[libquantum-entanglement-perl] 01/06: [svn-inject] Installing original source of libquantum-entanglement-perl
dom at earth.li
dom at earth.li
Fri Apr 1 19:35:51 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dom pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libquantum-entanglement-perl.
commit a0ca6c94cab701e9844caefb2d7c943f5cad0287
Author: Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li>
Date: Mon Feb 25 23:59:21 2008 +0000
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libquantum-entanglement-perl
Changes | 121 +++++
Entanglement.pm | 1329 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Makefile.PL | 17 +
demo/calc_cache.pl | 34 ++
demo/root_not.pl | 95 ++++
demo/shor.pl | 230 +++++++++
t/t1_general.t | 80 ++++
8 files changed, 1914 insertions(+)
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec71279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Quantum::Entanglement.
+0.32 - Wed Jun 5 17:43:42 BST 2002
+Changes ~ added test suite
+0.31 -
+BUGFIXES: Warnings in some eval()s removed.
+ -- was doing ++
+ New version of DESTRUCT was being a little over-zealous
+0.30 - Sun Mar 11 2001 22:00:00
+Changes ~ show_states output has changed
+ ~ variables exist in independant universes until they interact
+ ~ (int) massive internal restructuring
+BUGFIXES: nested entanglements no longer core dump during destruction
+0.26 - Sun Mar 03 2001 23:00:00
+(not released to CPAN)
+Changes + atan2, ! and '&{}' also overloaded
+ ~ show_states doesn't stringify values
+ ~ (int) _rationalise_states no longer stringifies values
+BUGFIXES: Some internal functions were stringifying things (by using them as
+ hash keys), this has been fixed.
+0.25 - Sat Feb 03 2001 23:00:00
+Changes ~ Removed some duplicated internal code
+ + show_states now "official" and gives useful output, can be
+ invoked as object method.
+0.23 - Thu Jan 25 2001 00:00:00
+Changes + Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) function added
+ + export tags for same
+ + documentation for shor.pl, now uses QFT also
+BUGFIXES stringyfying and the like could give "uninitialized value"
+ warnings when using complex amplitudes, this has now been sorted.
+0.23 - Wed Jan 24 2001 14:00:00
+Changes ~ (int) search.CPAN podladtors ate my pod, fixed so things
+ look nice. Nothing *actually* changed. Bite me.
+0.22 - Tue Jan 23 2001 14:00:00
+Changes + (int) under normal conditions, states will occasionally be
+ rationalised so that only unique states are left in the
+ state space.
+BUGFIXES (int) internal changes to avoid memory leaking when destroying
+ previously saved states
+0.21 - Mon Jan 22 2001 20:00:00
+Changes + (int) DESTRUCT method, to remove inaccesable states.
+ + (int) more sane way of keeping vars in touch with their values
+ + save_state and restore_state
+ + added "strive to be true" type of collapse
+ + ~/demo/calc_cache.pl demo of above
+BUGFIXES bioop causing deep recursion though missing 2 on a var.
+0.20 - Fri Jan 19 2001 13:00:00
+ \--> Initial CPAN upload
+Changes + root_not demo
+ + :complex so that you don't need to say use Math::Complex as well
+ ~ (int) probs stored internally as "numbers", M::C takes care of im
+ ~ (int) removed all the compile time eval fun
+ - can no longer seed states with annon arrays, must use M::C
+0.11 - Tue Jan 16 2001 20:00:00
+Changes + (int) compilation evals sanity checked, those in run time left
+ alone.
+ + general internal clean up
+BUGFIXES '~' is not a binary operator !!!
+0.10 - Tue Jan 16 2001 00:30:00
+Changes + Documentation padded out with general info and more examples
+ + shor.pl prints out more information
+0.04 - Mon Jan 15 2001 01:00:00
+Changes + ability to change way in which collapsed states are treated
+ by setting $Quantum::Entanglement::destroy
+ + first version of shor.pl, for factoring numbers
+BUGFIXES Various reasons why the module didn't compile on some systems
+ Makefile.PL horribly b0rked
+0.03 - Sun Jan 14 2001 01:00:00
+Changes + q_logic can act on more than one variable at a time
+ + Documentation now up to date
+ + (int) probability now stored internally as Math::Complex numbers
+ + entangle can be called with Math::Complex numbers
+ ~ show_states not exported
+BUGFIXES: bool not returning false if all states false
+0.02 - Sat Jan 13 2001 03:00:00
+Changes: + Internal structure made better, probability now sticks to
+ states in a more sensible way.
+ + q_logic function, so that I could write a root-not logic gate.
+BUGFIXES: probability now works
+0.01 - Fri Jan 12 2001 19:00:00
+Initial archived version pending major rewrite
+This module is copyright (c) Alex Gough, 2001. It is also free software and
+may be used or redistributed under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/Entanglement.pm b/Entanglement.pm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a9b7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Entanglement.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,1329 @@
+package Quantum::Entanglement;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+ use Exporter ();
+ use Math::Complex;
+ my @M_Complex = qw(i Re Im rho theta arg cplx cplxe);
+ $VERSION = 0.32;
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&entangle &p_op &p_func &q_logic
+ &save_state &restore_state);
+ complex => [@M_Complex],
+ QFT => [qw(&QFT)],);
+ @EXPORT_OK = (@M_Complex, '&QFT');
+$Quantum::Entanglement::destroy = 1; # true=> p(0) states stomped on
+$Quantum::Entanglement::conform = 0; # true=> strives for truth when observing
+## Contents:
+# Constructors
+# Utility Routines
+# Overload table
+# Overload routines
+# parallel operators and functions
+# methods for saving and restoring state
+# pod
+# =begin pretty pictures
+# Things look a bit like this...
+# $variable = [ref to var which itself refs to an annon array (the universe),
+# offset of values of variable within universe,
+# ref to var which itself refs to an annon array (the offsets)];
+# $offsets = [refs to all the offsets in a given universe, ...]
+# $universe= [ [prob1,val1,prob2,val2],
+# [prob1,val1,prob2,val2], etc. ]
+# =cut
+# creates a new set of universes
+sub _new {
+ my $universe = [];
+ my $offsets = [];
+ my $var = [\$universe,1,\$offsets];
+ $offsets->[0] = \ $var->[1];
+ while (@_) {
+ push @$universe, [shift,shift];
+ }
+ bless $var, 'Quantum::Entanglement';
+ return $var;
+# add a variable without adding values (ie. a derived value)
+# returns the new variable
+sub _add {
+ my $current = $_[0];
+ my $universe = ${ $current->[0]};
+ my $offset = scalar(@{$universe->[0]}) + 1;
+ my $var= [\$universe,$offset,\ ${$current->[2]}];
+ push @{${$current->[2]}} , \$var->[1];
+ bless $var, 'Quantum::Entanglement';
+ return $var;
+# joins together two previously unconnected universes
+# takes two variables as args, gets the universes from those.
+# should be used to modify objects in place.
