[libmath-prime-util-perl] 36/40: Add primality proving submodule

Partha P. Mukherjee ppm-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 21 18:49:06 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ppm-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag v0.30
in repository libmath-prime-util-perl.

commit 16b1986158c83447def7dffa0ebb79d6f82dd0a0
Author: Dana Jacobsen <dana at acm.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 1 17:34:09 2013 -0700

    Add primality proving submodule
 lib/Math/Prime/Util/PrimalityProving.pm | 857 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 857 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PrimalityProving.pm b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PrimalityProving.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db16396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PrimalityProving.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+package Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp qw/carp croak confess/;
+use Math::Prime::Util qw/is_prob_prime is_strong_pseudoprime
+                         is_provable_prime_with_cert
+                         lucas_sequence
+                         factor
+                         prime_get_config
+                        /;
+if (!defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION) {
+  eval { require Math::BigInt;   Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
+  or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt"; };
+  $Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DANAJ';
+  $Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving::VERSION = '0.30';
+# Pure Perl proofs
+my @_fsublist = (
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::prho_factor   (shift,    8*1024) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift,    10_000) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pbrent_factor (shift,   32*1024) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift, 1_000_000) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pbrent_factor (shift,  512*1024) },
+ #sub { Math::Prime::Util::ecm_factor    (shift,     1_000,   5_000, 10) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift, 4_000_000) },
+ #sub { Math::Prime::Util::ecm_factor    (shift,    10_000,  50_000, 10) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift,20_000_000) },
+ #sub { Math::Prime::Util::ecm_factor    (shift,   100_000, 800_000, 10) },
+ #sub { Math::Prime::Util::ecm_factor    (shift, 1_000_000, 1_000_000, 10) },
+  sub { Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift, 100_000_000, 500_000_000) },
+sub primality_proof_lucas {
+  my ($n) = shift;
+  my @composite = (0, []);
+  # Since this can take a very long time with a composite, try some easy cuts
+  return @composite if !defined $n || $n < 2;
+  return (2, [$n]) if $n < 4;
+  return @composite if is_strong_pseudoprime($n,2,15,325) == 0;
+  if (!defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION) {
+    eval { require Math::BigInt;   Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
+    or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt"; };
+  }
+  my $nm1 = $n-1;
+  my @factors = factor($nm1);
+  { # remove duplicate factors and make a sorted array of bigints
+    my %uf;
+    undef @uf{@factors};
+    @factors = sort {$a<=>$b} map { Math::BigInt->new("$_") } keys %uf;
+  }
+  for (my $a = 2; $a < $nm1; $a++) {
+    my $ap = Math::BigInt->new("$a");
+    # 1. a must be coprime to n
+    next unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($ap, $n) == 1;
+    # 2. a^(n-1) = 1 mod n.
+    next unless $ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) == 1;
+    # 3. a^((n-1)/f) != 1 mod n for all f.
+    next if (scalar grep { $_ == 1 }
+             map { $ap->copy->bmodpow(int($nm1/$_),$n); }
+             @factors) > 0;
+    # Verify each factor and add to proof
+    my @fac_proofs;
+    foreach my $f (@factors) {
+      my ($isp, $fproof) = Math::Prime::Util::is_provable_prime_with_cert($f);
+      if ($isp != 2) {
+        carp "could not prove primality of $n.\n";
+        return (1, []);
+      }
+      push @fac_proofs, (scalar @$fproof == 1) ? $fproof->[0] : $fproof;
+    }
+    my @proof = ("$n", "Pratt", [@fac_proofs], $a);
+    return (2, [@proof]);
+  }
+  return @composite;
+sub primality_proof_bls75 {
+  my ($n) = shift;
+  my @composite = (0, []);
+  # Since this can take a very long time with a composite, try some easy tests
+  return @composite if !defined $n || $n < 2;
+  return (2, [$n]) if $n < 4;
+  return @composite if ($n & 1) == 0;
+  return @composite if is_strong_pseudoprime($n,2,15,325) == 0;
+  $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
+  my $nm1 = $n-1;
+  my $A = $nm1->copy->bone;   # factored part
+  my $B = $nm1->copy;         # unfactored part
+  my @factors = (2);
+  croak "BLS75 error: n-1 not even" unless $nm1->is_even();
+  my $trial_B = 20000;
+  {
+    while ($B->is_even) { $B /= 2; $A *= 2; }
+    my @tf = Math::Prime::Util::trial_factor($B, $trial_B);
+    pop @tf if $tf[-1] > $trial_B;
+    foreach my $f (@tf) {
+      next if $f == $factors[-1];
+      push @factors, $f;
+      do { $B /= $f;  $A *= $f; } while (($B % $f) == 0);
+    }
+  }
+  my @nstack;
+  # nstack should only hold composites
+  if ($B == 1) {
+    # Completely factored.  Nothing.
