[libnet-openid-common-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.19 created (now e3b6fa7)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Feb 7 22:26:01 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.19
in repository libnet-openid-common-perl.
at e3b6fa7 (tag)
tagging 580eedb35f3f6afd0a710996b86601377e0998d9 (commit)
replaces upstream/1.18
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sun Feb 7 23:00:03 2016 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.19
Adam Sjøgren (2):
Try handling possible Timing Attack problems
Add tests comparing 'eq' to OpenID::util::timing_indep_eq()
Martin Atkins (2):
Apparently the multi-constant form of "use constant" wasn't available in Perl 5.6, so let's do it as two seperate calls.
Missed the changelog change for the previous commit.
Robert Norris (35):
dzil config
Merge branch 'asjo-timing-attack'
Merge branch 'dist-zilla'
version bump and changelog update
support mod_perl 2
dev version
let dzil fill in package versions
fix apache::request comparison
silence test warnings
move bi2bytes tests here from -Server
default crypt::dh
remove hmac funcs
fix deps
make int/byte conversions take strings rather than bigints since crypt::dh::gmp prefers that
changelog version
changes is more standard
add git bundle
eval to trap the deeper warnings. I hate this
output meta.json
don't bother trying to suppress warnings. we'll just call it a todo for now
a little more dzil support
ignore vim swapfiles
allow_dirty needs to include Changes, so we'll take the default thanks
dist metadata
doc tweaks
add link to group as homepage
remove use of $&
test plan
remove unnecessary json encoding stuff
use URI::Escape instead of internal encoder
Roger Crew (42):
improved <head> parsing to skip CDATA and comments
fix pod - close #65479
edit Changes
fix warning behaviour of timing_indep_eq
new maintainer
allow Plack::Request parameter objects for IndirectMessage
update Changes
add IndirectMessage->all_parameters
add cache prefix argument to URIFetch::fetch
Do not do _extract_head_markup_only on YADIS documents
no-op sub not needed
update Changes
use HTML::Parser for parsing HTML
make YADIS discovery check for meta/http-equiv tags
more Changes
change git push
merge pasted code
create URIFetch::Response accessors from list
use numeric-time last_modified accessor, not raw header string (closes #47349)
pay attention to charset on YADIS content-type (closes #41310)
Changes and whitespace
use HTTP::Headers::Util instead of Email::MIME::ContentType
docfix: expose protocol_version, has_ext, and get_ext on IndirectMessage
make URIFetch->fetch return decoded_content (closes #78218)
Merge from branch 'master' of https://github.com/vlyon/Net-OpenID-Common
add syntax checks, remove spurious 'my' declarations
IndirectMessage->new now assumes CGI param() interface by default
bump Crypt::DH::GMP dependency to 0.00011 (closes #88464)
bump HTTP::Message dependency to 5.814 (closes #90547)
Vernon Lyon (2):
use HTTP::Response to decode content (closes #78218)
gregor herrmann (1):
Imported Upstream version 1.19
mart (3):
Create Net::OpenID::Common and move some bits out of ::Consumer into it so that future versions of ::Server can use them:
Some initial work towards a proper framework for extensions. This doesn't actually do anything yet.
IndirectMessage now depends on Common, not on Consumer.
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libnet-openid-common-perl.git
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