+sub _join {
+ my ($uni1,$uni2) = (${$_[0]->[0]},${$_[1]->[0]});
+ return () if $uni1 == $uni2;
+ my $universe = [];
+ foreach my $s2 (@$uni2) {
+ foreach my $s1 (@$uni1) {
+ push @$universe, [@$s1,@$s2];
+ }
+ }
+ my $offsets1 = ${$_[0]->[2]};
+ my $offsets2 = ${$_[1]->[2]};
+ my $extra = scalar(@{$uni1->[0]});
+ push @$offsets1, map {$$_+=$extra; $_} @$offsets2;
+ ${$_[1]->[2]} = $offsets1;
+ ${$_[0]->[0]} = $universe;
+ ${$_[1]->[0]} = $universe;
+ return (1);
+# exported constructor
+sub entangle {
+ return _new(@_);
+## Utility routines
+# a view of global state space, might still show historical states which
+# are no longer accessable, does not count as observation
+sub show_states {
+ my $rt;
+ my $var = shift;
+ my $universe = ${$var->[0]};
+ if ($_[0]) {
+ foreach (@$universe) { my $t;
+ $rt .= (++$t % 2) ? "$_|" : overload::StrVal($_).">\t" foreach @$_;
+ $rt .= "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $os = $var->[1];
+ $rt .= $_->[$os-1]."|".overload::StrVal($_->[$os]).">\t"
+ foreach @$universe;
+ substr($rt,-1,1,"\n");
+ }
+ return $rt;
+# egads! (and don't tell anyone about the grep, it's a secret)
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($universe, $offsets) = (${$_[0]->[0]}, ${$_[0]->[2]});
+ my $os = $_[0]->[1];
+ splice(@$_,$os-1,2) foreach @$universe;
+ @$offsets = grep {if ($$_ != $os) {$$_ -= 2 if $$_ > $os;1;} else {0;}}
+ @$offsets;
+ _rationalise_states([\$universe])
+ if $Quantum::Entanglement::destroy;
+# takes two non normalised probabilities and returns true with prob(1/1+2)
+sub _sel_output {
+ my ($c, $d) = @_;
+ $c = abs($c)**2;
+ $d = abs($d)**2;
+ return rand(1) < ($c/($c+$d)) ? 1 : 0;
+# Gets a ref to a hash of complex probs, produces ref to hash of sequential
+# probs and ref to array of ordering.
+sub _normalise {
+ my $hr = $_[0];
+ my $h2 = {};
+ my $muts = [keys %{$hr}];
+ my $sum = 0;
+ foreach (values %{$hr}) {
+ $sum += abs($_)**2;
+ }
+ if ($sum <= 0) {
+ croak "$0: Cannot behave probabilistically with -ve probs";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $cum;
+ @{$h2}{ @{$muts} } = map {$cum +=abs($_)**2;
+ $cum / $sum } @{$hr}{ @{$muts} };
+ return ($h2, $muts);
+ }
+# this builds up a multi-layered hash so as to find the unique sets of
+# states, it then uses _unravel to get them back out of the hash
+sub _rationalise_states {
+ my $universe = ${$_[0]->[0]};
+ my $len = scalar(@{$universe->[0]})/2;
+ my @p_os = map {$_*2 } (0..$len-1);
+ my @v_os = map {$_*2+1} (0..$len-1);
+ my $foo = {};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) { # build an icky data structure
+ my $tref = $foo;
+ foreach (@v_os) {
+ my $val = ref($state->[$_]) ? overload::StrVal($state->[$_])
+ : $state->[$_];
+ if ($_==2*$len-1) { # last level of the structure
+ if (exists $tref->{$val}) {
+ my @temp = @{$state}[@p_os];
+ $_+=shift @temp foreach @{$tref->{$val}}[@p_os];
+ }
+ else {
+ $tref->{$val} = [@{$state}];
+ }
+ }
+ else { # an intermediate level
+ if (exists $tref->{$val}) {
+ $tref = $tref->{$val};
+ }
+ else {
+ $tref = $tref->{$val} = {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # do something with it...
+ @$universe =();
+ while (1) {
+ my $aref = _unravel($foo);
+ last unless $aref;
+ push @$universe, $aref;
+ }
+ return $universe;
+sub _unravel {
+ my $tref = $_[0];
+ return undef unless (scalar keys %$tref);
+ my @hrs;
+ my($last_ref, $val);
+ do {
+ $last_ref = $tref;
+ ($val,$tref) = %$tref;
+ unshift @hrs, $val, $last_ref;
+ } until (ref($tref) eq 'ARRAY');
+ delete ${$last_ref}{$val};
+ splice @hrs, 0,2;
+ while (@hrs) {
+ my $val = shift @hrs;
+ my $h = shift @hrs;
+ delete ${$h}{$val} if scalar(keys %{${$h}{$val}}) < 1;
+ }
+ return $tref;
+# Overloading. Everything except for assignment operators
+# are overloaded specifically. Need to specifically overload a lot
+# of stuff so that pruning of states can happen as soon as poss
+use overload
+ '+' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] + $_[1]} ) },
+ '*' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] * $_[1]} ) },
+ '-' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] - $_[1]} ) },
+ '/' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] / $_[1]} ) },
+ '**' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] **$_[1]} ) },
+ '%' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] % $_[1]} ) },
+ 'x' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] x $_[1]} ) },
+ '.' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] . $_[1]} ) },
+ '<<' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] <<$_[1]} ) },
+ '>>' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] >>$_[1]} ) },
+ '&' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] & $_[1]} ) },
+ '|' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] | $_[1]} ) },
+ '^' => sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] ^ $_[1]} ) },
+ '~' => sub { unnop($_[0], sub { ~$_[0]} ) },
+ 'neg'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub { -$_[0]} ) },
+ '!' => sub { unnop($_[0], sub { !$_[0]} ) },
+ '++' => sub { mutop($_[0], sub {++$_[0]} ) },
+ '--' => sub { mutop($_[0], sub {--$_[0]} ) },
+ '<' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] < $_[1]} ) },
+ '>' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] > $_[1]} ) },
+ '<=' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] <= $_[1]} ) },
+ '>=' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] >= $_[1]} ) },
+ '==' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] == $_[1]} ) },
+ '!=' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] != $_[1]} ) },
+ 'lt' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] lt $_[1]} ) },
+ 'le' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] le $_[1]} ) },
+ 'ge' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] ge $_[1]} ) },
+ 'gt' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] gt $_[1]} ) },
+ 'eq' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] eq $_[1]} ) },
+ 'ne' => sub { bioop(@_, sub{$_[0] ne $_[1]} ) },
+ '<=>'=> sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] <=>$_[1]} ) },
+ 'cmp'=> sub { binop(@_, sub{$_[0] cmp$_[1]} ) },
+ 'cos'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ cos $_[0]} ) },
+ 'sin'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ sin $_[0]} ) },
+ 'exp'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ exp $_[0]} ) },
+ 'abs'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ abs $_[0]} ) },
+ 'log'=> sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ log $_[0]} ) },
+ 'sqrt'=>sub { unnop($_[0], sub{ sqrt $_[0]}) },
+ 'atan2'=>sub{ binop(@_, sub{atan2($_[0], $_[1])} ) },
+ '&{}'=> \&sub_ent,
+ 'bool'=> \&bool_ent, q{""} => \&str_ent, '0+' => \&num_ent,
+ '=' => \©_ent,
+ 'fallback' => 1;
+# copying (not observation, clones states, does not increase state space)
+sub copy_ent {
+ my $os = $_[0]->[1];
+ my $val = $_[0]->_add;
+ my $universe = ${$_[0]->[0]};
+ push(@$_, $_->[$os-1], $_->[$os]) foreach @$universe;
+ return $val;
+# running entangled subroutines
+sub sub_ent {
+ my $obj = $_[0];
+ my $os = $obj->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$obj->[0]};
+ return sub {
+ my $var = $obj->_add;
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ push(@$state, $state->[$os-1],
+ scalar( $state->[$os]->(@_) ));
+ }
+ return $var;
+ }
+# stringification (observation)
+sub str_ent {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ my %str_vals;