+  } elsif (is_prob_prime($B)) {
+    push @factors, $B;
+    $A *= $B;  $B /= $B;   # completely factored already
+  } else {
+    push @nstack, $B;
+  }
+  my $theorem = 5;
+  while (@nstack) {
+    my ($s,$r) = $B->copy->bdiv($A->copy->bmul(2));
+    my $fpart = ($A+1) * (2*$A*$A + ($r-1) * $A + 1);
+    last if $n < $fpart;
+    # Theorem 7....
+    $fpart = ($A*$trial_B+1) * (2*$A*$A + ($r-$trial_B) * $A + 1);
+    if ($n < $fpart) { $theorem = 7; last; }
+    my $m = pop @nstack;
+    # Don't use bignum if it has gotten small enough.
+    $m = int($m->bstr) if ref($m) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $m <= ''.~0;
+    # Try to find factors of m, using the default set of factor subs.
+    my @ftry;
+    foreach my $sub (@_fsublist) {
+      @ftry = $sub->($m);
+      last if scalar @ftry >= 2;
+    }
+    # If we couldn't find a factor, skip it.
+    next unless scalar @ftry > 1;
+    # Process each factor
+    foreach my $f (@ftry) {
+      croak "Invalid factoring: B=$B m=$m f=$f" if $f == 1 || $f == $m || ($B%$f) != 0;
+      if (is_prob_prime($f)) {
+        push @factors, $f;
+        do { $B /= $f;  $A *= $f; } while (($B % $f) == 0);
+      } else {
+        push @nstack, $f;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Just in case:
+  foreach my $f (@factors) {
+    while (($B % $f) == 0) {
+      $B /= $f;  $A *= $f;
+    }
+  }
+  { # remove duplicate factors and make a sorted array of bigints
+    my %uf = map { $_ => 1 } @factors;
+    @factors = sort {$a<=>$b} map { Math::BigInt->new("$_") } keys %uf;
+  }
+  # Did we factor enough?
+  my ($s,$r) = $B->copy->bdiv($A->copy->bmul(2));
+  my $fpart = ($theorem == 5)
+            ? ($A+1) * (2*$A*$A + ($r-1) * $A + 1)
+            : ($A*$trial_B+1) * (2*$A*$A + ($r-$trial_B) * $A + 1);
+  return (1,[]) if $n >= $fpart;
+  # Check we didn't mess up
+  croak "BLS75 error: $A * $B != $nm1" unless $A*$B == $nm1;
+  croak "BLS75 error: $A not even" unless $A->is_even();
+  croak "BLS75 error: A and B not coprime" unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($A, $B)==1;
+  my $rtest = $r*$r - 8*$s;
+  my $rtestroot = $rtest->copy->bsqrt;
+  return @composite if $s != 0 && ($rtestroot*$rtestroot) == $rtest;
+  my @fac_proofs;
+  my @as;
+  foreach my $f (@factors) {
+    my $success = 0;
+    foreach my $a (2 .. 10000) {
+      my $ap = Math::BigInt->new($a);
+      next unless $ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) == 1;
+      next unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1/$f, $n)->bsub(1), $n) == 1;
+      push @as, $a;
+      $success = 1;
+      last;
+    }
+    return @composite unless $success;
+    my ($isp, $fproof) = is_provable_prime_with_cert($f);
+    if ($isp != 2) {
+      carp "could not prove primality of $n.\n";
+      return (1, []);
+    }
+    push @fac_proofs, (scalar @$fproof == 1) ? $fproof->[0] : $fproof;
+  }
+  # Put n, B back to non-bigints if possible.
