[libsendmail-milter-perl] 04/20: Merge commit 'upstream/0.50'

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 27 18:32:52 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/1.0-1
in repository libsendmail-milter-perl.

commit de9e1045a0fde0b80bd60e23bf0cb8a9d15b8257
Merge: 5b989fe 9803bb1
Author: Hilko Bengen <bengen at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 22 14:43:28 2009 +0200

    Merge commit 'upstream/0.50'

 Changes                                         |   53 +
 MANIFEST                                        |   83 +-
 META.yml                                        |   23 +-
 README                                          |    2 +-
 bin/regclassnames.pl                            |   19 +-
 bin/regcompare.pl                               | 1027 +++++++++++++++++++
 bin/regdiff.pl                                  |   18 +-
 bin/regdump.pl                                  |   67 +-
 bin/regexport.pl                                |   21 +-
 bin/regfind.pl                                  |   38 +-
 bin/regmultidiff.pl                             |  154 +++
 bin/regscan.pl                                  |   60 +-
 bin/regsecurity.pl                              |   55 +
 bin/regshell.pl                                 |  246 +++++
 bin/regstats.pl                                 |    6 +-
 bin/regtimeline.pl                              |   34 +-
 bin/regtree.pl                                  |   41 +-
 bin/regview.pl                                  | 1005 +++++++++++++++----
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry.pm                      | 1195 +++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Base.pm                 | 1090 ++++++++++++++++++--
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Entry.pm                |   89 ++
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/File.pm                 |   24 +
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Key.pm                  |  114 ++-
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Value.pm                |   45 +-
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Win95/Entry.pm          |   77 +-
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Win95/File.pm           |  230 +++--
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Win95/Key.pm            |  449 +++------
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/Win95/Value.pm          |  133 ++-
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/Entry.pm          |  168 ++--
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/File.pm           |  196 ++--
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/Hbin.pm           |  160 +++
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/Key.pm            |  327 +++---
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/Security.pm       |  181 ++++
 lib/Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/Value.pm          |  164 ++-
 t/constants.t                                   |    2 +-
 t/entry.t                                       |  235 +++++
 t/errors.t                                      |  635 ++++--------
 t/fake_ntuser_dat.rf                            |  Bin 4536 -> 4536 bytes
 t/fake_sam.rf                                   |  Bin 4320 -> 4320 bytes
 t/fake_security.rf                              |  Bin 4512 -> 4512 bytes
 t/fake_software.rf                              |  Bin 4440 -> 4440 bytes
 t/fake_system.rf                                |  Bin 4440 -> 4440 bytes
 t/fake_usrclass_dat.rf                          |  Bin 4368 -> 4368 bytes
 t/file.t                                        |   22 +-
 t/invalid_hbin_header.rf                        |  Bin 4224 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_nk_node_type.rf                       |  Bin 96 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_nk_signature.rf                       |  Bin 96 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_regf_checksum.rf                      |  Bin 0 -> 512 bytes
 t/invalid_regf_header.rf                        |  Bin 112 -> 512 bytes
 t/invalid_rgdb_block_size.rf                    |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_rgdb_entry_size.rf                    |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_rgdb_header.rf                        |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_rgkn_block_num.rf                     |  Bin 120 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_vk_inline_data.rf                     |  Bin 32 -> 0 bytes
 t/invalid_vk_signature.rf                       |  Bin 64 -> 0 bytes
 t/key.t                                         |   72 +-
 t/misc.t                                        |  437 +++++---
 t/missing_hbin_root_key.rf                      |  Bin 112 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_nk_class_name.rf                      |  Bin 4224 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_nk_name.rf                            |  Bin 80 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgdb_entry_data_for_value.rf          |  Bin 15 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgdb_entry_for_key.rf                 |  Bin 164 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgdb_entry_name_for_key.rf            |  Bin 172 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgdb_entry_name_for_value.rf          |  Bin 12 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgdb_header.rf                        |  Bin 120 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_rgkn_root_key.rf                      |  Bin 64 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_subkey_list.rf                        |  Bin 4232 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_subkey_list_header.rf                 |  Bin 4224 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_value_list.rf                         |  Bin 4228 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_vk_data.rf                            |  Bin 32 -> 0 bytes