+ # work out which state we want to retain
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ $str_vals{$state->[$os]} = $state->[$os-1] + ($str_vals{$state->[$os]}||0);
+ }
+ my ($hr, $ar) = _normalise(\%str_vals);
+ my $rand = rand(1);
+ my $rt;
+ LOOP: foreach (@$ar) {
+ if ( $rand < ${$hr}{$_}) {
+ $rt = $_;
+ last LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ # retain only that state
+ my @retains;
+ for (0..(@$universe-1)) {
+ my $state = $universe->[$_];
+ my $foo = $state->[$os];
+ push(@retains, $_) if ("$foo" eq $rt);
+ }
+ if ($Quantum::Entanglement::destroy) {
+ @$universe = @$universe[@retains];
+ return $rt;
+ }
+ # set all non retained states to zero probability, leave others alone
+ my $next_retain = shift @retains;
+ PURGE: foreach my $snum ( 0..(@$universe-1) ) {
+ if ($snum == $next_retain) {
+ $next_retain = shift(@retains) || -1;
+ next PURGE;
+ }
+ my $state = ${$universe}[$snum];
+ $$state[$_] = 0 foreach grep {!($_ % 2)} (0..(@$state-1))
+ }
+ return $rt;
+# numification (have to coerce things into numbers then strings for
+# probability hash purposes, ick) (observation)
+sub num_ent {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ my %str_vals;
+ # work out which state we want to retain
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ $str_vals{+$state->[$os]} =
+ $state->[$os-1] + ($str_vals{+$state->[$os]}||0);
+ }
+ my ($hr, $ar) = _normalise(\%str_vals);
+ my $rand = rand(1);
+ my $rt;
+ LOOP: foreach (@$ar) {
+ if ( $rand < ${$hr}{$_}) {
+ $rt = +$_;
+ last LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ # retain only that state
+ my @retains;
+ for (0..(@$universe-1)) {
+ my $state = $universe->[$_];
+ my $foo = +$state->[$os];
+ push(@retains, $_) if ($foo == $rt);
+ }
+ if ($Quantum::Entanglement::destroy) {
+ @$universe = @$universe[@retains];
+ return $rt;
+ }
+ # set probabilty to zero for each state we know can't be so
+ my $next_retain = shift @retains;
+ PURGE: foreach my $snum ( 0..(@$universe-1) ) {
+ if ($snum == $next_retain) {
+ $next_retain = shift(@retains) || -1;
+ next PURGE;
+ }
+ my $state = ${$universe}[$snum];
+ $$state[$_] = 0 foreach grep {!($_ % 2)} ( 0..(@$state-1) )
+ }
+ return $rt;
+# boolean context (observation)
+sub bool_ent {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ my ($rt,$ft,$p_true, $p_false) = (0,0,0,0);
+ my (@true, @false);
+ foreach (0..(@$universe-1)) {
+ my $state = $universe->[$_];
+ my $c2 = $state->[$os];
+ if ($c2) {
+ $rt++;
+ push @true, $_;
+ $p_true += $state->[$os-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $ft++;
+ push @false, $_;
+ $p_false += $state->[$os-1];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 unless $rt; # no states are true, so must be false
+ return $rt unless $ft; # no states are false, so must be true
+ # if it can be true, decide if it will end up being true or not
+ my @retains;
+ if ( _sel_output( $p_true,$p_false)
+ or $Quantum::Entanglement::conform) {
+ @retains = @true;
+ $rt = $rt;
+ }
+ else {
+ @retains = @false;
+ $rt = 0;
+ }
+ if ($Quantum::Entanglement::destroy) {
+ @$universe = @$universe[@retains];
+ return $rt;
+ }
+ my $next_retain = shift @retains;
+ PURGE: foreach my $snum ( 0..(@$universe-1) ) {
+ if ($snum == $next_retain) {
+ $next_retain = shift(@retains) || -1;
+ next PURGE;
+ }
+ my $state = ${$universe}[$snum];
+ $$state[$_] = 0 foreach grep {!($_ % 2)} (0..(@$state-1))
+ }
+ return $rt;
+### any BInary, Non-observational OPeration
+sub binop {
+ my ($c,$d,$r,$code) = @_;
+ my $var;
+ my $universe;
+ if ( ref($d)
+ && UNIVERSAL::isa($d, 'Quantum::Entanglement')) {
+ _join($c,$d);
+ my $od = $d->[1]; my $oc = $c->[1];
+ $var = _add($c);
+ $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ push @$state, ($state->[$oc-1] * $state->[$od-1],
+ &$code($state->[$oc],$state->[$od]) );
+ }
+ }
+ else { # adding something to one state
+ my $oc = $c->[1];
+ $var = _add($c);
+ $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ if ($r) {
+ push(@$_, ($_->[$oc-1], &$code($d,$_->[$oc]))) foreach @$universe;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@$_, ($_->[$oc-1], &$code($_->[$oc],$d))) foreach @$universe;
+ }
+ }
+ return $var;
+# any BInary Observational OPeration
+sub bioop {
+ my ($c, $d, $reverse, $code) = @_;
+ my $rt = 0;
+ my $ft = 0;
+ my (@true, @false);
+ my ($p_true, $p_false) = (0,0);
+ my $universe;
+ if (ref($d) && UNIVERSAL::isa($d, 'Quantum::Entanglement')) {
+ $c->_join($d);
+ $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ foreach (0..(@$universe-1)) {
+ my $state = $universe->[$_];
+ my $oc = $c->[1]; my $od = $d->[1];
+ my $d2 = $state->[$od];
+ my $c2 = $state->[$oc];
+ if (&$code($c2, $d2)) {
+ $rt++;
+ push @true, $_;
+ $p_true += $state->[$oc-1]* $state->[$od-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $ft++;
+ push @false, $_;
+ $p_false += $state->[$oc-1]* $state->[$od-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ foreach (0..(@$universe-1)) {
+ my $state = $universe->[$_];
+ my $d2 = $d;
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $c2 = $state->[$os];
+ ($c2, $d2) = ($d2, $c2) if $reverse;
+ if (&$code($c2,$d2)) {
+ $rt++;
+ push @true, $_;
+ $p_true += $state->[$os-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $ft++;
+ push @false, $_;
+ $p_false += $state->[$os-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 unless $rt; # no states are true, so must be false
+ return $rt unless $ft; # no states are false, so must be true
+ my @retains;
+ # if it can be true, decide if it will end up being true or not
+ if ( _sel_output( $p_true,$p_false)
+ or $Quantum::Entanglement::conform) {
+ @retains = @true;
+ $rt = $rt;
+ }
+ else {
+ @retains = @false;
+ $rt = 0;
+ }
+ if ($Quantum::Entanglement::destroy) {
+ @$universe = @$universe[@retains];
+ return $rt;
+ }
+ my $next_retain = shift @retains;
+ PURGE: foreach my $snum ( 0..(@$universe-1) ) {
+ if ($snum == $next_retain) {
+ $next_retain = shift(@retains) || -1;
+ next PURGE;
+ }
+ my $state = ${$universe}[$snum];
+ $$state[$_] = 0 foreach grep {!($_ % 2)} (0..(@$state-1))
+ }
+ return $rt;
+# any MUTating OPerator
+sub mutop {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $code = $_[1];
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ $state->[$os] = &$code($state->[$os]);
+ }
+ return $c;
+sub unnop {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $code = $_[1];
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $val = $c->_add; my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ push(@$state, $state->[$os-1], &$code($state->[$os]) );
+ }
+ return $val;
+# performing a conditional in paralell on the states (ie. without looking)
+# returns a new variable
+sub p_op {
+ my ($arg1, $op, $arg2, $true_cf, $false_cf) = @_;
+ $true_cf = ref($true_cf) ? $true_cf : sub {1};
+ $false_cf = ref($false_cf) ? $false_cf : sub {0};
+ my $r = 0;
+ unless (ref($arg1) && UNIVERSAL::isa($arg1, 'Quantum::Entanglement')) {
+ $r = 1;
+ ($arg1, $arg2) = ($arg2, $arg1);
+ }
+ my $tcref;
+ eval "
+ \$tcref = sub {
+ local \*QE::arg1 = \\\$_[0];
+ local \*QE::arg2 = \\\$_[1];
+ if (\$_[0] $op \$_[1]) {
+ return \&\$true_cf;
+ }
+ else {
+ return \&\$false_cf;
+ }
+ }
+ "; croak "$0: something wrong in p_op $@" if $@;
+ return binop($arg1, $arg2, $r, $tcref);
+# allows for other functions to be performed accross states, can take
+# as many entangled variables as you like...