+  $n = int($n->bstr) if ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= ''.~0;
+  $B = int($B->bstr) if ref($B) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $B <= ''.~0;
+  if ($theorem == 5) {
+    return (2, [$n, "n-1", [@fac_proofs], [@as]]);
+  } else {
+    my $t7a = 0;
+    my $f = $B;
+    foreach my $a (2 .. 10000) {
+      my $ap = Math::BigInt->new($a);
+      next unless $ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) == 1;
+      next unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1/$f, $n)->bsub(1), $n) == 1;
+      return (2, [$n, "n-1", ["B", $trial_B, $B, $a], [@fac_proofs], [@as]]);
+    }
+  }
+  return @composite;
+# Convert certificates from old array format to new string format
+sub _convert_cert {
+  my $pdata = shift;   # pdata is a ref
+  return '' if scalar @$pdata == 0;
+  my $n = shift @$pdata;
+  if (length($n) == 1) {
+    return "Type Small\nN $n" if $n =~ /^[2357]$/;
+    return '';
+  }
+  $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt';
+  return '' if $n->is_even;
+  my $method = (scalar @$pdata > 0) ? shift @$pdata : 'BPSW';
+  if ($method eq 'BPSW') {
+    return '' if $n > Math::BigInt->new("18446744073709551615");
+    return '' if is_prob_prime($n) != 2;
+    return "Type Small\nN $n";
+  }
+  if ($method eq 'Pratt' || $method eq 'Lucas') {
+    return '' if scalar @$pdata != 2 ||
+              ref($$pdata[0]) ne 'ARRAY' ||
+              ref($$pdata[1]) eq 'ARRAY';
+    my @factors = @{shift @$pdata};
+    my $a = shift @$pdata;
+    my $cert = "Type Lucas\nN     $n\n";
+    foreach my $i (0 .. $#factors) {
+      my $f = (ref($factors[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $factors[$i]->[0] : $factors[$i];
+      $cert .= sprintf("Q[%d]  %s\n", $i+1, $f);
+    }
+    $cert .= "A     $a\n\n";
+    foreach my $farray (@factors) {
+      if (ref($farray) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $cert .= _convert_cert($farray);
+      }
+    }
+    return $cert;
+  }
+  if ($method eq 'n-1') {
+    if (scalar @$pdata == 3 && ref($$pdata[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && $$pdata[0]->[0] =~ /^(B|T7|Theorem\s*7)$/i) {
+      croak "Unsupported BLS7 proof in conversion";
+    }
+    return '' if scalar @$pdata != 2 ||
+              ref($$pdata[0]) ne 'ARRAY' ||
+              ref($$pdata[1]) ne 'ARRAY';
+    my @factors = @{shift @$pdata};
+    my @as = @{shift @$pdata};
+    return '' unless scalar @factors == scalar @as;
+    # Make sure 2 is at the top
+    foreach my $i (1 .. $#factors) {
+      my $f = (ref($factors[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $factors[$i]->[0] : $factors[$i];
+      if ($f == 2) {
+        my $tf = $factors[0];  $factors[0] = $factors[$i];  $factors[$i] = $tf;
+        my $ta = $as[0];  $as[0] = $as[$i];  $as[$i] = $ta;
+      }
+    }
+    return '' unless $factors[0] == 2;
+    my $cert = "Type BLS5\nN     $n\n";
+    foreach my $i (1 .. $#factors) {
+      my $f = (ref($factors[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $factors[$i]->[0] : $factors[$i];
+      $cert .= sprintf("Q[%d]  %s\n", $i, $f);
+    }
+    foreach my $i (0 .. $#as) {
+      $cert .= sprintf("A[%d]  %s\n", $i, $as[$i]) if $as[$i] != 2;
+    }
+    $cert .= "----\n\n";
+    foreach my $farray (@factors) {
+      if (ref($farray) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $cert .= _convert_cert($farray);
+      }
+    }
+    return $cert;
+  }
+  if ($method eq 'ECPP' || $method eq 'AGKM') {
+    return '' if scalar @$pdata < 1;
+    my $cert = '';
+    foreach my $block (@$pdata) {
+      return '' if ref($block) ne 'ARRAY' || scalar @$block != 6;
+      my($ni, $a, $b, $m, $qval, $P) = @$block;
+      my $q = ref($qval) eq 'ARRAY' ? $qval->[0] : $qval;
+      return '' if ref($P) ne 'ARRAY' || scalar @$P != 2;
+      my ($x, $y) = @{$P};
+      $cert .= "Type ECPP\nN $ni\nA $a\nB $b\nM $m\nQ $q\nX $x\nY $y\n\n";
+      if (ref($qval) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $cert .= _convert_cert($qval);
+      }
+    }
+    return $cert;
+  }
+  return '';
+sub convert_array_cert_to_string {
+  my @pdata = @_;
+  # Convert reference input to array
