[libbusiness-creditcard-perl] 02/04: drop d/patches after merging in the upstream/0.35 tag

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Jul 7 17:27:16 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/0.35-0+deb8u1
in repository libbusiness-creditcard-perl.

commit 87a6a9f29ebb4b67cad162b48ce385bede851f31
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 18:14:57 2016 +0200

    drop d/patches after merging in the upstream/0.35 tag
    Gbp-Dch: Ignore
 debian/patches/docs.patch             |  30 -------
 debian/patches/ranges.patch           | 162 ----------------------------------
 debian/patches/receipt_cardtype.patch |  46 ----------
 debian/patches/series                 |   3 -
 4 files changed, 241 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/docs.patch b/debian/patches/docs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 905252d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/docs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Description: Update POD to document mapping between card ranges and countries.
-Origin: https://metacpan.org/release/Business-CreditCard, 0.34/0.35
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/814479
-Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan-debian at 420.am>
-Reviewed-by: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2016-06-07
---- a/CreditCard.pm
-+++ b/CreditCard.pm
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- other networks, in which one type of card is processed as another card type.
- By default, Business::CreditCard returns the type the card should be treated as
--in the US and Canada.  You can change this to return the type the card should
-+in the US.  You can change this to return the type the card should
- be treated as in a different country by setting
- C<$Business::CreditCard::Country> to your two-letter country code.  This
- is probably what you want to determine if you accept the card, or which
-@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
- =item Most Diner's club is now identified as Discover.  (This supercedes the earlier identification of some Diner's club cards as MasterCard inside the US and Canada.)
--=item JCB cards in the 3528-3589 range are identified as Discover inside the US and Canada.
-+=item JCB cards in the 3528-3589 range are identified as Discover inside the US and territories.
--=item China Union Pay cards are identified as Discover cards outside China.
-+=item China Union Pay cards are identified as Discover cards in the US, Mexico and most Caribbean countries.
- =back
diff --git a/debian/patches/ranges.patch b/debian/patches/ranges.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e41d5d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/ranges.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Description: Update credit card ranges.
-Origin: https://metacpan.org/release/Business-CreditCard, 0.34/0.35
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/814479
-Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan-debian at 420.am>
-Reviewed-by: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2016-06-07
---- a/CreditCard.pm
-+++ b/CreditCard.pm
-@@ -194,30 +194,32 @@
-             && 0+$number;
-     }
--    return "VISA card" if $number =~ /^4[0-8][\dx]{11}([\dx]{3})?$/o;
-+    return "VISA card" if $number =~ /^4[0-8][\dx]{11,17}$/o;
-     return "MasterCard"
--      if   $number =~ /^5[1-5][\dx]{14}$/o
--      ;# || ( $number =~ /^36[\dx]{12}/ && $Country =~ /^(US|CA)$/oi );
-+      if $number =~ /^5[1-5][\dx]{14}$/o
-+      || $number =~ /^2 ( 22[1-9] | 2[3-9][\dx] | [3-6][\dx]{2} | 7[0-1][\dx] | 720 ) [\dx]{12}$/xo
-+      || $number =~ /^2[2-7]xx[\dx]{12}$/o;
-     return "American Express card" if $number =~ /^3[47][\dx]{13}$/o;
-     return "Discover card"
--      if   $number =~ /^30[0-5][\dx]{11}([\dx]{2})?$/o  #diner's: 300-305
--      ||   $number =~ /^3095[\dx]{10}([\dx]{2})?$/o     #diner's: 3095
--      ||   $number =~ /^3[689][\dx]{12}([\dx]{2})?$/o   #diner's: 36 38 and 39
--      ||   $number =~ /^6011[\dx]{12}$/o
--      ||   $number =~ /^64[4-9][\dx]{13}$/o
--      ||   $number =~ /^65[\dx]{14}$/o
--      || ( $number =~ /^62[24-68][\dx]{13}$/o && uc($Country) ne 'CN' ) #CUP
--      || ( $number =~ /^35(2[89]|[3-8][\dx])[\dx]{12}$/o && $Country =~ /^(US|CA)$/oi ); #JCB cards in the 3528-3589 range are identified as Discover inside the US and Canada
-+      if   $number =~ /^30[0-5][\dx]{13,16}$/o #diner's: 300-305
-+      ||   $number =~ /^3095[\dx]{12}$/o       #diner's: 3095
-+      ||   $number =~ /^36[\dx]{12,17}$/o      #diner's: 36
-+      ||   $number =~ /^3[89][\dx]{14,17}$/o   #diner's: 38 and 39
-+      ||   $number =~ /^6011[\dx]{12,15}$/o
-+      ||   $number =~ /^64[4-9][\dx]{13,16}$/o
-+      ||   $number =~ /^65[\dx]{14,17}$/o
-+      || ( $number =~ /^62[24-68][\dx]{13,16}$/o && $Country =~ /^(US|MX|AI|AG|AW|BS|BB|BM|BQ|VG|KY|CW|DM|DO|GD|GP|JM|MQ|MS|BL|KN|LC|VC|MF|SX|TT|TC)$/oi ) #China Union Pay identified as Discover in US, Mexico and Caribbean
-+      || ( $number =~ /^35(2[89]|[3-8][\dx])[\dx]{12,15}$/o && $Country =~ /^(US|PR|VI|MP|PW|GU)$/oi ); #JCB cards in the 3528-3589 range are identified as Discover in US, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau and Guam
-     return "Switch"
-       if $number =~ /^49(03(0[2-9]|3[5-9])|11(0[1-2]|7[4-9]|8[1-2])|36[0-9]{2})[\dx]{10}([\dx]{2,3})?$/o
-       || $number =~ /^564182[\dx]{10}([\dx]{2,3})?$/o
-       || $number =~ /^6(3(33[0-4][0-9])|759[0-9]{2})[\dx]{10}([\dx]{2,3})?$/o;
-     #redunant with above, catch 49* that's not Switch
--    return "VISA card" if $number =~ /^4[\dx]{12}([\dx]{3})?$/o;
-+    return "VISA card" if $number =~ /^4[\dx]{12,18}$/o;