+# can take code ref, or "symbolic" function name (eg. p_func('substr', ..))
+sub p_func {
+ my $func = shift;
+ my $package = (caller)[0];
+ # build up the function call by shifting off
+ # entangled variables until something isn't entangled
+ my $foo = ref($func) ? "&\$func(" : "$func(";
+ my @temp = @_;
+ my $first = $temp[0];
+ do {
+ my $c = shift @temp;
+ _join($first,$c);
+ } while (ref($temp[0]) && UNIVERSAL::isa($temp[0],'Quantum::Entanglement'));
+ my @p_codes = ();
+ do {
+ my $c = shift;
+ $foo .= '$state->[' . $c->[1] . '],';
+ push @p_codes, $c->[1]-1;
+ } while ( ref($_[0]) && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Quantum::Entanglement'));
+ $foo .= scalar(@_)? '@args);' : ');';
+ my @args = @_;
+ # loop over states, evaluating function in caller's package
+ my $var = $first->_add;
+ my $p_code = join('*', map {"\$state->[$_]"} @p_codes);
+ my $universe = ${$first->[0]};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ my $new_prob = eval $p_code;
+ push(@$state, $new_prob, eval "package $package; $foo");
+ croak "Internal error: $@" if $@;
+ }
+ return $var;
+# This allows the introduction of new states into the system, based
+# on the current values and probability amplitudes of current states
+# must be given a code ref, followed by a list of entangled vars whose
+# states will be passed to the function.
+sub q_logic {
+ my $func = shift;
+ my (@offsets);
+ my $first = $_[0];
+ _join($first,$_) foreach @_;
+ @offsets = map {$_->[1]-1, $_->[1]} @_;
+ my $var = $first->_add;
+ my $universe = ${$first->[0]};
+ my @resultant_space;
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ my @new_states = &$func(@{$state}[@offsets]);
+ do {
+ push @resultant_space, [@$state, splice(@new_states,0,2)];
+ } while (@new_states);
+ }
+ @{$universe} = @resultant_space;
+ return $var;
+# takes ft of amplitudes of a var, creates new state with the
+# transformed amplitudes and the values from the first state.
+sub QFT {
+ my $c = $_[0];
+ my $var = $c->_add;
+ my $os = $c->[1];
+ my $universe = ${$c->[0]};
+ my @inputs = map {$_->[$os-1]} @$universe; # get current probs
+ my $num = scalar @inputs;
+ foreach my $r (0..($num-1)) {
+ my $prob = 0;
+ foreach my $x (0..($num-1)) {
+ $prob += cplxe(1,(-2*pi*$r*$x / $num)) * $inputs[$x];
+ }
+ push @{$universe->[$r]}, $prob, $universe->[$r]->[$os];
+ }
+ return $var;
+sub save_state{
+ my @os;
+ my $stash = [];
+ foreach (@_) {
+ carp "Can only save state of Quantum::Entanglement variables"
+ unless (ref($_) && UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Quantum::Entanglement'));
+ }
+ my $first = $_[0];
+ _join($first, $_) foreach @_;
+ push(@os, $_->[1]) foreach @_;
+ my $universe = ${$_[0]->[0]};
+ foreach my $state (@$universe) {
+ push @$stash, [ @{$state}[map {$_-1,$_} @os] ];
+ }
+ return bless $stash, 'Quantum::Entanglement::State';
+# completely clobbers current state with whatever was saved previously
+sub restore_state {
+ my $stash = shift;
+ my $num_saved = scalar(@{$stash->[0]}) /2;
+ carp "You don't have any states saved!" unless $num_saved;
+ my @newvars;
+ $newvars[0] = _new();
+ ${$newvars[0]->[0]}->[0] = ['fake','fake']; # no hackery here, no.
+ if ($num_saved > 1) {
+ for (2..$num_saved) {
+ push(@newvars, $newvars[0]->_add());
+ push @{${$newvars[0]->[0]}->[0]}, qw(fake fake); # or here, never
+ }
+ }
+ my $universe = ${$newvars[0]->[0]};
+ shift @$universe;
+ foreach (@$stash) {
+ push @$universe, [@$_];
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @newvars : $newvars[0];
+# this is needed for simplicity of exporting save_states
+package Quantum::Entanglement::State;
+ at Quantum::Entanglement::State::ISA = qw(Quantum::Entanglement);
+sub DESTROY {}
+=head1 NAME
+Quantum::Entanglement - QM entanglement of variables in perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex :QFT);
+ my $c = entangle(1,0,i,1); # $c = |0> + i|1>
+ my $d = entangle(1,0,1,1); # $d = |0> + |1>
+ $e = $c * $d; # $e now |0*0> + i|0*1> + |1*0> + i|1*1>, connected to $c, $d
+ if ($e == 1) { # observe, probabilistically chose an outcome
+ # if we are here, ($c,$d) = i|(1,1)>
+ print "* \$e == 1\n";
+ }
+ else { # one of the not 1 versions of $e chosen
+ # if we are here, ($c,$d) = |(0,0)> + i|(1,0)> + |(0,1)>
+ print "* \$e != 1\n";
+ }
+ "Quantum Mechanics - the dreams that stuff is made of."
+Quantum mechanics is one of the stranger things to have emerged from science
+over the last hundred years. It has led the way to new understanding
+of a diverse range of fundamental physical phenomena and, should recent
+developments prove fruitful, could also lead to an entirely new mode
+of computation where previously intractable problems find themselves open
+to easy solution.
+While the detailed results of quantum theory are hard to prove, and
+even harder to understand, there are a handful of concepts from the
+theory which are more easily understood. Hopefully this module will
+shed some light on a few of these and their consequences.
+One of the more popular interpretations of quantum mechanics holds that
+instead of particles always being in a single, well defined, state
+they instead exist as an almost ghostly overlay of many different
+states (or values) at the same time. Of course, it is our experience
+that when we look at something, we only ever find it in one single state.
+This is explained by the many states of the particle collapsing to a
+single state and highlights the importance of observation.
+In quantum mechanics, the
+state of a system can be described by a set of numbers which have
+a probability amplitude associated with them.
+This probability amplitude is similar to the normal idea of probability
+except for two differences. It can be a complex number, which leads
+to interference between states, and the probability with which we might
+observe a system in a particular state is given by the modulus squared
+of this amplitude.