+  @pdata = @{$pdata[0]} if scalar @pdata == 1 && ref($pdata[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
+  return '' if scalar @pdata == 0;
+  my $n = $pdata[0];
+  my $header = "[MPU - Primality Certificate]\nVersion 1.0\n\nProof for:\nN $n\n\n";
+  my $cert = _convert_cert(\@pdata);
+  return '' if $cert eq '';
+  return $header . $cert;
+# Verify certificate
+sub _primality_error ($) {
+  print "primality fail: $_[0]" if prime_get_config->{'verbose'};
+  return;  # error in certificate
+sub _pfail ($) {
+  print "primality fail: $_[0]" if prime_get_config->{'verbose'};
+  return;  # Failed a condition
+sub _read_vars {
+  my $lines = shift;
+  my $type = shift;
+  my %vars = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
+  my %return;
+  while (scalar keys %vars) {
+    my $line = shift @$lines;
+    return _primality_error("end of file during type $type") unless defined $line;
+    # Skip comments and blank lines
+    next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/;
+    chomp($line);
+    return _primality_error("Still missing values in type $type") if $line =~ /^Type /;
+    if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)/) {
+      my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2);
+      $var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+      return _primality_error("Type $type: repeated or inappropriate var: $line") unless defined $vars{$var};
+      $return{$var} = $val;
+      delete $vars{$var};
+    } else {
+      return _primality_error("Unrecognized line: $line");
+    }
+  }
+  # Now return them in the order given, turned into bigints.
+  return map { Math::BigInt->new("$return{$_}") } @_;
+sub _is_perfect_square {
+  my($n) = @_;
+  if (ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt') {
+    my $mc = int(($n & 31)->bstr);
+    if ($mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25) {
+      my $sq = $n->copy->bsqrt->bfloor;
+      $sq->bmul($sq);
+      return 1 if $sq == $n;
+    }
+  } else {
+    my $mc = $n & 31;
+    if ($mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25) {
+      my $sq = int(sqrt($n));
+      return 1 if ($sq*$sq) == $n;
+    }
+  }
+  0;
+# Calculate Jacobi symbol (M|N)
+sub _jacobi {
+  my($n, $m) = @_;
+  return 0 if $m <= 0 || ($m % 2) == 0;
+  my $j = 1;
+  if ($n < 0) {
+    $n = -$n;
+    $j = -$j if ($m % 4) == 3;
+  }
+  # Split loop so we can reduce n/m to non-bigints after first iteration.
+  if ($n != 0) {
+    while (($n % 2) == 0) {
+      $n >>= 1;
+      $j = -$j if ($m % 8) == 3 || ($m % 8) == 5;
+    }
+    ($n, $m) = ($m, $n);
+    $j = -$j if ($n % 4) == 3 && ($m % 4) == 3;
+    $n = $n % $m;
+    $n = int($n->bstr) if ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= ''.~0;
+    $m = int($m->bstr) if ref($m) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $m <= ''.~0;
+  }
+  while ($n != 0) {
+    while (($n % 2) == 0) {
+      $n >>= 1;
+      $j = -$j if ($m % 8) == 3 || ($m % 8) == 5;
+    }
+    ($n, $m) = ($m, $n);
+    $j = -$j if ($n % 4) == 3 && ($m % 4) == 3;
+    $n = $n % $m;
+  }
+  return ($m == 1) ? $j : 0;
+# Proof handlers (parse input and call verification)
+sub _prove_ecpp {
+  _verify_ecpp( _read_vars($_[0], 'ECPP', qw/N A B M Q X Y/) );
+sub _prove_ecpp3 {
+  _verify_ecpp3( _read_vars($_[0], 'ECPP3', qw/N S R A B T/) );
+sub _prove_ecpp4 {
+  _verify_ecpp4( _read_vars($_[0], 'ECPP4', qw/N S R J T/) );
+sub _prove_bls15 {
+  _verify_bls15( _read_vars($_[0], 'BLS15', qw/N Q LP LQ/) );
+sub _prove_bls3 {
+  _verify_bls3( _read_vars($_[0], 'BLS3', qw/N Q A/) );
+sub _prove_pock {
+  _verify_pock( _read_vars($_[0], 'POCKLINGTON', qw/N Q A/) );
+sub _prove_small {
+  _verify_small( _read_vars($_[0], 'Small', qw/N/) );
+sub _prove_bls5 {
+  my $lines = shift;
+  # No good way to do this using read_vars
+  my ($n, @Q, @A);
+  my $index = 0;
+  $Q[0] = Math::BigInt->new(2);  # 2 is implicit
+  while (1) {
+    my $line = shift @$lines;
+    return _primality_error("end of file during type BLS5") unless defined $line;
+    # Skip comments and blank lines
+    next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/;
+    # Stop when we see a line starting with -.
