[libmojolicious-plugin-authentication-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.29 created (now a7d5bcf)
Florian Schlichting
fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 24 21:55:07 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fsfs pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.29
in repository libmojolicious-plugin-authentication-perl.
at a7d5bcf (tag)
tagging dad813bb8fa50be00561ce3c221850c6b699c17e (commit)
replaces upstream/1.26
tagged by Florian Schlichting
on Tue Nov 24 22:40:13 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.29
Ben van Staveren (39):
Time to join the real world and move from Bitbucket/Mercurial to Github/Git.
Code cleanup and added Pod::Weaver
check on load_user/validate_user for actually being code refs
critic: whitespace
Merged pull request #1 from memowe/master.
Documentation cleanup
Merge remote branch 'origin/master'
Documentation cleanup for proper pod rendering
Added a README.pod file for Github to display
POD cleanup
Fixed bug; newer versions of Mojolicious dont send the same parameters to a hook, and it blew up
Added option for extra data to validate_user cb
Merge pull request #2 from metaperl/master
doc fixes and extra_data
Merge pull request #3 from Meettya/master
Merged pull request from meettya for lazy_mode and signature_exists, some doc spelling fixes
Added example app courtesy of Ivo Welch
Merge pull request #4 from ewildgoose/master
Merged in Ed W's changes
Typo's, how I hate thee...
Fix for issue #5
Removed example app due to giving some conflicts
Merge pull request #8 from kthakore/master
Added 'auto_validate' option to authentication sub
Merge pull request #9 from dsteinbrunner/patch-1
added small warning in comment
Merge pull request #11 from hernan604/master
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/benvanstaveren/Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication
Merge pull request #12 from carragom/master
fix for defined-but-false value bug, closes issue #13
Readme generation
Merge pull request #14 from carragom/master
Added travis CI
Removed pod file, it's auto generated by dzil
Carlos Ramos (3):
Check for defined instead of thruthy to allow falsy uid values like 0
Remove trailing white spaces
Implements `fail_render` parameter to control routing via condition.
David Steinbrunner (1):
typo fix
Ed Wildgoose (7):
Change ugly API
Add some comments
The lazy parameter is changed to autoload_user to become a simple hook which autoloads the user into the stash for us
Introduce a current_user function - dramatically simplifies code and almost everything else can be implemented using it.
Actually, changing the stash item name is not that helpful. Probably makes sense to leave it as "user"
Make current_user helper name configurable so that it can be configured to be "user" for backward compatibility
There is no benefit in the autoload_user feature. Default it off and consider it deprecated with a view to removing it.
Florian Schlichting (1):
Imported Upstream version 1.29
Hernan Lopes (1):
docs fix. updated mention of "bridge" to "under".
Kartik Thakore (1):
Fixed test case depreciated usage of post_form_ok
Meettya (1):
* Add lazy_mode properties & signature_exists method with docs and test
Mirko Westermeier (8):
.gitignored vim swap files
Mojo::Base exports strict and warnings
removed redundancy
"auth_data" is a better default session key than "session"
removed a no-op
renamed load_user_f and validate_user_f to ..._cb because they are callbacks and it matches Mojo naming conventions
Terrence Brannon (2):
typo fix
pod fixes
madcat at cpan.org (13):
Initial Import
Fixed a mistake in the pod
Doc fixes and some related bits
Removed dependency on MojoX::Session and Mojolicious::Plugin::Session
Added tag 0.04 for changeset 14e7342d23e6
Might as well remove this from being tracked
* Changed version number (again) due to earlier module using version and qv(0.03) resulting in
Added tag 0.5.0 for changeset 995fbfca87e4
Took Changes out of version control
Made this plugin rely on Mojolicious' built-in sessions a bit more. Session expiry is now handled with
Updated documentation
Added tag 1.10 for changeset bfdb5a23c38e
No new revisions were added by this update.
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