+Consider the simple system, often called a I<qubit>, which can take
+the value of 0 or 1. If we prepare it in the following superposition
+of states (a fancy way of saying that we want it to have many possible
+values at once):
+ particle = 1 * (being equal to 1) + (1-i) * (being equal to 0)
+we can then measure (observe) the value of the particle. If we do
+this, we find that it will be equal to 1 with a probability of
+ 1**2 / (1**2 + (1-i)(1+i) )
+and equal to zero with a probability of
+ (1+i)(1-i) / (1**2 + (1-i)(1+i) )
+the factors on the bottom of each equation being necessary so that the chance
+of the particle ending up in any state at all is equal to one.
+Observing a particle in this way is said to collapse the wave-function,
+or superposition of values, into a single value, which it will retain
+from then onwards. A simpler way of writing the equation above is
+to say that
+ particle = 1 |1> + (1-i) |0>
+where the probability amplitude for a state is given as a 'multiplier'
+of the value of the state, which appears inside the C<< | > >> pattern (this
+is called a I<ket>, as sometimes the I<bra> or C<< < | >>, pattern appears
+to the left of the probability amplitudes in these equations).
+Much of the power of quantum computation comes from collapsing states
+and modifying the probability with which a state might collapse to a
+particular value as this can be done to each possible state at the same
+time, allowing for fantastic degrees of parallelism.
+Things also get interesting when you have multiple particles together
+in the same system. It turns out that if two particles which exist
+in many states at once interact, then after doing so, they will be
+linked to one another so that when you measure the value of one
+you also affect the possible values that the other can take. This
+is called entanglement and is important in many quantum algorithms.
+Essentially, this allows you to put variables into a superposition
+of states, have them interact with each other (so that all states
+interact) and then observe them (testing to see if they satisfy
+some comparison operator, printing them) which will collapse
+the entire system so that it is consistent with your knowledge.
+As in quantum physics, the outcome of an observation will be the result
+of selecting one of the states of the system at random. This might
+affect variables other than the ones observed, as they are able to
+remember their history.
+For instance, you can say:
+ $foo = entangle(1,0,1,1); # foo = |0> + |1>
+ $bar = entangle(1,0,1,1); # bar = |0> + |1>
+if at this point we look at the values of $foo or $bar, we will
+see them collapse to zero half of the time and one the other half of
+the time. We will also find that us looking at $foo will have no
+effect on the possible values, or chance of getting any one of those
+values, of $bar.
+If we restrain ourselves a little and leave $foo and $bar unobserved
+we can instead play some games with them. We can use our entangled
+variables just as we would any other variable in perl, for instance,
+ $c = $foo * $bar;
+will cause $c to exist in a superposition of all the possible outcomes
+of multiplying each state of $foo with each state in $bar. If we
+now measure the value of $c, we will find that one quarter of the time
+it will be equal to one, and three quarters of the time it will be equal
+to zero.
+Lets say we do this, and $c turns out to be equal to zero this time, what
+does that leave $foo and $bar as? Clearly we cannot have both $foo and
+$bar both equal to one, as then $c would have been equal to one, but all
+the other possible values of $foo and $bar can still occur. We say
+that the state of $foo is now entangled with the state of $bar so that
+ ($foo, $bar ) = |0,0> + |0,1> + |1,0>.
+If we now measure $foo, one third of the time it will be equal to one and
+two thirds of the time, it will come out as zero. If we do this and get
+one, this means that should we observe $bar it will be equal to zero so
+that our earlier measurement of $c still makes sense.
+=head1 Use of this module
+To use this module in your programs, simply add a
+ use Quantum::Entanglement;
+line to the top of your code, if you want to use complex probability
+amplitudes, you should instead say:
+ use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:complex :DEFAULT);
+which will import the C<Math::Complex i Re Im rho theta arg cplx cplxe>
+functions / constants into your package.
+You can also import a Quantum Fourier transform, which acts on the
+probability amplitudes of a state (see below) by adding a C<:QFT>
+This module adds an C<entangle> function to perl, this puts a
+variable into multiple states simultaneously. You can then
+cause this variable to interact with other entangled, or normal,
+values the result of which will also be in many states at once.
+The different states which a variable can take each have an associated
+complex probability amplitude, this can lead to interesting behaviour,
+for instance, a root-not logic gate (see q_logic, below).
+=head2 entangle
+This sets up a new entangled variable:
+ $foo = entangle(prob1, val1, prob2, val2, ...);
+The probability values are strictly speaking probability amplitudes,
+and can be complex numbers (corresponding to a phase or wave-ish
+nature (this is stretching things slightly...)). To use straight
+numbers, just use them, to use complex values, supply a Math::Complex
+ $foo = entangle(1, 0, 1+4*i, 1);
+corresponds to:
+ foo = 1|0> + (1 + 4i)|1>
+The probabilities do not need to be normalized, this is done
+by the module whenever required (ie. when observing variables).
+=head2 Non-observational operations
+We can now use our entangled variable just as we would any normal
+variable in perl. Much of the time we will be making it do things
+where we do not find anything out about the value of our variable,
+if this is the case, then the variable does not collapse, although
+any result of its interactions will be entangled with itself.
+=head2 Observational Operators
+Whenever you perform an operation on an entangled variable which
+should increase your level of knowledge about the value of the variable
+you will cause it to collapse into a single state or set of states.
+All logical comparison (C<==>, C<gt> ....) operators, as well as
+string and num -ifying and boolean observation will cause collapse.
+When an entangled variable is observed in this way, sets of states which
+would satisfy the operator are produced (ie. for $a < 2, all states <2 and
+all >= 2). One of these sets of states is then selected randomly, using
+the probability amplitudes associated with the states. The result of
+operating on this state is then returned. Any other states are then
+For instance, if
+ $foo = entangle(1,2,1,3,1,5,1,7);
+ # |2> +|3> + |5> +|7>
+then saying
+ print '$foo is greater than four' if ($foo > 4);
+will cause $foo to be either C<< |2> + |3> >> B<or> C<< |5> +7> >>.
+Of course, if you had said instead:
+ $foo = entangle(-1,2,1,3,1,5,1,7);
+ # -1|2> + |3> + |5> +|7>
+then if C<$foo> was measured here, it would come out as any one of 2,3,5,7
+with equal likelyhood (remember, amplitude squared). But saying
+ print '$foo is greater than four' if ($foo > 4);
+will cause foo to be C<< |2> or 3> >> with a probability of C<(-1 + 1) == 0> or
+C<< |5 or 7> >> with probability of C<(1 + 1)/2 == 1>. Thus C<< $foo > 4 >>
+will B<always> be true.
+It is possible to perform operations like these on an entangled
+variable without causing collapse by using C<p_op> (below).
+When performing an observation, the module can do two things to
+the states which can no longer be valid (those to which it did not collapse,
+|2 or 3> in the example above). It can either internally
+set the probability of them collapsing to be zero or it can delete
+them entirely. This could have consequences if you are writing parallel
+functions that rely on there being a certain number of states in
+a variable, even after collapse.
+The default is for collapsed states to be destroyed, to alter this
+behaviour, set the C<$Quantum::Entanglement::destroy> variable to
+a false value. In general though, you can leave this alone.
+=head2 Dammit Jim, I can't change the laws of physics
+Although not the default, it is possible to cause observation (for
+boolean context or with comparison operators only) to act in a more
+purposeful manner. If the variable:
+ $Quantum::Entanglement::conform
+has a true value, then the overloaded operations provided by this
+module will try their very best to return "truth" instead of
+selecting randomly from both "true" and "false" outcomes.