+    last if $line =~ /^-/;
+    chomp($line);
+    if ($line =~ /^N\s+(\d+)/) {
+      return _primality_error("BLS5: N redefined") if defined $n;
+      $n = Math::BigInt->new("$1");
+    } elsif ($line =~ /^Q\[(\d+)\]\s+(\d+)/) {
+      $index++;
+      return _primality_error("BLS5: Invalid index: $1") unless $1 == $index;
+      $Q[$1] = Math::BigInt->new("$2");
+    } elsif ($line =~ /^A\[(\d+)\]\s+(\d+)/) {
+      return _primality_error("BLS5: Invalid index: A[$1]") unless $1 >= 0 && $1 <= $index;
+      $A[$1] = Math::BigInt->new("$2");
+    } else {
+      return _primality_error("Unrecognized line: $line");
+    }
+  }
+  _verify_bls5($n, \@Q, \@A);
+sub _prove_lucas {
+  my $lines = shift;
+  # No good way to do this using read_vars
+  my ($n, @Q, $a);
+  my $index = 0;
+  while (1) {
+    my $line = shift @$lines;
+    return _primality_error("end of file during type Lucas") unless defined $line;
+    # Skip comments and blank lines
+    next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/;
+    chomp($line);
+    if ($line =~ /^N\s+(\d+)/) {
+      return _primality_error("Lucas: N redefined") if defined $n;
+      $n = Math::BigInt->new("$1");
+    } elsif ($line =~ /^Q\[(\d+)\]\s+(\d+)/) {
+      $index++;
+      return _primality_error("Lucas: Invalid index: $1") unless $1 == $index;
+      $Q[$1] = Math::BigInt->new("$2");
+    } elsif ($line =~ /^A\s+(\d+)/) {
+      $a = Math::BigInt->new("$1");
+      last;
+    } else {
+      return _primality_error("Unrecognized line: $line");
+    }
+  }
+  _verify_lucas($n, \@Q, $a);
+# Verification routines
+sub _verify_ecpp {
+  my ($n, $a, $b, $m, $q, $x, $y) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  $a %= $n if $a < 0;
+  $b %= $n if $b < 0;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed N > 0" unless $n > 0;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed gcd(N, 6) = 1" unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($n, 6) == 1;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed gcd(4*a^3 + 27*b^2, N) = 1"
+    unless Math::BigInt::bgcd(4*$a*$a*$a+27*$b*$b,$n) == 1;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed Y^2 = X^3 + A*X + B mod N"
+    unless ($y*$y) % $n == ($x*$x*$x + $a*$x + $b) % $n;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed M >= N - 2*sqrt(N) + 1" unless $m >= $n - 2*$n->copy->bsqrt() + 1;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed M <= N + 2*sqrt(N) + 1" unless $m <= $n + 2*$n->copy->bsqrt() + 1;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed Q > (N^(1/4)+1)^2" unless $q > $n->copy->broot(4)->badd(1)->bpow(2);
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed Q < N" unless $q < $n;
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed M != Q" unless $m != $q;
+  my ($mdivq, $rem) = $m->copy->bdiv($q);
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed Q divides M" unless $rem == 0;
+  # Now verify the elliptic curve
+  my $correct_point = 0;
+  if (prime_get_config->{'gmp'} && defined &Math::Prime::Util::GMP::_validate_ecpp_curve) {
+    $correct_point = Math::Prime::Util::GMP::_validate_ecpp_curve($a, $b, $n, $x, $y, $m, $q);
+  } else {
+    if (!defined $Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint::VERSION) {
+      eval { require Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint; 1; }
+      or do { die "Cannot load Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint"; };
+    }
+    my $ECP = Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint->new($a, $b, $n, $x, $y);
+    # Compute U = (m/q)P, check U != point at infinity
+    $ECP->mul( $m->copy->bdiv($q)->as_int );
+    if (!$ECP->is_infinity) {
+      # Compute V = qU, check V = point at infinity
+      $ECP->mul( $q );
+      $correct_point = 1 if $ECP->is_infinity;
+    }
+  }
+  return _pfail "ECPP: $n failed elliptic curve conditions" unless $correct_point;
+  ($n, $q);
