[libdbd-sqlite3-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.50 created (now 62f2754)

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Thu Feb 11 13:44:44 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

carnil pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.50
in repository libdbd-sqlite3-perl.

        at  62f2754   (tag)
   tagging  12640fdd88be1c93084409678c69f7a81445fe21 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.48
 tagged by  Salvatore Bonaccorso
        on  Thu Feb 11 14:43:50 2016 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.50

A. Sinan Unur (1):
      Fix version check against 3.7.11 so the test runs

Kenichi Ishigaki (62):
      savepv and free unprepared_statements attribute when necessary, to fix #11 (Grinnz++)
      updated SQLite to
      outermost savepoint should be treated as a begin(RT #106151)
      not to FETCH in a loop
      improved note on allow_multiple_statements/unprepared_statements
      releng 1.49_01
      extended errcode is available only if SQLite >= 3.6.5
      skip all the tests for table_column_metadata if ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA is not set.
      added a failing test for rt-106950
      added a workaround for prepared savepoints to fix rt-106950
      releng 1.49_02
      made getsqlite.pl possible to download a snapshot version of SQLite
      defined SQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1 to enable json support (for SQLite 3.9.0+)
      updated SQLite to 3.9.0
      updated SQLite to 3.9.1
      updated SQLite to 3.9.2
      releng 1.49_03
      Merge pull request #14 from nanis/nanis-fix-t59-version-check
      fixed utility to fetch SQLite 3.7.4 correctly
      die if PageNotFound page is returned successfully
      moved the guts of api_history utility to SQLiteUtil
      made SQLiteUtil a bit less verbose
      made it easier to find what to add
      updated constants info
      updated ::Constants
      releng 1.49_04
      tweaked utility to fetch library released in 2016 (3.10.0 and above)
      updated to SQLite 3.10.0
      oops; 3090000 was not 3.9.0
      new constant is introduced in 3.10.0
      list avaialable constants for clarity
      updated Constants
      LIKE/GLOB/REGEXP are also required to be implemented for SQLite 3.10.0 and above
      better error checks
      implemented ReadOnly attribute
      required to use DBD::SQLite before exporting
      added two shorter tag names
      ignore virtual_table_scan_flags
      regenerated constants
      added a note about the ReadOnly attribute
      removed a big warning on foreign keys
      sort for consistency
      regen constants
      tweaked to include the bundled SQLite library version (RT-107040)
      moved the pragma section before the foreign keys section
      create_module is for dbh, not sth
      silenced uuv
      sqlite_db_readonly requires SQLite 3.7.11
      allowed strlike to take a letter as the third arg, instead of a number
      added a note on strlike and strglob
      added a test for strlike
      releng 1.49_05
      updated SQLite to 3.10.1
      releng 1.49_06
      updated to SQLite 3.10.2
      releng 1.49_07
      ignore one of the tests that requires the enhanced query syntax if DBD::SQLite is not compiled with ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS (RT-111558)
      these tests should be skipped if DBD::SQLite is not compiled with FTS3/4
      releng 1.49_08
      releng 1.50

Salvatore Bonaccorso (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.50


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdbd-sqlite3-perl.git

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