[libmoosex-methodattributes-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.31 created (now b406f56)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Oct 25 16:53:43 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.31
in repository libmoosex-methodattributes-perl.
at b406f56 (tag)
tagging 998f184cd7ba3d7bfbb51e26294a18d350c978b2 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.29
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sun Oct 25 17:43:01 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.31
Dave Rolsky (2):
no more get_method_map
Use the modern MetaRole API to avoid warnings from the next Moose
David Steinbrunner (1):
typo fix
Florian Ragwitz (70):
Add .gitignore.
Add basic tests.
Add a meta class role to store attributes keyed by the address of the CVs.
Add role to capture attributes in the metaclass.
Add a method meta role with an attributes attribute, fetching values from the assciated metaclass.
Add sugar to set up the meta madness.
More tests.
Make attributes_for private.
Add some basic docs.
Ignore init_meta for pod coverage tests.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Class.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer.
Rename _attributes_for to _method_attribute_map.
Provide methods to access _method_attribute_map.
Use the metaclass methods to access _method_attribute_map.
Update documentation.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer.
Update .gitignore.
Doc fix.
Add dist.ini.
Add changelog.
Ignore a cpants generated file.
Test for getting attributes for wrapped methods.
Apply a role to the wrapped method metaclass to support getting attributes of wrapped methods.
Add tests for a way to apply all roles without explicitly using MooseX::MethodAttributes in every class.
Add a role that creates a metaclass for the caller and initializes it automatically.
Add a baseclass that allows inheriting the attribute handler and metaclass stuff.
Make inheritance tests saner.
Test inheriting attribute handlers if the baseclass already has a metaclass.
Apply our meta roles if the caller already has a metaclass without our role applied.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer::Inheritable.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Inheritable.
Consistent capitalisation in package abstracts.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::Wrapped.
Depend on Moose 0.70 for wrapped_method_metaclass_roles.
Add a MaybeWrapped method meta role that will apply the real meta role only if the original method had the attribute meta role.
Apply MaybeWrapped instead of Wrapped to the consumers wrapped method metaclass.
Docs for MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::MaybeWrapped.
Version 0.02.
Make all attributed meta methods implement _get_attributed_coderef.
Add and use a _method_attribute_list attribute to maintain the order of registered attribute methods.
Add get_method_with_attributes_list and get_all_methods_with_attributes.
Add tests for get_all_methods_with_attributes.
Docs for the new methods.
Meta methods that don't implement _get_attributed_coderef can't have attributes.
Version 0.03
Add tests for behaviour of get_all_methods_with_attributes and method modifiers.
Depend on an MX::Types with support for parameterisation.
Version 0.04.
Add t0m to authors.
Remove trailing whitespace.
Fix docs.
Merge commit 'bobtfish/master'
Depend on latest Moose to prevent metaclass incompatibility fail.
Version 0.11.
Revert "Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bobtfish/moosex-methodattributes"
Merge commit 'autarch/master'
Stop using the broken PodWeaver for now.
Version 0.16.
Add testcase for late metaclass reinitialisation losing methods.
Ref defaults need to be wrapped in subs.
Adapt to Moose changes turning composition_class_roles into a plain method.
Moose::Exporter already gives us strictures and warnings.
Port to @FLORA.
Version 0.21.
use English;
Merge remote branch 'autarch/master'
Version 0.24
Karen Etheridge (53):
switch to non-deprecated Prereqs plugin
copy (most) missing dzil configs from MooseX-Method-Signatures
Test Changes file; fix dates in changelog so they validate
RT#79385: import Carp::croak into the right package
fix repository metadata
this plugin is still broken
Merge pull request #1 from dsteinbrunner/patch-1
why use inheritance when we can use composition??!
use namespace::autoclean instead of clean
convert all uses of Test::Exception to Test::Fatal
remove unneeded use of FindBin
remove unneeded shebangs
the repository now lives at https://github.com/moose/MooseX-MethodAttributes
add moose irc and mailing list to metadata
eliminate these uses of eval
convert to my plugin bundle for more automation of release bits
canonicalize dates in Changes file
add missing prereqs and remove unneeded ones
make author, release tests pass
canonicalize contributor data
add starting copyright year
metacpan renders bullets better with -
document new podweaver options that include commented-out pod in situ
Pod::Weaver 4 now uses [-SingleEncoding]
tighten up entries
remove unnecessary plugin
now using [Git::Contributors]
add a test that runs `moose-outdated`
ignore more dotfiles
report the installed version of Catalyst when testing
keep $VERSION right in the repo
ensure namespaces are clean
remove unneeded entry
custom plugin name is not needed
hardcode the distribution name in Changes, to reduce churn on each release
use a more specific link
this Changes entry is silly and useless
capitalize abstract
switch to my podweaver plugin bundle
affirm that we work as far back as Moose itself does
this option is the default
this plugin is no longer in my bundle
use AutoPrereqs
this is a distribution eligible for static install
shorten these entries
weave pod surgically
Changes entry for this release
increment $VERSION after 0.30 release
resolve issues with boolean overload handling in 5.8.x
Marcus Ramberg (2):
Failing test for attrs
Failing test for attrs
Peter E Karman (1):
tests showing fail for overriding methods with no attributes.
Tomas Doran (49):
That was added
Factor all the metaclass twiddling logic back into the init_meta method. Step 1
More refacoring, fix bug in original
Add more debugging in anon class test
Stubs for combination
A bit more working
Add empty application roles for the other type of application - most of the role meta role functionality to move into these. or Application.pm.