 t/missing_vk_name.rf                            |  Bin 24 -> 0 bytes
 t/no_matching_rgdb_entry_for_key.rf             |  Bin 176 -> 0 bytes
 t/security.t                                    | 1219 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/use.t                                         |    8 +-
 t/value.t                                       |  210 ++--
 t/virtual_root.t                                |    2 +-
 t/win95_error_tests.rf                          |  Bin 1147 -> 510 bytes
 t/win95_key_tests.rf                            |  Bin 834 -> 827 bytes
 t/win95_value_tests.rf                          |  Bin 943 -> 943 bytes
 t/winnt_error_tests.rf                          |  Bin 6320 -> 6680 bytes
 t/winnt_key_tests.rf                            |  Bin 5528 -> 5632 bytes
 t/{fake_software.rf => winnt_security_tests.rf} |  Bin 4440 -> 5232 bytes
 t/winnt_value_tests.rf                          |  Bin 6392 -> 6392 bytes
 83 files changed, 8005 insertions(+), 2431 deletions(-)

diff --cc bin/regdump.pl
index d3f4edb,d686dcd..e1daa59
--- a/bin/regdump.pl
+++ b/bin/regdump.pl
@@@ -78,36 -112,10 +112,41 @@@ $script_name <filename> [subkey] [-r] [
                          or the subkey specified
      -v or --values      display values
      -x or --hexdump     display value data as a hex dump
+     -c or --class-name  display the class name for the key (if present)
+     -s or --security    display the security information for the key,
+                         including the owner and group SIDs,
+                         and the system and discretionary ACLs (if present)
+     -o or --owner       display only the owner SID for the key (if present)
 +=head1 NAME
 +regdump - Dumps the keys and values of a registry file.
 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
 +regdump <filename> [subkey] [-r] [-v] [-x]
 +=over 4
 +=item  -r or --recurse
 +traverse all child keys from the root key or the subkey specified
 +=item -v or --values
 +display values
 +=item -x or --hexdump
 +display value data as a hex dump
 +=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --cc bin/regfind.pl
index ebf7335,f11c9fc..888b459
--- a/bin/regfind.pl
+++ b/bin/regfind.pl
@@@ -103,40 -118,6 +118,41 @@@ $script_name <filename> <search-string
      -v or --value       search value names for a match
      -d or --data        search value data for a match
      -t or --type        search value types for a match
+     -x or --hexdump     display value data as a hex dump
 +=head1 NAME
 +regfind - Searches a registry file for anything that matches the specified string.
 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
 +regfind <filename> <search-string> [-k] [-v] [-d] [-t]
 +=over 4
 +=item -k or --key
 +search key names for a match
 +=item -v or --value
 +search value names for a match
 +=item -d or --data
 +search value data for a match
 +=item -t or --type
 +search value types for a match
 +=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --cc bin/regscan.pl
index c68a580,e7ed419..2efd347
--- a/bin/regscan.pl
+++ b/bin/regscan.pl
@@@ -42,56 -55,19 +55,59 @@@ sub usage 
  $script_name for Parse::Win32Registry $Parse::Win32Registry::VERSION
  Displays the component elements of a registry file, without traversing
- the current active key structure. This will include elements that are
+ the current active key structure. This will display elements that are
  associated with but are not actually keys or values. Additionally,
  some of the keys, values, and associated elements displayed
- will no longer be active and may be invalid or 'deleted'.
- $script_name <filename> [-d] [-s] [-x]
-     -d or --debug       show the technical information for an entry
+ will no longer be active and may be invalid or deleted.
+ $script_name <filename> [-k] [-v] [-s] [-a] [-p] [-u] [-w]
+     -k or --keys        list only 'key' entries
+     -v or --values      list only 'value' entries
+     -s or --security    list only 'security' entries
+     -a or --allocated   list only 'allocated' entries
+     -p or --parse-info  show the technical information for an entry
                          instead of the string representation
-     -s or --silent      suppress the display of warning messages
-                         for invalid keys and values
-     -x or --hexdump     show the on-disk entries as a hex dump
+     -u or --unparsed    show the unparsed on-disk entries as a hex dump
+     -w or --warnings    display warnings of invalid keys and values
 +=head1 NAME
 +regscan - Displays the component elements of a registry file
 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
 +regscan <filename> [-d] [-s] [-x]
 +=over 4
 +=item -d or --debug
 +show the technical information for an entry instead of the string
 +=item -s or --silent
 +suppress the display of warning messages for invalid keys and values
 +=item -x or --hexdump
 +show the on-disk entries as a hex dump
 +B<regscan> displays the component elements of a registry file, without
 +traversing the current active key structure. This will include
 +elements that are associated with but are not actually keys or values.
