[libweb-simple-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.031 created (now 4ffd615)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 26 19:11:28 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.031
in repository libweb-simple-perl.
at 4ffd615 (tag)
tagging ae88dd8fd1d01458ba01b0737ebf0cb572082231 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.030
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Mon Oct 26 20:04:23 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.031
Andrew Rodland (4):
Allow dots in path matchers, so that sub (/foo.html) works
Update Changes
Contributorize me!
Fix match parsing with perl 5.8.8
Arthur Axel 'fREW' Schmidt (23):
fix obvious errors in dispatchex
fix some really basic doc
examples, and rearrangement
wrap tests in blocks and a failing tests for ?foo=
Merge branch 'master' of catagits at git.shadowcat.co.uk:Web-Simple
super basic tests for CSS::Declare, also dep
CSS::Declare works with arrays instead of arrayrefs
Look how dumb I am
better test for unimporting
add lots of CSS properties (http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/indexdot/css/propindex/all.htm)
new html tag list from http://www.quackit.com/html_5/tags/
Merge branch 'css_declare'
changes for css_declare
switch to Syntax::Keyword::Gather
tests for html escaping (jnareb)
fix my silly example fails
release 0.003
release 0.004, hide Plack bits from PAUSE
test POST splat
fix silly typo
document method name style
add Changes
Chris Nehren (1):
Release commit for 0.017
Christian Walde (42):
Test::Plack returns the response, no need for gyrations
make it easier to breakpoint into the request
_dispatch is now more explicit about what it does
elsif christmas tree is back, but hidden away
removed some duplication
added failing todo test for empty dispatch prototype
enable matching of empty string specs
fixed a few spaces
more spacing fixes
updated contributor list
simplified synopsis and created deployment pod
trimmed some trailing spaces
ported tests to make use of run_test_request
trimmed some trailing spaces
added some documentation of DispatchNode
NAME in the makefile needs to be a module name or it breaks in Carton
added a test file that puts Web::Dispatch's coverage at 100%
[sub{ }] can now be returned by a route to be used for streaming
removed frankensteining remnant
all query body parameters are now decoded from UTF8 to Perl's text string format to allow proper UTF8 processing (regexes, etc.)
added plack server deployment example
stopped XML::Tags from throwing bareword warnings
allow subdispatch to apply even when the url has no trailing slash
allow matching of empty path with the spec ~
the ... part of '/foo...' should match ONLY empty string or something starting with /
added match_true and match_false
updated Changes
actually pull in weaken from Scalar::Util
fixed CGI detection under mod_cgid
test + changes for CGI detection under mod_cgid
test to check cached multipart bodies and arrayification
ignore cover_db
consolidate tests for invalid psgi responses
add test for to_app-less object as invalid psgi response, completing coverage of Web::Dispatch::call
add a test for trying to dispatch on a pair of WD::Matcher and non-sub
allow passing either psgi app, or application object to Web::Dispatch
refactor _construct_node to reduce code duplication
stick DispatchNode comments to the appropiate code
disassemble DispatchNode since Dispatch.pm can now differentiate between dispatch app and object
allow dispatching to a method name as a string instead of a sub
fix a memory leak introduced by 1f8cad5e5a1875de94d63ac91d8ded4d2282c62e
de-proto the examples
Danijel Tasov (1):
document [ sub {} ]
Devin Austin (2):
added mst's fix to ParamParser for Content-type stuffs
updated Changelog
Graham Knop (4):
stop trying to load module that doesn't exist anymore
clean up Web::Simple::Role pod
remove version bumping make targets and let distar handle it
remove realclean from Makefile.PL and let Distar handle it
Hakim Cassimally (1):
Jakub Narebski (7):
t/tags.t: Test of automatic escaping of user data
t/tags.t: Test that XML processing instruction (<?xml ... ?>) works
t/tags.t: Test that Document Type Declaration (DTD or doctype) works
t/tags.t: Test escaping of attributes more extensively
Fix escaping of '"' in XML::Tags::to_xml_string
t/tags.t: HTML tags which conflict with Perl built-ins ok
t/tags.t: HTML comments ok
John Napiorkowski (20):
$self no longer automatically in scope, fixing test
updated testcase for new code
correct usages of PSGI_ENV
fixed test to use new way to init dispatch
fixing test example case
typo correction
corrected filter example
moved around history stuff so that readers get to the coder info faster
minor tweaks
filled out more docs
documentation for WSA to get started
documentation corrections and updates
fix for response_filter regression and matching test
changes after mst code review
predicates are objects
first draft of http methods, with a test case
changed the regexp to not use perl 5.14isms and improve backward compatibility for the tests
the "word" path part regex only allows singular period characters
added a test case for various matching behaviors
doc patch for '/foo...'
