[libdancer-plugin-database-perl] branch master updated (2125d31 -> d5f1a6a)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sat Aug 13 14:58:30 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libdancer-plugin-database-perl.
from 2125d31 update changelog
adds da4298b Initial development of Dancer::Plugin::Database.
adds 17c1e64 Documentation improvements.
adds 07a957d Don't use warnings; don't include version in POD.
adds 6b41845 get_connection / check_connection are private and should not be called directly.
adds 354f534 Implement _check_connection.
adds 1afce28 Update Changes and README.
adds 7cb39e2 Correct email address in docs.
adds 242fa9f Correct dependencies.
adds 6dfb090 Fix muppetry.
adds 7a0866c Missing underscore.
adds e365309 Better description in name.
adds 49eb047 Config example doc fixes thanks to mrpants
adds 8240044 Set $last_connection_check upon connection.
adds 582ad17 Implement our own connection check when needed.
adds 21ce251 If we need to reconnect, call disconnect on old handle first.
adds 4c2586f Implement our own check on database connection where needed.
adds 2b83b15 Accept DBI connection params, and support on-connect queries.
adds 42e12bc Stupid typo in documentation for features added in 0.05.
adds a0f82c1 Separate extra DSN params with semi-colons.
adds cc794d8 Translate database to dbname for SQLite users.
adds f308f37 Preparing 0.07 for release
adds ee772cf Another changelog entry for 0.07 which I forgot to add before releasing
adds 8fde2cc Make the SQLite DWIMmery from 0.07 actually work.
adds 0982fb6 Handle multiple named database connections.
adds 3e18ee0 Don't attempt to call Dancer::Loggger as a class method.
adds a2880bb Preparing version 0.09 for release.
adds e7dff3d load settings when needed, else I can't test
adds 1a78c89 add tests:
adds 6f0854c require DBD::SQLite or skip
adds 6fe8fb4 in-memory db
adds da9fdcc Prepare to release 0.09_1 with Franck's added tests.
adds bb191f3 Adding t/01-basic.t to MANIFEST.
adds 3f8e508 Of course, shipping the new tests witout t/lib/TestApp.pm won't work.
adds 56f3727 Preparing to release 0.10 with Franck's added tests.
adds c8d8475 Bugfix: pass settings when reconnecting, too.
adds 3f047fe Preparing 0.11 for release.
adds 233b384 Silly typo in test output message.
adds 9dcf476 Updated README (generated from POD with pod2readme).
adds 69a38c1 Writing everywhere correct param name
adds d6a492b Support connectivity-check-threshold as an alias.
adds fd7a045 Update Changes
adds 8001d2f Looks like I forgot to commit this after bumping version.
adds cdced34 Adding new handle class implementing covenience methods.
adds d501fbd Refactor - DRY.
adds b51a847 Add quick_delete.
adds f95ced4 Document new convenience features in main plugin POD.
adds fef168c Tests to exercise new extended features.
adds c3689be Make test for quick_update pass.
adds 48beaa8 We'll probably want to ship D::P::Database::Handle.
adds d458356 Add a $VERSION and note about SQL injection mitigation.
adds 79c5cc7 Updated README (pod2readme automatic update)
adds 6ae9c52 Don't try to link to docs for DBI::db.
adds 9c1fc94 Correct URL for www.bobby-tables.com.
adds dc37186 Dirty bodge to work around problems on Windows systems.
adds 851e5a1 MANIFEST needs filenames, not dir names.
adds f47970a Preparing to release 0.90.
adds a2952ce Add a use strict to Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle.
adds 5d7dc7c It's a subclass of DBI::db, not DBI::st.
adds d528320 update settings from configuration file with those from application
adds 83b322d forgot to declare variable $handle
adds 25e75cb fixed loop: loop over keys of hash
adds 68120ba Docs and tests for Alan's runtime config patch.
adds cc236b7 Update README (auto-generated with pod2readme)
adds bb4b4f8 Releasing version 1.00!
adds 20a6339 Refactor to fix GH 5 - horrid named connections bug.
adds 22aeb72 Add quick_select; re-work documentation.
adds 64081d1 Stupid mistake. (Fix where clause validation.)
adds e6d2ed3 Fix bug with quick_insert() on MySQL/Postgres.
adds bb2370f Test quick_select
adds b3198b0 Document new quick_select() briefly in main docs
adds 8d20dd5 Update acknowledgements section
adds 067f4a1 Preparing to release 1.10.
adds 1b6732a Include quick_select example in synopsis.
adds 11fc33e Mispaste in docs.
adds e59949b Another minor typo in docs.
