[libdata-dpath-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.55 created (now 5bd78f8)
Lucas Kanashiro
kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 21 01:11:31 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
kanashiro-guest pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.55
in repository libdata-dpath-perl.
at 5bd78f8 (tag)
tagging 15c43483c0970a278cdcaf2a032af44f019bd173 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.54
tagged by Lucas Kanashiro
on Sun Sep 20 21:23:42 2015 -0300
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.55
Version: GnuPG v1
Alexei Znamensky (1):
small optimizations
David Schmidt (3):
doc fix
doc fix: use 'my' consistently
fixed Filters link in POD
Doug Bell (1):
upgrade to aliased 0.33 to fix warning on perl 5.21
Florian Ragwitz (12):
Turn op_match into a method.
Make dpath() unavailable as a method.
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
Give class methods a signature that reflects that they are.
Convert subs to methods.
Depend on MX::M::S 0.16 for non-scalar method arguments.
Use the clean keyword instead of namespace::clean.
Clean helper functions from the namespaces.
Use the dirty trait to shut up clean warnings.
Remove boilerplate tests.
Update docs.
Avoid clobbering $_
Kent Fredric (1):
Make sure feature.pm is only test.recommends, as is optional before 5.10
Lucas Kanashiro (2):
Fix spelling error in manpage
Imported Upstream version 0.55
Steffen Schwigon (475):
- restart from scratch
- more ideas noted
- experiments with data iterator modules
- experiments with Data::Traverse
- experiments with references
- new ::Path and ::Context classes
- Moose'ified trivial start
- test suite as spec
- Changes -> ChangeLog
- test suite, documentation
- distribution maintenance
- jump onto MooseX::Declare
- code cleanup
- ::Path also with MooseX::Declare
- start a trivial path splitting, unfinished
- splitting into steps
- better step creation, lazy now works
- first shot on executing a hash-only path
- first paths working, according tests report OK
- parent handling ".."
- more complicated test data
- better PARENT tests
- changelog
- synopsis, perl 5.010 dependency
- dependencies MooseX::(Declare,Method::Signatures)
- ompletely switch to MooseX::Declare with some work-arounds
- more subtle test cases
- micro fix in comments
- git repository in README
- repository uri in pod
- use Sub::Exporter to export
- uniq results if found by many paths, plus test
- depndency cleanup
- no longer extend Exporter, since we are on Sub::Exporter
- switch Module::Build to Module::Install
- distribution maintenance
- inc/ not in git
- license minor fixes, gitignore & friends
- not in git
- SYNOPSIS finetuning
- prototype for dpath foear even less parens
- experiments to overload smart match
- try balanced path part parsing with more quoting
- nearly ok balanced expressions
- documentation fixes
- better tokenizing, can now slashes inside quotes "DD / DD"
- fixed splitting path+filter on non-quoted keys
- some documentation on paths and special characters
- backslash handling
- $VERSION inside class
- document backslash handling and general DPath syntax
- fix number of backslashes in doc
- cleanup tokenizer
- cleanup algorithm, really!