 +Additionally, some of the keys, values, and associated elements
 +displayed will no longer be active and may be invalid or 'deleted'.
 +=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --cc bin/regtimeline.pl
index 0190d35,ec6bfab..c640621
--- a/bin/regtimeline.pl
+++ b/bin/regtimeline.pl
@@@ -82,32 -91,6 +91,33 @@@ $script_name <filename> [subkey] [-l <n
      -l or --last        display only the last <number> days
                          of registry activity
      -v or --values      display values
+     -x or --hexdump     display value data as a hex dump
 +=head1 NAME
 +regtimeline - Displays the keys and values of a registry file in date order.
 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
 +regtimeline <filename> [subkey] [-l <number>] [-v]
 +=over 4
 +=item -l or --last
 +display only the last <number> days of registry activity
 +=item -v or --values
 +display values
 +=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --cc bin/regview.pl
index 62bdf8b,e2cbc54..f38930e
--- a/bin/regview.pl
+++ b/bin/regview.pl
@@@ -361,33 -603,358 +603,382 @@@ sub quit 
  sub about {
-         name => $script_name,
-         version => $Parse::Win32Registry::VERSION,
-         copyright => 'Copyright (c) 2008 James Macfarlane',
-         comments => 'GTK2 Registry Viewer for the Parse::Win32Registry module',
+         'program-name' => $script_name,
+         'version' => $Parse::Win32Registry::VERSION,
+         'copyright' => 'Copyright (c) 2008,2009 James Macfarlane',
+         'comments' => 'GTK2 Registry Viewer for the Parse::Win32Registry module',
+     );
+ }
+ sub show_message {
+     my $type = shift;
+     my $message = shift;
+     my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new(
+         $window,
+         'destroy-with-parent',
+         $type,
+         'ok',
+         $message,
+     );
+     $dialog->run;
+     $dialog->destroy;
+ }
+ sub create_bookmark_menuitem {
+     my ($name, $subkey_path) = @_;
+         if (my $menuitem = Gtk2::MenuItem->new($name)) {
+             $bookmarks_menu->append($menuitem);
+             $bookmarks_menu->show_all;
+             if (my $iter = $bookmark_store->append) {
+                 $bookmark_store->set($iter,
+                     0, $name,
+                     1, $subkey_path,
+                     2, $menuitem,
+                 );
+             }
+             $menuitem->signal_connect('activate' => \&go_to_bookmark,
+                                                      $subkey_path);
+         }
+ }
+ sub add_bookmark {
+     my $iter = $tree_selection->get_selected;
+     return if !defined $iter;
+     my $key = $tree_store->get($iter, 3);
+     # Remove root key name to get subkey path
+     my $subkey_path = (split(/\\/, $key->get_path, 2))[1];
+     if (defined $subkey_path) {
+         my $name = $key->get_name;
+         create_bookmark_menuitem($name, $subkey_path);
+     }
+ }
+ sub edit_bookmarks {
+     $bookmarks_dialog->show_all;
+ }
+ sub remove_all_bookmarks {
+     my $iter = $bookmark_store->get_iter_first;
+     # destroy all the bookmark menu items
+     while (defined $iter) {
+         my $menuitem = $bookmark_store->get($iter, 2);
+         $bookmarks_menu->remove($menuitem);
+         $menuitem->destroy;
+         $iter = $bookmark_store->iter_next($iter);
+     }
+     # then empty the bookmark store
+     $bookmark_store->clear;
+ }
+ sub go_to_bookmark {
+     my ($menuitem, $path) = @_;
+     go_to_subkey($path);
+ }
+ sub copy_key_path {
+     my $tree_iter = $tree_selection->get_selected;
+     if (defined $tree_iter) {
+        my $key = $tree_store->get($tree_iter, 3);
+        my $clipboard = Gtk2::Clipboard->get(Gtk2::Gdk->SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
+        $clipboard->set_text($key->get_path);
+     }
+ }
+ sub go_to_value {
+     my $value_name = shift;
+     my $iter = $list_store->get_iter_first;
+     while (defined $iter) {
+         my $name = $list_store->get($iter, 0);
+         my $value = $list_store->get($iter, 3);
+         if ($value_name eq $value->get_name) {
+             my $tree_path = $list_store->get_path($iter);
+             $list_view->expand_to_path($tree_path);
+             $list_view->scroll_to_cell($tree_path);
+             $list_view->set_cursor($tree_path);
+             $window->set_focus($list_view);
+             return;
+         }
+         $iter = $list_store->iter_next($iter);
+     }
+ }
+ sub find_matching_child_iter {
+     my ($iter, $subkey_name) = @_;
+     my $child_iter = $tree_store->iter_nth_child($iter, 0);
+     if (!defined $child_iter) {
+         # iter has already been expanded and has no children
+         return;
+     }
+     # Check iter's children are real
+     if (!defined $tree_store->get($child_iter, 0)) {
+         my $key = $tree_store->get($iter, 3);
+         add_children($key, $tree_store, $iter);
+         $tree_store->remove($child_iter);
+         # (Need to refetch the first child iter after removing it.)