adds dabc2ea Documentation fix.
adds e437d37 Add where clause when using quick_select.
adds 4570e46 More fixes for quick_select.
adds b3ed644 Extend test suite - better testing of quick_select.
adds 9ae3b02 Bump version to 1.11 ready for release.
adds 16d2fad Add new auto UTF-8 support feature.
adds d08a1bd Bugfix fetching charset setting, POD fix.
adds 8cec9d9 It's ":memory:" not ":memory".
adds 862bd11 Update README (automatically with pod2readme)
adds 6aa0047 Preparing 1.20 for release.
adds bed4db0 Return undef if DB connection fails.
adds e34abd6 Bump version to 1.21
adds 6f9be5b Don't log non-ASCII data or long data in debug.
adds 60616f6 Remove use of to_json() from test.
adds 38381b5 Removing t/boilerplate.t
adds e516fc4 Bump version to 1.22 and update changelog.
adds f75d915 Only log queries if log_queries is enabled in config.
adds 87535b6 Remove test app log.
adds d485fd0 Stash away log_queries setting correctly.
adds 57ef019 Avoid warning for undef params when logging.
adds d204cb6 Preparing to release 1.24.
adds 36eba08 Allow e.g. quick_select($table, {}) for all rows.
adds e25f520 Preparing to release 1.30 with change for gnusosa.
adds 6a6877c Be fork/thread-safe.
adds aa8e9be test that handles are cached.
adds 0996877 Acknowledge mst, who pointed out the fork/thread safety issue.
adds ec63bd8 Bumping version to 1.30_01; preparing a dev release.
adds 856af3c Extract driver from DSN so we can still do auto utf8.
adds 194f68d Update Changes; add acknowledgement.
adds 8d960b1 Mention thread safety in docs.
adds b3faff9 Refactor fail - leaving the sigil there would help.
adds 14ca205 Preparing to release 1.40.
adds a083d32 Include 'port' in config example.
adds 22b11e2 Acknowledgement for Christian Walde (Mithaldu).
adds ebb9c01 Link to watch repo on GitHub.
adds 8987222 Include description in name.
adds 1762c54 support IS NULL where clause
adds a809dee Docs, Changes, Release
adds e921899 I know I didn't do much.. but
adds 7f3faa6 Refer SimpleCRUD
adds 827a235 Don't warn that we're adding UTF-8 support if we've already set it ourselves
adds 5e90921 Merge pull request #9 from LoonyPandora/patch-1
adds 032ceba Preparing to release 1.42.
adds 63c09ba Bumping version to do a test release with @mrallen1's changes.
adds 57c25d7 Now we can do to disconnect for $dbh (database->disconnect) successfully
adds c56e923 Added Makefile.old to .gitignore
adds a9a69cb Merge pull request #11 from Perlover/master
adds 47b319a Fetch specific columns using quick_select by passing arrayref
adds ed5f9e9 Add quick_lookup syntactic sugar method
adds 87050ee Make WHERE more configurable - no test cases yet
adds 1dec5d5 Implement where clause operators as hashref keys
adds b465056 Merge pull request #12 from mrallen1/master
adds db2e63d Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds e79325e Preparing to release 1.50 with @mrallen1's changes.
adds 87bcfc9 Fixed doc about 'dbi_params'
adds 62c7674 Merge pull request #14 from Perlover/patch/doc-1
adds 7046f2a Use =encoding utf8 in POD.
adds 477f0d3 Link to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in main D::P::Database docs.
adds 8e9b72d Typo fix.
adds d5e2f6e Handle "is" operator in where clauses properly - Issue 15.
adds ba51e5e Preparing to release 1.51
adds 75237a5 Acknowledgement for @bor.
adds e6817b4 Avoid errors under strict subs
adds 9d602a2 Avoid stupid uninitialised value warnings
adds ed6eeec Add database_connected hook.
adds 83c0891 Acknowledgement for mdom
adds ea70d85 Updated README (using pod2readme)
adds ae3c9ce Bump required Dancer version to 1.3050.
adds 9f6f35b Bump version to 1.60 and update Changes
adds af038f9 small fixes in POD
adds 7410772 added reminder about using "quote/quote_identifier" in WHERE
adds 5a8425a Merge pull request #16 from bor/master
adds 42a8ef5 Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds c90ce5b Starting to add new additional query options.
adds 93fd45f POD fix.
adds 2385e8e New tests to test selecting specific columns.
adds 53e6acc Support adding LIMIT clause if specified in options
adds 8c3616a Don't leave behind old LIMIT-setting code.
