[liblist-someutils-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.53 created (now 6e0c4a2)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Mon Aug 29 20:39:30 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.53
in repository liblist-someutils-perl.
at 6e0c4a2 (tag)
tagging d99541f7c82ad0b135d791466ec0589838af64c9 (commit)
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Mon Aug 29 22:35:32 2016 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.53
Aaron Crane (10):
Fix memory leak in natatime()
Add memory-leak tests for all functions
Fix memory leak in each_array(), each_arrayref()
Fix memory leak in pairwise().
Fix memory leak in XS apply()
Fix memory leak in XS indexes()
Fix memory leak in XS part()
Add passing test from RT#38699
Add passing test from RT#48669
Fix leak in uniq() when overloaded stringify dies
Adam Kennedy (32):
Removing author tests
Various cleaning up
Preparing for dev release
Removed the version section
Updating to $VERSION
Whitespace nudge
Whitespace nudge
Updating to version 0.26
Started on refactoring the duplicated test code into a common library
Completed the refactoring of the test suite
Reapplied fix for the minmax bug
Reduced test suite peak memory consumption by 5-10 meg
Updating $VERSION
Added the distinct alias for uniq
- Expanded test suite for the any() group of functions.
Whitespace fix
Adding RT link
General house cleaning
0.27_04 Mon 6 Dec 2010
Updating version
Applied the 0.23 refression test for RT 38630
Adding the uniq undef tests, disabled initially
Noting the warning tests
Preparing for stable release
Removed a careless Test::NoWarnings dependency
Fix the localisation warning bug
Preparing for new dev release
Better XS detection
Prod release
Copying bug fix from Params::Util
Fixing can_xs
BackPan (22):
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.04.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.05.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.06.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.07.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.08.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.09.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.10.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.11.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.12.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.13.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.14.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.15.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.16.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.17.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.18.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.19.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.20.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.21.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.22.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.24.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.25_01.tar.gz
Extract of CPAN dist VPARSEVAL_List-MoreUtils-0.25_02.tar.gz
Brad Forschinger (1):
fix compilation error on 5.8.1
Dave Rolsky (65):
Rename from List::MoreUtils to List::SomeUtils
Remove XS code and add a dynamic prereq on List::SomeUtils::XS if the system has a compiler
Add generated files
Fix license and s/Prereq/Prereqs/
More generated files
Remove List/SomeUtils/XS.pm
Add .travis.yml
Remove xt files - dzil will make these for us
All tests pass
Remove PerlCritic from tidyall.ini
Remove Sandbox::Tumble
Ignore .tidyall.d
Tidy all code except List::SomeUtils::PP itself
Remove Contributing docs
Some doc cleanups
All dzil tests passing
More doc updates
Update develop requires
Don't fall back to JSON::PP over Storable
Update generated files
Add some docs for PP
Set version to 0.50
Fix spelling tests
Update generated files
Bump version after release
Add Changes for 0.50
Add Changes for next release
Bump version after release
Force PP implementation for tests in this repo
Add PP only comment
Tidy all with latest Perl::Tidy
No need to specify patch level for Perl versions
Specify Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome as an authordep
Remove Test::CleanNamespaces plugin
Update generated files
Remove weaver.ini
Ignore inc/ when tidying
Skip coverage build
Update tidyall.ini
Update tests and tidy LSU.pm
Update perlcriticrc
Require latest XS version if we require it at all
Copy docs from latest LMU
Changes for HasCompiler change
Fix Pod generation
Remove space at end of lines
Fix bad pod link
Remove Test::Synopsis plugin
Bump version after release
Require latest DynamicPrereqs
Add ExtUtils::HasCompiler to develop requires
Install ExtUtils::HasCompiler before dzil build in travis
Revert "Install ExtUtils::HasCompiler before dzil build in travis"
Test with Perl 5.24
Use 5.24 for coverage
Coverage doesn't work well with LeakTrace
Replace Exporter::Tiny with Exporter
Remove pointless use of Scalar::Util
Update tidyall.ini and perlcriticrc
Really remove Exporter::Tiny
Update travis config
David Golden (7):
Reorganize and clarify documentation
revise SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION for revised export model
fix none for 0.24 and clarify API tag documentation
refactor import tags for clarity
fix typos and whitespace
fix version 0.22 function list
tweak titles of export documentation
J.R. Mash (1):
Move variable declaration to the beginning
Jens Rehsack (233):
add initial filter for git commands
bump version to 0.400
distribution improvements taken from refreshed one
Merge back some of Tassilo's work
dos2unix + bsearch test
remove generated file from repository
bump minimum perl version to 5.8.3
correct some patterns
clean up (PREREQ, Repository)
improve support documentation
remove test c file - switch to Config::AutoConf
rely on Config::AutoConf instead of EU::CB
adding autoconf extension for sanexs check
remove inc/ (why was it in there?)
