[libparse-debianchangelog-perl] branch master created (now dd2e48f)

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 24 12:37:23 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a change to branch master
in repository libparse-debianchangelog-perl.

        at  dd2e48f   Imported Debian patch 1.2.0-1.1

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  7e94cc0   Inital version of the Debian packaging
       new  8d68f4a   Add libtimedate-perl to Build-Depends-Indep
       new  722b683   Don't install README yet, it isn't useful yet
       new  196031d   Uuups, have to still call dh_installdocs because of the copyright file
       new  4f30938     * New upstream release     - adapt Build-Depends-Indep and Recommends to new requirements     - install new TODO file     - install templates and CSS files to       /usr/share/libparse-debianchangelog-perl/ and adapt the default       paths in the module
       new  b9a8480   fix some problems in the test scripts (ignore stderr garbage issued by dpkg-parsechangelog in pbuilder environment)
       new  d0284a0   Forgot to update the description for the new upstream release
       new  2f1a266   Changelog entry for new version
       new  a99c8f3   Add libclass-accessor-perl to (Build-)Depends
       new  d96af57   Changelog entry for 0.6-1
       new  2102778   Prepare new version
       new  bcefbed   - Update Depends - Update description and reformat it a bit to make it more readable
       new  d369053   Add changelog entry for new upstream version
       new  863b925   Add changelog entry for 1.0 and update Build-Depends
       new  5ccc932   Typo in the build-depends
       new  f655ff8   Forgot the new libio-string-perl dependency
       new  f49b7a5   debian/rules: Adapt to new Module::Build build system
       new  2aaae10   MANIFEST.SKIP: Update for move to git
       new  f782af3   Makefile: make it possible to run the tests verbosely
       new  9e9999b   Add toplevel .gitignore
       new  86b5edd   Parse::DebianChangelog: Be less trigger-happy about old-format entries
       new  84e7c22   Makefile: Support setting installdirs
       new  ad72a94   debian/rules: Fix clean rule
       new  b787379   Prepare 1.1 release
       new  90bc2c6   Prepare Debian upload 1.1-1
       new  a4f6b7a   debian/compat: Increase debhelper compat level to 5
       new  c4a2979   debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.2 (no changes)
       new  1f7b845   Makefile: Add missing dependency to test target
       new  4048913   bin.de.po: Fix one erroneous string
       new  e3ab2b0   Documentation.t: Compute number of tests automatically
       new  3a8d4f0   Parse::DebianChangelog: Fix handling of epoch
       new  acb485f   Parse-DebianChangelog.t: Compare version numbers as strings not as numbers
       new  050401a   Prepare 1.1.1 release
       new  d2b7c5d   debian/watch: Add
       new  fc518b5   Import Debian 1.1.1-2 release
       new  0a9ed22   Import Debian release 1.1.1-2.1
       new  ac86ff9   debian/ maintenance
       new  26beeef   http_ftp_urls: Fix conversion of <http://something/>
       new  8ce5ce5   bugs_to_bts: Allow to omit # before closed bug numbers
       new  b116495   common_licenses: Update FSF licenses handling
       new  348fd9e   Improve Parse-DebianChangelog.t
       new  4aa27eb   General regex cleanup
       new  de9fffc   Don't use "English" just for $.
       new  a689d14   Require Perl 5.10
       new  a9e67bc   Allow '.' and '+' in distribution name
       new  6c3bda6   Bump version to 1.2.0
       new  7be2ed7   Makefile: generate MANIFEST for dist
       new  495ced6   Danish translation of bin.pot
       new  169fed2   Add empty doc.da.po for the sake of the Build script
       new  8ead238   Prepare Debian upload for 1.2.0
       new  b8b768c   debian: Use source format 3.0 (quilt)
       new  dd2e48f   Imported Debian patch 1.2.0-1.1

The 52 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libparse-debianchangelog-perl.git

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