adds 3b52a2d Test user-supplied limit param.
adds 4c69024 Add support for ORDER BY clauses via order_by option.
adds e512839 Tests for order_by option.
adds 0db9e89 Bump version on D::P::D::Handle
adds e776808 Tiny typo fix in comment
adds a59534f Update DBD:SQLite 'database' alias comment
adds 5abdc63 Bump copyright year.
adds 57f4b94 Acknowledgement for Andrey Inishev.
adds c6e0ffe Clearer ref to full D::P::D::Handle docs.
adds b9eac18 Merge branch 'feature/additionaloptions'
adds 0e88651 Bump version, preparing for developer release
adds 938a152 Update README (using pod2readme)
adds 79a033f Er, let's ship the new t/02-handle.t
adds fe8e858 Bump version for another dev release.
adds ee16c18 Adding MANIFEST.SKIP.
adds 8f0c931 Bump version to 1.70 ready for release
adds 39f65a5 Bump version to 1.70, preparing to release
adds 477c405 Minor doc tweaks.
adds 3fad92b Adding new hooks, as requested in GH-24.
adds 900427e Test that database_connected hook fires correctly
adds b5feb60 Test that database_connected hook receives handle.
adds 72af0ac Test that database_error hook fires
adds e82c80d Test that database_lost_connection hook fires
adds efc0509 Rename database_lost_connection and implement it.
adds 8f0cbcd Test that database_connection_failed hook fires.
adds 8bcfec9 Acknowledgement for @knutov.
adds f9b20aa Support blessing DB handle into alternative class.
adds 74d2004 Test ability to override class of database handles
adds bab03fe Test handle class which subclasses D::P::D::Handle
adds 84ff5ba Document handle_class option
adds bcb1ce1 Ensure the handle class requested is loaded.
adds de92f57 Requested handle class is now loaded automatically.
adds 3783e0a Bump version to 1.70_01, ready for developer release
adds 50c0b8e Shipping TestHandleClass would be useful.
adds ccbead1 Preparing to ship 1.70_02 for more test reports
adds 60414be Add repository/bugtracker/homepage to META.yml
adds 9c9d2d5 Bump version to 1.80, update Changes
adds 0a0373f Update README (using pod2readme)
adds a66cf21 Minor typo fix.
adds 3a5cb1f Test to expose bug from PR-27.
adds 0087709 Bugfix: Make ORDER clauses work when using WHERE clauses (missing space)
adds 18f490e Merge pull request #27 from mstap/patch-1
adds d33969b Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds e2d5c54 Extra test records for test for PR-27.
adds 1081370 Indent fix
adds 0f323e5 Update tests to reflect the two new test records
adds 52f7ecb Indent fix
adds a25a41a Capture log output rather than printing it.
adds 6b31eba Update Changes
adds 1df3105 Version bumpage, preparing to release 1.81
adds aa3c180 Mention MySQL sql_mode in the docs.
adds 93b4eea Accept a single string as on_connect_do value.
adds 85e8cd0 Cache a ref to settings hashref so it doesn't go out of scope.
adds dff5242 Bump version
adds 616cf3e Update Changes
adds 5f9afea some POD fixes
adds 4fd9ee1 Merge pull request #30 from bor/fix/POD
adds de45161 In the way for a Universal DPD
adds 68e23c5 Nothing relevant
adds 3f449c5 More passing tests
adds 9f93979 Nothing relevant
adds ab7a1c8 Almost ready for 2. need to test again with 1
adds 02c0f18 Clean up code
adds 0033787 Clean up some more
adds 1a2d844 Better var naming
adds 4aa52a1 New Dancer 2 way for hooks
adds 98f67a7 Use last commits on dancer 1
adds 9f0f8f1 Merge pull request #32 from bigpresh/universal
adds 761682d Bump Dancer version required to 1.3099
adds ff00fbb Set version for a dev release.
adds 761ab14 Quote identifiers more intelligently.
adds b90c778 Update Changes
adds d1e86fb Fix minor typo in Changes
adds 1075ba3 Accept limit offset,count syntax too.
adds 11c1eb4 Update changes to reflect limit arg validation change
adds e391fab Be more consistent.
adds 01a3a78 Allow a false value for connection_check_threshold to disable checking.
adds 4741aba Update acknowledgements section
adds 5c5d85e Update README (via pod2readme)
adds cef2169 Bump version for another dev release
adds 80ca8c8 Update Changes
adds e0a77fe Bump version - 2.00!
adds 0961276 Fix horrid crashing bug.