+         $child_iter = $tree_store->iter_nth_child($iter, 0);
+     }
+     while (defined $child_iter) {
+         my $child_name = $tree_store->get($child_iter, 0);
+         my $child_key = $tree_store->get($child_iter, 3);
+         if ($child_name eq $subkey_name) {
+             return $child_iter; # match found
+         }
+         $child_iter = $tree_store->iter_next($child_iter);
+     }
+     return; # no match found
+ }
+ sub go_to_subkey {
+     my $subkey_path = shift;
+     my @path_components = index($subkey_path, "\\") == -1
+                         ? ($subkey_path)
+                         : split(/\\/, $subkey_path, -1);
+     my $iter = $tree_store->get_iter_first;
+     return if !defined $iter; # no registry loaded
+     while (defined(my $subkey_name = shift @path_components)) {
+         $iter = find_matching_child_iter($iter, $subkey_name);
+         if (!defined $iter) {
+             return; # subkey cannot be found in/added to the tree store
+         }
+         if (@path_components == 0) {
+             my $tree_path = $tree_store->get_path($iter);
+             $tree_view->expand_to_path($tree_path);
+             $tree_view->scroll_to_cell($tree_path);
+             $tree_view->set_cursor($tree_path);
+             $window->set_focus($tree_view);
+             return; # skip remaining search
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ sub find_next {
+     if (!defined $find_param || !defined $find_iter) {
+         return;
+     }
+     # Build find next dialog
+     my $label = Gtk2::Label->new;
+     $label->set_text("Searching registry...");
+     my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new('Find',
+         $window,
+         'modal',
+         'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
+     $dialog->vbox->pack_start($label, TRUE, TRUE, 10);
+     $dialog->set_default_response('cancel');
+     $dialog->show_all;
+     my $id = Glib::Idle->add(sub {
+         my ($key, $value) = $find_iter->get_next;
+         if (!defined $key) {
+             $dialog->response('ok');
+             show_message('info', 'Finished searching.');
+             return FALSE; # stop searching
+         }
+         # Remove root key name to get subkey path
+         my $subkey_path = (split(/\\/, $key->get_path, 2))[1];
+         if (!defined $subkey_path) {
+             return FALSE; # stop searching
+             # (currently get_subtree_iterator never returns the root key)
+         }
+         if (defined $value) {
+             # Check value for a match
+             my $value_name = $value->get_name;
+             if (index(lc $value_name, lc $find_param) >= 0) {
+                 go_to_subkey($subkey_path);
+                 go_to_value($value_name);
+                 $dialog->response('ok');
+                 return FALSE; # stop searching
+             }
+             else {
+                 return TRUE; # continue searching
+             }
+         }
+         # Check key for a match
+         my $key_name = $key->get_name;
+         if (index(lc $key_name, lc $find_param) >= 0) {
+             go_to_subkey($subkey_path);
+             $dialog->response('ok');
+             return FALSE; # stop searching
+         }
+         else {
+             return TRUE; # continue searching
+         }
+     });
+     my $response = $dialog->run;
+     $dialog->destroy;
+     if ($response eq 'cancel' || $response eq 'delete-event') {
+         Glib::Source->remove($id);
+     }
+ }
+ sub find {
+     # Build find dialog
+     my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new;
+     $entry->set_activates_default(TRUE);
+     my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new('Find',
+         $window,
+         'modal',
+         'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
+         'gtk-ok' => 'ok',
+     );
+     $dialog->vbox->pack_start($entry, TRUE, TRUE, 10);
