[libmakefile-parser-perl] branch master updated (e32c72d -> 753d992)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat May 23 15:27:19 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libmakefile-parser-perl.

      from  e32c72d   update changelog
       new  3dcdb07   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  0bf65cf   Update debian/changelog
      adds  4e9c13c   started the gmake-db branch
      adds  a3e6d91    r390 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-03-20 01:01:08 +0800  * added Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB to parse the GNU make database  * added script/pgmake-db to utilize the GNU make database
      adds  ada8da6    r393 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-03-25 16:43:56 +0800  * first sketch of Makefile::AST and pgmake-db, passing a lot of tests in mdom-gmake
      adds  696df2e   changed the MIME type
      adds  e5667a2    r836 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-03 14:07:20 +0800  * AST::Rule - "local"ize $. to Command->lineno  * Parser::GmakeDB - reset ->{lineno} according to the comments in Makefile DB  * script/pgmake-db - set $Makefile::AST::Runtime to true  now tests in sanity/func-refs.t are passing! yay!
      adds  ea30232    r840 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-03 15:55:11 +0800  various fixes in the evaluator and now featgures/comments2.t passes:)
      adds  086b3c2    r844 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-03 22:39:59 +0800  * Makefile::AST - fixed the add_auto_var method and now it accepts    a list of name-value pairs  * Makefile::AST::Rule - added support for the $^ automatic variable  * Makefile::AST::Rule::Base - added the as_str method which is very    handly for debugging rules  * Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB - added support for lineno  * evaluator and frontend script - added (almost-complete) support    for double-colon rules (all t [...]
      adds  7d8aaf7    r846 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-03 23:45:08 +0800  added support for -n and -s to pgmake-db
      adds  74749b1    r852 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-04 00:20:19 +0800  * added support for options -n, -s, and -i to pgmake-db  * added the long option forms from -f, -n, -s, and -i
      adds  f1f4822    r856 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-04 19:20:43 +0800  * patched the gnu makefile database output to work    around the (un)escaping bug of gnu make:    http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-make@gnu.org/msg04650.html  * unescapes the escaped metachars in both the target and    prereq list when building the AST  * pass command line args onto the `make -pq` system call
      adds  bc9da41    r860 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-04 20:34:52 +0800  * Parser::GmakeDB - fixed the .DEFAULT_GOAL value bug ([0])  * pgmake-db - escapes C<\> in preprocessing of the db output  (escape.t and escape2.t are passing now. yay!)
      adds  d5b7f1b    r862 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-04 22:00:18 +0800  pgmake-db - let warnings for overriding commands from GNU make get through
      adds  e607638    r868 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 10:11:56 +0800  * Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB - issues a warning if there's    unknown structs in the db output  * pgmake-db - sets the MAKE var to $0
      adds  a7a0075    r869 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 10:15:11 +0800  pgmake-db - passes -s to make
      adds  0bef7c5   did some refactoring to Evaluator: moved package variables %Required, , and %Making into  and added some methods to access these new object slots
      adds  b1129c1    r871 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 10:39:11 +0800  Evaluator - cached the mtime of each target, only update the mtime in the cache after all the individual double-colon rules for the same target have been updated. this has fixed Savannah bug #14334 and all the tests in features/double_colon*.t are passing now :)
      adds  e4f7df0    r872 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 11:07:24 +0800  did some refactoring to Evaluator: moved package variables %Required, , and %Making into  and added some methods to access these new object slots
      adds  69ba885    r883 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 12:16:13 +0800  Evaluator - renamed method 'target_is_required' to 'is_required_target'
      adds  62dd753    r889 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 15:29:55 +0800  * added basic support for phony targets  * added support for order-only prereqs (both in Parser::GmakeDB, AST, and the evaluator), now features/order_only*.t pass! yay!  * added support for automatic variables $+ and $|
      adds  d732104    r896 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 17:12:34 +0800  used $::MAKE instead of bash in the error/warning messages to conform with GNU make's behavior
      adds  84051de    r899 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 19:32:02 +0800  * added support for verbatim variables (i.e., those defined via    the define directive)  * added support for canned sequence of commands
      adds  d9868f2    r906 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 20:33:47 +0800  added support for stacked command modifier to the evaluator
      adds  8713bfd    r909 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-07 20:51:03 +0800  Parser::GmakeDB - excludes the last newline char from verbatim variable's value
      adds  fa478f5    r914 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-08 01:43:32 +0800  * fixed the implicit rule support in the evaluator  * extracted info about pattern stem and "also-made" targets for    searched implicit rule from the comments in the db output  * added as_str method to AST::Rule::Implicit  * sort matched implicit rules according to the generality (i.e.    the number of normal prereqs) so as to make tests pass    (it's not spec'd afaik)  * fixed a bogus error message in the runtime   [...]
