[libmodule-info-perl] 01/07: Imported Upstream version 0.35.07

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Oct 21 15:42:39 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libmodule-info-perl.

commit 491cf7a5147afc6ae6c4131fe02b5cf14232369d
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 21 17:31:02 2015 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.35.07
 Build.PL                |  13 --
 Changes                 |  39 ++++
 MANIFEST                |   7 +-
 META.json               |  57 ++----
 META.yml                |  43 ++--
 Makefile.PL             |   9 +-
 README                  |  19 ++
 lib/B/BUtils.pm         | 516 ------------------------------------------------
 lib/B/Module/Info.pm    |  34 +++-
 lib/Module/Info.pm      |  10 +-
 t/Module-Info.t         |  11 +-
 t/n1_modules_required.t |   1 +
 t/zy_pod_coverage.t     |   7 +
 13 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
deleted file mode 100644
index ac54ac4..0000000
--- a/Build.PL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-require 5.004;
-use strict;
-use Module::Build;
-Module::Build->new( module_name       => 'Module::Info',
-                    dist_version_from => 'lib/Module/Info.pm',
-                    license           => 'perl',
-                    requires          => { 'File::Spec' => 0.08 },
-                    script_files      => [qw(bin/pfunc bin/module_info)],
-                    dynamic_config    => 0,
-                    dist_author       => 'Mattia Barbon <mbarbon at cpan.org>',
-                   )->create_build_script;
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index fe8e8dd..a7274e9 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,44 @@
 Revision history for perl module Module::Info
+0.35_07 2015-10-19 NEILB
+    - I had missed another instance of "the Windows cwd() issue" affecting
+      t/n1_modules_required.t
+0.35_06 2015-10-17 NEILB
+    - Added "use strict" to both modules
+    - Made the pod coverage test a release test RT#90599
+    - Added MIN_PERL_VERSION to Makefile.PL
+    - Added a basic README
+0.35_05 2015-10-16 NEILB
+    - Had a single failure reported by CPAN Testers for Perl 5.22/Windows.
+      On Windows, if you "use Cwd" and then call cwd(), then it does an
+      implicit "use Win32". On recent perls (sometime after 5.20.1) this
+      seems to get built into the op tree in a way that looks like the
+      scope doing the cwd() use'd Win32. There are several magic functions
+      in Cwd.pm which will probably trigger this behaviour. I'll see how this
+      change tests out, and possibly just document it for a non dev release.
+0.35_04 2015-10-14 NEILB
+    - Sigh, forgot to update the min version of B::Utils in Makefile.PL
+      Thanks to SREZIC for letting me know.
+0.35_03 2015-10-13 NEILB
+    - Removed File::Spec from t/lib/
+    - Set min required version of B::Utils to 0.27, as that release fixes
+      the remaining failing tests.
+    - Hacked const_sv() to cope with the change in OP_METHOD_NAMED
+      that happened at 5.21.5 (or possibly an earlier 5.21.*).
+0.35_02 2015-06-15 NEILB
+    - Sigh, forgot to add B::Utils to PREREQ_PM
+0.35_01 2015-06-15 NEILB
+    - Dropped B::BUtils in favour of using the standard B::Utils.
+      subroutines_called() stopped working correctly for standard function
+      calls, identifying them as calls via symbolic references. Fixed that.
