[libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl] annotated tag 0.09 created (now be1cf94)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sat Oct 24 19:28:56 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag 0.09
in repository libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl.

        at  be1cf94   (tag)
   tagging  7e9c113df7e76c2009e9c48f9d4d3ca6c18bc690 (commit)
  replaces  0.07
 tagged by  Karen Etheridge
        on  Wed Mar 16 12:37:20 2011 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.09

Cory Watson (1):
      These are the words that I manifest.

Dave Rolsky (7):
      Code for forward compat with Moose 1.99+
      Add forward compat change
      Add release version and date
      bump version to 0.08
      Require Test::Fatal
      Changes for 0.09
      bump version to 0.09

Karen Etheridge (9):
      more robust testing of construction behaviour; labelled and counted tests
      new .gitignore file, stolen from Moose repo
      new tests for default behaviour, using classes in first test file
      rename t/attribute.t -> t/constructor.t -- more explanatory as to content
      comment update
      also test immutable classes using existing constructor and default classes --
      rename a variable, to make it more clear that we are not working with the Moose::Meta::Attribute object here, but the parameter name as passed to the constructor
      add note about current limitations of usage.
      Changes update, and add test dependency on Test::Fatal


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl.git

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