      adds  fdb8f3a    r919 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-09 19:51:41 +0800  fixed a bug in the gmake db patching code which mispatched the back-slash char
      adds  6ead71c    r921 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-09 20:11:35 +0800  * evaluator - renamed the term "scope" to "pad"    (hey, there is a PadWalker on CPAN, no?)  * added accessors file and lineno to AST::Variable  * introduced $orig_file and feed both $orig_file and    $orig_lineno to AST::Variable->new(...)  * added various "# XXX ..." hooks to the source
      adds  699cfc5    r923 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-09 20:25:00 +0800  use eval_var_value in favor of get_var
      adds  a875a48    r926 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-09 20:31:55 +0800  fixed a bug in AST::Rule regarding not re-recognize command modifiers *after* variable expansion
      adds  970878e    r928 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-09 20:42:55 +0800  pgmake-db - fixed a special case when neither makefile nor target is found
      adds  efbc4c4    r934 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-10 01:03:55 +0800  * pad refactoring: now we use pad triggers to handle target specific    variables  * added support for target-specific variables (=,:=,?=,+=)  * added the target accessor to AST::Rule::Base  * made GmakeDB "context aware" via $db_section
      adds  2c4309e    r964 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-11 19:22:21 +0800  * pgmake-db - added support for the -B and --always-make option  * AST::Evaluator - introduced the $AlwaysMake variable to control    the remaking behavior
      adds  2eabe84    r974 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-11 21:35:36 +0800  * partially implemented the -q --question option  * did a major refactoring with Makefile::AST::Rule:  ** split command running  to two distinct phases, namely,     command preparation and command execution  ** added the prepare_commands and prepare_command methods  * introduced class Makefile::AST::Command to hold not    only the command body, but also the command modifiers    like @, +, and -.
      adds  356eba7    r976 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-11 21:49:38 +0800  * commands are considered empty even when after varaible expansion    it's important for --question  * a minor fix in pgmake-db and one more test in options/dash-q.t    passes!
      adds  51de450    r980 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-11 22:39:28 +0800  * added support for the -v --version option  * use Class::Accessor::Fast for Makefile::AST
      adds  d8abc26    r982 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-11 22:48:51 +0800  * turned named_pads, pad_stack, pad_triggers, and default_goal    to auto-generated accessors.