+    - Dropped Build.PL
 0.35 2013-09-08 14:10:31 CEST
     - Handle 'package NAME VERSION' syntax (patch by Norbert Gruener)
     - Added repository and license info to metadata
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 691ffe6..a5510f6 100644
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
@@ -24,4 +22,5 @@ t/n2_safe.t
+META.yml                                 Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
+META.json                                Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
index 47fcb27..6118d0c 100644
--- a/META.json
+++ b/META.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       "Mattia Barbon <mbarbon at cpan.org>"
    "dynamic_config" : 0,
-   "generated_by" : "Module::Build version 0.4007, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.0401, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150001",
    "license" : [
@@ -13,49 +13,34 @@
       "version" : "2"
    "name" : "Module-Info",
+   "no_index" : {
+      "directory" : [
+         "t",
+         "inc"
+      ]
+   },
    "prereqs" : {
+      "build" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
+         }
+      },
       "configure" : {
          "requires" : {
-            "Module::Build" : "0.40"
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
       "runtime" : {
          "requires" : {
-            "File::Spec" : "0.08"
+            "B" : "0",
+            "B::Utils" : "0.27",
+            "Carp" : "0",
+            "File::Spec" : "0.8",
+            "perl" : "5.006",
+            "strict" : "0"
-   "provides" : {
-      "B::BUtils" : {
-         "file" : "lib/B/BUtils.pm",
-         "version" : 0
-      },
-      "B::Module::Info" : {
-         "file" : "lib/B/Module/Info.pm",
-         "version" : "0.24"
-      },
-      "B::Utils" : {
-         "file" : "lib/B/BUtils.pm",
-         "version" : "0.04_02"
-      },
-      "Module::Info" : {
-         "file" : "lib/Module/Info.pm",
-         "version" : "0.35"
-      },
-      "Module::Info::Safe" : {
-         "file" : "lib/Module/Info.pm",
-         "version" : 0
-      },
-      "Module::Info::Unsafe" : {
-         "file" : "lib/Module/Info.pm",
-         "version" : 0
-      }
-   },
-   "release_status" : "stable",
-   "resources" : {
-      "license" : [
-         "http://dev.perl.org/licenses/"
-      ]
-   },
-   "version" : "0.35"
+   "release_status" : "testing",
+   "version" : "0.35_07"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 01bfe7c..bdefe2d 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -2,37 +2,26 @@
 abstract: 'Information about Perl modules'
   - 'Mattia Barbon <mbarbon at cpan.org>'
-build_requires: {}
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
-  Module::Build: 0.40
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
 dynamic_config: 0
-generated_by: 'Module::Build version 0.4007, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.0401, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150001'
 license: perl
   url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
-  version: 1.4
+  version: '1.4'
 name: Module-Info
-  B::BUtils:
-    file: lib/B/BUtils.pm
-    version: 0
-  B::Module::Info:
-    file: lib/B/Module/Info.pm
-    version: 0.24
-  B::Utils:
-    file: lib/B/BUtils.pm
-    version: 0.04_02
-  Module::Info:
-    file: lib/Module/Info.pm
-    version: 0.35
-  Module::Info::Safe:
-    file: lib/Module/Info.pm
-    version: 0
-  Module::Info::Unsafe:
-    file: lib/Module/Info.pm
-    version: 0
+  directory:
+    - t
+    - inc
-  File::Spec: 0.08
-  license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
-version: 0.35
+  B: '0'
+  B::Utils: '0.27'
+  Carp: '0'
+  File::Spec: '0.8'
+  perl: '5.006'
+  strict: '0'
+version: 0.35_07
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index f14b869..23db750 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -33,7 +33,13 @@ WriteMakefile(
     NAME            => $PACKAGE,
     VERSION_FROM    => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm", # finds $VERSION
     ABSTRACT_FROM   => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm",
-    PREREQ_PM       => { 'File::Spec' => 0.8 },
+    PREREQ_PM       => {
+        'File::Spec' => 0.8,
+        'B'          => 0,
+        'B::Utils'   => 0.27,
+        'strict'     => 0,
+        'Carp'       => 0,
+    },
     'dist'          => { COMPRESS   => 'gzip -9',
                          SUFFIX     => '.gz',
                          DIST_DEFAULT   => 'all tardist',
@@ -41,6 +47,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
     EXE_FILES       => [qw(bin/pfunc bin/module_info)],
     PL_FILES        => {}, # skip Build.PL
     ($mmv >= 6.31 ? (LICENSE => 'perl') : ()),
+    ($mmv >= 6.48 ? (MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006') : ()),
     ( $] >= 5.005 ?
       ( AUTHOR          => 'Mattia Barbon <mbarbon at cpan.org>' ) :
       () ),
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eef6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+    README for Perl module Module::Info
+Module::Info can be used to get information other Perl modules,
+without loading them into your process.