+     $dialog->set_default_response('ok');
+     $dialog->show_all;
+     my $response = $dialog->run;
+     $dialog->destroy;
+     my $root_iter = $tree_store->get_iter_first;
+     return if !defined $root_iter;
+     my $root_key = $tree_store->get($root_iter, 3);
+     return if !defined $root_key;
+     if ($response eq 'ok') {
+         $find_param = $entry->get_text;
+         $find_iter = undef;
+         if ($find_param ne '') {
+             $find_iter = $root_key->get_subtree_iterator;
+             find_next;
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ sub save_settings {
+     if (defined $settings_file) {
+         if (open my $fh, ">", $settings_file) {
+             my ($x, $y) = $window->get_position;
+             my ($w, $h) = $window->get_size;
+             print {$fh} "main=${x}x${y}+${w}x${h}\n";
+             my $iter = $bookmark_store->get_iter_first;
+             while (defined $iter) {
+                 my $name = $bookmark_store->get($iter, 0);
+                 my $path = $bookmark_store->get($iter, 1);
+                 print {$fh} "$name\t$path\n";
+                 $iter = $bookmark_store->iter_next($iter);
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+             warn "Unable to save settings: $!\n";
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ sub load_settings {
+     if (defined $settings_file) {
+         if (open my $fh, "<", $settings_file) {
+             while (<$fh>) {
+                 if (/main=(\d+)x(\d+)\+(\d+)x(\d+)/) {
+                     my ($x, $y, $w, $h) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+                     $window->move($x, $y);
+                     $window->resize($w, $h);
+                 }
+                 elsif (/^([^\t]*)\t(.*)$/) {
+                     my $name = $1;
+                     my $subkey_path = $2;
+                     create_bookmark_menuitem($name, $subkey_path);
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+             warn "Unable to load settings: $!\n";
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ sub dump_settings {
+     print "Dumping settings:\n";
+     my ($x, $y) = $window->get_position;
+     my ($width, $height) = $window->get_size;
+     print "window at $x x $y for $width x $height\n";
+     my $hpos = $hpaned->get_position;
+     print "hsplit at $hpos\n";
+     my $vpos = $vpaned->get_position;
+     print "vsplit at $vpos\n";
+     my ($bx, $by) = $bookmarks_dialog->get_position;
+     my ($bw, $bh) = $bookmarks_dialog->get_size;
+     print "bookmarks_dialog at $bx x $by for $bw x $bh\n";
+     save_settings();
+ }
+ sub dump_loaded_keys {
+     print "Dumping loaded keys:\n";
+     $tree_store->foreach(sub {
+         my ($model, $path, $iter) = @_;
+         my $key = $model->get($iter, 3);
+         if (defined $key) {
+             print $key->get_path, "\n";
+         }
+         return FALSE;
+     });
+ }
+ sub dump_bookmarks {
+     print "Dumping bookmarks:\n";
+     my $root_iter = $tree_store->get_iter_first;
+     if (!defined $root_iter) {
+         print "(no registry file loaded)\n";
+         return;
+     }
+     my $root_key = $tree_store->get($root_iter, 3);
+     my $iter = $bookmark_store->get_iter_first;
+     while (defined $iter) {
+         my $name = $bookmark_store->get($iter, 0);
+         my $path = $bookmark_store->get($iter, 1);
+         if (my $key = $root_key->get_subkey($path)) {
+             print $key->get_path, "\n";
+         }
+         $iter = $bookmark_store->iter_next($iter);
+     }
 +=head1 NAME
 +regview - GTK2 Registry Viewer for the Parse::Win32Registry module
 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
 +regview [-d] <filename>
 +=over 4
 +=item -d or --debuga
 +enable debugging mode
 +=head1 SEE ALSO

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libsendmail-milter-perl.git

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