[libtest-class-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.50 created (now 59724c0)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 26 16:47:43 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.50
in repository libtest-class-perl.
at 59724c0 (tag)
tagging a490d631659b577b5bc814b98e47ef63ff9439f8 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.47
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Mon Oct 26 17:35:56 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.50
Adrian Howard (40):
Removed yanick's code from master, preserved in yanick code so I can figure
Fixed - the automatic update from Build.PL got confused by the lack of a
Remove things that I prefer Build.PL to generate from the repo
Added the following to .gitignore
... and we ignore blib/ too
Now covered in the standard xt tests
Move our author tests to xt like the rest of the world
Looks in xt for the perlcriticrc
_get_methods now defined in a scalar context - just in case :-)
Added date to changes & acknowledged Curtis & Mark :-)
updated version number - since this is apparently how we roll now
we ignore generated README file
We ignore generated Makefile.PL
Don't put git stuff in the manifest
added README back in - just for github
added missing documention stub
Added missing docs for add_filter()
Updated README & Changes
another update
new readme including add_filter()
more stuff todo
Fixed RT#64470: minor documentation error in Test::Class::Load
removed a bunch of tabs that sneaked in from somewhere
- Fixed RT#39266: Test::Class with Package::Alias
more acks
Added in fail_if_returned_early() patch from https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=56636
Check that our early returns work okay with test methods than run more than one test
Add the class/method to the test failure description when we return early
updated changes file
Fixed RT#64268: dying in setup does not skip rest of test
clarified exception docs
some more things to think about
ignore generated files
updated changes file
fixed readme
ignore generated meta file
credit where credit is due
README generated - so don't need in repo
Merge pull request #2 from schwern/bug/TB1.5
0.39 release
Alexandr Ciornii (3):
Build.bat is generated on Windows
die-in-setup.t will work on Windows when run with Build test
typo (RT#70334)
Chad Granum (2):
Fix things to work with Test::Stream
Revert "Fix things to work with Test::Stream"
Curtis Poe (8):
Add files to synch with 0.34.
Merge 0.34 changes from CPAN.
Report class name when extra tests are found.
Add dates (from backpan timestamps) to Changes. Fix RT#45581
Updated from docs.
Add repository information.
Altereed by Build.PL, not manually.
Fix rt#55324. Make TC pass with new Test::Simple.
Karen Etheridge (35):
fix bad handling of exceptions that are false after being chomped, or stringify to false
Merge pull request #11 from karenetheridge/topic/exception_handling
add missing prereqs (core now, but who can say about the future?)
tighter entries
ignore my .ackrc
prep for 0.42 release
Merge pull request #13 from kentfredric/master
no need to commit a license - it is generated
bump version to 0.43
changelog for 0.43
fix typo in die message
declare MB in configure_requires
add missing date from last release
Merge branch 'pull-12'
ignore more build artifacts
changelog for PR#12
prep for release of 0.44
tests fail on Test::More 0.98* and 0.99; pass on 1.001002
prep for release of 0.45
fix test to accomodate alternate directory separates e.g. on win32
prep for release of 0.46
fix typo (closes #15)
changelog for PR#17, PR#18
bump version to 0.47
remove unnecessary ;
commit changes from 0.48 release
Merge commit 'ca749808562b01864a1b516ee0de43c195fd082c'
add Changes entries for PR#19, #20, #21
Changes entry for PR#22
bump $VERSION to 0.50
Changes entry for PR#27
switch from Module::Build to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
add some metadata
tighten up MANIFEST.SKIP
release 0.50
Kent Fredric (1):
use test_requires instead of build_requires for test deps
Klaus S. Madsen (1):
Run teardown even if test method dies
Matthew Horsfall (3):
Detect bad version of Test::Builder and require higher if present.
POD - Add commas to make sentences easier to comprehend
POD - Update note about support for running individual tests
Michael G. Schwern (3):
Repair Test::Class for Test::Builder1.5
Fix tests for the new TAP version header and minor format changes.
