[libimport-into-perl] branch master updated (cfa92a3 -> 962f3fd)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Oct 18 15:44:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libimport-into-perl.

      from  cfa92a3   update changelog
       new  d3a9549   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  bf39186   Update debian/changelog
      adds  2afb524   it works!
      adds  1615d43   eliminate done_testing
      adds  e0ff343   documentationtality
      adds  38a56c0   distify
      adds  04724d0   standard version
      adds  0e265a3   Release commit for 1.000000
      adds  02f981a   correct dist name
      adds  0085b1d   bump version
      adds  19471f0   Release commit for 1.000001
      adds  8c17b6f   expand docs and example
      adds  2e89909   bump version
      adds  eff194c   Release commit for 1.000002
      adds  aa5ad64   explain the method stuff as well
      adds  8e75fe0   bump version
      adds  bef5d21   Release commit for 1.000003
      adds  1007421   unimport::out_of
      adds  6597b81   bump version
      adds  c501842   note version of unimport::out_of being added
      adds  8bb24cf   Release commit for 1.001000
      adds  88c433b   fix NAME entry in Makefile.PL (RT#84211)
      adds  bd5c78d   add some metadata
      adds  35faefa   bump version
      adds  273ed81   Release commit for 1.001001
      adds  3182fa2   oops, wrong RT number
      adds  4a820aa   make changelog more readable, CPAN::Changes-compliant
      adds  2ca328a   ensure we create a v2 meta file
      adds  3db5d18   properly set v2 metadata!
      adds  95ecfed   thanks Getty!
      adds  ac6d208   allow an integer target to refer to a specific caller level, including file/line
      adds  3946b32   wrap long line
      adds  e5f9555   test import by level
      adds  93bb900   add myself to contributors
      adds  324e701   eval code directly instead of generating a sub
      adds  5f5f09b   split out _make_action
      adds  9f39bd7   document importing to level
      adds  ba1c5bf   document implementation of import to level
      adds  995d826   typo fix in docs
      adds  568eef3   allow specifying import options as hash, including version check
      adds  074eb8d   refactor docs
      adds  06bd142   small doc addition
      adds  74957c9   typo fix and line length
      adds  2b42157   slight clarification in docs
      adds  8e0bf61   update changelog
      adds  4f5e31e   add gitignore file
      adds  d55385e   bump version
      adds  aa5c278   Release commit for 1.002000
      adds  4bc526f   fix changelog format
      adds  65086d4   fix changelog
      adds  d7d69c6   I'm an idiot
      adds  1d69d8b   add header
      adds  8afc165   don't overwrite line number for entire test file
      adds  b95fe8b   be compatible with perl 5.6
      adds  0f3ea85   changelog
      adds  70f752d   bump version
      adds  a1fa784   Release commit for 1.002001
      adds  dcc104d   clean out everything on "make realclean"
      adds  33f1901   specify the minimum perl version
      adds  3dd3d1b   specify some prereqs (all in core)
      adds  9bf478b   link to the YAPC::NA 2013 lightning talk
      adds  08c8569   fix a spelling mistake (RT#95413)
      adds  6e5223e   bump version to 1.002002
      adds  168f57d   Release commit for 1.002002
      adds  cc08797   module loading is now done while importing, making it unnecessary to load them beforehand
      adds  15feb37   give attribution for loading fix
      adds  c4786e3   additional helpers, as copied from strictures
      adds  e623160   capitalize abstract
      adds  d3faa8a   fix bump-version
      adds  6a91d2c   make bump
      adds  7649eea   Release commit for 1.002003
      adds  f84a529   move prereqs to PREREQ_PM, *_REQUIRES conditional on EUMM version
      adds  f48235d   make bump
      adds  15c32aa   Release commit for 1.002004
      adds  cc906f8   always specify a base prereq for EUMM
      adds  284910c   fix metadata
      adds  88f5410   clean up boilerplate
      adds  d3cffdf   update Makefile.PL boilerplate
      adds  70e594c   remove version bumping make targets and let distar handle it
      adds  e1cd9a3   remove realclean from Makefile.PL and let Distar handle it
      adds  bd74ade   fix level as hashref argument
      adds  a6e3c44   refactor test for clarity
      adds  97e7f52   test for level in hash param
      adds  5078f1f   changelog for level param fix
      adds  7a9ec1d   VERSION's caller should also match given location
      adds  5e33875   Bumping version to 1.002005
      adds  24180d4   Release commit for 1.002005
      adds  79e857c   Imported Upstream version 1.002005
       new  bd056e8   Merge tag 'upstream/1.002005'
       new  ae3ba97   Update debian/changelog
       new  127f2f0   Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
       new  2a35fc2   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
       new  48dbab5   Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
       new  8c960f9   Fix typo in long description.
       new  962f3fd   releasing package libimport-into-perl version 1.002005-1

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                  |   3 ++
 MANIFEST                 |   2 -
 META.json                |  10 +++-
 META.yml                 |   6 ++-
 Makefile.PL              | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 debian/changelog         |  15 +++++-
 debian/compat            |   2 +-
 debian/control           |   7 +--
 debian/upstream/metadata |   8 +++
 lib/Import/Into.pm       |  12 +++--
 maint/Makefile.include   |  11 -----
 maint/bump-version       |  39 ---------------
 t/import_into.t          | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 13 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 delete mode 100644 maint/Makefile.include
 delete mode 100755 maint/bump-version

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libimport-into-perl.git

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