[libdigest-bcrypt-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.205 created (now 06c3c55)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jul 1 16:38:57 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.205
in repository libdigest-bcrypt-perl.

        at  06c3c55   (tag)
   tagging  984cde7894336268d8b4c5fe20fa4b3e9da63a42 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.204
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Fri Jul 1 18:32:30 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.205

Chase Whitener (34):
      add travisCI badge to readme
      Reworded a bit of the POD. alphabetized functions. Moved POD to bottom. Alphabetized functions in POD.
      Ordered the README.md after renaming it from README.markdown. Fixed some grammar
      add gitattributes
      testing updates, dzil updates
      added TravisCI testing for more Perl versions
      correction to dzil config file
      Fix the missing development deps for Travis
      fixed up release 1.200_001
      Generated makefile from dzil
      added in the usual author tests and fixed a few minor things
      fix notest option on cpanm
      fixed the remove Makefile before test hopefully
      remove 5.8 from testing as some DZil modules can only be on 5.10+
      released 1.201
      version bump
      auto-committed by dist.ini
      Added the parameters on new. hash or hashref.  Closes #1
      documented the changes for ->new
      move cost and salt to an attributes section
      noted the move of the attributes
      version bump
      auto-committed by dist.ini
      Fixed test that errantly relied on Perl error messages
      auto-committed by dist.ini
      version bump
      auto-committed by dist.ini
      got rid of Digest::base requirement since Digest is already required
      fixed up TravisCI
      Fixed a minor md issue
      version bump
      add cpanfile. use [Starter] rather than [Basic]
      update changes file

James Aitken (40):
      first commit
      Real first commit
      Add tests
      Add the actual module
      Add documentation
      Don't be an idiot with dates
      Update .gitignore
      Whitespace fixes
      Add markdown readme
      Links should go to metacpan
      Fix release date
      Clarify which module does all the work
      Update Readme
      Improve error handling, minor documentation fixes
      Add tests for improved error handling
      Update changes and bump version ready for release
      Create a META.json as well as a META.yml
      Standardise error messages
      Re-organise order of methods so documentation reads better
      Update changes ready for release.
      Remove errant whitespace
      Update readme for GitHub
      Change b64digest method to return a MIME compatible base64 string
      Clarify that bcrypt base64 isn't just a character swapped base64
      Update tests to reflect changes to methods
      Simplify and improve tests
      Remove defined or operator to restore perl <5.10 compatibility
      Update CHANGES ready for release
      Update dist.ini ready for release
      Update GitHub readme
      Add note to see also Data::Entropy::Algorithms
      Update readme for GitHub
      Bump version
      Update GitHub readme
      Add an extra test - just because I can.
      Update dist.ini with my pluginbundle
      Fix some spacing
      Add support for Travis CI
      Update CHANGES
      Actually put something in the Travis config file...

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.205


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdigest-bcrypt-perl.git

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