[libmath-prime-util-perl] 32/55: vecsum()

Partha P. Mukherjee ppm-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 21 18:53:41 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ppm-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag v0.41
in repository libmath-prime-util-perl.

commit e1d98f362f40f52ebef23f2fc924fca7d57ffd35
Author: Dana Jacobsen <dana at acm.org>
Date:   Sun May 11 18:05:19 2014 -0700

 Changes                             |  1 +
 XS.xs                               | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 lib/Math/Prime/Util.pm              | 25 ++++++++++++----
 lib/Math/Prime/Util/PP.pm           | 13 ++++++++
 lib/Math/Prime/Util/PPFE.pm         |  3 ++
 lib/Math/Prime/Util/RandomPrimes.pm | 24 ++++++++-------
 t/19-moebius.t                      | 21 ++++++++++++-
 t/24-partitions.t                   |  9 ++++--
 8 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 5352c1b..d1e2367 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Revision history for Perl module Math::Prime::Util
     - valuation(n,k)                         how many times does k divide n?
     - invmod(a,n)                            inverse of a modulo n
     - forpart { ... } n[,{...}]              loop over partitions (Pari 2.6.x)
+    - vecsum(...)                            sum list of integers
diff --git a/XS.xs b/XS.xs
index 21c1f3a..3950a3f 100644
--- a/XS.xs
+++ b/XS.xs
@@ -496,28 +496,49 @@ gcd(...)
     lcm = 1
+    vecsum = 2
     int i, status = 1;
     UV ret, nullv, n;
-    /* For each arg, while valid input, validate+gcd/lcm.  Shortcut stop. */
-    if (ix == 0) { ret = 0; nullv = 1; }
-    else         { ret = (items == 0) ? 0 : 1; nullv = 0; }
-    for (i = 0; i < items && ret != nullv && status != 0; i++) {
-      status = _validate_int(aTHX_ ST(i), 2);
-      if (status == 0)
-        break;
-      n = status * my_svuv(ST(i));  /* n = abs(arg) */
-      if (i == 0) {
-        ret = n;
-      } else {
-        UV gcd = gcd_ui(ret, n);
-        if (ix == 0) {
-          ret = gcd;
+    if (ix == 2) {
+      UV lo = 0;
+      IV hi = 0;
+      for (ret = i = 0; i < items; i++) {
+        status = _validate_int(aTHX_ ST(i), 2);
+        if (status == 0) break;
+        n = my_svuv(ST(i));
+        if (status == 1) {
+          hi += (n > (UV_MAX - lo));
+        } else {
+          if (UV_MAX-n == (UV)IV_MAX) { status = 0; break; }  /* IV Overflow */
+          hi -= ((UV_MAX-n) >= lo);
+        }
+        lo += n;
+      }
+      if (status != 0 && hi == -1 && lo > IV_MAX)  XSRETURN_IV((IV)lo);
+      if (hi != 0) status = 0;  /* Overflow */
+      ret = lo;
+    } else {
+      /* For each arg, while valid input, validate+gcd/lcm.  Shortcut stop. */
+      if (ix == 0) { ret = 0; nullv = 1; }
+      else         { ret = (items == 0) ? 0 : 1; nullv = 0; }
+      for (i = 0; i < items && ret != nullv && status != 0; i++) {
+        status = _validate_int(aTHX_ ST(i), 2);
+        if (status == 0)
+          break;
+        n = status * my_svuv(ST(i));  /* n = abs(arg) */
+        if (i == 0) {
+          ret = n;
         } else {
-          n /= gcd;
-          if (n <= (UV_MAX / ret) )    ret *= n;
-          else                         status = 0;   /* Overflow */
+          UV gcd = gcd_ui(ret, n);
+          if (ix == 0) {
+            ret = gcd;
+          } else {
+            n /= gcd;
+            if (n <= (UV_MAX / ret) )    ret *= n;
+            else                         status = 0;   /* Overflow */
+          }
@@ -525,8 +546,9 @@ gcd(...)
     switch (ix) {
       case 0: _vcallsub_with_gmp("gcd");  break;
-      case 1:
-      default:_vcallsub_with_gmp("lcm");  break;
+      case 1: _vcallsub_with_gmp("lcm");  break;
+      case 2:
+      default:_vcallsub_with_gmp("vecsum");  break;
     return; /* skip implicit PUTBACK */
diff --git a/lib/Math/Prime/Util.pm b/lib/Math/Prime/Util.pm
index ff51a04..3b98318 100644
--- a/lib/Math/Prime/Util.pm
+++ b/lib/Math/Prime/Util.pm
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ our @EXPORT_OK =
       random_maurer_prime random_maurer_prime_with_cert
       random_shawe_taylor_prime random_shawe_taylor_prime_with_cert
       primorial pn_primorial consecutive_integer_lcm
-      gcd lcm factor factor_exp all_factors divisors valuation invmod
