[libgraph-readwrite-perl] annotated tag upstream/2.08 created (now 61302de)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Oct 31 17:57:13 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.08
in repository libgraph-readwrite-perl.

        at  61302de   (tag)
   tagging  9422a76287e3f7ea870c46b97365f64faa09bd24 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.07
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sat Oct 31 18:52:46 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.08

Mohammad S Anwar (1):
      - Fixed the link for "Graph" in the "SEE ALSO" section of the pod document of the package Graph::Reader::HTK.

Neil Bowers (39):
      initial import of Graph-ReadWrite 1.00 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.01 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.02 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.03 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.04 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.05 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.06 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 1.07 from CPAN
      import Graph-ReadWrite 2.00 from CPAN
      renamed ChangeLog to Changes, which is the standard these days
      Reformatted as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
      Updated version number and removed CVS Id tag
      Deleted META.yml as it's auto generated by make dist
      was renamed to Changes
      Changed calls to File::Compare::compare() to run in 'text mode' by adding a -1 argument. Suggested by Max, commenting on the bug in RT. bug #56642
      bugfix: was calling wrong method name on self, confused it with name of a method on Graph
      Fixed bug where calling wrong method name on Graph::Reader::XML
      Tidied up formatting, dropped CVS Id, bumped version ready for next release
      Changed ChangeLog to Changes and dropped META.yml
      tidied up formatting, made sure all modules use strict and warnings, and fixed the resulting warnings :-)
      Split out the Parse::Yapp driver code, as PAUSE wouldn't let me upload code that switched into a package I don't have permission. Good PAUSE.
      Added AUTHOR, ABSTRACT and resources entries, to provide betta meta
      Added parent, File::Compare and Carp as pre-reqs
      bumped version to 2.03 to match distribution
      bumped version of all modules to match dist
      Added license type
      Bumped version for release
      Switched to meta spec v2
      specified min version of perl as 5.6.0
      Added ExtUtils::MakeMaker to CONFIGURE_REQUIRES
      Fixed random test fails due to hash randomisation
      bumped version of all modules to 2.05
      Made all module version numbers the same
      Merge pull request #2 from Manwar/MANWAR-minor-pod-document-fix
      Made entries in SEE ALSO be links
      Added a Graph::ReadWrite module to match the dist name
      Updated version in Makefile.PL and set it in Graph::ReadWrite
      Switched to Dist::Zilla
      Removed a spurious =back from Graph::ReadWrite -- RT#106063

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 2.08


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libgraph-readwrite-perl.git

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