+sub _verify_ecpp3 {
+  my ($n, $s, $r, $a, $b, $t) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  return _pfail "ECPP3: $n failed |A| <= N/2" unless abs($a) <= $n/2;
+  return _pfail "ECPP3: $n failed |B| <= N/2" unless abs($b) <= $n/2;
+  return _pfail "ECPP3: $n failed T >= 0" unless $t >= 0;
+  return _pfail "ECPP3: $n failed T < N" unless $t < $n;
+  my $l = ($t*$t*$t + $a*$t + $b) % $n;
+  _verify_ecpp( $n,
+               ($a * $l*$l) % $n,
+               ($b * $l*$l*$l) % $n,
+               $r*$s,
+               $r,
+               ($t*$l) % $n,
+               ($l*$l) % $n    );
+sub _verify_ecpp4 {
+  my ($n, $s, $r, $j, $t) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  return _pfail "ECPP4: $n failed |J| <= N/2" unless abs($j) <= $n/2;
+  return _pfail "ECPP4: $n failed T >= 0" unless $t >= 0;
+  return _pfail "ECPP4: $n failed T < N" unless $t < $n;
+  my $a = 3 * $j * (1728 - $j);
+  my $b = 2 * $j * (1728 - $j) * (1728 - $j);
+  my $l = ($t*$t*$t + $a*$t + $b) % $n;
+  _verify_ecpp( $n,
+               ($a * $l*$l) % $n,
+               ($b * $l*$l*$l) % $n,
+               $r*$s,
+               $r,
+               ($t*$l) % $n,
+               ($l*$l) % $n    );
+sub _verify_bls15 {
+  my ($n, $q, $lp, $lq) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed Q odd" unless $q->is_odd();
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed Q > 2" unless $q > 2;
+  my ($m, $rem) = ($n+1)->copy->bdiv($q);
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed Q divides N+1" unless $rem == 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed MQ-1 = N" unless $m*$q-1 == $n;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed M > 0" unless $m > 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed 2Q-1 > sqrt(N)" unless 2*$q-1 > $n->copy->bsqrt();
+  my $D = $lp*$lp - 4*$lq;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed D != 0" unless $D != 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed jacobi(D,N) = -1" unless _jacobi($D,$n) == -1;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed V_{m/2} mod N != 0"
+      unless (lucas_sequence($n, $lp, $lq, $m/2))[1] != 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS15: $n failed V_{(N+1)/2} mod N == 0"
+      unless (lucas_sequence($n, $lp, $lq, ($n+1)/2))[1] == 0;
+  ($n, $q);
+sub _verify_bls3 {
+  my ($n, $q, $a) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed Q odd" unless $q->is_odd();
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed Q > 2" unless $q > 2;
+  my ($m, $rem) = ($n-1)->copy->bdiv($q);
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed Q divides N-1" unless $rem == 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed MQ+1 = N" unless $m*$q+1 == $n;
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed M > 0" unless $m > 0;
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed 2Q+1 > sqrt(n)" unless 2*$q+1 > $n->copy->bsqrt();
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed A^((N-1)/2) = N-1 mod N" unless $a->copy->bmodpow(($n-1)/2, $n) == $n-1;
+  return _pfail "BLS3: $n failed A^(M/2) != N-1 mod N" unless $a->copy->bmodpow($m/2,$n) != $n-1;
+  ($n, $q);
+sub _verify_pock {
+  my ($n, $q, $a) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  my ($m, $rem) = ($n-1)->copy->bdiv($q);
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed Q divides N-1" unless $rem == 0;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed M is even" unless $m->is_even();
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed M > 0" unless $m > 0;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed M < Q" unless $m < $q;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed MQ+1 = N" unless $m*$q+1 == $n;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed A > 1" unless $a > 1;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed A^(N-1) mod N = 1"