adds c8cfc8c Update Changes
adds ffe8fa6 Bump version to 2.01
adds e996d6d Muppetry - don't reuse the same var name, that's silly.
adds b15a657 Add Travis CI config
adds ec7b37a Merge pull request #34 from bigpresh/use-travis
adds 01e1feb Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds 8a571a4 Log more helpful error if asked for non-existent default conn
adds 8e91202 Bump version
adds d995bcc Update Changes
adds 3b5e671 Remove left-over debugging warning
adds 219b67f Bump version to 2.03
adds 27ba143 Update Changes
adds b3f4cbf Permit "sid" in DSN for Oracle support.
adds 8664d9b Document Oracle sid param (and give SQLite example, too)
adds 581898c Update Changes
adds cb20617 Update README (via pod2readme)
adds 5ad00db Bump version
adds 806ab54 Move test files
adds 22b8daa More moves
adds b9f42fb Last moves
adds f4d851d Empty Shared module
adds fe33cfb Moved Handle
adds 5212921 More main methods
adds 6cef349 Move complete. Now test
adds b928680 Mostly done
adds 50f0a79 Fixed
adds ffcfb37 Trying to fix travis
adds 855824f Fix2?
adds 25acd0e Creating Dancer2 version
adds b04106b Dancer 2 version passing tests
adds 7cc5002 Try to test two dists
adds 2569a83 Fix bad yaml
adds 501a410 And test Dancer 2 as well
adds 308dd39 Test the correct thing
adds f5c8a9a call other execute_hook
adds 603edd8 Fix Changes
adds e8579c9 Fix changes
adds 8800670 Fix dependencies
adds b50692e Update Changes
adds 707a7dd Update changes
adds 718c816 Release split version
adds 0f9cf6e Merge branch 'pr/split'
adds 341936b 2.06
adds 6e13281 Fix TestHandleClass
adds 34ab57b Fix TesthandleClass base class
adds c1f13f9 fixes
adds d750660 Fix nasty bug
adds 41b9d40 quick_count($table, $where);
adds a9993fc Quick Count tests added.
adds 87b7b9c Updated POD to reference quick_count
adds b171097 Use array instead of hashref
adds ed2c6d1 Update changes
adds 0061964 Bump Handle version
adds 94a36bb Fix my latest commit on using selectrow_array
adds 5812912 Merge branch 'Casao-master'
adds dc49e53 Release Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core 0.04 with quick_count
adds 643fc27 Release Dancer::Plugin::Database 0.08 with quick_count
adds 213cb22 Release Dancer2::Plugin::Database 0.09
adds 3172bde Moved TestHandleClass from place
adds 13b7134 Dancer2 no longer searches for 'lib'
adds 782053c Require recent Dancer2
adds 801346e Bump version
adds 15b59b2 Check for defined vals, not only exists
adds d3cda33 Merge pull request #45 from e11it/master
adds 85b631d Save a reference to the new handle when reconnecting
adds 52d9026 Merge branch 'patch-1' of git://github.com/jmazon/Dancer-Plugin-Database into pr/44/cache_after_reconnect
adds 4dfc20d Test for caching after reconnect (see PR-44)
adds cd98134 Update Changes for shared core
adds 37249ed Updating Changes for Dancer1
adds 2468f2b Bump version for Dancer::Plugin::Database
adds d973d54 Bump version for shared core to 0.05
adds c2feec9 Offset item description
adds 27a562a Offset item description(fix formate)
adds 1297dac Merge pull request #48 from e11it/master
adds fa81367 POD syntax fixes
adds b9318bf Join the reconnection and connection codepaths
adds 74f4eae Merge pull request #49 from jmazon/patch-1
adds 82d73e9 Add server config opt
adds 338b639 metadata for metacpan
adds 1e8be0b Added dsn_extra options
adds ee82ab5 Update makefile for new prerequisites
adds 7c5272e Fixed t/01-basic.t
adds f9e3689 Changes
adds a055ba1 Fix dep
adds 2b82461 RT #101180
adds 6422ab6 Fix indentation
adds 48e0749 Refactor SQL generation into own method
adds 527c430 Handle SELECT queries with no WHERE clause provided.
adds 6644429 Tests for SQL generation
adds a9a2724 Support scalarrefs for untouched data in INSERTs.
adds 9f65646 Don't add scalarref values to bind params.
adds d7581eb Expect no space here.
adds f2640ca Include sqlgen tests in plan.
adds b550998 Document use of scalarrefs for untouched values
adds eb2ff74 Allow scalarrefs for UPDATE values to be untouched.
adds c5f8407 Support testing for expected bind params.