change minimum reqd perl version to 5.8.1
remove generated META.yml from repository
rework Makefile.PL for updated toolchain
restructure source layout
fix loading behavior (:all)
EU::MM makes it to difficult to have different xs
local means local, and not from here til end
some alias funcs have no XS
cleanup and loading fixes
load XS in namespace of LMU itself
fix package name
ensure XS is loaded unless forbidden
reworking XS enabling check
prepare for Data::Dumbler based test generation
add some concerns
choose gt/ as target test dir
convert existing tests to LMU::Test and Tumbler
update MANIFEST.SKIP rules
first approach of pod harmonize
reactivate original behavior at tassilo any/all...
add requirements for Tumbler
move pod for functions into implementations
remove "first" from Modern's XS
let M.PL control generated dir
name XSLoader and perform the load more explicit
steal .travis.yml from dbi and add 5.8
note changes for 0.400_002
do not import XSLoader functions in LMU namespace
bump to 0.400_002 and manage XS load with dev ver.
add cpanfile which hopefully fixes travis
cpanfile doesn't work ... try direct method
try with direct install call in .travis.yml
trial and error on .travis.yml
try with mymeta-requires
skip travis cfg, too
and another fixup in travis configuration
looks as if it's difficult getting 5.8.9 with ...
hide undef warning on &part but checks for it
improve insert_after* being silent and reuse stuff
rewrite README from recent state
initial approach to fix RT#93207
add more tests additionally covering uv- and ivmax
add prove for comparing UV with IV
introduce ppport.h
internally rely on Perl5.18's SvIV_please_nomg
deal with new accessors from modern perls
moving from self-contained tumbler to CPAN version
redo resources in meta-spec v2
note what's been done so far
fix compile error on threaded perls (RT#93934)
fix exporter configuration (RT#93929)
bump version to 0.400_003
add test for RT#76749 - pairwise issues warnings
add changed for 0.400_003
bump version to 0.400_004 for next shots
also test whether alias funcs are imported correct
add a note about switch to Exporter::Tiny
explicitely name Module::Runtime as prereq
add test for RT##41494: memory leak in indexes()
add Test::LeakTrace to recommended test reqs
prove whether leak_free_ok has been executed
apply fixes from RT#86347 (spelling)
define CvISXSUB to compile on older Perls, too
fix RT#94013 in conjunction with RT#93995
prepare Makefile.PL+inc/Tumble.pm for older perls
note changes of 0.400_004
bump version to 0.400_005 for upcoming criticals
improve on implementation names and precedences
fix github.com issue LMU#3 reported by tobyinc
hack down changes in 0.400_005
delete implementation 'sno'
try to cleanup - seems there are relics from ...
fix remaining relics of old implementation names
seems travis build clean - my fault
bump version to 0.400_006 for next dev release
fix typos in documentation (also RT#87490)
doing change as discussed with xdg
add credits for 0.400
fix loading XS
remove depreciated runtime dependency
remark all the other List::*Util* packages
write down Changes for 0.400_006
don't die on XS load error to respect missing cc
bump version to 0.400_007
introduce ":like_*" import tags as suggested
note changes for 0.400_007
clean up configure dependencies
add dependency update to Changes for 0.400_007
bump version to 0.400_008
one style for brackets and spaces
bump version to 0.400_009
add Changes for 0.400_008
spread more thanks to people who deserve it
remove biting back hint
clarify "right of support"
add MAINTENANCE section
create bundle
bundle non-core using ExtUtils::BundleMaker 0.005
travis needs bundlemaker ...
try figuring out why EU::BM's dependencies missing
bump required EU::BM version to 0.006
note Changes 0.400_009
bump version to 0.400_010 for remaining issues
remove unused variables, modifiers, labels ...