+For example:
+ $foo = entangle(1,0,1,1,1,3); # foo = |0> + |1> + |3>
+ $Quantum::Entanglement::conform = 1;
+ print "\$foo > 0\n" if $foo > 0;
+ # foo now = |1> + |3>
+ print "\$foo == 3\n" if $foo == 3;
+ # foo now = |3>
+will always output:
+ $foo > 0
+ $foo == 3
+Of course, setting this variable somewhat defeats the point of
+the module, but it could lead to some interesting pre-calculating
+algorithms which are fed with entangled input, which is then
+later defined (by testing ==, say )with the answer of the calculation
+appearing, as if by magic, in some other variable. See also the
+section L<save_state>.
+=head2 p_op
+This lets you perform conditional operations on variables in a
+superposition of states B<without actually looking at them>.
+This returns a new superposed variable, with states given by
+the outcome of the p_op. You cannot, of course, gain any information
+about the variables involved in the p_op by doing this.
+ $rt = p_op(var1, op, var2, code if true, code if false).
+C<op> should be a string representing the operation to be performed
+(eg. C<"==">). The two code arguments should be references to subs
+the return values of which will be used as the value of the
+corresponding state should the expression be true or false.
+If no code is provided, the return value of the operator itself is
+evaluated in boolean context, if true, 1 or if false, 0 is
+used as the corresponding state of the returned variable. Only one
+of var1 and var2 need to be entangled states. The values of the states
+being tested are placed into the $QE::arg1 and $QE::arg2 variables
+should the subroutines want to play with them (these are localized
+aliases to the actual values, so modify at your peril (or pleasure)).
+The semantics are best shown by example:
+ $gas = entangle(1, 'bottled', 1, 'released');
+ # gas now in states |bottled> + |released>
+ $cat_health = p_op($gas, 'eq', 'released',
+ sub {'Dead'},
+ sub {'Alive'});
+ # cat,gas now in states |Alive, bottled> + |Dead, released>
+This is similar to parallel execution of the following psuedo code:
+ if (gas is in bottle) { # not probabilistic, as we don't look
+ cat is still alive
+ }
+ else {
+ cat is dead
+ }
+The cat can now be observed (with a conditional test say) and doing so will
+collapse both the cat and the gas:
+ if ($cat_health eq 'Dead') {# again, outcome is probabilistic
+ # thus gas = |released>
+ }
+ else {
+ # thus gas = |bottled>
+ }
+This also lets you use some other 'binary' operators on a superposition
+of states by immediatly observing the return value of the parallel op.
+ $string = entangle(1,'aa', 1, 'bb', 1, 'ab', 1, 'ba');
+ $regex = qr/(.)\1/;
+ if (q_op($string, '=~', $regex)) { # again, probabilistic
+ # if here, string = |aa> + |bb>
+ }
+ else {
+ # if here, string = |ab> + |ba>
+ }
+=head2 p_func
+This lets you perform core functions and subs through the states
+of a superposition without observing and produce a new variable
+corresponding to a superposition of the results of the function.
+ p_func("func" ,entangled var,[more vars,] [optional args])
+Any number of entangled variables can be passed to the function,
+optional args begin with the first non-entangled var.
+The optional args will be passed to the subroutine or function unmodified.
+eg. C<p_func('substr', $foo, 1,1)> will perform C<substr($state, 1,1)>
+on each state in $foo. Saying C<p_func('substr', $foo,$bar,1)> will
+evaluate C<substr($s_foo, $s_bar,1)> for each state in $foo and $bar.
+You can also specify a subroutine, either in the same package that C<p_func>
+is called from, or with a fully qualified name.
+ sub foo {my $state = $_[0]; return ${$_[1]}[$state]}
+ @foo = qw(one two three);
+ $foo = entangle(1,1,1,2,1,3); # |1> + |2> + |3>
+ $bar = p_func('foo', $foo, \@foo);
+ # bar now |one> + |two> + |three>
+You can also pass a code reference as first arg (cleaner)...
+ $bar = p_func(\&foo, $foo, \@foo);
+=head2 q_logic
+This allows you to create new states, increasing the amount of
+global state as you do so. This lets you apply weird quantum
+logic gates to your variables, amongst other things.
+ q_logic(code ref, entangled var [,more vars] );
+The code ref is passed a list of probabilities and values corresponding
+to the state currently being examined. (prob, val, [prob, val..])
+code ref must return a list of the following format:
+ (prob, val, prob, val ...) # as entangle basically
+For instance, this is a root-not gate:
+ sub root_not {
+ my ($prob, $val) = @_;
+ return( $prob * (i* (1/sqrt(2))), $val,
+ $prob * (1/sqrt(2)), !$val ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ $foo = entangle(1,0);
+ $foo = q_logic(\&root_not, $foo);
+ # if $foo is observed here, it will collapse to both 0 and 1, at random
+ $foo = q_logic(\&root_not, $foo);
+ print "\$foo is 1\n" if $foo; # always works, $foo is now 1.
+This corresponds to the following:
+ foo = |0>
+ root_not( foo )
+ foo is now in state: sqrt(2)i |0> + sqrt(2) |1>
+ root_not (foo)
+ foo in state: (0.5 - 0.5) |0> + (0.5i + 0.5i) |1>
+ which if observed gives
+ foo = 0|0> + i|1> which must collapse to 1.
+Neat, huh?
+=head2 save_state
+Having set up a load of entangled variables, you might wish to
+store their superposed state for later restoration. This is acheived
+using the C<save_state> function:
+ $state = save_state( [list of entangled variables] );
+To restore the states of the entangled variables, simply call
+the C<restore_state> method on the C<$state>:
+ ($foo, $bar) = $state->restore_state;
+The variables return by C<restore_state> will no longer be entangled to
+anything they were previously connected to. If multiple variables have
+their state saved at once, then any connections between them will remain.
+See the demo calc_cache for an example of use.
+=head2 QFT
+This provides a quantum fourier transform which acts on the probability
+amplitudes of a state, creating a new state with the same values as the
+initial state but with new probability amplitudes. FTs like this are
+used in many quantum algorithms where it is important to find the
+periodicity of some function (for instance, Shor).
+This will only work if you have carefully populated your states, essentially
+if all seperately C<entangle>d variables do not interact. This
+sort of breaks encapsulation, so might change in the future!
+See C<~/demo/shor.pl> for an example of the use of this function.
+=head2 Quantum::Entanglement::show_states
+This allows you to find out the states that your variables are in, it
+does not count as observation.
+If called as a method it will
+only return the states available to that variable, thus:
+ $foo = entangle(1,0,1,1);
+ print $foo->show_states;
+ 1|0> 1|1>
+If a variable is entangled with other superposed values, then calling
+C<save_state> with an additional true argument will display the states
+of all the variables which have interacted together.
+ print $foo->show_states(1);
+If two variables have not yet interacted, then they will not appear in
+the state space of the other.
+The ordering of the output of this function may change in later versions
+of this module.
+=head2 Entangling subroutines
+It is possible to entangle a set of subroutine references and later
+call them in parallel with the same set of arguments. The subroutines
+will always be called in scalar context. The return values of the
+subroutines will be present in the entangled variable returned.
+ $subs = entangle(1 => sub {return $_[0}, 1=>sub {return $_[1]});
+ $return = $subs->(qw(chalk cheese));
+ # $return now |chalk> + |cheese>
+=head1 EXPORT
+This module exports quite a bit, C<entangle>, C<save_state>,
+C<p_op>, C<p_func> and C<q_logic>. If used with qw(:complex) it will
+also export the following functions / constants from the Math::Complex
+module: C<i Re Im rho theta arg cplx cplxe>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alex Gough (F<alex at earth.li>). Any comments, suggestions or bug
+reports are warmly welcomed.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1). L<Quantum::Superpositions>. L<Math::Complex>.