adds fe9884d Test simple WHERE hashref values and bind params
adds edd591b Test for lack of bind params when not expected too
adds fe2e8ae Merge pull request #60 from bigpresh/feature/scalarref_for_function_calls
adds ea30ad2 Bump version to a new testing release
adds 8cd3129 Use keys in alphabetical order for predictability
adds a066bc0 Bump to second dev release for cpantesters
adds c38bea7 Uh, actually sort by keys here.
adds 1291115 Bump dev release version, another try at cpantesters.
adds b6d8b1a Fix docs
adds e93e700 use an on_plugin_import block
adds e016afb Merge pull request #61 from hvoers/master
adds f5f3c9b Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds 5f1943e Bump version to 0.09
adds 2885917 Update Changes
adds bf75196 Fix SQL building and params handling for updates
adds 3cf35b1 Merge pull request #63 from nunorc/update-bug
adds 32d6412 Bumped version
adds 91cced7 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds b71e653 Update Changes for 0.10
adds 08cd601 Bump version to 0.10
adds 76cc9b0 Regenerated README via pod2readme
adds 4f6dd7d Bump version, and changelog
adds 466aa4f Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database
adds cadb850 Fix license and bump version
adds cfe7aa6 tickets
adds fca5b6e Die informatively if we have no settings.
adds d5ffc98 Fix logger usage, hopefully
adds 2e9c560 Merge pull request #71 from bigpresh/fix/logger
adds 7ec84cb bump version
adds 0c46dfb Require latest Core
adds 8ed3d94 New version, some reverts, seems to work
adds 31ad769 Fix documentation POD
adds f66277b Merge pull request #72 from nunorc/fix-pod
adds 617ef41 Version++
adds 6332aa5 Run POD coverage tests only for authors.
adds 2d50565 Merge pull request #79 from racke/pr/pod-coverage
adds 58c0689 Ugly fix for plugin2 compat
adds 7609bd8 hide plugin2 compat DSL from pod coverage test
adds 405b836 Merge pull request #78 from SysPete/plugin2-compat
adds fe1653a Prepare 2.14 release
adds e14f0ba Bump required Dancer2 version
adds 9243a8f wrap ping in eval.
adds 478de17 update logic for eval.
adds 3ba8241 return 0 on some on the eval check.
adds 0a1bc36 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jamesrusso/Dancer-Plugin-Database into jamesrusso-master
adds bf7e3b1 Merge branch 'jamesrusso-master'
adds 5de8126 Rewrite PR code
adds 0b67c48 Core v0.14
adds f111b37 Update changes before is forgotten
adds 6344359 D2 v2.15
adds 6a31fd3 Update MANIFEST.IGNORE
adds 96cc885 Release
adds c478e36 POD Updates, work on #43
adds 6bf1882 Merge branch 'stevieb9-master'
adds a144385 use $dsl->config instead of plugin_settings for plugin2
adds 3b424f3 syspete-- plugin2 check should use $dsl->app->can
adds 384165a Changes
adds a12c29c Merge branch 'SysPete-plugin2'
adds d724055 Prepre new relese
adds 6b511bd - Fixed the cpants issue: http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/dist/Dancer2-Plugin-Database/errors
adds 9fc3a24 update changes
adds 377d930 Merge branch 'Manwar-fix-cpants-issue'
adds 754fb31 factor out generate_where_clauses() for
adds 3034f3c Merge pull request #87 from joshrabinowitz/factor-where-clause
adds 9171c4d Credit Josh and update to today in changelog entry
adds c6731c4 Getting no WHERE clauses is not necessarily an error.
adds f2e3e34 Bump to 0.16 and update Changes
adds c5ed816 Er, bump version here too
adds 5c279b4 Require core 0.16 for D1 version
adds efde810 Bump D1 version to 2.13 and update Changes
adds a56d652 Imported Upstream version 2.13
new 89e27c8 Merge tag 'upstream/2.13'
new b819d25 Update debian/changelog
new 6fb381f Update years of upstream copyright.
new cfb4021 Bump versioned (build) dependency on libdancer-plugin-database-core-perl.
new 971b0ac Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
new d5f1a6a releasing package libdancer-plugin-database-perl version 2.13-1
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 4 ++++
META.json | 7 +++----
META.yml | 7 +++----
Makefile.PL | 2 +-
README | 30 ++++--------------------------
debian/changelog | 9 +++++++--
debian/control | 6 +++---
debian/copyright | 2 +-
lib/Dancer/Plugin/Database.pm | 35 +++++------------------------------
9 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdancer-plugin-database-perl.git
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