      adds  ba0a2ab    r984 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 01:22:16 +0800  * added the 'firing_rule' trigger to Makefile::AST::Evaluator::make_by_rule  * fixed a failing test in t/ast-basic.t due to API changes  * updated the MANIFEST file
      adds  43997db    r986 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 01:24:45 +0800  * added the make-simplest script which can desugar arbitrary    GNU Makefile to the simplest form (only simple rules are    included, no directives, no variables, and no magic)    Only $(MAKE) is preserved.  Thanks to Class::Trigger++, or the code won't be so clean :)
      adds  0e4c41d    r988 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 02:06:13 +0800  * added t/make-simplest.t to test script/make-simplest  * evaluator - the same set of double-colon rules should only be fired once  * script/make-simplest - proper support for order-only rules,    double-colon rules and default goals
      adds  6634787    r990 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 03:12:56 +0800  * script/make-simplest - warns when no rule can be found to make    nonexistent target  * fixed an evil bug in Makefile::AST's target_exists method  * added some more tests to t/make-simplest.t
      adds  f092a98    r994 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 03:25:38 +0800  added more tests to t/make-simplest.t
      adds  6d7557f    r996 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 10:50:19 +0800  renamed make-simplest to makesimple
      adds  cae3efe    r998 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 12:02:21 +0800  added more tests to t/makefile.t for conditonals, multi-line commands, function references, static pattern rules and such
      adds  e426bc6    r1000 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 16:06:11 +0800  * added tests to t/makesimple.t for chained implicit rules  * fixed a serious bug in Makefile::AST::Rule::Implicit's    apply method regarding chained implicit rule handling
      adds  efb9f8b    r1004 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-12 17:15:39 +0800  added the missing Makefile::AST::Command file
      adds  53a9ab5    r1088 at agentz:  agentz | 2007-06-14 21:23:12 +0800  added some tests to t/makesimple.t to demonstrate the dynamics of the GNU make language
      adds  17dd643    r7887 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-07 10:07:28 +0800  [gmake-db] fixed MAKELEVEL issues in makesimple
      adds  a64c250    r7889 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-07 10:15:10 +0800  [gmake-db] added META.yml and inc/
      adds  a99a4b3    r7899 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-07 16:28:33 +0800  [gmake-db] CPAN release 0.20
      adds  ed395b9    r7902 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-07 16:36:49 +0800  [gmake-db] fixed Makefile.PL a bit
      adds  3646e04    r7926 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 16:00:38 +0800  copied over the t/lib from the mdom repos
      adds  8d646b0    r7928 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 16:13:27 +0800  [gmake-db] fixed the test lib
      adds  bcbd30b    r7934 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 18:31:15 +0800  [gmake-db] updated inc using the latest Module::Install
      adds  503b013    r7936 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 18:35:02 +0800  [gmake-db] updated Changes
      adds  b3570b9    r7937 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 18:37:00 +0800  [gmake-db] bumped the version number to 0.202
      adds  c436c00    r7940 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 18:58:02 +0800  [gmake-db] added File::Slurp to Makefile.PL
      adds  d0d0089    r7950 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-08 20:53:52 +0800  gmake-db - CPAN release 0.204
      adds  1e61dc1    r7954 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 12:12:34 +0800  [gmake-db] fixed the debugging craps in script/makesimple
      adds  e68ebb4    r7956 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 12:30:53 +0800  [gmake-db] made makesimple.t emit GNU makes version
      adds  a8c64e7    r7958 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 12:43:29 +0800  [gmake-db] skipped t/makesimple.t if GNU make not found or version too old
      adds  2b2b23b    r7964 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 15:46:47 +0800  [gmake-db] preparing for the 0.206 release
      adds  425ffc0    r7966 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 15:54:49 +0800  [gmake-db] added pointers for the GmakeDB parser to Makefile::Parsers POD
      adds  66a488a    r7971 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 16:35:34 +0800  [gmake-db] added POD for Makefile::AST
      adds  9dc4307    r7974 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 16:45:50 +0800  [gmake-db] added POD to Makefile::AST::Evaluator (half done)
      adds  da58cc7    r7976 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 17:30:47 +0800  [gmake-db] translated a lot of POD to english in Makefile::AST
      adds  13313b9    r7978 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 17:49:25 +0800  [gmake-db] finished the POD for Makefile::AST::Evaluator and bumped the version number to 0.207
      adds  114e72d    r7980 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-10 17:58:27 +0800  [gmake-db] added $VERSION to Makefile::AST and Makefile::AST::Evaluator
      adds  1e6b3c4    r7988 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-12 11:17:39 +0800  [gmake-db] CPAN release 0.208
      adds  72f7222    r7994 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-12 12:11:29 +0800  [gmake-db] bumped the version to 0.209
      adds  ae8e7bb    r8013 at agentz-office:  agentz | 2008-03-16 17:17:54 +0800  [gmake-db] added Makefile6
      adds  23c6ee8   checked in the already released but not-yet-committed version 0.211.