+ - 1985 Paper by David Deutsch.
+ - Machines, Logic and Quantum Physics,
+ David Deutsch, Artur Ekert, Rossella Lupacchini.
+Various examples are provided in the C<~/demo/> directory of the
+distribution. An article on the module is available at
+=head1 BUGS
+This is slow(ish) but fun, so hey!
+=head2 Shortcomings
+This module does fall short of physical reality in a few important
+areas, some of which are listed below:
+=over 4
+=item No eigenfunction like behaviour
+All operators share the same set of eigenfunctions, in real QM this
+is sometimes not the case, so observing one thing would cause some
+other thing (even if already observed) to fall into a superposition
+of states again.
+=item Certain observables cannot simultaneously have precisely defined values.
+This follows from the point above. The famous uncertainty
+principle follows from the fact that position and momentum have different
+sets of eigenfunctions. In this module, it is always possible to collapse
+the system so that a value is known for every entangled variable.
+=item Perl is not a quantum computing device
+Perl, alas, is currently only implemented on classical computers, this
+has the disadvantage that any quantum algorithm will not run in constant
+time but will quite likely run in exponential time. This might be
+remedied in future releases of perl. Just not anytime soon.
+=item Quantum information cannot be copied with perfect fidelity
+It is impossible to perfectly clone a real entangled state without
+'damaging' in some way either the original or the copy. In this
+module, it is possible for this to happen as we have special
+access to the states of our variables.
+=item Cannot generate perfectly random numbers
+It is well known that classical computers cannot produce a perfectly
+random sequence of numbers, as this module runs on one of these, it
+also suffers the same fate. It is possible to give a classical computer
+access to a perfect random number generator though (essentially by
+linking it to a suitable physical system) in which case this is no
+longer a problem.
+This code is copyright (c) Alex Gough, 2001,2002. All Rights
+Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used,
+redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Perl version checking
+eval {require 5.6.0} or die <<'EOD';
+* This module uses functions which are only available in perls
+* greater than 5.6.0 which you do not seem to have yet.
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ 'NAME' => 'Quantum::Entanglement',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => 'Entanglement.pm', # finds $VERSION
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+ 'PL_FILES' => {}, # some demos included, do not need to be run
+# 'PM' => { 'Quantum/Entanglement.pm'
+# => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Quantum/Entanglement.pm'},
diff --git a/demo/calc_cache.pl b/demo/calc_cache.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b5b7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/calc_cache.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT);
+# list of possible input values for our computationally slow function:
+my @inputsA = (1,1,1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5,1,6,1,7,1,8,1,9,1,10);
+my @inputsB = (1,1,1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5,1,6,1,7,1,8,1,9,1,10);
+# make a superposition of these (we don't need to worry about probs here...)
+my $inputsA = entangle( @inputsA );
+my $inputsB = entangle( @inputsB );
+# calculate our nasty function, save the entangled answer
+# this should have many steps and be nasty, but that'll take too long
+my $answer = $inputsA * $inputsB;
+# store the global state space
+my $state = save_state($inputsA, $inputsB, $answer);
+# set up "conform" mode
+$Quantum::Entanglement::conform = 1;
+print "Enter two numbers between 1 and 10 to multiply\n";
+while (<>) {
+ last unless /(\d+)[^\d]*(\d+)/;
+ 1 if $inputsA == $1; # yes, really ==, just in void context
+ 1 if $inputsB == $2;
+ print "\n$1 * $2 = $answer\n";
+ ($inputsA, $inputsB, $answer) = $state->restore_state; # again!
diff --git a/demo/root_not.pl b/demo/root_not.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9912b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/root_not.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex);
+my $foo = entangle(1, 0); # foo = |0>
+$foo = q_logic(\&root_not, $foo); # now foo = |0> + i|1>
+$foo = q_logic(\&root_not, $foo); # but foo = |1> ie (root-not)**2 foo
+print "\$foo is true!\n" if $foo;
+sub root_not {
+ my ($prob, $val) = @_;
+ return( $prob * (i* (1/sqrt(2))), $val, # same state => *i/root(2)
+ $prob * (1/sqrt(2)), !$val ? 1 : 0); # diff state => *1/root(2)
+=head1 root_not - Demonstration of a root-not logic gate.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ./root_not.pl
+ $foo is true!
+This is an implementation of a root_not gate using Quantum::Entanglement.
+=head2 Logic Gates
+The simplist possible logic gate is one which maps a single input {0,1} to
+a single output {0,1}. This can be illustrated using the following diagram:
+ Possible Inputs Gate Possible Outputs
+ a
+ 0 -----------|----|------- 0
+ |\b /|
+ | \/ |
+ | /\ |
+ |/c \|
+ 1 -----------|----|------- 1
+ d
+The constants a,b,c,d represent the probability with which a certain input
+will map onto a given output. For instance, a=d=1, b=c=0 is a pass through
+gate and a=d=0, b=c=1 is a convential NOT gate.
+We can also use this gate as a random number generator, if we set a=b=c=d=0.5
+then the output of this machine will be 0 half of the time and 1 the other
+half of the time, the output will also be uncorrelated with the input.
+It is also easy to see that if we were to chain two of these gates together
+we would still get a random stream as our output.
+All the above is entirely classical. Things get a little wierd if instead
+of using straight probabilities for a,b,c,d we instead use probability
+amplitudes which we allow to be complex numbers. We need them to be
+normalised so that (a**2 + b**2) == 1 and (c**2+d**2)==1 rather than
+(a+b)==1 as before.
+Now, if we let a=d=i/root(2) and b=c=1/root(2). With one gate, we transform
+an input state of |0> into an output state of i|0> + 1|1> and an input
+state of 1 into an output state of 1|1> + i|0> (without normalisation).
+If we look at the results of this single gate, we will measure 0
+with a probability of |(i)|/2 == 0.5 and 1 with a probability of
+(1)/2 == 0.5 (for an input of 0).
+In this case, we have the same output as we did with
+the classical random number generator.
+If we do not look at the results of this gate and feed it into a second
+gate we see the following with an input of 0 (normalization delayed until end):
+ state at start = |0>
+ state after one gate = i|0> + 1|1>
+ state after two gates = i*i|0> + 1*i|1> + 1*i|1> + 1*1|0>
+ = (-1+1)|0> + (i+i)|1>
+Which if observed collapses to |1>. If an input of 1 is used on the first
+gate, then it is easy to show that an output of 0 will come from the
+second gate. Here we have a device where if only one is used, behaves
+as a random number generator, but if two are used in series, acts as a NOT
diff --git a/demo/shor.pl b/demo/shor.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d72e6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/shor.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+die 'usage: ./shor.pl [number to factor]' unless @ARGV;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex :QFT);
+$Quantum::Entanglement::destroy = 0;
+my $num = $ARGV[0];
+# do some early die'ing
+die "$num is a multiple of two, here I am, brain the size..." unless $num %2;
+die "$num is a non-integer, I only have whole numbers of fingers"
+ unless $num == int($num);
+die "$num is less than 15" unless $num >= 15;
+print "Performing initial classical steps:\n";
+# work out q value
+my $q_power = int(2* log($num) / log(2)) +1;
+my $q = 2 ** $q_power;
+# pick some x so that x is coprime to n.
