[libmoosex-types-uri-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.08 created (now 7675be4)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Oct 25 21:45:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.08
in repository libmoosex-types-uri-perl.

        at  7675be4   (tag)
   tagging  18cd0d8fbd809675a0cba6f767d96dbe26e43b33 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.07
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sun Oct 25 22:36:57 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.08

Daniel Pittman (2):
      Use MooseX::Types type declarators in the type coercions.
      Coerce from additional MooseX::Types::Path::Class types.

Florian Ragwitz (6):
      Add changelog.
      Add .gitignore.
      Exclude git files from MANIFEST.
      Fix repo url.
      Version 0.02.
      Version 0.03

Karen Etheridge (46):
      build with Dist::Zilla
      remove unneeded shebangs
      canonicalize dates in Changes file
      add moose irc and mailing list to metadata
      switch to namespace::autoclean
      clean namespaces test
      weave types as their own section
      make release tests pass
      Merge commit '1a5dd4d01cafc22b6b4cac0e98de13d0ae09219b'
      changelog for RT#69476
      reuse objects across calls
      gotta have a plan
      Pod::Weaver 4 now has -SingleEncoding
      clean up use of bullets, for better metacpan rendering
      make fully-qualified type names work again
      bring back VERSION section in pod
      bring back namespace::autoclean and clean namespaces test, using fix in new MooseX::Types
      ensure namespaces are set up properly
      run moose-outdated in tests
      Merge pull request #1 from dolmen/refactor/load-dynamic
      switch to clean namespaces plugin
      author-specific warning tests requires a develop prereq
      tighten up entries
      report on this version - some may be buggy?
      add some keywords to metadata
      we only need one copy of this test :p
      add missing develop prereq
      add missing (conditional) prereq
      add a placeholder .mailmap
      hardcode the distribution name in Changes, to reduce churn on each release
      remove fatalized warnings
      now using [Git::Contributors]
      this option is the default now
      keep $VERSION right in the repo
      customize the clean namespaces test for MooseX::Types
      affirm that we work as far back as Moose itself does
      switch to my podweaver plugin bundle
      custom plugin name is not needed
      tighten up these imports
      this is a distribution eligible for static install
      remove unneeded lib include

MORIYA Masaki (gardejo) (1):
      Fix coercion from HashRef.

Olivier Mengué (6):
      dzil: s/CheckBreaks/Test::CheckBreaks/
      Load URI::file dynamicly, when used
      Load URI::FromHash dynamically, if used
      Load URI::data dynamically, when used
      Update Changes
      dzil: Add URI::data as an explicit dependency

Shawn M Moore (1):
      For Moose >= 2.0100, specify inline_as instead of optimized

Yuval Kogman (13):
      DataUri is actually a class_type
      coercions are on Uri, not _Uri
      coercion tests
      commit forgotten test case
      - Create branch 0.01

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.08


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmoosex-types-uri-perl.git

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