Josh McMichael (1):
fixed url path segment match regex so that trailing slashes in /path/info/ + query string disptaches match properly; added tests for /path/info/ + query string dispatches
Justin Hunter (2):
fix doc typo
bump copyright
Karen Etheridge (37):
some doc cleanup
minor doc updates
add header
minor wording improvements
ignore dist build dirs
script to bump version, as from strictures
clean more things with "realclean"
doc fix - RT#96509
changelog for next release
bump version
Release commit for 0.024
give attribution for leak fix
fix test that was planning twice
declare minimum perl version, meta resources; add missing prereq declarations
make bump
Release commit for 0.025
Revert "declare minimum perl version, meta resources; add missing prereq declarations"
re-specify minimum perl version, add some metadata
specify prereqs in META and move them to PREREQ_PM, *_REQUIRES conditional on EUMM version
Changelog for Makefile.PL fix
add back in the prereqs from 0.025, minus bad ones
bump version to 0.026_001
Release commit for 0.026_001
always specify a base prereq for EUMM
drop mention of strict and warnings in prereqs - they are core only since at least 5.6
bump version to 0.027
Release commit for 0.027
set minimum required version of perl to 5.6 (let's see what the smokers think)
set proper Exporter prereq; base no longer used
remove unneeded prereqs: in core, or brought in via Moo and Plack
make bump
Release commit for 0.028
changelog for metadata
a bit more meta munging for older EUMM
make bump
Release commit for 0.029
fix example typo (thanks, BooK!)
Kjetil Kjernsmo (1):
ENV -> PSGI_ENV in docs; Bump version
Mateu X Hunter (3):
correct POD on ** match
Add inner ** test
Correct syntax in synopsis
Matt Phillips (1):
minor doc update
Matt S Trout (184):
first cut of XML::Tags
basic HTML tags
make XML::Tags return scalarrefs
add sanitize sub
cleanup glob override
cleanup to _set_glob function
comment this up the arseholes
add test files
rename sanitize to to_xml_string, add to_html_string
dispatch parser
switch to + separated for sections
first cut of Web-Simple
sketch test showing output
use overload::constant to escape attributes within <foo ...>
switch to map as a collection method - thanks to jnthn (and good luck with rakudo vistar, mate ...)
fix nascent bug in bloggery.cgi
path tweaks and shebang line
add presentation files from ipw 2009
I R RETARD. fix 500 errors
perl bloggery.cgi / runs get request
add ** to capture unlimited path parts
default default_config method
first chunk o' docs
switched to Web::Simple::Dispatcher
start of dispatch strategy docs
more dispatch strategy documentation
add %INC entry setting to Web::Simple import() method
add return so code doesn't explode after use
more renaming and cleanup
implement | dispatch combinator
test three combination |
implement ()
nesting error message
implement !