+You can read a nicely formatted version of the documentation for
+this module online:
+    https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Info
+You should be able to install this using your usual method for installing
+modules from CPAN. If you don't have one, have a look at:
+    http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html
+This module was originally written by Michael G Schwern <schwern at pobox.com>.
+It was maintained from 2002 to 2013 by Mattia Barbon <mbarbon at cpan.org>.
+It is currently being maintained by Neil Bowers <neilb at cpan.org>.
diff --git a/lib/B/BUtils.pm b/lib/B/BUtils.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3beeb90..0000000
--- a/lib/B/BUtils.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-# forked version of B::Utils; needs to merge it ASAP
-package B::Utils;
-use 5.006;
-use warnings;
-use vars '$DEBUG';
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(all_starts all_roots anon_subs
-                    walkoptree_simple walkoptree_filtered
-                    walkallops_simple walkallops_filtered
-                    carp croak
-                    opgrep
-                   );
-sub import {
-  my $pack = __PACKAGE__; shift;
-  my @exports = @_;
-  my $caller = caller;
-  my %EOK = map {$_ => 1} @EXPORT_OK;
-  for (@exports) {
-    unless ($EOK{$_}) {
-      require Carp;
-      Carp::croak(qq{"$_" is not exported by the $pack module});
-    }
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *{"$caller\::$_"} = \&{"$pack\::$_"};
-  }
-our $VERSION = '0.04_02'; # 0.04 with some Schwern patches
-use B qw(main_start main_root walksymtable class OPf_KIDS);
-my (%starts, %roots, @anon_subs);
-our @bad_stashes = qw(B Carp DB Exporter warnings Cwd Config CORE blib strict DynaLoader vars XSLoader AutoLoader base);
-sub null {
-    my $op = shift;
-    class( $op ) eq 'NULL';
-{ my $_subsdone=0;
-sub _init { # To ensure runtimeness.
-    return if $_subsdone;
-    %starts = ( '__MAIN__' =>  main_start() );
-    %roots  = ( '__MAIN__' =>  main_root()  );
-    walksymtable(\%main::, 
-                '_push_starts', 
-                sub { 
-                    return if scalar grep {$_[0] eq $_."::"} @bad_stashes;   
-                    1;
-                }, # Do not eat our own children!
-                '');
-    push @anon_subs, { root => $_->ROOT, start => $_->START} 
-        for grep { class($_) eq "CV" } B::main_cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->ARRAY;
-    $_subsdone=1;
-=head1 NAME
-B::Utils - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use B::Utils;
-These functions make it easier to manipulate the op tree.
-=over 3
-=item C<all_starts>
-=item C<all_roots>
-Returns a hash of all of the starting ops or root ops of optrees, keyed
-to subroutine name; the optree for main program is simply keyed to C<__MAIN__>.
-B<Note>: Certain "dangerous" stashes are not scanned for subroutines: 
-the list of such stashes can be found in C<@B::Utils::bad_stashes>. Feel
-free to examine and/or modify this to suit your needs. The intention is
-that a simple program which uses no modules other than C<B> and
-C<B::Utils> would show no addition symbols.
-This does B<not> return the details of ops in anonymous subroutines
-compiled at compile time. For instance, given 
-    $a = sub { ... };
-the subroutine will not appear in the hash. This is just as well, since
-they're anonymous... If you want to get at them, use...
-=item C<anon_subs()>
-This returns an array of hash references. Each element has the keys
-"start" and "root". These are the starting and root ops of all of
-the anonymous subroutines in the program.
-sub all_starts { _init(); return %starts; }
-sub all_roots  { _init(); return %roots; }
-sub anon_subs { _init(); return @anon_subs }
-sub B::GV::_push_starts {
-    my $name = $_[0]->STASH->NAME."::".$_[0]->SAFENAME;
-    return unless ${$_[0]->CV};
-    my $cv = $_[0]->CV;
-    if ($cv->PADLIST->can("ARRAY") and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->can("ARRAY")) {
-        push @anon_subs, { root => $_->ROOT, start => $_->START} 
-            for grep { class($_) eq "CV" } $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->ARRAY;
-    }
-    return unless ${$cv->START} and ${$cv->ROOT};
-    $starts{$name} = $cv->START;
-    $roots{$name} = $cv->ROOT;
-sub B::SPECIAL::_push_starts{}
-=item C<< $op->oldname >>
-Returns the name of the op, even if it is currently optimized to null.