+    unless $a->copy->bmodpow($n-1, $n) == 1;
+  return _pfail "Pocklington: $n failed gcd(A^M - 1, N) = 1"
+    unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($a->copy->bmodpow($m, $n)-1, $n) == 1;
+  ($n, $q);
+sub _verify_small {
+  my ($n) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  return _pfail "Small n $n is > 2^64\n" if $n > Math::BigInt->new("18446744073709551615");
+  return _pfail "Small n $n does not pass BPSW" unless is_prob_prime($n);
+  ($n);
+sub _verify_bls5 {
+  my ($n, $Qr, $Ar) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  my @Q = @{$Qr};
+  my @A = @{$Ar};
+  my $nm1 = $n - 1;
+  my $F = Math::BigInt->bone;
+  my $R = $nm1->copy;
+  my $index = $#Q;
+  foreach my $i (0 .. $index) {
+    return _primality_error "BLS5: $n failed Q[$i] doesn't exist" unless defined $Q[$i];
+    $A[$i] = Math::BigInt->new(2) unless defined $A[$i];
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed Q[$i] > 1" unless $Q[$i] > 1;
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed Q[$i] < N-1" unless $Q[$i] < $nm1;
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed A[$i] > 1" unless $A[$i] > 1;
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed A[$i] < N" unless $A[$i] < $n;
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed Q[$i] divides N-1" unless ($nm1 % $Q[$i]) == 0;
+    while (($R % $Q[$i]) == 0) {
+      $F *= $Q[$i];
+      $R /= $Q[$i];
+    }
+  }
+  die "BLS5: Internal error R != (N-1)/F\n" unless $R == $nm1/$F;
+  return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed F is even" unless $F->is_even();
+  return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed gcd(F, R) = 1\n" unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($F,$R) == 1;
+  my ($s, $r) = $R->copy->bdiv(2*$F);
+  my $P = ($F+1) * (2 * $F * $F + ($r-1)*$F + 1);
+  return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed n < P" unless $n < $P;
+  return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed s=0 OR r^2-8s not a perfect square"
+    unless $s == 0 or !_is_perfect_square($r*$r - 8*$s);
+  foreach my $i (0 .. $index) {
+    my $a = $A[$i];
+    my $q = $Q[$i];
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed A[i]^(N-1) mod N = 1"
+      unless $a->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) == 1;
+    return _pfail "BLS5: $n failed gcd(A[i]^((N-1)/Q[i])-1, N) = 1"
+      unless Math::BigInt::bgcd($a->copy->bmodpow($nm1/$q, $n)-1, $n) == 1;
+  }
+  ($n, @Q);
+sub _verify_lucas {
+  my ($n, $Qr, $a) = @_;
+  return unless defined $n;
+  my @Q = @{$Qr};
+  my $index = $#Q;
+  return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed A > 1" unless $a > 1;
+  return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed A < N" unless $a < $n;
+  my $nm1 = $n - 1;
+  my $F = Math::BigInt->bone;
+  my $R = $nm1->copy;
+  return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed A^(N-1) mod N = 1"
+    unless $a->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) == 1;
+  foreach my $i (1 .. $index) {
+    return _primality_error "Lucas: $n failed Q[$i] doesn't exist" unless defined $Q[$i];
+    return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed Q[$i] > 1" unless $Q[$i] > 1;
+    return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed Q[$i] < N-1" unless $Q[$i] < $nm1;
+    return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed Q[$i] divides N-1" unless ($nm1 % $Q[$i]) == 0;
+    return _pfail "Lucas: $n failed A^((N-1)/Q[$i]) mod N != 1"
+      unless $a->copy->bmodpow($nm1/$Q[$i], $n) != 1;
+    while (($R % $Q[$i]) == 0) {
+      $F *= $Q[$i];
+      $R /= $Q[$i];
+    }
+  }
+  return _pfail("Lucas: $n failed N-1 has only factors Q") unless $R == 1 && $F == $nm1;
+  shift @Q;  # Remove Q[0]
+  ($n, @Q);
+sub verify_cert {
+  my $cert = shift;
+  $cert = convert_array_cert_to_string($cert) if ref($cert) eq 'ARRAY';
+  my %parts;  # Map of "N is prime if Q is prime"