Fix t/skip2.t for Test::Builder1.5.
Ovid (7):
Merge pull request #3 from chorny/master
Bump the version number to 0.38.
Merge pull request #1 from skington/master
Update changes to mention doc patch
Merge pull request #20 from tvroom/docs-see-also-related-modules
Merge pull request #19 from tvroom/docs-tutorial-links
Merge pull request #21 from tvroom/docs-see-also-module-users
Peter Sergeant (1):
Extra diagnostic message for the careless traveller
Ricardo Signes (3):
bump and unify versions, changelog
update release date
prep next release
Sam Kington (1):
Documentation clarification.
Tim Vroom (3):
List additional modules that use Test::Class in their test-suite
Add references to some additional related modules in SEE ALSO
Add links to Ovid's tutorial series of articles on Test::Class
Zefram (1):
update test expectations for Test::Simple 0.99
adrianh (77):
Added back the Test-Class project I accidentally deleted
* Removed broken SKIP_CLASS change so we can finally get back to some active development
Removed signature tests
Moved all the developer/author tests under t/developer
Put the POD inline with the code
Added documentation for Test::Class::MethodInfo
Now do not rely on hard coded test output
Added acknowledgements
added some more acknowledgements
ASCIIfy the text to avoid sillyness
Added Test::Class::Load
Fixed some broken POD example
Added Ovid's TEST_METHOD hack
Tidied up POD and removed Cwd from prerequiistes
Test::Load now works on Windows
added more modules that use Test::Class to SEE ALSO
Now works okay with test deep
Added spelling checking testst and fixed some typos
Added some references to Test::Class::Load in the main POD
Added a bunch of modules that use Test::Class
Renamed test name to test description in code and POD
Added references to some books that talk about Test::Class
Added reference to Perl Journal article on Test::Class
Removed UNIVERSAL::isa
... and actually documented the last chaneg
removed old incomplete money example
removed old dodgy examples
added tada todo list
removed old basetes module
Removed more dodgy examples
Added references to Test::Object and Test::Block
Added dumps of the outstanding RT bugs so I can look at them offline
Named the release
Added spelling.t to the manifest
Sensible error message if you override new() badly
Removed some done stuff
We now give more useful error messages if Test::Class is loaded too late
Newline after die - nobody cares what line we die on
We now get told the class and method in the diagnostics
Added some tests for startup/shutdown plan math
Check that we deal with undef being passed as a Test::Class properly
No longer throw a warning if we're asked to find the number of tests
Removed pointless $SEP
Fixed bogus wrapping of Test::Builder::ok
Moved POD under Perl code, and removed extra use strict
Now only add directories to @INC once
Prep for 0.22
Tidied up test libs and code a little
Added _has_no_tests
++ becomes a legal regex in blead perl - patched test
* Prep for 0.23 release
Fixed dependency on Test::Simple
Tweaked spelling test to use ispell
Stopped Contextual::Return::Value throwing warnings when loaded
oops - forgot to add test
TEST_METHOD now runs setup, teardown, startup and shutdown methods okay
No longer hardcode test filename in tests - use $0 instead
Added ack
Make tests create the filename in the same was as T::B - hopefully...
More platform specific path tests
Fixed some doc mistakes
Added Jim Brandt to acks
Downgrade dependencies for Debian
Updated changelog
Made the minimum perl declaration work with old Perls
Fixed typo in docs
Updated version
updated acks
Now allow filters in Test::Class::Load
eeked up test coverage
Fixed acks
Upped the dependency on Test:;Simnple
Downgraded IO::File dependancy to 1.09 (RT#38424)
Removed pointless use of Test::Exception in t/bad-autoloads.
This should be a dev release.
Added add_testinfo
Added stuff from yanik - figure it out later
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.50
makk384 (4):
Added method of filtering out tests to run.
negate the filter tests, so that returning false from a filter will remove
Merge branch 'makk384_filter'
updated version
No new revisions were added by this update.
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