-This helps you understand the stucture of the op tree.
-sub B::OP::oldname {
-    return substr(B::ppname($_[0]->targ),3) if $_[0]->name eq "null" and $_[0]->targ;
-    return $_[0]->name;
-=item C<< $op->kids >>
-Returns an array of all this op's non-null children, in order.
-sub B::OP::kids {
-    my $op = shift;
-    my @rv = ();
-    foreach my $type (qw(first last other)) {
-        my $kid = $op->$type();
-        next if !$kid || class($kid) eq 'NULL';
-        if( $kid->name eq 'null' ) {
-            push @rv, $kid->kids;
-        }
-        else {
-            push @rv, $kid;
-        }
-    }
-    my @more_rv = ();
-    foreach my $more_op (@rv) {
-        my $next_op = $more_op;
-        while( $next_op->can("sibling") ) {
-            $next_op = $next_op->sibling;
-            last if !$next_op || class($next_op) eq 'NULL';
-            if( $next_op->name eq 'null' ) {
-                push @more_rv, $next_op->kids;
-            }
-            else {
-                push @more_rv, $next_op;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return @rv, @more_rv;
-=item C<< $op->first >>
-=item C<< $op->last >>
-=item C<< $op->other >>
-Normally if you call first, last or other on anything which is not an
-UNOP, BINOP or LOGOP respectivly it will die.  This leads to lots of
-code like:
-    $op->first if $op->can('first');
-B::Utils provides every op with first, last and other methods which
-will simply return nothing if it isn't relevent.
-foreach my $type (qw(first last other)) {
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *{'B::OP::'.$type} = sub {
-        my($op) = shift;
-        if( $op->can("SUPER::$type") ) {
-            return $op->$type();
-        }
-        else {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-=item C<< $op->parent >>
-Returns the parent node in the op tree, if possible. Currently "possible" means
-"if the tree has already been optimized"; that is, if we're during a C<CHECK>
-block. (and hence, if we have valid C<next> pointers.)
-In the future, it may be possible to search for the parent before we have the
-C<next> pointers in place, but it'll take me a while to figure out how to do
-sub B::OP::parent {
-    my $target = shift;
-    printf( "parent %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
-	    B::class( $target),
-	    $target->oldname,
-	    $$target )
-	if $DEBUG;
-    die "I'm not sure how to do this yet. I'm sure there is a way. If you know, please email me."
-        if (!$target->seq);
-    my (%deadend, $search_kids);
-    $search_kids = sub {
-        my $node = shift || return undef;
-	printf( "Searching from %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
-		class($node)||'?',
-		$node->oldname,
-		$$node )
-	    if $DEBUG;
-        # Go up a level if we've got stuck, and search (for the same
-        # $target) from a higher vantage point.
-        return $search->($node->parent) if exists $deadend{$node};
-        # Test the immediate children
-        return $node if scalar grep {$_ == $target} $node->kids;
-        # Recurse
-        my $x;
-        defined($x = $search->($_)) and return $x for $node->kids;
-        # Not in this subtree.
-        $deadend{$node}++;
-        return undef;
-   };
-   my $result;
-   my $start = $target;
-   $result = $search->($start) and return $result while $start = $start->next;
-   return $search->($start);
-=item C<< $op->previous >>
-Like C<< $op->next >>, but not quite.
-sub B::OP::previous {
-    my $target = shift;
-    my $start = $target;
-    my (%deadend, $search);
-    $search = sub {
-        my $node = shift || die;
-        return $search->(find_parent($node)) if exists $deadend{$node};
-        return $node if $node->{next}==$target;
-        # Recurse
-        my $x;
-        ($_->next == $target and return $_) for $node->kids;
-        defined($x = $search->($_)) and return $x for $node->{kids};
-        # Not in this subtree.