- Plug in another tokenizer which can do most of the final DPath language
- tests for the tokenizer with really strange path
- allow different quotes for easier mixing
- overloaded '~~' and tests
- SYNOPSIS and POD for '~~'
- old code deleted
- another #TODO test idea how to match keys by regex
- tighter SYNOPSIS
- documentation (for unimplemented features, yes, but to design what I want)
- idea collection in TODO tests
- Perlish isa usage in path stress tests
- some iterator experiments, useless
- path tests for steps consisting of just filters
- just experiments
- dependencies to Data::Visitor (latest, just for me :-)
- documentation, evne when unimplemented
- example how to run Data::Visitor for fun and profit
- step KEY only uses hashes, rest ignored
- implement and test '//' ('ANYWHERE')
- even more tight SYNOPSIS
- README no longer tied to DPath docs (was too verbose)
- test for successive ANYWHEREs
- fix forgotten deref arrayref
- debug msg
- unleash working tests
- test successive ANYWHEREs
- more multistep ANYWHERE tests
- implemented first filter: [int] -> array index
- corrected test
- unleash working tests for FILTER int + new ones
- *sigh*, we can no longer use MooseX::Declare
- allow /KEY[int] in contrast to /KEY/*[int]
- comments and docs
- ANYSTEP also adds single values, not only sub arrays
- unleash working test and better TODO hints
- don't ignore README
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- dependencies to fixed versions down the dep queue
- back to MooseX::Declare since it's bug fixed
- experiments for a better '//'
- cleanup
- cleanup
- new sub for '//' with better parent handling
- adjust '//' tests to new result order
- robust against '..' goes too up
- debug output
- test for combination '//..', only half working
- test working sub prototype left on ~~
- on the road to filter expressions, not yet working
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- fix plain ANYWHERE // to also return SCALAR values
- vertical alignment
- whitespace
- whitespace
- fix pod coverage
- given/when --> if/elsif in eval filters
- back to given/when
- internal suite meta information for testing
- allow negative indexes
- yet another index test
- filter with negative int tests
- too high or too negative index filter tests
- cut debug output and whitespace indenting
- big Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick for more correct filter scope
- tests for int filter un-TODO'ed
- more test cleanup
- fix forgotten 5.10
- skip private suite meta if not available
- more concise filter code
- cleanup debug output
- fix missing require for filters and report errors
- fix clash with builtin: index -> idx
- un-todo and fix test suite
- fix whitespace in filters
- allow size in filters + tests
- tests combinations of ANYSTEP(*) with "size" filters
- ChangeLog for release
- deprecated comments deleted
- pod coverage
- new filter function "key" giving current element key if hash
- no uninitialized warnings, as that's normal
- indenting
- tests for new filter function "key"
- test for cyclic structures, needs to be skipped yet
- new filter function "value"
- test for filter function "value"
- more tests for filter function "value"
- SYNOPSIS and ChangeLog
- doc fixes
- TODO tests for better filter recognition (not yet working)
- version bump for release
- tests for negative array indexes
- version bump for CPAN indexer
- fix doc, where it's now no longer not yet implemented
- more docs
- more tests with size and version bump for release
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- package statements to help CPAN indexer
- old idea collection deleted, already implemented
- Use Scalar::Util::reftype instead of ref.
- Provide "reftype" and "isa" filter functions
- docs + changelog + version bump
- Fix missing dependency to Test::Deep
- (c) 2009
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- doc improvements
- quoted special chars (*, //, ..) now work as keys
- ChangeLog
- minor pod special char fixes
- v0.09 for cpan upload
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- dummy to test
- clean away the debug prints, they became unpractically in the meantime
- small idea collection after review
- version bump, should become a release, will it really?
micro git experiment
- new step "NOSTEP" with single dot /./
- tests for NOSTEP /./
- some test cleanup
- auxiliary debug filter function
- docs: describe NOSTEP /./
- tests for chained filters on NOSTEPs
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- yet another NOSTEP test
- documentation, "why not XPath"
- test for empty keys in hashes and paths
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
a todo file with ideas
todo: thinking about ancestor/preceding semantics
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- raised dependencies to current MooseX level
Allow returning of references to matched points in original data structure.
