[libclass-tiny-perl] branch master updated (e4c842d -> 09392d9)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Oct 31 17:06:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libclass-tiny-perl.

      from  e4c842d   New upstream release, ready for review
      adds  7d1cf4c   initial import
      adds  6661ea7   Initial crude implementation
      adds  cae449e   add mro/MRO::Compat
      adds  8a93cd9   add META and README
      adds  a013b48   tidy
      adds  a335288   typo
      adds  2c2c1a9   validate accessors across superclasses
      adds  9a558c3   croak instead of die if accessors can't be set up
      adds  7e0235a   write initial documentation
      adds  aeb0585   allow custom accessors without 'redefined' warnings
      adds  2978604   tidy
      adds  dd16a6c   add support for BUILD methods
      adds  3bbb1e8   add support for DEMOLISH
      adds  19ca51a   make import a NOP for subclasses
      adds  bdbc12c   tidy up code
      adds  a39e26a   updated documentation and meta
      adds  f9dc951   improve documentation and fix up perl critic complaints
      adds  9d71efc   more tidying
      adds  21852f6   only avoid accessor generation if sub is defined in class, not superclass
      adds  6e1b915   doc tweaks
      adds  7d46fdd   remove test prerequisites
      adds  44a8579   minor optimization
      adds  cd3b34a   bump Changes
      adds  bf84de6   optimization: reduce memory usage of %CLASS_ATTRIBUTES
      adds  9526fa1   update Changes and META
      adds  d298895   Affirm there are no non-core prereqs
      adds  26e92b1   affirm core prereqs against v5.18
      adds  9882901   bump Changes
      adds  03a9604   DWIM on `use Class::Tiny "foo"; use Class::Tiny "bar"`
      adds  31fa14f   updated Changes and meta
      adds  0a325ca   bump Changes
      adds  8113cc4   update OnlyCorePrereqs to 0.003 and use 'current' as target
      adds  59c41c6   split out base class into Class::Tiny::Object
      adds  ca4de78   pass global destruction flag to DEMOLISH methods
      adds  37540c7   pass constructor arguments to BUILD
      adds  27e88d6   add attribute introspection
      adds  6a97cda   perltidy
      adds  17a5d77   pod coverage stopword
      adds  0b54c23   validate args after BUILD; allow BUILD to hide args
      adds  32d8460   relax argument validation and use heuristic instead
      adds  4a2b645   fix documentation around use of Class::Tiny::Object
      adds  18a353f   refactored import() into prepare_class and create_attributes
      adds  f3bac2d   drop a non-core test dep and fix docs
      adds  cefda6e   optimize global destruction check
      adds  d66d724   updated Changes
      adds  0edb306   document prepare_class and create_attributes
      adds  d6160f0   add mst as contributor
      adds  5c83fea   set up mailmap for contributors
      adds  0b1429d   typo fix
      adds  cd5d905   bump Changes
      adds  afc5430   implement lazy defaults
      adds  4b7dee4   improved documentation
      adds  a020ec5   update Changes and meta; fixed typos
      adds  d49b007   golf SLOCCOUNT under 100 again
      adds  9b20811   bump Changes
      adds  b4fe277   bump @DAGOLDEN prereq and restore Test::Compile
      adds  f045354   fixed TOBYINK email address in mailmap
      adds  efdb4af   add introspection for attribute defaults
      adds  682755c   fix and test introspection for attribute overrides
      adds  b61130e   revised Class::Tiny vs other modules rationale in docs
      adds  20549c0   Minor optimization of import()
      adds  808e836   perltidy
      adds  73af15b   add .local.vimrc to tidy code on write
      adds  e6f260c   revise rationale text further
      adds  12e5ff5   more rationale revisions
      adds  e4926de   bump Changes
      adds  13bd5c3   optimize accessors without defaults
      adds  9131332   optimize constructors/destructors
      adds  0bd37c1   cache a lot of @ISA and method checks
      adds  202906f   update dist.ini and support files
      adds  7809b92   document internal caching
      adds  21c9231   shut up Perl::Critic
      adds  8af2d20   bump Changes
      adds  a085a1a   update CONTRIBUTING
      adds  1eb07bb   refactor optimization code into a single precaching method
      adds  1f1a40d   updated Changes
      adds  41889b4   add perltidyrc
