[libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.17 created (now 89aada4)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Oct 25 17:10:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.17
in repository libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl.
at 89aada4 (tag)
tagging b4facd9666be0c777ec5153d0dea58aeb234d5ad (commit)
replaces upstream/0.15
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sun Oct 25 18:04:37 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.17
Dave Rolsky (17):
Use new MetaRole API
Add a basic Makefile.PL so we can compile and run tests easily from a git checkout
Fix comment typo
Add more build cruft to .gitignore
There's no need to call init_meta - just pass the metaroles to Moose::Exporter
Add a "=for stopwords" directive
Prune the repo Makefile.PL
Update all tests to use Test::More 0.96, Test::Warnings, and done_testing()
Make all changes entries start with caps to match older entries
Ignore WithOverloading.bs file
Fix total failure to work in some cases with Perl 5.18+
Add a .travis.yml file
Ignore ^MyRole for AutoPrereqs
Fix spelling test failure
Remove explicit copyright_year from dist.ini
Merge pull request #2 from moose/autarch/5.18-fixes
Florian Ragwitz (58):
Add .gitignore.
Add basic tests.
Reexport Moose::Role.
Add metaclass role.
Rename Class to SomeClass for easier stash dumping.
Don't use the accessor method directly for stringification. It'd look like calling a setter.
More tests.
Implement overload composing when applying roles to classes.
No need to use Sub::Identify.
Port to application_to_class_class_roles.
Add tests for combining overloaded roles.
Add tests for application to instances.
Name test files more reasonably.
Factor out overload mangling into a role.
Add a ToInstance application role.
Add a ToRole application role.
Apply all role application class roles.
Add a stub for a RoleSummation role application.
Add tests for role combination.
Add a role for composite metaroles to apply our summation application role.
Add a meta role to hook our composition role in.
Apply our meta role, so we get called back on rolesummation applications.
Add tests for applying a combined role to an instance.
Add test for applying a combined role to a role.
Factor out overload application to its own method.
Add an application role for composite roles.
Add roles for applying composite roles to classes, roles and instances.
Apply special application roles to the generated composite role.
We don't even need custom role summation.
Use the "for" version of apply_metaclass_roles, when we have a metaclass around anyway.
no symbolic refs. kthx.
Try clarifying some of the magic bits.
Some more clarifications.
We already built the code symbol for the overloading op.
Minor simplification.
Adapt to the current state of the role_application_hooks branch in moose.
Slightly reword the docs.
Dammit rjbs! Get me a working PodWeaver!
Version 0.01.
Fix missing dependency on MooseX::Types (Closes: RT#50386).
Version 0.02.
Reset overloading magic in the references after reblessing an instance.
Pass the interpreter context to S_reset_amagic.
Exclude reset_amagic from pod coverage testing.
Version 0.03.
Specify prototype behaviour.
Depend on Test::More 0.88 for done_testing.
Version 0.04.
Make the xs bootstrapping work when being generated with new Dist::Zillas.
Add abstracts to all modules.
Disable workaround for old Moose versions.
Specify required Test::More version in tests.
Port to @FLORA.
Version 0.06.
Version 0.07
Really fix all uses of old MetaRole API
Version 0.08
Version 0.09
Jesse Luehrs (1):
need to use get_or_add here
Karen Etheridge (67):
lots more tests, and meta goodness
remove dependency on FindBin
ignore WithOverloading.c
plan an exact number of tests
test for (lack of) warnings
next release comes from ether's repository
namespace::clean is also used directly
RT#69313 - bump dep on namespace::autoclean
[NextRelease] requires a {{$NEXT}} directive in Changes
reformat old Changes entries to match new
tighten up what is ignored
fix failures in 5.17.* (thanks doy!)
libintl-perl still refuses to build on darwin
tighten up entries
add starting copyright year to metadata, pod
use standard datetime formats
doc wording improvement
switch to my plugin bundle
new Test::CleanNamespaces will tolerate this dist
canonical repository now lives at https://github.com/moose/MooseX-Role-WithOverloading
Merge pull request #1 from moose/autarch/no-need-for-init-meta
remove unneeded Pod::Coverage directive
changelog for #1
shorter way to ensure recent Test::CleanNamespaces is used
add keywords to metadata
do not try to package our placeholder Makefile.PL
test fails: remaining imports: { 'init_meta' => 'Moose::Exporter::__ANON__' }
Revert "Prune the repo Makefile.PL"
Revert "Remove explicit copyright_year from dist.ini"
Revert "Fix spelling test failure"
we can still test namespaces, but just skip this one module for now
this file is ancient; remove it
now using [Git::Contributors]
Moose 2.1211 now installs its subs with Sub::Name
newer namespace::autoclean can work near overloads
remove unneeded library
disable this module in the presence of Moose 2.1300, which has all of it in core
add a placeholder .mailmap
proactively adjust code so overload::nil can become _nil, if desired (see RT#122748)
run ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Dist::Zilla::Develop out of inc/, so contributors don't have to install it
Makefile.PL is already excluded by the bundle
make had-no-warnings tests author only, to avoid surprise failures when upstream things change
remove prereqs that are only used if Moose < 2.1300
explicitly declare start of pod
remove pod from internal packages
add official deprecation notice
keep $VERSION in repo version of module
[Test::CleanNamespaces] is now provided by my plugin bundle
ignore new EUMM artifacts
sort these entries
add a TODO file
declare necessary plugin as an authordep
keep track of this failure
for travis testing only - also report version of Pod::Coverage
use a more specific link
Use Travis container infrastructure
hardcode the distribution name in Changes, to reduce churn on each release
these are now handled by my bundle
switch to my podweaver plugin bundle
affirm that we work as far back as Moose itself does
need nc 0.19 to get the version that uses non-deprecated Package::Stash interfaces
Tomas Doran (11):
Add additional docs
Change from for to for_class
Merge commit 'rafl/master'
Require Moose version with the features needed, require new autoclean which doesn't warn
Work correctlywith new Moose versions
Bump versions
Fix bug causing attributes to be nuked
Remove use of MooseX::Types, as it's only used in this one place
Version 0.10
Fix dependency issues from AutoPrereqs. RT#81145
Version 0.11
Tomas Doran (t0m) (1):
Add dist.ini, start POD stubs
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.17
No new revisions were added by this update.
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