[libencode-locale-perl] branch master updated (34e4ce2 -> 037c5b6)
Florian Schlichting
fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 9 22:08:22 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fsfs pushed a change to branch master
in repository libencode-locale-perl.
from 34e4ce2 update changelog
new 18af3b2 Add debian/upstream/metadata
new a5bb263 Update debian/changelog
adds e8b7267 Starting point (empty module skeleton)
adds 5e19564 Initial code to determine the $LOCALE_CODESET
adds e441abc Provide some documentation
adds 5a1c267 Release 0.01
adds 5f1fcd9 Show how to select locale encoding for STDIN/STDOUT
adds 88b1f73 Add more meta information
adds 27669db Determine the console codepage on Windows
adds 1ff3a22 Rename our ENCODING variables for consistency
adds 2e24e7a Sample program
adds 4f5766d Implement env() — an Unicode interface to %ENV
adds e1319a1 Fixup wrong test count
adds 67a3e91 Add a README file
adds 9e3d9fc Release 0.02
adds d6a7798 Win32::Console is also recommended
adds 84b0082 Rename $ENCODING_FS for consistency
adds cb5dda5 A little utility script
adds 92b4793 The intention was for decode_argv() to croak when it failed
adds 8e49987 Make it clear that is a Perl module
adds 235151a Resolve the encoding aliases lazily
adds 2d58ba0 Workaround for Encode-2.40 define_alias bug
adds fd93448 Provide suffixless README/Changes file in the CPAN dist
adds 7f4a33d Avoid active email address on github
adds ac34935 Typo fix; FB_DEFAULT
adds 171d3fc Improve description of the env() interface
adds fd176b6 Use the Encode default for argv decoding
adds 49aae9d Workaround for encoding "646" and Encode < v2.25
adds b503716 Release 0.03
adds c79b22b Provide a reinit() interface
adds 1461f63 console_{in,out} might be a better fit for STDIN/STDOUT
adds 792c055 Better synopsis
adds 2c880c5 More initial description of the problem this module solves
adds 707cb33 Improved the file opening example
adds 518dfa1 Figure out what the ANSI code page is on Windows
adds ad476d1 Avoid "cp0"
adds 0018538 Added some platform notes
adds a5d3294 Release 0.04
adds 17f8f35 Explain how to encode/decode the environment
adds 5a7a171 Typo fix; NFD-form
adds 30152ba Reference Encode::UTF8Mac for details on Mac-flavored-NFD
adds 2058817 Release 1.00
adds 60b8f36 Add a failing test for RT #65975
adds a1be59e Actually trigger the RT#65975 warnings
adds 1aad183 Resolve RT #65975: `use Encode::Locale` produce warnings
adds b42edeb Need to pass defined argument to define_alias() to avoid warnings in Encode 2.40
adds c50426c Add tests for aliases
adds c00ad40 Release 1.01
adds 29b3bb7 Missing "you"
adds 3cdb19c On HP-UX roman8 is short for hp-roman8 [RT#66373]
adds 2053c6e Add support for GB18030 [RT#67010]
adds 01b1232 Release 1.02
adds fb3089c hide the Subroutine Encode::Locale::GetACP redefined warning in the test
adds 6964ff6 add test for warning in Taint mode and code to eliminate it
adds 4e0b29e Fix spelling mistakes
adds 7746b11 Fixed spelling of comment
adds c2d5b5c reinit with argument did not override default on Windows RT#69256
adds 2f16de7 Avoid redefining GetACP() on Windows
adds 2b11325 Release 1.03
adds 4d04663 typo fix
adds 8c059ed Documentation spell fix
adds 1c3f2cf Actually include all the tests in the MANIFEST
adds f2f67ed use Test::More and warnings
adds 41bf989 Tidy t/alias.t
adds 9da4aa7 t/arg.t TODO some actual ARGV testing
adds 0263056 Merge pull request #9 from mohawk2/tests
adds 8e9da82 Use Win32::GetConsoleCP/GetConsoleOutputCP if available
adds 8adfa2c SEE ALSO Term::Encoding [RT#98138]
adds 7d3660a Release 1.04
adds d6f44ee Use GetACP() to get the ANSI code page like before
adds e61a950 Conditionalize the Win32::Console recommendation
adds 64f2bd8 Release 1.05
adds 46b8dac Imported Upstream version 1.05
new f1fad76 Merge tag 'upstream/1.05'
new cc7d736 Update debian/changelog
new 5a519f2 Bump dh compat to level 9
new 864aa1a Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6
new 5d09576 Mark package autopkgtest-able
new 037c5b6 prepare changelog for release
The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
MANIFEST | 6 ++++-
META.json | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
META.yml | 50 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
Makefile.PL | 16 ++++++++++---
debian/changelog | 13 +++++++++--
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 5 ++--
debian/upstream/metadata | 5 ++++
lib/Encode/Locale.pm | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
t/alias.t | 22 +++++++++++++++++
t/arg.t | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
t/env.t | 30 ++++++++++++------------
t/tain.t | 19 +++++++++++++++
t/warn_once.t | 20 ++++++++++++++++
15 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 META.json
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
create mode 100644 t/alias.t
create mode 100644 t/tain.t
create mode 100644 t/warn_once.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libencode-locale-perl.git
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