document "dpathr" for getting references
some tests for "dpathr"
changelog for 0.12 with "dpathr"
ignore NYTProf output in git
ignore NYTProf output in MANIFEST
more tests for "dpathr"
remove obsolete comment
some dpathr tests
aggregated tests for time measurements
SEE ALSO section
comparison matrix against Data::Path
changelog for 0.13
skip commutative test for ~~ as it is no longer in 5.10.1+
fixed tests that relied on ~~ being commutative
more "no longer commutative ~~" docs cleanup
Attack warnings in smartmatch with undefined $_
Attack warnings in smartmatch with undefined $_ on all fronts
more or less output
more comparison Data::(Path vs. DPath)
changelog and cleanup for 0.14
ups, even more cleanup
skip with count
#!perl -T --> #! /usr/bin/env perl
security warning about contained eval
more correct dpathr handling
benchmark tests
dependencies for benchmarking
finetune tests with matching filters
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
- introduce additional attributes on points
- locally provide current point to filter functions
- provide attribs{key} to values of hash keys
- filter function key() now provides the key under which the value is associated
- fixed test suite to new key() semantics
- just a linebreak
- path semantics to apply filters to '/' now clear - fixed test
- provide attribs{key} to values of hash keys also in ANYSTEP
- provide attribs{key} to values of hash keys also in KEY
silly debug output cleaned up
- document new key() filter function behaviour
- add type constraints to Point
- new tests for more attribs{key} in NOSTEP and KEY
- make synopsis more clear
- fix docs/examples for filters
- new tests for filter function size()
- version++ and changelog for CPAN
- allow slashes in filter expressions
- activate tests for filter expressions with slashes
- explicit tests for handling slashes in filter expressions
- just a collection of tests during development
- fix docs that avoided "/" in filter expressions, now it just uses them
- tests now use "/" in filter expression with extreme prejudice
- version++ and changelog for CPAN
- migrate from extract_bracketed to extract_codeblock
- test hardcore perl code in filter expressions
- version++ and changelog
only clean namespace if not in debugger
hm, experiments with conditional clean
I plan to use aliased.pm
Docs: difference between /step[filter] vs. /step/.[filter] +vs. /step/*[filter]
Speed Optimization: in "//" look ahead to following key if possible
clean is back
clean is back
Speed Optimization: aggressively remove type constraints
Speed Optimization: convert array usage into arrayref usage
CPAN release v0.20
Speed Optimization: migrate to Object::Tiny::rw for data containers
Speed Optimization: exchange Moose with Object::Tiny::rw
Fix indenting
Cleanup code by using no strict 'refs' and no warnings 'uninitialized'
use Object::Tiny::RW instead of ::rw
Prepare for v0.21 CPAN release, changelog, version++
pod coverage an skip test::aggregate
changelog micro fix
switch from Object::Tiny::RW to Class::XSAccessor
Speed Optimization: now even use Class::XSAccessor::Array for the next 10% speed
use constants
Speed Optimization: save a reftype call
drop useless defined check since no strict refs
Merge branch 'xsaccessorarray' into xs+reftype
Merge branch 'constants' into xs+reftype+constants
use aliased.pm
use ref instead of reftype (does not work for blessed data)
small profiled enhancements
Merge branch 'xs+reftype+constants_aliased' into xs+reftype+constants_aliased_ref
more reftype replaced by ref, still prototype, not working for blessed data
the "defined" checks were actually a Good Thing for speed
the "defined" checks were a Good Thing for speed
Fix path tests for now must use accessors, no internal hash keys
Merge branch 'xs+reftype+constants_aliased' into xs+reftype+constants_aliased_ref
optimze the optimization: first try fast ref, then reftype
more tests that trigger ref vs. reftype bugs
Tests for strange behaviour
Speed Optimization: only check ref in _any
back to style without repeating code
prepare changelog
remove redundant operator test
require Perl 5.10 and smartmatch overload only when available
backported test suite for Perl 5.8 with most of the tests
drop useless test
Perl 5.8: say -> print; ~~ -> ->match()
Incompatible cleanup: filter functions now only with exact one form
Perl 5.8 dependencies, and testsuite fixed.
document is_reftype()
Merge branch 'perl5.8'
no debug output
fix ChangeLog for 0.30
v0.31 just to fix docs and changelog of rather incomplete 0.30
describe array semantics more verbose
declare perl version
no more skip on DPATH_BENCHMARK=1 as we are in xt/ anyway
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
version 0.32 with dependency to Text::Balanced declared
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
test case for regression around //KEY optimization
fix regression test
(hopefully) temporarily deactivate //KEY optimization
I don't know, some progress output...