document new dispatcher features
/foo/*/... syntax
explain dispatch subroutine more
simple param parser
first cut of query/body parsing, no body support, no tests
working query parameter handling
change filter_response to response_filter in the places I got it wrong
first cut at body matching
switch dispatch [] to dispatch {}
implement ?:foo syntax and make ?foo positional
amend post.t to work with new body parsing rules
POD cleanup, extended warning and changes section
nuke rogue Data::Dumper::Concise invocation
dist files
add as_psgi_app and make run_if_script return it for plackup
update Changes
fix Application.pm to handle empty sub protos correctly
sub {} == undef proto, sub () {} == '' proto
remove erroneous dispatch test
add hello-world.cgi example as file
changes line for 0.002 and bump version in Web/Simple.pm
skeleton BUILDALL support
experimentally expose psgi $env as $_[ENV]
rename ENV to PSGI_ENV (*ENV is forced into main::)
don't duplicate the PSGI_ENV
skeleton CLI support
make Class->as_psgi_app only call ->new once
squelch 'used only once' warnings
pass ARGV to _run_cli to enable testing
Support 'use Web::Simple;' to default to current package
factor dispatch parser out
make non-/-terminated path matches allow an extension
factor dispatcher out into Web::Dispatch
switch to Moo
as_psgi_app becomes to_psgi_app, factor dispatcher sugar out into Web::Dispatch::Wrapper
document disappearance of magic $self global
return to $self by following the upgrade instructions in the docs
update docs
fix config handling, finish porting bloggery, safer exporting
hello-world.cgi works again
change non-matching example since the old version would now match
improve Application.pm docs
handle strings as well as prototypes
refactor dispatch some more
factor out match_not
cleanup match_ usage
factor out and simplify param parsing logic
isolate param matching in Predicates
0.005 release commit
cleanup test code and support non-GET requests
Make Web::Dispatch return [$cv] as $cv to allow subref responses
avoid undef errors blowing out XML::Tags
fix environment changes within subdispatch and arrange for middleware to uplevel correctly
convert to Distar
update Changes
bump version
Release commit for 0.006
note in changes we need another release due to an indexing problem
bump version
Release commit for 0.007
Release commit for 0.008
add Antiquated Perl slides as POD, delete takahashi code
change Web::Simple::Application to refer to Web::Simple for author+copyright
tweak Antiquated Perl copyright to 'same as perl'.
auto-fetch Distar
add *.* and **.* dispatch patterns
output status+headers to STDERR in CLI mode
clean up newline handling for cli mode output
Assume FastCGI mode if STDIN is a socket (works some places env vars fail)
update Plack usage
experimental upload support
eliminate HTTP::Request::AsCGI in favour of Plack::Test
rename things in an attempt to gain slightly more clarity
remove the bit of doc saying we don't do uploads
bump version
Release commit for 0.009
add comment to _to_try for dispatch strategy
POD fix from gregoa of the debian team
factor out run_test_request method
maintain $env->{Web::Dispatch.original_env} for ParamParser to cache in
document and changelog run_test_request
bump version
Release commit for 0.010
include .pod files from lib/
update Changes
remove header because why did I even do that?
bump version
Release commit for 0.011
bump version
Release commit for 0.012
bump version for release
allow headers on CLI calls
test fixup
basic named path part matching
brief docs for path matches
better docs for the CLI code
bump version dep on Moo because it's probably a good idea
version bump for release
Release commit for 0.014
fix per-application memory leak
bump version
Release commit for 0.015
changelog weaken fix
bump version
Release commit for 0.016
revert to 1;
basic authorization support for run_test_request and CLI
clean up arg handling
changelog dots in parameter names
bump version
add golf example
Release commit for 0.018
de-experimental uploads
add %_ setting
expand DispatchNode comment
remove an extra mention of uploads being experimental
bump version
Release commit for 0.019
bump version
I'm an idiot
Release commit for 0.020
expand ParamParser comment so nobody breaks it again
handle ) as last character of composite spec
fixup changes
missing CONTRIBUTORS entry for osfameron
missing CONTRIBUTORS entry for ether
bump version
Release commit for 0.021
changelog fix
bump version
Release commit for 0.022
changelog that I fucked up a release
bump version
Release commit for 0.023
remove erroneous XML::Tags prereq
bump version
Release commit for 0.026
remove use of 'use base'
make dispatch_misc.t handle Plack's MockHTTP's on error behaviour changing
bump version
Release commit for 0.030
can(undef) on 5.8.x blows up, work around it
handle empty query parameters
mention doc changes
bump missed version in Role.pm
Bumping version to 0.031
Release commit for 0.031
Peter Rabbitson (2):
Correct erroneous $^H bitsetting cargocult which originated in autobox
Robert Sedlacek (3):
allow parameter names to contain dots
added myself (phaylon) to contributors
documented named argument access via %_
Robin Edwards (1):
adapted to take dashes
Thomas Sibley (2):
Test that (GET+/foo)|(POST+/foo) works
Correct location of git repository, s/p5sagits/catagits/
Tomas Doran (1):
Add .gitignore
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.031
markie (1):
switch to using Plack, add FCGI support, use Plack::Test instead of HTTP::Request::AsCGI
nperez (2):
Document ENV feature
Add failing test for ENV feature
No new revisions were added by this update.
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