[libgtk3-perl] annotated tag debian/0.025-1 created (now 538b0d9)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 26 15:01:50 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.025-1
in repository libgtk3-perl.

        at  538b0d9   (tag)
   tagging  ec703547781345186d1dda9e1bcb9eb8b0c23e9f (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.025
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Mon Oct 26 16:01:32 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libgtk3-perl version debian/0.025-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Salvatore Bonaccorso (6):
      Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git://anonscm.debian.org)
      update changelog
      Change search.cpan.org based URIs to metacpan.org based URIs
      update changelog
      Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend
      update changelog

gregor herrmann (19):
      debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies.
      update changelog
      debian/rules: set HOME for tests to a writable directory.
      releasing package libgtk3-perl version 0.015-2
      Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs.
      update changelog
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.017'
      New upstream release.
      Refresh 0001-Use-a-temporary-directory-as-HOME.patch.
      Update years of upstream copyright.
      releasing package libgtk3-perl version 0.017-1
      (Build-) depend on libglib-object-introspection-perl >= 0.024.
      releasing package libgtk3-perl version 0.017-2
      Add debian/upstream/metadata
      Update debian/changelog
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.025'
      Update debian/changelog
      fix email in d/u/metadata
      releasing package libgtk3-perl version 0.025-1

intrigeri (66):
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.003'
      Initial Debian packaging.
      Prevent local $GTK_MODULES environment variable from tainting the build.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.004'
      Update copyright and license information.
      Releasing libgtk3-perl (0.004-1).
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.005'
      Add dependency on libcairo-gobject-perl.
      Disable test that needs Glib that was not released yet.
      Releasing libgtk3-perl (0.005-1) to Debian unstable.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.006'
      Reflected dependencies updated upstream.
      Drop 0001-Disable-test-that-needs-Glib-that-was-not-released-y.patch.
      Releasing libgtk3-perl (0.006-1) to Debian unstable
      Cherry-pick upstream commit ffd7da017: Add an override for Gtk3::show_about_dialog.
      Releasing libgtk3-perl (0.006-2) to Debian unstable.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.007'
      Drop obsolete 0001-Add-an-override-for-Gtk3-show_about_dialog.patch (was cherry-picked from upstream).
      libgtk3-perl (0.007-1) experimental
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.008'
      Version dependency on libglib-object-introspection-perl (>= 0.012).
      libgtk3-perl (0.008-1) experimental
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.011'
      Update {build-,}dependency on libglib-object-introspection-perl to >= 0.015.
      Take into account upstream bumped copyright years.
      Bump our own copyright years.
      Declare compatibility with Standards-Version 3.9.4.
      libgtk3-perl (0.011-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.012'
      libgtk3-perl (0.012-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.013'
      Bump dependency on libglib-object-introspection-perl to >= 0.016.
      libgtk3-perl (0.013-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.014'
      libgtk3-perl (0.014-1)
      New patch: 0001-Use-a-temporary-directory-as-HOME.patch (Closes: #724103).
      libgtk3-perl (0.014-1)
      Mark patch as forwarded.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.015'
      Declare compliance with Standards-Version 3.9.5.
      Add a Lintian override for debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature.
      Add versioned dependency on perl-modules (>= 5.13.4) | libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.96).
      Refresh Debian patches.
      libgtk3-perl (0.015-1)
      Use "perl" instead of "perl-modules" for versioned dependency.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.016'
      libgtk3-perl (0.016-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.018'
      Declare compliance with Standards-Version 3.9.6 (no change needed).
      libgtk3-perl (0.018-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.021' into experimental
      Bump upstream's and debian/* copyright years.
      0001-Use-a-temporary-directory-as-HOME.patch: fix DEP-3 header syntax.
      Refresh quilt patches.
      libgtk3-perl (0.021-1) experimental
      libgtk3-perl (0.021-2)
      Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
      Update debian/changelog.
      0002-Support-gdk-pixbuf-2.31.3-that-reverted-some-annotat.patch: new patch, that adds support for gdk-pixbuf >= 2.31.3, which reverted some annotation changes that came with 2.31.2 (Closes: #786604).
      Fix grammar in long description.
      Include the name of the main module in long description.
      libgtk3-perl (0.021-3)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.023'
      Update debian/changelog.
      Drop 0002-Support-gdk-pixbuf-2.31.3-that-reverted-some-annotat.patch: merged upstream.
      libgtk3-perl (0.023-1)


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  8c50d0d   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  d0a978d   Update debian/changelog
       new  dcff4e2   Merge tag 'upstream/0.025'
       new  78d3008   Update debian/changelog
       new  91ade0d   fix email in d/u/metadata
       new  ec70354   releasing package libgtk3-perl version 0.025-1

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libgtk3-perl.git

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