-        $deadend{$node}++;
-        return undef;
-   };
-   my $result;
-   $result = $search->($start) and return $result
-        while $start = $start->next;
-=item walkoptree_simple($op, \&callback, [$data])
-The C<B> module provides various functions to walk the op tree, but
-they're all rather difficult to use, requiring you to inject methods
-into the C<B::OP> class. This is a very simple op tree walker with
-more expected semantics.
-The &callback is called at each op with the op itself passed in as the
-first argument and any additional $data as the second.
-All the C<walk> functions set C<$B::Utils::file> and C<$B::Utils::line>
-to the appropriate values of file and line number in the program
-being examined.  Since only COPs contain this information it may be
-unavailable in the first few callback calls.
-our ($file, $line);
-# Make sure we reset $file and $line between runs.
-sub walkoptree_simple {
-    ($file, $line) = ('__none__', 0);
-    _walkoptree_simple(@_);
-sub _walkoptree_simple {
-    my ($op, $callback, $data) = @_;
-    ($file, $line) = ($op->file, $op->line) if $op->isa("B::COP");
-    $callback->($op,$data);
-    if ($$op && ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
-        my $kid;
-        for ($kid = $op->first; $$kid; $kid = $kid->sibling) {
-            _walkoptree_simple($kid, $callback, $data);
-        }
-    }
-=item walkoptree_filtered($op, \&filter, \&callback, [$data])
-This is much the same as C<walkoptree_simple>, but will only call the
-callback if the C<filter> returns true. The C<filter> is passed the 
-op in question as a parameter; the C<opgrep> function is fantastic 
-for building your own filters.
-sub walkoptree_filtered {
-    ($file, $line) = ('__none__', 0);
-    _walkoptree_filtered(@_);
-sub _walkoptree_filtered {
-    my ($op, $filter, $callback, $data) = @_;
-    ($file, $line) = ($op->file, $op->line) if $op->isa("B::COP");
-    $callback->($op,$data) if $filter->($op);
-    if ($$op && ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
-        my $kid;
-        for ($kid = $op->first; $$kid; $kid = $kid->sibling) {
-            _walkoptree_filtered($kid, $filter, $callback, $data);
-        }
-    }
-=item walkallops_simple(\&callback, [$data])
-This combines C<walkoptree_simple> with C<all_roots> and C<anon_subs>
-to examine every op in the program. C<$B::Utils::sub> is set to the
-subroutine name if you're in a subroutine, C<__MAIN__> if you're in
-the main program and C<__ANON__> if you're in an anonymous subroutine.
-our $sub;
-sub walkallops_simple {
-    my ($callback, $data) = @_;
-    _init();
-    for $sub (keys %roots) {
-        walkoptree_simple($roots{$sub}, $callback, $data);
-    }
-    $sub = "__ANON__";
-    for (@anon_subs) {
-        walkoptree_simple($_->{root}, $callback, $data);
-    }
-=item walkallops_filtered(\&filter, \&callback, [$data])
-Same as above, but filtered.
-sub walkallops_filtered {
-    my ($filter, $callback, $data) = @_;
-    _init();
-    for $sub (keys %roots) {
-        walkoptree_filtered($roots{$sub}, $filter, $callback, $data);
-    }
-    $sub = "__ANON__";
-    for (@anon_subs) {
-        walkoptree_filtered($_->{root}, $filter, $callback, $data);
-    }
-=item carp(@args) 
-=item croak(@args) 
-Warn and die, respectively, from the perspective of the position of the op in
-the program. Sounds complicated, but it's exactly the kind of error reporting
-you expect when you're grovelling through an op tree.
-sub _preparewarn {
-    my $args = join '', @_;
-    $args = "Something's wrong " unless $args;
-    $args .= " at $file line $line.\n" unless substr($args, length($args) -1) eq "\n";
-sub carp  (@) { CORE::warn(_preparewarn(@_)) }
-sub croak (@) { CORE::die(_preparewarn(@_)) }
-=item opgrep(\%conditions, @ops)
-Returns the ops which meet the given conditions. The conditions should be
-specified like this:
-    @barewords = opgrep(
-                        { name => "const", private => OPpCONST_BARE },
-                        @ops
-                       );
-You can specify alternation by giving an arrayref of values:
-    @svs = opgrep ( { name => ["padsv", "gvsv"] }, @ops)
-And you can specify inversion by making the first element of the arrayref
-a "!". (Hint: if you want to say "anything", say "not nothing": C<["!"]>)
-You may also specify the conditions to be matched in nearby ops.