-     #return "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche"
-     #  if $number =~ /^3(0[0-59]|[68][\dx])[\dx]{11}$/o;
---- a/t/agreements.t
-+++ b/t/agreements.t
-@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
-   my %cards = (
-   '3528000000000007' => 'Discover card',
-   '3589000000000003' => 'Discover card',
--  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-   #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
-   '6220000000000008' => 'Discover card',
-   );
-@@ -40,14 +40,23 @@
- sub test_card_id_ca {
-   local($Business::CreditCard::Country) = 'CA';
-+#  my %cards = (
-+#  '3528000000000007' => 'Discover card',
-+#  '3589000000000003' => 'Discover card',
-+##  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+##  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+##  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
-+#  '6220000000000008' => 'Discover card',
-+#  );
-   my %cards = (
--  '3528000000000007' => 'Discover card',
--  '3589000000000003' => 'Discover card',
--  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+  '3528000000000007' => 'JCB',
-+  '3589000000000003' => 'JCB',
-+#  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-   #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
--  '6220000000000008' => 'Discover card',
-+  '6220000000000008' => 'China Union Pay',
-   );
-   test_cards(\%cards);
- }
-@@ -59,9 +68,9 @@
-   my %cards = (
-   '3528000000000007' => 'JCB',
-   '3589000000000003' => 'JCB',
--  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-   #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
-   '6220000000000008' => 'Discover card',
-   );
-@@ -74,9 +83,9 @@
-   my %cards = (
-   '3528000000000007' => 'JCB',
-   '3589000000000003' => 'JCB',
--  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-   #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
-   '6220000000000008' => 'China Union Pay',
-   );
-@@ -89,9 +98,9 @@
-   my %cards = (
-   '3528000000000007' => 'JCB',
-   '3589000000000003' => 'JCB',
--  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
--  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30000000000004'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30500000000003'   => 'Discover card',
-+#  '30950000000000'   => 'Discover card',
-   #'6200000000000005' => 'Discover card', #is 620 a valid CUP now?
-   #XXX this is technically an issue ("base" for CUP is still CUP)
---- a/t/test.t
-+++ b/t/test.t
-@@ -13,19 +13,15 @@
-         my %test_table=(
-                 '5212345678901234' =>   'MasterCard',
-                 '5512345678901234' =>   'MasterCard',
-+                '2512345678901234' => 'MasterCard',
-                 '4123456789012' =>      'VISA card',
-+                '4929492492497' =>      'VISA card',
-                 '4512345678901234' =>   'VISA card',
-                 '341234567890123' =>    'American Express card',
-                 '371234567890123' =>    'American Express card',
--                #'30112345678901' =>     "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche",
--                '30112345678901' =>     'Discover card',
--                #'30512345678901' =>     "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche",
--                '30512345678901' =>     'Discover card',
-                 #'36123456789012' =>     "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche",
-                 #'36123456789012' =>     'MasterCard',
-                 '36123456789012' =>     'Discover card',
--                #'38123456789012' =>     "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche",
--                '38123456789012' =>     'Discover card',
-                 '201412345678901' =>    'enRoute',
-                 '214912345678901' =>    'enRoute',
-                 '6011123456789012' =>   'Discover card',
diff --git a/debian/patches/receipt_cardtype.patch b/debian/patches/receipt_cardtype.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b6b32..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/receipt_cardtype.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Description: Add function receipt_cardtype().
- Needed for some Discover cards, as explained in the POD below.
-Origin: https://metacpan.org/release/Business-CreditCard, 0.34/0.35
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/814479
-Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan-debian at 420.am>
-Reviewed-by: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2016-06-07
---- a/CreditCard.pm
-+++ b/CreditCard.pm
-@@ -105,6 +105,13 @@
- =back
-+Discover requires some cards processed on its network to display "PayPal"
-+on receipts instead of "Discover".  The receipt_cardtype() subroutine will
-+return "PayPal card" for these cards only, and otherwise the same output as
- This module is for verifying I<real world> B<credit cards>.  It is B<NOT> a
-@@ -246,6 +253,21 @@
-     return "Unknown";
- }
-+sub receipt_cardtype {
-+    # Allow use as a class method
-+    shift if UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'Business::CreditCard' );
-+    my ($number) = @_;
-+    $number =~ s/[\s\-]//go;
-+    $number =~ s/[x\*\.\_]/x/gio;
-+    #ref Discover IIN Bulletin Feb 2015_021715
-+    return "PayPal card" if $number =~ /^6(01104|506[01]0)[\dx]{10,13}$/o;
-+    cardtype($number);
- sub generate_last_digit {
-     # Allow use as a class method
-     shift if UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'Business::CreditCard' );
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bee7a1..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libbusiness-creditcard-perl.git

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