"port" codelike check from Params::Util and prove
remove requirement of bundling
for ribasushi: lower minimum perl to 5.6 ...
bump prereq of Config::AutoConf to 0.305
add all available Perl's to travis config
remove Perl 5.8 from .travis.yml because author-test-prereq
add tests and fixes for coredumps when bypassing
use inc::latest for bundling
add some extra author tests
reflect Changes for 0.400_010
after release bump version to 0.400_011
bump version to 0.401 for release
reflect for release 0.401
also clean generated tests
update ignorelist for git
update ppport.h to 3.25 generated one
bump version to 0.402 after release
perl 5.6 is minimum requirement, expect multicall
Perl 5.6 is minimum - remove unused workarounds
fix RT#101067 - GIMME vs. GIMME_V
add some 5.6 compatibility stuff
reflect Changes
fix bundle requirement
update hard coded configure stage reqs for travis
bump version to 0.403 after release
remove recent stable perl recommendation from meta
update copyright date
reflect changes
ensure AUTHOR is a string on older toolchains
reflect changes
bump version to 0.404 after release
fix metadata for older toolchains
reflect Changes
fix accidently remaining TEST_REQUIRES on ancient
fix repository url for non-github-users
apply perl-tidy rules
reflect Changes
improve TEST_REQUIRES backward compat line
remove duplicate .travis.yml line
fix bugtracker mail-address
bump version to 0.405 after release
fix configure requirements
Perl::Tidy Makefile.PL after configure fixes
Update README from David Goldens heavy doc improvements
create markdown readme - cpan websites should rely on POD
fix RT#78527 - clarify first_val/first_value
reflext RT#78527
remove obsolete Drand01 definition
remove portability stuff done by ppport.h
reflect Changes
bump version to 0.406 after release
add new functions firstres and lastres
reflect Changes
bump version to 0.407 after release
deal with RT#49800 - docs of how uniq() compares
ignore some more build results
add support for junction "one"
fix port of codelike check - local cv hides API's
test whether first/last... do return undef
increase code-reuse for common loops
re-order search-routines in XS
re-order search-loops in PP
add 2nd part of RT#73134 - only
add bsearchidx to satisfy RT#63470
add func "singleton" to satisfy wish in RT#94382
reflect Changes
apply Perl::Tidy
add fix for RT#82039 - uniq changes the type ...
reflect Changes
port Tassilo's fix for RT#44518 to modern perl
reflect changes
fix behavior of uniq/singleton wrt. undef values
ensure that no counter overflow happens
Fix a spelling issue (thanks to Ilmari)
prepare release with collected changes until now
bump version to 0.508 after release
fix RT#102840 - feed uniq with temporary values...
fix regex to catch Perl 5.8.1 warning on ...
fix RT#102833: Compilation error with perl 5.21.7+
reflect changes
bump version to 0.409 after release of 0.408
steal from Tux' .travis.yml for more tests
add tests for RT#102885: uniq bug broke tied array
fix new macros used to work with MS VC 2013, gcc
reflect Changes with recent fixes
bump version to 0.409_001 to catch cpantesters
Update ppport.h from 3.25 to 3.31
use base instead of parent, cause parent isn't
avoid multiple calls to mg_get (thanks, leont)
reduce author test noise for deprecated perl's
fix test run using PERL5OPT=d:Confess (thanks
reflext Changes
bump version to 0.409_002 because of 2nd dev to
fix spelling and add stop-words for names etc.
bump for next dev-release after seeing undeclared
prove for loadable xs earlier to allow extra check
fix compile issues on 5.8.8 and below
reflect changes
bump version to 0.410 for release
reflect changes
bump version to 0.411 after releasing 0.410
fix rt#103251 to avoid removing bundled stuff
add a rough guide for contributors to
move generation of test endpoints to author stage
Re-introduce inc:latest dist support accidently removed in 91f51ea
refine distinguish between author and user mode
tidy code
reflect changes
bumping version to 0.411_001, because changes look
re-add xt/ to run tests and remove gt from clean
Bump version to 0.412 for release after a week
reflect changes
Fix some c++ related compile errors
reflect Changes
Bump version to prepare release
Karen Etheridge (1):
Inline latest ExtUtils::HasCompiler via [DynamicPrereqs]
Lucas Kanashiro (1):
Import original source of List-SomeUtils 0.52
Ricardo Signes (1):
fix the documented args to natatime
Toby Inkster (3):
use Exporter::Tiny
oops... update dependencies
cut out exporter-related cruft; it was only necessary when needing to choose between multiple implementations
Tokuhiro Matsuno (1):
added sort_by, nsort_by function.
Tom Wyant (1):
Tweak documentation of all() and none() to reflect their revised
gregor herrmann (1):
New upstream version 0.53
jddurand (1):
Fix compilation errors under cl
No new revisions were added by this update.
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