-    walkallops_filtered(
-        sub { opgrep( {name => "exec", 
-                       next => {
-                                 name    => "nextstate",
-                                 sibling => { name => [qw(! exit warn die)] }
-                               }
-                      }, @_)},
-        sub { 
-              carp("Statement unlikely to be reached"); 
-              carp("\t(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
-        }
-    )
-Get that?
-Here are the things that can be tested:
-        name targ type seq flags private pmflags pmpermflags
-        first other last sibling next pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext
-sub opgrep {
-    my ($cref, @ops) = @_;
-    my %conds = %$cref;
-    my @rv = ();
-    OPLOOP: for my $o (grep defined, @ops) {
-        # First, let's skim off ops of the wrong type.
-        for my $type (qw(first other last pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext pmflags pmpermflags)) {
-            next OPLOOP if exists $conds{$type} and !$o->can($type);
-        }
-        for my $test (qw(name targ type seq flags private pmflags pmpermflags)) {
-            next unless exists $conds{$test};
-            next OPLOOP unless $o->can($test);
-            my @conds = ref $conds{$test} ? @{$conds{$test}} : $conds{$test};
-            if ($conds[0] eq "!") {
-                my @conds = @{$conds{$test}}; shift @conds;
-                next OPLOOP if grep {$o->$test eq $_} @conds;
-            } else {
-                next OPLOOP unless grep {$o->$test eq $_} @conds;
-            }
-        }
-        for my $neighbour (qw(first other last sibling next pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext)) {
-            next unless exists $conds{$neighbour};
-            # We know it can, because we tested that above
-            # Recurse, recurse!
-            next OPLOOP unless opgrep($conds{$neighbour}, $o->$neighbour);
-        }
-        push @rv, $o;
-    }
-    return @rv;
-package B::BUtils;
- at ISA = qw(B::Utils);
-=head2 EXPORT
-None by default.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Simon Cozens, C<simon at cpan.org>
-=head1 TODO
-I need to add more Fun Things, and possibly clean up some parts where
-the (previous/parent) algorithm has catastrophic cases, but it's more
-important to get this out right now than get it right.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<B>, L<B::Generate>.
diff --git a/lib/B/Module/Info.pm b/lib/B/Module/Info.pm
index 805ea79..067e4cd 100644
--- a/lib/B/Module/Info.pm
+++ b/lib/B/Module/Info.pm
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 package B::Module::Info;
-$VERSION = '0.24';
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = '0.35_07';
 use B;
-use B::BUtils qw(walkoptree_filtered walkoptree_simple
-                 opgrep all_roots);
+use B::Utils 0.27 qw(walkoptree_filtered walkoptree_simple
+                     opgrep all_roots);
 @B::Utils::bad_stashes = qw();  # give us everything.
