: _stop_and_platform: Only concatenate if platform is non-empty
Release v2.00
Route/Part.pm: Fix departure_stop_and_platform (closes github #3)
Release v2.01
Mention WWW::EFA in documentation
efa: Align dashes with destination column
update gitignore
release v2.02
changelog: fix date
replace obsolete homelinux.org domain
fix smartmatch warnings on perl >= 5.018
Build.PL: specify M::B version
efa / VRR.pm: Handle UTF8 / decoded input with non-ASCII chars
Decode all arguments (thanks mxey)
version bump
Improve unparsable route data error message, and two-way trips to limitations
Add an exception class for EFA backend errors, pass provided message
Move EFA logic to ::EFA, just set URL in ::VRR
add efa-url support to efa script
rename XML specific functions to ..._xml
Add option to specify maximum number of connections
add -f/--full-route option (show all interemdiate stops)
add missing entries to changelog
version bump to 2.05
Route/Part.pm: add {arrival,departure}_{route,station}maps accessors
efa: add -m, --maps option
fix exclude / --exclude bug
version bump
Update README (URL / primary manual)
add more EFA entry points
support EFA services which do not set itdDateTimeTarget
add --discover option and get_efa_urls method
efa: add --auto-url / --discover-and-print option
efa(1): --post is not supported
efa(1): add other EFA services to description
version bump
Fix typos (patch by gregoa)
update additional typos in the documentation
Add shortname to EFA service list
add efa -l / --list option
efa: add -s / --service option
efa(1): -u: refer to -l as well
Merge branch 'szabgab-patch-1'
efa -l: shorten table headers
efa -s: use case insensitive matching
efa(1): Add examples
efa(1): sort options alphabetically
efa(1): spellcheck
version bump
Add an alternative VRR EFA entrypoint (Thanks to @NoMoKeTo for pointing it out)
Improve error messages, especially for ambiguous input values
EFA.pm: Add DING (Donau-Iller Nahverkehr). Thanks to @_stk for pointing it out
Version bump
Gabor Szabo (1):
link to GitHub from META files and thus from MetaCPAN.org
Maximilian Gass (1):
Replace WWW::Mechanize with LWP::UserAgent (first step)
Roland Hieber (1):
respect proxy environment variables
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 2.09
No new revisions were added by this update.
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