[libsoap-lite-perl] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.19'
Xavier Guimard
xguimard-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 19 07:23:04 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
xguimard-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libsoap-lite-perl.
commit 7beb748b873bce2ba0954feffe20c41c098b9825
Merge: 435dadd be4a901
Author: Xavier Guimard <x.guimard at free.fr>
Date: Mon Oct 19 08:51:03 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/1.19'
Upstream version 1.19
Changes | 30 +
Debian_CPANTS.txt | 1945 +++++++++++++++++++++++
HACKING | 4 +-
LICENSE | 379 +++++
MANIFEST | 139 +-
META.json | 75 +-
META.yml | 68 +-
Makefile.PL | 149 +-
bin/SOAPsh.pl | 16 +-
bin/stubmaker.pl | 12 +-
dist.ini | 89 ++
examples/COM/states.pl | 2 +-
examples/My/Chat.pm | 10 +-
examples/My/Examples.pm | 2 +-
examples/My/Parameters.pm | 4 +-
examples/My/PersistentIterator.pm | 4 +-
examples/My/PingPong.pm | 4 +-
examples/My/SessionIterator.pm | 4 +-
examples/SOAP/simple1.pl | 4 +-
examples/SOAP/simple2.pl | 6 +-
examples/SOAP/simple3.pl | 2 +-
examples/UDDI/inquire1.pl | 32 +-
examples/UDDI/publish1.pl | 6 +-
examples/UDDI/simple1.pl | 2 +-
examples/UDDI/simple2.pl | 8 +-
examples/UDDI/syntax1.pl | 6 +-
examples/UDDI/syntax2.pl | 10 +-
examples/UDDI/syntax3.pl | 12 +-
examples/WSDL/dynamic1.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/dynamic2.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/dynamic3.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/dynamic4.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/say_hello_doclit.pl | 14 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_doclit.wsdl | 58 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_rpcenc.pl | 9 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_rpcenc.wsdl | 43 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_rpcenc_schema.pl | 8 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_rpclit.pl | 16 +
examples/WSDL/say_hello_rpclit.wsdl | 57 +
examples/WSDL/stub1.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/stub2.pl | 2 +-
examples/WSDL/stub3.pl | 2 +-
examples/XML/customxml.pl | 2 +-
examples/XMLRPC/simple1.pl | 2 +-
examples/XMLRPC/xmlrpc.cgi | 10 +-
examples/XMLRPC/xmlrpc.daemon | 10 +-
examples/allclients.pl | 6 +-
examples/authentication.pl | 10 +-
examples/autoexamples.pl | 10 +-
examples/chat.pl | 12 +-
examples/compress.pl | 2 +-
examples/cookie.pl | 6 +-
examples/cookieauth.pl | 6 +-
examples/customschema.pl | 14 +-
examples/forms/style.cgi | 10 +-
examples/fullsearch.pl | 14 +-
examples/getdom.pl | 8 +-
examples/google.pl | 2 +-
examples/inline.daemon | 8 +-
examples/iterator.pl | 18 +-
examples/joke.pl | 2 +-
examples/oo-apache.pl | 2 +-
examples/parametersbyname.pl | 12 +-
examples/pingpong.pl | 10 +-
examples/server/Apache.pm | 8 +-
examples/server/mod_soap.htaccess | 4 +-
examples/server/soap.asp | 2 +-
examples/server/soap.cgi | 2 +-
examples/server/soap.daemon | 14 +-
examples/server/soap.daemon.forkafterprocessing | 6 +-
examples/server/soap.daemon.forkonaccept | 6 +-
examples/server/soap.fcgi | 4 +-
examples/server/soap.io | 6 +-
examples/server/soap.jabber | 6 +-
examples/server/soap.mod_cgi | 6 +-
examples/server/soap.mq | 8 +-
examples/server/soap.pop3 | 10 +-
examples/server/soap.tcp | 4 +-
examples/soapmark.pl | 4 +-
examples/soapsmtp.pl | 6 +-
examples/tcpclient.pl | 8 +-
examples/terraserver.pl | 2 +-
examples/weblog.pl | 2 +-
lib/Apache/SOAP.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Constants.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Lite.pm | 82 +-
lib/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchema2001.pm | 3 +-
lib/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchemaSOAP1_2.pm | 1 +
lib/SOAP/Packager.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Test.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Trace.pod | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport.pod | 4 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/HTTP.pm | 29 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/IO.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/LOCAL.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/MAILTO.pm | 2 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/POP3.pm | 4 +-
lib/SOAP/Transport/TCP.pm | 2 +-
t/01-core.t | 32 +-
t/010-serializer.t | 14 +-
t/014_UNIVERSAL_use.t | 6 +-
t/015_UNIVERSAL_can.t | 10 +-
t/02-payload.t | 68 +-
t/04-attach-cid-encoded.t | 14 +-
t/04-attach.t | 10 +-
t/05-customxml.t | 4 +-
t/08-schema.t | 4 +-
t/096_characters.t | 82 -
t/097_kwalitee.t | 26 -
t/098_pod.t | 34 -
t/099_pod_coverage.t | 34 -
t/11-cgi.t | 2 +-
t/12-cgi_https.t | 2 +-
t/13-mod_perl.t | 4 +-
t/14-cgi_apache.t | 2 +-
t/15-daemon.t | 2 +-
t/17-mod_soap.t | 2 +-
t/19-apachesoap.t | 8 +-
t/21-public.t | 76 +-
t/22-interop_apache.t | 34 +-
t/23-ppm.t | 16 +-
t/24-wsdl.t | 10 +-
t/Issues/recursion.pl | 40 +
t/Issues/rt70329.t | 2 +-
t/Issues/rt72836.t | 11 +-
t/Issues/rt74029.t.stored | Bin 0 -> 2423 bytes
t/Issues/rt74308.t.wsdl | 139 ++
t/Issues/rt88915.t | 10 +
t/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchema1999.t | 4 +-
t/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchema2001.t | 10 +-
t/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchemaSOAP1_1.t | 6 +-
t/SOAP/Lite/Deserializer/XMLSchemaSOAP1_2.t | 4 +-
t/SOAP/Transport/HTTP.t | 12 +-
t/SOAP/Transport/HTTP/CGI.t | 13 +-
t/SOAP/Transport/HTTP/CGI/test_server.pl | 23 +
t/SOAP/Transport/IO.t | 6 +-
t/SOAP/Transport/IO.xml | 0
t/release-kwalitee.t | 17 +
t/release-pod-syntax.t | 14 +
139 files changed, 3648 insertions(+), 827 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libsoap-lite-perl.git
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