+our ($Start, $End, $File, $CurCV);
 =head1 NAME
@@ -185,9 +188,16 @@ my %modes = (
 sub const_sv {
     my $op = shift;
-    my $sv = $op->sv if $op->can('sv');
+    my $sv;
+    if ($op->name eq 'method_named' && $op->can('meth_sv')) {
+        $sv = $op->meth_sv;
+    }
+    elsif ($op->can('sv')) {
+        $sv = $op->sv;
+    }
     # the constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
-    $sv = padval($op->targ) unless $$sv;
+    $sv = padval($op->targ) unless ref($sv) && $$sv;
     return $sv;
@@ -401,15 +411,19 @@ sub sub_check {
     # function call
     else {
-        my($name_op) = grep($_->name eq 'gv', @kids);
-        if( $name_op ) {
-            my $gv = gv_or_padgv($name_op);
+        my $gv_op;
+        my ($filename, $line) = ($B::Utils::file, $B::Utils::line);
+        walkoptree_simple($op,
+            sub { my $op = shift; $gv_op = $op if $op->name eq 'gv'; }
+        );
+        if ($gv_op) {
+            my $gv = gv_or_padgv($gv_op);
             printf "function call to %s at \"%s\" line %d\n", 
-              $gv->NAME, $B::Utils::file, $B::Utils::line;
+              $gv->NAME, $filename, $line;
         else {
             printf "function call using symbolic ref at \"%s\" line %d\n",
-              $B::Utils::file, $B::Utils::line;
+              $filename, $line;
diff --git a/lib/Module/Info.pm b/lib/Module/Info.pm
index b17abe4..6af8416 100644
--- a/lib/Module/Info.pm
+++ b/lib/Module/Info.pm
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
 package Module::Info;
+use 5.006;
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use File::Spec;
 use Config;
-require 5.004;
 my $has_version_pm = eval 'use version; 1';
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $AUTOLOAD);
-# quotes 'version' for 5.004
-$VERSION = eval 'use version; 1' ? 'version'->new('0.35') : '0.35';
+our $VERSION;
+$VERSION = eval 'use version; 1' ? 'version'->new('0.35_07') : '0.35_07';
diff --git a/t/Module-Info.t b/t/Module-Info.t
index f0ddaec..a1d88c8 100644
--- a/t/Module-Info.t
+++ b/t/Module-Info.t
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ use Config;
 my $has_version_pm = eval 'use version; 1';
 my $version_pm_VERSION = $has_version_pm ? 'version'->VERSION : 0;
-my $Mod_Info_VERSION = '0.35';
+my $Mod_Info_VERSION = '0.35_07';
 # 0.280 vith version.pm, 0.28 without, except for development versions
-my $Mod_Info_Pack_VERSION = !$has_version_pm             ? '0.35' :   # 0.3101
-         $has_version_pm && $version_pm_VERSION > '0.72' ? '0.35' :   # 0.3101
-                                                           '0.35';    # 0.310001
+my $Mod_Info_Pack_VERSION = !$has_version_pm             ? '0.3507' :   # 0.3101
+         $has_version_pm && $version_pm_VERSION > '0.72' ? '0.3507' :   # 0.3101
+                                                           '0.350007';  # 0.310001
 my @old5lib = defined $ENV{PERL5LIB} ? ($ENV{PERL5LIB}) : ();
 $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, 'blib/lib', @old5lib;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ SKIP: {
     my @mods = $mod_info->modules_used;
     my @expected = qw(strict File::Spec Config
-                      Carp IPC::Open3 vars Safe);
+                      Carp IPC::Open3 warnings Safe);
     push @expected, 'Exporter' if grep /^Exporter$/, @mods;
     # many old versions of these modules loaded the Exporter:
     is( @mods, @expected,    'Found all modules used' );
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ SKIP: {
     $module = Module::Info->new_from_file('t/lib/Bar.pm');
     @mods   = $module->modules_used;
+    @mods   = grep { $_ ne 'Win32' } @mods if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
     is( @mods, 3, 'modules_used with complex BEGIN block' );
     is_deeply( [sort @mods],
                [sort qw(Cwd Carp strict)] );
diff --git a/t/n1_modules_required.t b/t/n1_modules_required.t
index 9783d96..bb32699 100644
--- a/t/n1_modules_required.t
+++ b/t/n1_modules_required.t
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ SKIP: {
     skip "Only works on 5.6.1 and up.", 3 unless $] >= 5.006001;
     my %mods = $bar->modules_required;
+    delete $mods{Win32} if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
     is_deeply( [ sort keys %mods ], [ sort qw(Cwd strict Carp) ],
                "Got the correct modules" );
diff --git a/t/zy_pod_coverage.t b/t/zy_pod_coverage.t
index 03d3227..465af57 100644
--- a/t/zy_pod_coverage.t
+++ b/t/zy_pod_coverage.t
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+  unless ($ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) {
+    require Test::More;
+    Test::More::plan(skip_all => 'these tests are for release candidate testing');
+  }
 use strict;
 use Test::More;
 eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00";

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmodule-info-perl.git

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