[libmoosex-configfromfile-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.14 created (now 1747571)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Oct 25 16:14:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.14
in repository libmoosex-configfromfile-perl.

        at  1747571   (tag)
   tagging  231a8e64c656296cbfc801352f93607150d53868 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.13
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sun Oct 25 17:04:44 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.14

Brandon L Black (3):
      new dist: MooseX::ConfigFromFile
      0.02, use default configfile

Chris Prather (2):
      fix bug reported by Strayph in #moose where a subclass would not inherit the Role behavior properly
      update ChangeLog

Karen Etheridge (81):
      convert all uses of Test::Exception to Test::Fatal.
      fix for RT#73325 - call the configfile default sub if it is a sub
      no need to coerce here - will happen automatically later on
      use OO syntax for handling subref
      Fixed docs to show how to override configfile. Also tests!
      apply Getopt trait if available
      remove shebangs; use warnings and Test::NoWarnings
      avoid shipping my todo file
      dunno if t0m is the main current maintainer anymore :)
      autogenerate README and LICENSE
      fix copyright date - was all garbled in licence
      release tests using Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage
      changelog for release
      these are automatically generated
      convert from Path::Class to Path::Tiny
      convert from Path::Class to Path::Tiny
      release commit for 0.06
      do not load MooseX::SimpleConfig unconditionally
      prep for release
      formatting of changelog
      handle configfile values of "0"
      convert to dist.ini
      make spelling tests pass
      avoid adding prereqs from tests
      make whitespace test pass
      reformat Changes file to pass tests, conform to [NextRelease] style
      add other contributors, in order of first commit
      make all warnings fatal in tests
      reuse common testing code in a base class
      pass configfile value through to new()
      new _get_default_configfile method, as the preferred way to set a default
      Merge branch 'rfm/nicer_method'
      remove silly test that does not show anything but adds more dependencies
      cull "requirements" used for compatibility tests
      add MooseX::SimpleConfig, MooseX::Getopt to recommendation list
      report on prereqs during automated testing
      update .gitignore for dzil byproducts
      we define our own get_config_from_file - MooseX::SimpleConfig is NOT needed!
      rename these classes to be more clear
      Avoid "Due to a method name conflict in roles..." errors
      $obj->new_with_config will cause the old configfile to be passed through
      bump prereq for MXTPT
      avoid cleaning dir after release - we have proper MANIFEST.SKIP and .gitignore entries anyway
      use warnings tester with fewer dependencies, issues
      do not let warnings kill an install
      switch to my pluginbundle, weaving pod and authors moved to contributors
      migrated repository to github moose organization
      tighten up .gitignore entries
      LICENSE copied to repo by my bundle
      MooseX::Getopt is unnecessary here
      [Test::ReportPrereqs] is now in the bundle
      add missing author prereqs
      add moose irc and mailing list to metadata
      add CONTRIBUTING file
      remove unnecessary use of Try::Tiny
      [-Encoding] no longer needed
      last shipped t/00-compile.t can hang on win32
      at long last, drop the use of fatal warnings in tests
      remove unneeded plugin
      ignore output product of plugin bundle
      now using [Git::Contributors]
      tighten up entries
      hardcode the distribution name in Changes, to reduce churn on each release
      canonicalize timestamps and drop ego lines
      use standard format for author
      set starting copyright year
      keep $VERSION right in the repo
      switch to my podweaver plugin bundle
      this option is the default now
      add a test that runs `moose-outdated`
      simplify the extraction of these prereqs
      this is a distribution eligible for static install
      add a placeholder .mailmap
      Changes entry for this release

Tomas Doran (11):
      Tidy up
      Add autoclean
      Add repository metadata
      Tart up docs
      Update README
      Version 0.03
      Update MANIFEST.SKIP for git
      Add built dists to .gitignore
      Skip MYMETA files
      Version 0.04

Yuval Kogman (2):
      demand Module::Install 0.75
      add error checking for the return value of get_config_from_file

Zbigniew Lukasiak (1):
      add contributor to metadata who was previously in acknowledgements

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.14


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmoosex-configfromfile-perl.git

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