[arename] 01/01: Remove dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch again

Axel Beckert abe at deuxchevaux.org
Sun May 24 09:49:15 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

abe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository arename.

commit 6483078a9a3ebb93ec67ac23441787337fd7b488
Author: Axel Beckert <abe at deuxchevaux.org>
Date:   Sun May 24 11:48:34 2015 +0200

    Remove dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch again
    "@" just doesn't print the line.
    The issue with not aborting upon failures in genperlscripts is
    somewhere else. Thanks Frank Terbeck for the hint.
 debian/changelog                                   |  8 +++
 .../patches/dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch  | 65 ----------------------
 debian/patches/series                              |  1 -
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index c1ced02..bee9526 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+arename (4.0-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Remove dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch, @ just doesn't print the
+    line. The issue with not aborting upon failures in genperlscripts is
+    somewhere else. Thanks Frank Terbeck for the hint.
+ -- Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>  Sun, 24 May 2015 11:48:20 +0200
 arename (4.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload
diff --git a/debian/patches/dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch b/debian/patches/dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b16cc2..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/dont-ignore-gen-script-failures.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Description: Don't ignore failures by scripts which are part of the build process
- The build should immediately abort if any of these fail and not only
- because a later step stumbles upon the failure's result of a previous
- step.
-Author: Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>
-Index: arename/Makefile
---- arename.orig/Makefile	2015-05-23 18:24:17.799474077 +0200
-+++ arename/Makefile	2015-05-23 19:30:31.987343858 +0200
-@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
- 	@printf '  removeweb      clean up the website'\''s target directory\n'
- genperlscripts:
--	@./bin/genperlscripts.sh ARename.pm arename ataglist
-+	./bin/genperlscripts.sh ARename.pm arename ataglist
- 	@chmod -x ARename.pm
- doc: genperlscripts
--	@./bin/gendoc.sh arename
--	@./bin/gendoc.sh ataglist
-+	./bin/gendoc.sh arename
-+	./bin/gendoc.sh ataglist
- clean:
- 	@[ ! -e arename.in ] && { printf 'DO NOT CALL THIS!\n' ; exit 1 ; } || true
-@@ -65,23 +65,23 @@
- 	rm -f TAGS tags
- install:
--	@./bin/install.sh x arename       "$(prefix)/bin"                        $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh x ataglist      "$(prefix)/bin"                        $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh x ARename.pm    "$(prefix)/$(libpath)/"                $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh x arename       "$(prefix)/bin"                        $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh x ataglist      "$(prefix)/bin"                        $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh x ARename.pm    "$(prefix)/$(libpath)/"                $(maxwidth)
- install-doc:
--	@./bin/install.sh n README        "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n UPGRADING     "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n REPORTING_BUGS "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"         $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n LICENCE       "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n CHANGES       "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n asdump        "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n arename.html  "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n arename.1     "$(prefix)/share/man/man1"             $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n ataglist.html "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n ataglist.1    "$(prefix)/share/man/man1"             $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n arename.hooks "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename/examples" $(maxwidth)
--	@./bin/install.sh n _arename      "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename/examples" $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n README        "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n UPGRADING     "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n REPORTING_BUGS "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"         $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n LICENCE       "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n CHANGES       "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n asdump        "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n arename.html  "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n arename.1     "$(prefix)/share/man/man1"             $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n ataglist.html "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename"          $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n ataglist.1    "$(prefix)/share/man/man1"             $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n arename.hooks "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename/examples" $(maxwidth)
-+	./bin/install.sh n _arename      "$(prefix)/share/doc/arename/examples" $(maxwidth)
- uninstall:
- 	@./bin/uninstall.sh f "$(prefix)/bin/arename"
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 597741c..146d4b7 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ spelling.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/arename.git

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