[libhttp-browserdetect-perl] branch master updated (64993d9 -> 310f656)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jul 2 19:37:15 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libhttp-browserdetect-perl.

      from  64993d9   Remove myself from Uploaders.
      adds  e6db9c5   Adds Nicolas Doye to Pod acknowledgements.
      adds  1ec56f7   Make "mobile" false when "tablet" is true. Update docs and tests to match.
      adds  d60a8c8   Merge pull request #122 from andrewmoise/tablets-not-mobile
      adds  9586b6a   Tidy.
      adds  4615a5e   Bumps version to 3.00
      adds  86883ab   v3.00
      adds  245e0e0       - Add browsers: Pubsub (Safari RSS reader), ADM (Android Download       Manager), ImageSearcherPro (iOS app)     - Add robots: Google favicon, malware (shellcode), phplib,       Verisign IPS agent, Nutch, thumbtack-thunderdome     - Distinguish Bingbot from MSNbot     - Only detect wget based on the beginning of the user-agent
      adds  05a0905   First cut at robot versioning
      adds  07c0c6a   Broader acceptance of IPv6 addresses
      adds  5559f0d   Misc changes to test support scripts, then add new functionality to regression testing
      adds  e6af2da   Correct detection of robot versions in most cases
      adds  950fcf6   Add specific detection of Kindle Fire
      adds  4a90c62   Add robot_version and robot_beta when generating useragents test file
      adds  7275515   Detect /^curl/ as well as /libcurl/ for curl library
      adds  7f93c18   Add work to Changes file
      adds  2ced550   Add webcrawler change and emphasize robot version detection
      adds  fe078d6   Merge pull request #123 from andrewmoise/robot-features
      adds  be059a8   Tidy
      adds  5b27742   Bumps version to 3.10
      adds  1a301ef   v3.10
      adds  5e81bb5   Add an explicit test for Kindle Fire
      adds  cf76c91   Merge pull request #125 from oalders/kindle-tests
      adds  10df0e2   Tidy and bump version to 3.11
      adds  55136c5   v3.11
      adds  0f92da6   Detect +https: as well as +http: when looking for a robot's URL. Add some test cases for robots (including one with +https:).
      adds  4616e3c   Stop include the version with robot_string() when we detect a robot based on +http following a text string.
      adds  5f2ae0a   Add detection of robots with "verify" or "analyze" in the name.
      adds  743c5b5   Fix robot_version() documentation not to make formatting garbage in doc output, and also make documentation of all the version()/major()/minor()/beta() documentation sections consistent.
      adds  4388c9a   Start returning undef instead of 0 for robot() if there's no robot (to match with os() and browser() and friends). Fixes issue #120.
      adds  2ecb7ae   Update Changes
      adds  62588ca   Merge pull request #126 from oalders/misc-robot-fixes
      adds  d45d175   Tidy and bump version to 3.12
      adds  9d6e7e5   v3.12
      adds  cb4b68b    * Start detecting Brew OS  * Fix detecting Netfront as Netscape in some cases  * Start recognizing Teleca as an alias for Obigo  * Start detecting versions of Teleca / Obigo  * Note in documentation that 'wap' doesn't mean WAP only
      adds  bdb95d0   Start detecting Polaris mobile browser
      adds  ce54d59   Merge pull request #127 from oalders/teleca-brew-polaris
      adds  87c33f5   Tidy
      adds  f138d87   Clean up quotes.
      adds  704c390   Bumps version to 3.13
      adds  b1255fe   v3.13
      adds  ac1d337   Rearrange tests; if something looks like Mozilla but isn't, we now test for what it really is *before* we test for Mozilla, instead of testing for Mozilla first but having a big list of exceptions that we skip over.
      adds  80a406b   UCBrowser adjustments: * Detect UCBrowser before Safari and Mozilla * Set device for UCBrowser * Set mobile for any UA with "mobile" in it (which activates it   for several UCBrowser cases)
      adds  d789110   Fix whitespace on an empty line from the previous commit
      adds  51d3766   Detect ucbrowserx.y.z when determining version for ucbrowser (in addition to ucbrowser/x.y.z with the slash).
      adds  4dac4c0   Add many UCBrowser test cases
      adds  30ad482   Update Changes
      adds  df073e2   Merge pull request #128 from oalders/ucbrowser
      adds  7028cb9   Detect "Kindle Fire" in the model string as meaning a Kindle Fire (not just "KF.*").
      adds  a9b9763   Try to correctly set kindlefire() for anything that's recognizably a Kindle Fire, and otherwise leave the tablet/mobile/desktop tests as the Kindle Fire device is configured to request them.
      adds  f70afd9   Add and update tests for new Kindle Fire detection
      adds  3a0a8c3   Update Changes
      adds  2971cf8   Merge pull request #130 from oalders/kindle-fire
      adds  ce47995   Tidy
      adds  358dcc5   Bumps version to 3.14
      adds  cfdd614   v3.14
      adds  be0a061   Imported Upstream version 3.14
       new  73ddc06   Merge tag 'upstream/3.14'
       new  dccf92b   Update debian/changelog
       new  310f656   releasing package libhttp-browserdetect-perl version 3.14-1

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Build.PL                  |    4 +-
 Changes                   |   36 +
 MANIFEST                  |    2 +-
 META.json                 |    7 +-
 META.yml                  |    4 +-
 Makefile.PL               |    4 +-
 cpanfile                  |    1 -
 debian/changelog          |    7 +-
 dist.ini                  |    2 +-
 lib/HTTP/BrowserDetect.pm |  950 ++++++++++---------
 t/more-useragents.json    |  276 +++++-
 t/release-tidyall.t       |    7 +-
 t/useragents.json         | 2211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 13 files changed, 2657 insertions(+), 854 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libhttp-browserdetect-perl.git

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