      adds  e29b859   make precache method a private sub instead
      adds  67e66d4   require newer dzil bundle that fixes META.yml encoding
      adds  e02c05a   bump Changes
      adds  931c59e   fix won't stay shared bug
      adds  d05971b   bump Changes
      adds  a918073   Suppress used once warnings
      adds  3848583   bump Changes
      adds  868ab75   update cpanfile and Changes
      adds  d891e1f   update support files
      adds  dbf9d5f   bump Changes
      adds  963c9fc   Added tests for multiple inheritance.
      adds  ab6c7ef   document issues related to multiple inheritance and subclassing
      adds  46a7089   update cpanfile for different dzil plugin dependencies
      adds  2e2d729   updated Changes
      adds  446f7ba   bump Changes
      adds  e15f2a8   add .travis.yml
      adds  7ab36d4   fix Gelu's name/email in .mailmap
      adds  3cd38e1   update cpanfile with develop prereqs
      adds  7684d73   expanded comparison to Object::Tiny and Class::Accessor
      adds  030fbc2   remove no warnings 'once'
      adds  edabc9b   bump Changes
      adds  f10d651   Silence "used only once" warnings for BUILD and DEMOLISH
      adds  b3b0df1   updated Changes
      adds  f459037   bump Changes
      adds  a6c2b22   typo
      adds  4ddd124   s/use 5.008001/use 5.006/g
      adds  cd3ef80   use haarg's perl-travis-helper
      adds  dfb8ea9   v0.015
      adds  e9d9d5d   bump Changes
      adds  143cdef   simplify travis setup
      adds  d8ba8f1   another attempt at getting travis working on 5.6.2
      adds  9963f8a   add more prereq to travis setup
      adds  e3aed4c   fix .travis.yml for change to travis helper
      adds  a954d95   Add support for __no_BUILD__ constructor argument
      adds  5cab2ad   Change constructor behavior: permissive and non-polluting
      adds  c414226   updated Changes with Incompatible Changes note
      adds  1a3417d   Document using BUILD for required attribute checks
      adds  04ffcfc   updated cpanfile
      adds  ed700bb   v1.000
      adds  8f320c6   bump Changes
      adds  4c16d60   modernize repo files; add VERSION assignments and Makefile.PL
      adds  6767eab   add support for BUILDALL and BUILDARGS
      adds  46994f6   update Makefile.PL in repo
      adds  e66d892   Update Makefile.PL
      adds  299d4c6   After release: bump $VERSION and timestamp Changes
      adds  12e0f9a   Allow subclasses of Class::Tiny to override sub generation
      adds  a624cba   updated Makefile.PL
      adds  83b8d54   Update .travis.yml
      adds  5817712   Update Makefile.PL
      adds  15c0b13   After release: bump $VERSION and timestamp Changes
      adds  5b3d05b   Drop 5.6.2 from .travis.yml
      adds  b810426   Update Changes
      adds  9d879af   Imported Upstream version 1.004
       new  1de1820   Merge tag 'upstream/1.004'
       new  7d032df   Update debian/changelog
       new  721663a   Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
       new  09392d9   releasing package libclass-tiny-perl version 1.004-1

The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                               | 11 +++++++++
 MANIFEST                              |  8 +++---
 META.json                             | 22 ++++++++++-------
 META.yml                              | 14 +++++------
 Makefile.PL                           | 13 +++-------
 README                                |  6 ++---
 cpanfile                              |  4 +++
 debian/changelog                      |  8 ++++++
 debian/compat                         |  2 +-
 debian/control                        |  2 +-
 lib/Class/Tiny.pm                     | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 t/00-report-prereqs.dd                |  6 ++++-
 t/00-report-prereqs.t                 |  2 +-
 xt/author/00-compile.t                |  9 ++++---
 xt/{release => author}/pod-coverage.t |  0
 xt/author/pod-spell.t                 |  6 ++---
 xt/{release => author}/pod-syntax.t   |  1 +
 xt/{release => author}/test-version.t | 10 +++++---
 18 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
 rename xt/{release => author}/pod-coverage.t (100%)
 rename xt/{release => author}/pod-syntax.t (84%)
 rename xt/{release => author}/test-version.t (59%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libclass-tiny-perl.git

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