+my $x;
+do {
+ $x = int(rand $num) + 1;
+} until ($num % $x != 0 and $x > 2); #ok.. so this misses the point slightly
+print "Using q:$q, x:$x\nStarting quantum steps\n";
+# fill up a register with integers from 1..q
+my $prob = 1/sqrt($q);
+my $register1 = entangle(map {$prob, $_} (0..$q-1));
+# apply transformation F = x**|a> mod n, store in register 2
+# (need to do a p_func to avoid overflow while **)
+sub power_mod {
+ my ($state, $x1, $num1) = @_;
+ my $rt = 1;
+ return 1 if $state == 0;
+ return 1 if $state == 1;
+ for (1..$state) {
+ $rt = ($rt * $x1) % $num1;
+ }
+ return $rt;
+print "Performing F = x**|a> mod n\n";
+my $register2 = p_func(\&power_mod, $register1, $x, $num);
+# We now observe $register2, thus partially collapsing reg1
+my $k = "$register2";
+print "\$register2 collapsed to $k\n";
+print "Finding period of F (this is where you wish for a QCD)\n";
+# take a ft of the amplitudes of reg1, placing result in reg3
+my $register3 = QFT($register1);
+my $lqonr = "$register3"; # observe, this must be multiple of q/r
+if ($lqonr == 0) {
+ print "Got period of '0', halting\n"; exit(0);
+my $period = int($q / $lqonr + 0.5); # rounding
+print "Period of F = x**|a> mod n is $period\n";
+# now given the period, we need to work out the factor of n
+# work out the two thingies:
+if ($period % 2 != 0) {
+ print "$period is not an even number, doubling to";
+ $period *=2;
+ print " $period\n";
+my $one = $x**($period/2) -1;
+my $two = $x**($period/2) +1;
+# one and two must have a gcd in common with n, which we now find...
+print "$one * $two and $num might share a gcd (classical step)\n";
+my ($max1, $max2) = (1,1);
+for (2..$num) {
+ last if $_ > $num;
+ unless (($num % $_) || ($one % $_)) {
+ $max1 = $_;
+ }
+ unless (($num % $_) || ($two % $_)) {
+ $max2 = $_;
+ }
+print "$max1, $max2 could be factors of $num\n";
+=head1 NAME
+ shor - A short demonstration of Quantum::Entanglement
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ./shor.pl [number to factor (>14)]
+This program implements Shor's famous algorithm for factoring numbers. A
+brief overview of the algorithm is given below.
+=head2 The important maths
+Given a number B<n> which we are trying to factor, and some other number
+which we have guessed, B<x>, we can say that:
+ x**0 % n == 1 (as x**0 = 1, 1 % n =1)
+There will also be some other number, B<r> such that
+ x**r % n == 1
+or, more specifically,
+ x**(kr) % n ==1
+in other words, the function
+ F(a) = x**a % n
+is periodic with period B<r>.
+Now, starting from
+ x**r = 1 % n
+ x**(2*r/2) = 1 % n
+ (x**(r/2))**2 - 1 = 0 % n
+and, if r is an even number,
+ (x**(r/2) - 1)*(x**(r/2) + 1) = 0 mod n
+or in nice short words, the term on the left is an integer multiple of B<n>.
+So long as x**(r/2) != +-1, at least one of the two brackets on the left
+must share a factor with B<n>.
+Shor's alorithm provides a way to find the periodicity of the function F
+and thus a way to calculate two numbers which share a factor with n, it
+is then easy to use a classical computer to find the GCD and thus a
+factor of B<n>.
+=head1 The steps of the algorithm
+=head2 1. Remove early trivial cases
+We have efficient classical methods for finding that 2 is a factor of 26,
+so we do not need to use this method for this.
+=head2 2. Pick an integer
+Chose a number B<q> so that C<n**2 <= q <= 2n**2>, this is done on a
+classical computer. (This is the size we will use for our quantum register.)
+=head2 3. Select at random a number coprime to n
+Think of some number less than B<n> so that B<n> and B<x> do not share
+a common factor (if they do, we already know the answer...).
+=head2 4. Fill a quantum register with integers from 0..q-1
+This is where we create our first entangled variable, and is the first
+non-classical step in this algorithm.
+=head2 5. Calculate F, store in a second register
+We now calculate C< F(a) = x**a % n> where a represents the superposition
+of states in our first register, we store the result of this in our
+second register.
+=head2 6. Look at register2
+We now look at the value of register two and get some value B<k>, this forces
+register1 into
+a state which can only collapse into values satisfying the equation
+ x**a % n = k
+The probability amplitudes for the remaining states are now all equal to zero,
+note that we have not yet looked directly at register1.
+=head2 7. Find period of register1
+We now apply a fourier transform to the amplitudes of the states in
+register1, storing the result as the probability amplitudes for a new
+state with the values of register1. This causes there to be a high
+probability that the register will collapse to a value which is some
+multiple of C<q/r>.
+=head2 8. Observe register1
+We now observe register1, and use the result to calculate a likely value
+for B<r>. From this we can easily calculate two numbers, one of which
+will have a factor in common with n, by applying an efficient classical
+algoirthm for finding the greatest common denominator, we will be able
+to find a value which could be a factor of B<n>.
+=head1 Things to remember
+This algorithm does not claim to produce a factor of our number the first
+time that it is run, there are various conditions which will cause it
+to halt mid-way, for instance, the FT step can give a result of 0 which
+is clearly useless. The algorithm is better than any known classical one
+because the expectation value of the time required to get a correct answer
+is still O(n).
+This also cannot factor a number which is prime (it being, as it were, prime)
+and also cannot factor something which is a prime power (25, say).
+This code is copyright (c) Alex Gough (alex at rcon.org )2001. This is
+free software, you may use, modify and redistribute it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 BUGS
+This is slow, being run on classical computers, ah well.
diff --git a/t/t1_general.t b/t/t1_general.t
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t1_general.t
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Simple tests of Quantum::Entanglement
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test;
+BEGIN {plan tests => 17, todo =>[]}
+use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex :QFT);
+{ # entangle + boolean
+ my $foo = entangle(1,1);
+ my $bar = 0;
+ $bar = 1 if $foo;
+ ok(1,$bar);
+{ # entangle + boolean + i
+ my $foo = entangle(1*i,1);
+ my $bar = 0;
+ $bar = 1 if $foo;
+ ok(1,$bar);
+{ # stringification and operators
+ my $foo = entangle(1,1,1*i,1);
+ my $bar = entangle(1,2,1*i,2);
+ { # *
+ my $c = $foo * $bar;
+ ok("$c",2);
+ }
+ {
+ my $c = $foo + $bar;
+ ok("$c",3);
+ } {
+ my $c = $bar / $foo;
+ ok("$c",2);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo % $bar;
+ ok("$c",1);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo - $bar;
+ ok("$c",-1);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo << $bar;
+ ok("$c",4);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo >> $bar;
+ ok("$c",0);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo ** $bar;
+ ok("$c",1);
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo x $bar;
+ ok("$c",'11');
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo . $bar;
+ ok("$c",'12');
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo & $bar;
+ ok("$c",'0');
+ } {
+ my $c = $foo | $bar;
+ ok("$c",'3');
+ }
+{ # p_op
+ my $foo = entangle(1,1,1*i,1);
+ my $bar = entangle(1,2,1*i,2);
+ {
+ my $c = p_op($foo, '>', $bar, sub {'yes'}, sub {'no'});
+ ok("$c", 'no');
+ } {
+ my $c = p_op($foo, '<', $bar, sub {'yes'}, sub {'no'});
+ ok("$c", 'yes');
+ } {
+ my $c = p_op($foo, '<', $bar, sub {$QE::arg1 . $QE::arg2},
+ sub {$QE::arg2 . $QE::arg1});
+ ok("$c", '12');
+ }
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