[libconfig-any-perl] annotated tag debian/0.27-1 created (now c3dd050)

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Fri Apr 1 09:03:40 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

carnil pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.27-1
in repository libconfig-any-perl.

        at  c3dd050   (tag)
   tagging  fead1e6d696aeeba9fedf29f9d0bd2e325ddb8ff (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.26-1
 tagged by  Salvatore Bonaccorso
        on  Fri Apr 1 11:02:51 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libconfig-any-perl version debian/0.27-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Andrew Rodland (1):
      Use Config::Any's friendly error message for required version early on

Brian Cassidy (74):
      distro updates
      removed duplicate test
      distro work
      pass special config options to loaders
      added a simple cache to the perl parser so it can load the same file twice (RT #28812)
      minor cleanup -- pass args to XML::Simple
      added test for config options to Config::General
      doc + fetch driver_args for load_stems()
      fix date in changes
      updated README
      auto generate README
      some code and pod cleanups.
      more code cleanup
      more code updates, before i look in depth at the _load() routine
      refactor _load(). fix an issue with use_ext => 0. use_ext now on by default. throw errors when use_ext => 1. allow multi-stream configs. pod updates
      added is_supported() to see what plugins we can use
      don't bother with use_ext warning if force_plugins is set
      fix up changes a little
      only check if a plugin is supported once we're sure we want to use it. this will save us from loading modules we don't need to.
      a little cleanup before a dev release
      require YAML::Syck 0.70 for multi-document loading
      update is_supported with YAML::Syck version
      remove each() from the docs
      bump ver. update changes.
      minor doc update
      fix for ini subsections (RT #32726), use from_json for JSON v2.x, refactor test suite.
      bump version
      forgot an ini file
      remove version section from pod
      remove eval so the Perl loader dies on invalid content.
      updated changes and makefile.pl for release
      revert remove of name() in Makefile.PL
      add parse error tests. ensure INI errors are trapped. bumped version.
      added a caveat regarding XML::Simple's strict mode (Peter Corlett)
      added a flatten_to_hash option to return a simple key-value hashref instead of the default "arrayref of hashrefs" (Pedro Figueiredo)
      line endings, tabs, perltidy.
      release date + misc.
      skip xml failure tests if XML::LibXML < 1.59 is installed, it seems to parse anything you throw at it (Matt S. Trout)
      changes file updated
      r37256 at bricas-laptop (orig r8347):  bricas | 2008-09-03 10:53:01 -0300
      update changes file
      fix up branches test which did not handle the errors thrown by changes from the last release (RT #40948)
      revert change to extensions() as we really want *all* extensions. fix 10-branches to try only against .pl files.
      ensure require() happens against plugin specified in force_plugins
      add JSON::XS to the top of the JSON loaders list
      add YAML::XS to the top of the YAML loaders. tidy up some copyright lines.
      minor tidy to deprecation warning
      ensure XML loader's _coerce() method checks specifically for HASH refs
      prep release
      prep release
      add leaktrace test
      remove test. forgot to switch branches.
      bump ver. add to-be-released line to Changes.
      tidy Makefile.PL
      tidy C::G related code, plus remove an old work-around which has been inactive for years.
      remove useless "use Carp", squash warning in test suite.
      prep release
      fix t/64-extfail.t to pass when t/lib is in @INC
      update repo address
      reformat Changes. bump copyright year.
      prep release
      prep release
      use is_supported to figure out if we can test a loader
      prep release
      typo fix (RT #87779)
      remove old YAML warning
      add JSON::PP to list of available JSON parsers (RT #86959)
      prep release
      do not clobber $@ (RT #103061)
      prep release
      prep release
      depend on Module::Pluggable::Object directly instead of assuming it is bundled with Module::Pluggable (RT #113148)
      prep release

Joel Bernstein (14):
      Initial import of Config::Any (refactored from Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader), and rewrite of C::P::CL to use C::A
      Config::Any ready for release to CPAN
      lots of Config::Any fixes, brought in C::Any testsuite (refactored, partly, from ConfigLoader)
      version numbers, updated Changes file
      fixed supporting files for release (MANIFEST, Build.PL)
      fixed MANIFEST breakage
      more files needed to create the dists, and tests
      added test configs
      fixed parser test to skip tests when dependent modules are not installed
      added some branch exercising tests in 10-branches.t and 51-ini.t, and a second INI-file test config
      MANIFEST update
      added support for:
      Removed Test::Exception line which was causing test failures
      fixed bug: [rt.cpan.org #25143] make tests fails

Marcus Ramberg (2):
      Show actual parse errors
      remove extra warn

Matt S Trout (1):
      created Config-Any dir

Rafael Kitover (8):
      add warning about using YAML loaders other than ::XS
      make perl loader check mtime for cache, prefer JSON::DWIW for JSON
      remove caching code from ::Perl
      enable -ForceArray option by default for Config::General
      require Config::General >= 2.47
      croak if Config::General is too old
      better version for Config::General
      add XML::NamespaceSupport to XML format deps, silence YAML warnings in tests

Russell Jenkins (2):
      Test load_files throws parse errors when use_ext=1
      Capture file load errors for later use.

Salvatore Bonaccorso (11):
      debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI
      update changelog
      Imported Upstream version 0.27
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.27'
      Update debian/changelog
      Bump Debhelper compat level to 9
      Update copyright years for upstream files
      Update copyright years for debian/* packaging files
      Declare compliance with Debian policy 3.9.7
      Make versioned perl (build-)dependency for JSON unversioned
      Prepare changelog for release

Tomas Doran (2):
      Bump required Module::Install version in everything. janus++
      Add repository resource to all the MI Makefile.PLs


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  60a9a5c   Bump Debhelper compat level to 9
       new  2c23fe7   Update copyright years for upstream files
       new  e419276   Update copyright years for debian/* packaging files
       new  0141d44   Declare compliance with Debian policy 3.9.7
       new  bcc7769   Make versioned perl (build-)dependency for JSON unversioned
       new  fead1e6   Prepare changelog for release

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libconfig-any-perl.git

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