+      gcd lcm factor factor_exp all_factors divisors valuation invmod vecsum
       moebius mertens euler_phi jordan_totient exp_mangoldt liouville
       chebyshev_theta chebyshev_psi
@@ -1904,6 +1904,19 @@ follow the semantics of Mathematica, Pari, and Perl 6, re:
   lcm(0, n) = 0              Any zero in list results in zero return
   lcm(n,-m) = lcm(n, m)      We use the absolute values
+=head2 vecsum
+  say "Totient sum 500,000: ", vecsum(euler_phi(0,500_000));
+Returns the sum of all arguments, each of which must be an integer.  This
+is similar to List::Util's L<List::Util/sum0> function, but has a very
+important difference.  List::Util turns all inputs into doubles and returns
+a double, which will mean incorrect results with large integers.  C<vecsum>
+sums (signed) integers and returns the untruncated result.  Processing is
+done on native integers while possible.
 =head2 invmod
   say "The inverse of 42 mod 2017 = ", invmod(42,2017);
@@ -2274,6 +2287,10 @@ Examples of various ways to set your own irand function:
   # System rand.  You probably don't want to do this.
   prime_set_config(irand => sub { int(rand(4294967296)) });
+  # Math::Random::MTwist.  Fastest RNG by quite a bit.
+  use Math::Random::MTwist;
+  prime_set_config(irand => \&Math::Random::MTwist::irand32);
   # Math::Random::Secure.  Uses ISAAC and strong seed methods.
   use Math::Random::Secure;
   prime_set_config(irand => \&Math::Random::Secure::irand);
@@ -2286,7 +2303,7 @@ Examples of various ways to set your own irand function:
   prime_set_config(irand => \&irand);
-  # Crypt::Random.  Uses Pari and /dev/random.  Very slow.
+  # Crypt::Random.  Uses Pari and /dev/random.  *VERY* slow.
   use Crypt::Random qw/makerandom/;
   prime_set_config(irand => sub { makerandom(Size=>32, Uniform=>1); });
@@ -2296,10 +2313,6 @@ Examples of various ways to set your own irand function:
     sub nr_irand { return $rng->get(1); } }
   prime_set_config(irand => \&nr_irand);
-  # Mersenne Twister.  Very fast, decent RNG, auto seeding.
-  use Math::Random::MT::Auto;
-  prime_set_config(irand=>sub {Math::Random::MT::Auto::irand() & 0xFFFFFFFF});
   # Go back to MPU's default configuration
   prime_set_config(irand => undef);
diff --git a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PP.pm b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PP.pm
index 8a133a0..4027c5e 100644
--- a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PP.pm
+++ b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PP.pm
@@ -1484,6 +1484,19 @@ sub lcm {
   $lcm = _bigint_to_int($lcm) if $lcm->bacmp(''.~0) <= 0;
   return $lcm;
+sub vecsum {
+  my $sum = 0;
+  my $neglim = -(~0 >> 1) - 1;
+  foreach my $v (@_) {
+    $sum += $v;
+    if ($sum > ~0 || $sum < $neglim) {
+      $sum = BZERO->copy;
+      $sum->badd("$_") for @_;
+      return $sum;
+    }
+  }
+  $sum;
 sub invmod {
   my($a,$n) = @_;
   return if $n == 0 || $a == 0;
diff --git a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PPFE.pm b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PPFE.pm
index 0346683..2951ad9 100644
--- a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PPFE.pm
+++ b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/PPFE.pm
@@ -321,6 +321,9 @@ sub gcd {
 sub lcm {
   return Math::Prime::Util::PP::lcm(@_);
+sub vecsum {
+  return Math::Prime::Util::PP::vecsum(@_);
 sub invmod {
   my ($a, $n) = @_;
   my ($va, $vn) = ($a, $n);
diff --git a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/RandomPrimes.pm b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/RandomPrimes.pm
index 2e71c12..8fe99fc 100644
--- a/lib/Math/Prime/Util/RandomPrimes.pm
+++ b/lib/Math/Prime/Util/RandomPrimes.pm
@@ -242,19 +242,21 @@ sub get_randf_nbit {
 # possibility is to, if they do not supply a rand function, use the GMP MT
 # function with an appropriate seed.
-# Random timings for 10M calls:
-#    1.92    system rand
-#    2.62    Math::Random::MT::Auto
-#   12.0     Math::Random::Secure           w/ISAAC::XS
-#   12.6     Bytes::Random::Secure OO       w/ISAAC::XS     <==== our
-#   31.1     Bytes::Random::Secure OO                       <==== default
-#   44.5     Bytes::Random::Secure function w/ISAAC::XS
-#   44.8     Math::Random::Secure
-#   71.5     Bytes::Random::Secure function
-# 1840       Crypt::Random
+# Random timings for 10M calls on i4770K:
+#    0.39   Math::Random::MTwist 0.13
+#    0.89   system rand
+#    1.76   Math::Random::MT::Auto
+#    5.35   Bytes::Random::Secure OO       w/ISAAC::XS     <==== our
+#    7.43   Math::Random::Secure           w/ISAAC::XS
+#   12.40   Math::Random::Secure
+#   12.78   Bytes::Random::Secure OO                       <==== default
+#   13.86   Bytes::Random::Secure function w/ISAAC::XS
+#   21.95   Bytes::Random::Secure function
+#  822.1    Crypt::Random
+# time perl -E 'use Math::Random::MTwist "irand32"; irand32() for 1..10000000;'
 # time perl -E 'sub irand {int(rand(4294967296));} irand() for 1..10000000;'
-# time perl -E 'use Math::Random::MT::Auto qw/irand/; irand() for 1..10000000;'
+# time perl -E 'use Math::Random::MT::Auto; sub irand { Math::Random::MT::Auto::irand() & 0xFFFFFFFF } irand() for 1..10000000;'
 # time perl -E 'use Math::Random::Secure qw/irand/; irand() for 1..10000000;'
 # time perl -E 'use Bytes::Random::Secure qw/random_bytes/; sub irand {return unpack("L",random_bytes(4));} irand() for 1..10000000;'
 # time perl -E 'use Bytes::Random::Secure; my $rng = Bytes::Random::Secure->new(); sub irand {return $rng->irand;} irand() for 1..10000000;'
diff --git a/t/19-moebius.t b/t/19-moebius.t
index 85a9432..9fd42f4 100644
--- a/t/19-moebius.t
+++ b/t/19-moebius.t
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use Math::Prime::Util
    qw/moebius mertens euler_phi jordan_totient divisor_sum exp_mangoldt
       chebyshev_theta chebyshev_psi carmichael_lambda znorder liouville
       znprimroot znlog kronecker legendre_phi gcd lcm is_power valuation
-      invmod
+      invmod vecsum
@@ -384,6 +384,19 @@ if ($use64) {
  push @invmods, [ 14, 18446744073709551615, 17129119497016012214 ];
+my @vecsums = (
+  [ 0 ],
+  [ -1, -1 ],
+  [ 0, 1,-1 ],
+  [ 0, -1,1 ],
+  [ 0, -1,1 ],
+  [ 0, -2147483648,2147483648 ],
+  [ 0, "-4294967296","4294967296" ],
+  [ 0, "-9223372036854775808","9223372036854775808" ],
+  [ "18446744073709551615", "18446744073709551615","-18446744073709551615","18446744073709551615" ],
+  [ "55340232221128654848", "18446744073709551616","18446744073709551616","18446744073709551616" ],
 # These are slow with XS, and *really* slow with PP.
 if (!$usexs) {
   %big_mertens = map { $_ => $big_mertens{$_} }
@@ -418,6 +431,7 @@ plan tests => 0 + 1
                 + scalar(@legendre_sums)
                 + scalar(@valuations)
                 + 3 + scalar(@invmods)
+                + scalar(@vecsums)
                 + scalar(keys %powers)
                 + scalar(keys %primroots) + 2
                 + scalar(keys %jordan_totients)
@@ -637,6 +651,11 @@ foreach my $r (@invmods) {
   my($a, $n, $exp) = @$r;
   is( invmod($a,$n), $exp, "invmod($a,$n) = ".((defined $exp)?$exp:"<undef>") );
+###### vecsum
+foreach my $r (@vecsums) {
+  my($exp, @vals) = @$r;
+  is( vecsum(@vals), $exp, "vecsum(@vals) = $exp" );
 sub cmp_closeto {
   my $got = shift;
diff --git a/t/24-partitions.t b/t/24-partitions.t
index 6e2cff4..e117cf9 100644
--- a/t/24-partitions.t
+++ b/t/24-partitions.t
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Test::More;
-use Math::Prime::Util qw/partitions forpart/;
+use Math::Prime::Util qw/partitions forpart is_prime/;
 my @parts = qw/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ if (!$extra) {
   foreach my $n (@ns) { delete $bparts{$n} }
-plan tests => scalar(@parts) + scalar(keys(%bparts)) + 14;
+plan tests => scalar(@parts) + scalar(keys(%bparts)) + 15;
 foreach my $n (0..$#parts) {
@@ -146,3 +146,8 @@ while (my($n, $epart) = each (%bparts)) {
 #  is_deeply( [@p1], [@p2], "forpart 22 restricted n=4 and a=[3..6]" ); }
 { my @p=(); forpart { push @p, [@_] } 22, {amin=>2,amax=>8,n=>4};
   is_deeply( [@p], [[8,8,4,2],[8,8,3,3],[8,7,5,2],[8,7,4,3],[8,6,6,2], [8,6,5,3], [8,6,4,4], [8,5,5,4], [7,7,6,2], [7,7,5,3], [7,7,4,4], [7,6,6,3], [7,6,5,4], [7,5,5,5], [6,6,6,4], [6,6,5,5]], "forpart 22 restricted n=4 and a=[3..6]" ); }
+{ my @p = ();
+  forpart { push @p, [@_] unless scalar grep {!is_prime($_)} @_ } 20,{amin=>3};
+  is_deeply( [@p], [[17,3], [13,7], [11,3,3,3], [7,7,3,3], [7,5,5,3], [5,5,5,5], [5,3,3,3,3,3]], "forpart 20 restricted to odd primes" );

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmath-prime-util-perl.git

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