      adds  396b057   updated the author name to "Zhang agentzh Yichun".
      adds  e4bb0ef   updated the author's email address.
      adds  662974a   updated code repository address; also updated Module::Install to 1.001.
      adds  57bc481   updated .gitignore.
      adds  da11ff8   CPAN release 0.212.
      adds  37ac57c   applied the patch from Philip Allison and fixed a bug regarding clearing initial set makefile variables before parsing makefiles.
      adds  97a9b6d   commented out some debugging code from the test suite.
      adds  21482f5   CPAN release 0.213.
      adds  667d690   fixed typos in the docs: SVN REPOSITORY => CODE REPOSITORY.
      adds  53ce64d   fixed a bug when dealing with trailing backslashes in variable values. this fixed RT #69319: Error parsing line continuations. thanks Marcelo.
      adds  84dd7b5   checked in t/Makefile7.
      adds  94614eb   CPAN release 0.214.
      adds  3af667c   applied the patch from Salvatore Bonaccorso to fix a typo in the docs.
      adds  cf84a9f   fixed RT #41595: makesimple error: Can't locate object method "last_element" via package "MDOM::Token::Whitespace".
      adds  cc00a10   CPAN release 0.215.
      adds  177bac6   Makefile::AST::Evaluator: remove strange unicode char
      adds  758b36a   Merge pull request #2 from olof/unicode_pod_issue
      adds  469f96e   fixed test failures with Gnu make 3.82.
      adds  a3f4d4c   now we require Makefile::DOM 0.008+.
      adds  5740a7c   updated auto-generated files and bundled Perl modules, which also fixes #3. thanks Alberto Simões for the report.
      adds  81d2cca   updated .gitignore to reflect recent changes.
      adds  51334c7   CPAN release 0.216.
      adds  a7d3cb8   Imported Upstream version 0.216
       new  b5921fc   Merge tag 'upstream/0.216'
       new  ed337ad   Update debian/changelog
       new  ef64001   Bump versioned (build) dependency on libmakefile-dom-perl.
       new  753d992   add NOTE to d/changelog

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                           |   6 +
 MANIFEST                          |   2 +
 META.yml                          |  11 +-
 MYMETA.json                       |  62 +++++
 META.yml => MYMETA.yml            |  19 +-
 Makefile.PL                       |   2 +-
 README                            |   4 +-
 debian/changelog                  |  11 +-
 debian/control                    |   4 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata          |   5 +
 inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm         | 150 ++++++++++--
 inc/Module/Install.pm             |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm |  13 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm        |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm         |  85 ++++++-
 inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm       |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Include.pm     |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm    |  27 ++-
 inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm    |  22 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Scripts.pm     |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm       |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm    |   2 +-
 inc/Spiffy.pm                     |  76 +++---
 inc/Test/Base.pm                  |  70 +++---
 inc/Test/Base/Filter.pm           |   4 +-
 inc/Test/Builder.pm               | 492 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 inc/Test/Builder/Module.pm        |  20 +-
 inc/Test/More.pm                  | 277 ++++++++++++---------
 lib/Makefile/AST.pm               |   2 +-
 lib/Makefile/AST/Evaluator.pm     |   4 +-
 lib/Makefile/Parser.pm            |   4 +-
 lib/Makefile/Parser/GmakeDB.pm    |   4 +-
 t/makesimple.t                    |  27 ++-
 33 files changed, 1036 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 MYMETA.json
 copy META.yml => MYMETA.yml (64%)
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmakefile-parser-perl.git

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