+  my %proof_funcs = (
+    ECPP        =>  \&_prove_ecpp,    # Standard ECPP proof
+    ECPP3       =>  \&_prove_ecpp3,   # Primo type 3
+    ECPP4       =>  \&_prove_ecpp4,   # Primo type 4
+    BLS15       =>  \&_prove_bls15,   # basic n+1, includes Primo type 2
+    BLS3        =>  \&_prove_bls3,    # basic n-1
+    BLS5        =>  \&_prove_bls5,    # much better n-1
+    SMALL       =>  \&_prove_small,   # n <= 2^64
+    POCKLINGTON =>  \&_prove_pock,    # simple n-1, Primo type 1
+    LUCAS       =>  \&_prove_lucas,   # n-1 completely factored
+  );
+  my $smallval = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow(64);
+  my $base = 10;
+  my $cert_type = 'Unknown';
+  my $N;
+  my @lines = split /^/, $cert;
+  my $lines = \@lines;
+  while (@$lines)  {
+    my $line = shift @$lines;
+    next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/;  # Skip comments / blank lines
+    chomp($line);
+    if ($line =~ /^\[(\S+) - Primality Certificate\]/) {
+      if ($1 ne 'MPU') {
+        return _primality_error "Unknown certificate type: $1";
+      }
+      $cert_type = $1;
+      next;
+    }
+    if ( ($cert_type eq 'PRIMO' && $line =~ /^\[Candidate\]/) || ($cert_type eq 'MPU' && $line =~ /^Proof for:/) ) {
+      return _primality_error "Certificate with multiple N values" if defined $N;
+      ($N) = _read_vars($lines, 'Proof for', qw/N/);
+      return 0 unless is_prob_prime($N);
+      next;
+    }
+    if ($line =~ /^Base (\d+)/) {
+      $base = $1;
+      return _primality_error "Only base 10 supported, sorry" unless $base == 10;
+      next;
+    }
+    if ($line =~ /^Type (.*?)\s*$/) {
+      return _primality_error("Starting type without telling me the N value!") unless defined $N;
+      my $type = $1;
+      $type =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+      error("Unknown type: $type") unless defined $proof_funcs{$type};
+      my ($n, @q) = $proof_funcs{$type}->($lines);
+      return 0 unless defined $n;
+      $parts{$n} = [@q];
+    }
+  }
+  return _primality_error("No N") unless defined $N;
+  my @qs = ($N);
+  while (@qs) {
+    my $q = shift @qs;
+    # Check that this q has a chain
+    if (!defined $parts{$q}) {
+      if ($q > $smallval) {
+        _primality_error "q value $q has no proof\n";
+        return 0;
+      }
+      if (!is_prob_prime($q)) {
+        _pfail "Small n $q does not pass BPSW";
+        return 0;
+      }
+    } else {
+      die "Internal error: Invalid parts entry" if ref($parts{$q}) ne 'ARRAY';
+      # q is prime if all it's chains are prime.
+      push @qs, @{$parts{$q}};
+    }
+  }
+  1;
+# ABSTRACT:  Primality proving
+=encoding utf8
+=for stopwords mul
+=head1 NAME
+Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving - Support for primality proofs and certs
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.30
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Routines to support primality proofs and certificate verification.
+=head2 primality_proof_lucas
+Given a positive number C<n> as input, performs a full factorization of C<n-1>,
+then attempts a Lucas test on the result.  A Pratt-style certificate is
+returned.  Note that if the input is composite, this will take a B<very> long
+time to return.
+=head2 primality_proof_bls75
+Given a positive number C<n> as input, performs a partial factorization of
+C<n-1>, then attempts a proof using theorem 5 of Brillhart, Lehmer, and
+Selfridge's 1975 paper.  This can take a long time to return if given a
+composite, though it should not be anywhere near as long as the Lucas test.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Dana Jacobsen E<lt>dana at acm.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2012-2013 by Dana Jacobsen E<lt>dana at acm.orgE<gt>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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