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
fix //KEY optimization regression
tests more aggregate friendly
Prepare CPAN release 0.33
solve some CPAN testing issues, new release 0.34
add missing ChangeLog for 0.34
fix stupid perl version checking in tests
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
distro maintenance
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
track size of benchmark data structure
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:renormalist/data-dpath
micro optimization
more readable internal data structure
New axis ::ancestor
use done_testing() for tests
tests for new ::ancestor axis
New axis ::ancestor-or-self
Code AEsthetics
tests for new ::ancestor-or-self axis
optimization idea comment
factor out ::ancestor
factor out ::ancestor-or-self
factor out .. (parent)
factor out . (nostep)
factor out * (anystep)
factor out /key
factor out // (anywhere)
factor out / (root)
drop optimization hint
rename select methods
Code AEsthetics
tests and data for benchmarking
Prepare CPAN release, changelog, version++
don't distribute xt/
document new axes
test for quoted '::ancestor'
more verbose variable name
ignore uninitialized
Introduce Iterator style context usage
at least some minimalistic docs
prepare cpan release, changelog, version
Iterator API harmonization
Example for iterator style in Synopsis
Access to actual values
API cleanup
Documentation cleanup after API rework
Encapsulate attributes with own class
Document Iterator Style usage
Code cleanup
Test for iterators
Cleanup docs
Cleanup tests
version++, dependencies++
implicit author tests
fix regression with optimization and blessed ARRAYs
reduced test to only needed data
partitionize arrays
test for array partitionize
slightly more elegant partitioning
Tests polish
Tests with bitset TAP-DOMs + cleanup
fully qualified constants in test
restrict filter expressions to Perl core ops via Safe.pm
deps++ and document usage of Safe.pm
changelog with Safe.pm changes
re-enable author test with unsafe debug expressions
(c) dates++
unittests for lost 0/undef hash values
fix lost 0/undef hash values
Fix the fix: use ref directly
dependency Safe.pm++
version++ and changelog
fix bug with dpathr()
Disney patch
un-TODO now working test
resurrect big-data benchmark
test for reference juggling with dpathr()
un-TODO now working 5.8.* tests
fix 'earlier declaration' warning
make reference tests 5.8 clean
Code Æsthetics
fix wrong changelog
docs: hint to more slowness with Safe
Speed improvement
benchmark without Safe.pm
allow too many parent(/..) steps
less diagnostics
add test for anomaly
cleanup regression test
handle uninitialized warnings in no-Safe.pm-eval
fix RT#68882 - value() filter function working odd
simplify value() filter function
RT#68882 test cleanup
version++, ChangeLog
version++, for future release
Make xt/alltest.t output benchmark numbers
for the alltest benchmark don't use Safe
micro fix skip message
xt/alltest.t now uses TAP v13
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/russoz/master'
RT#69042 - use Sys::CPU to figure nr of processors
depend on Safe 2.30
fix POD violations
What did you, see old man? -- Dist::jira ... Dist::jira.
rename ChangeLog
dependency to Safe.pm 2.30
deactivated unused parallelization support
fix whitespace
documentation cleanup
no more static_version in dist.ini
changelog more like CPAN::Changes::Spec
fix links to related modules
relax dependency to Safe 2.30
use Test::TAPv13 in tests
Merge pull request #1 from pdl/master
[FIX] tests to work with Perl 5.17.6+
_any() saves a dereference
Merge pull request #5 from preaction/master
git ignore nytprof files
docs: describe XPath-like attribute access
Speed optimizations
more details in latest changelog
Merge pull request #3 from davewood/master
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kentfredric/data-dpath into kentfredric-master
Merge branch 'kentfredric-master'
skip NYTProf files in dist
no import from POSIX
separate function '_all' into getting refs and deref
provide empty line for dzil VERSION tweaking
rt#106515: provide separate function 'match' and 'matchr'
test: for new matchr() function
Gna, confusing typo in ChangeLog...
pdl (1):
POD Fix lib/Data/Dpath.pm
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