All working. Ugly as sin, but working nontheless
Fix parameterized roles
Make a generic role application role and use it, hopefully I can factor some crap out into this. This is going to painful as I need to support -traits => 'MethodAttributes'
Add notes to tests
Merge branch 'master' into role_combination2
Fix test for retarded reason
Better test name
Small doc tweaks
Use the generic application role so that I can get rid of the disgusting cross package method insanity.
Move the _copy_attributes method into the apropriate role, kill the full package spec and check for it doing the right roles, not if it supports the method
Nuke another explicit call by moving code
Remove the useless classes. We have to support everything on the basis of just being a metarole trait so I can't split things up more than this
Same modifier, abstract
Write a more sensible test
Factor out apply modifier into common code
Bump versions
Additional POD
New dev release for ::SimpleLogin
Bump version
Fix bugs
Add test for conflict detection working
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rafl/moosex-methodattributes
Deal correctly with both old and new Moose
Remove obsolete TODO
Bump versions
Remove my hideous hack after autarch++ fixed Moose in cf600c8
Bump required Moose version
Bump versions
Fix issue with role composition onto subclasses.
use style;
Version 0.22
Bump dep to fix RT#58406
Trim whitespace
Version 0.23
create classes, rather than just initializing metaclasses. Fixes test fails
Note that this test passes on newer Moose
Version 0.25
Add explicit return true
Version 0.26
Tomas Doran (t0m) (23):
Failing test from register_actions smokes
And fix test
Make the two sub classes not the same, still enough to cause fail
Clean up
Fix tests, moose seemingly doesn't inherit your method metaclass from the parent class. This is fairly shit, and probably needs fixing in Moose, but this change makes shit work now :)
Changelogging, needs real testing before release
Finish changelog
Test for crappy error message if you get immutable wrong from maros
Add test for role composition behavior when unattributed method is already present on the class you are composing into
Method exclusion and aliasing don't work. I don't care about this right now for controllers, so I've made it die, and there are tests there for when someone wants to make it work right ;)
Changelog and bump version, this is good enough to release IMO
Document that excluding and aliasing methods doesn't work
Passing test for composing 2 roles onto a class individually
And compose those roles together, and oh - look, it fails...
Fix test in some cases, and check MRO is as we expect
Changelog, release
New release time. I'm happy role combination stuff works for all my crap, and we need the dep bump
TODO out test
Bump dependencies to be more correct
Clean up test
Hopefully fix the issue
Version 0.27
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.31
t0m (69):
Fix normal inherited test by doing the metarole before the extends, at compile time, as the docs for metarole say you should
Prep for release
Trivial test functions work. modifier tests, and calling via ->body to come
Rename this, it was stupidly named and confused the hell out of me
More passing tests for calling stuff
Make the test pass. This is more correct, but I have no idea if this solves the real problem, or not
I think thats what we want for Catalyst...
Bump version
I'm a little more happy with that method name, but not much.
Helps if you do the rename everywhere
Changelogging fail, idiot
This is what catalyst does when you use the new method, which fails..
That stops everything exploding
Tests showing how its all borked
There is the proof that we have to force the metaclasses everywhere, it just doen't work otherwise
Fix get_nearest_methods_with_attributes to do what I really meant
EPIC FAIL unless you directly apply the metastuff yourself
Bump version for a release, this at least fixes some bugs and can be used in trunk..
Add crap which nearly passes
Remove all the crapola and warnings, make tests not TODO
Rename test to make more sense
Bump version, but don't release yet till I've tested
Eeek, not having the right metaclass in the right place makes it explode
Yay! More horrific apply the roles all the bloody time style hacking, and it works in cases where you have only modifiers in a subclass
Remove crap
More tests, this doesn't seem to work in Cat, but does work here
Changelog for release, I don't have any more tuits right now,and this is better than it was
Fix having a meta method in a use base subclass.
Bump version for release
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bobtfish/moosex-methodattributes
Factor the map out, and make a start on a role meta role for doing the appropriate thing with attributes
Add some fail showing that applying the role to a plain class doesn't give you the right metaclass and etc
Make things a little less fail. Methods now get into the role with the right metaclass, and they're copied out of the role with the right metaclass
Make the tests pass when role is composed onto a class, woo - this may actually be enough to make Catalyst work..
Clean up tests
Merge tests
modifiers are fairly borked..
Additional tests for role support
No need to meddle unless we have to
And make all of the role tests pass.
Fix so that you don't have to explicitly apply the attrcontainer role in a BEGIN block yourself
Clean up test suite, fix incorrectly failing test
Add some basic POD
TODO file - needs more tests before Role support can be considered 100% solid
Going to do a dev release of this.
Fix warning from test
Kinda got roles consuming other roles working, a bit..
Refactor and expand text
Fix bugs in tests
Test that our class gains the appropriate magic to introspect the methods with attributes by dint of composing the role
Remove debug warnings
Changelogging - role into role composition now appears to work, although it could do with more tests
Add support for use Moose::Role -traits => 'MethodAttributes'; which is, at least in my view, acceptably nice syntax.
Changelog for another dev release
Add failing tests from aCiD2 who actually tried to use the new roles crap in real code..
Fix tests. Over enthusiasm with Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaclass_roles breaks shit, film at 11
Heh, I broke it if your class didn't already know about method attributes. That's what I get for not even reading the entire body of the method I'm patching, and/or not having small enough methods..
Changelog and update dist.ini
Add Test::More and Test::Exception for RT#4639[56]
Bump version and changelog
Add failing tests
Fix bugs
Documentation and comment tweaks
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bobtfish/moosex-methodattributes
More tests and correctly skipping/todo tests for multiple roles
Adjust the way that we were handing the application hook to be slightly more elegant, but also add horrific hackery for anon classes. Win some, lose some. EPIC block comment about the fail and lose
Changelog, bump versions as I'm about to release 0.14_01
No new revisions were added by this update.
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