[libnet-dbus-perl] 05/06: 0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch: update, to fix a number of other typos.

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jul 8 14:03:16 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libnet-dbus-perl.

commit 2bb6d9da0819d8060e22165d858d9a72efa8c220
Author: intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 8 13:53:32 2016 +0000

    0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch: update, to fix a number of other typos.
 .../patches/0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch   | 303 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 300 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch
index e57a0b4..16b9947 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Fix-spelling-error-in-POD.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,43 @@
 From: intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>
 Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2015 00:53:35 +0000
-Subject: Fix spelling error in POD.
+Subject: Fix spelling errors in POD.
 Forwarded: https://gitlab.com/berrange/perl-net-dbus/merge_requests/1 
- lib/Net/DBus/BaseObject.pm | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ lib/Net/DBus/ASyncReply.pm                   | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/BaseObject.pm                   | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Connection.pm           | 4 ++--
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Introspector.pm         | 6 +++---
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Iterator.pm             | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message.pm              | 4 ++--
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Error.pm        | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodCall.pm   | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodReturn.pm | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Signal.pm       | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Server.pm               | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Exporter.pm                     | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Reactor.pm                      | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/RemoteObject.pm                 | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/RemoteService.pm                | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockConnection.pm          | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockIterator.pm            | 2 +-
+ lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockMessage.pm             | 4 ++--
+ lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockObject.pm              | 2 +-
+ 19 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/ASyncReply.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/ASyncReply.pm
+index c8bc55d..0596e2a 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/ASyncReply.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/ASyncReply.pm
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sub _new {
+ =item $asyncreply->discard_result;
+ Indicates that the caller is no longer interested in
+-recieving the reply & that it should be discarded. After
++receiving the reply & that it should be discarded. After
+ calling this method, this object should not be used again.
+ =cut
 diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/BaseObject.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/BaseObject.pm
 index e3b5dda..9d8b115 100644
 --- a/lib/Net/DBus/BaseObject.pm
@@ -20,3 +51,269 @@ index e3b5dda..9d8b115 100644
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Connection.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Connection.pm
+index 3020def..f1e3e1e 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Connection.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Connection.pm
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Hooking up to an event loop:
+ An outgoing connection to a server, or an incoming connection
+ from a client. The methods defined on this module have a close
+-correspondance to the dbus_connection_XXX methods in the C API,
++correspondence to the dbus_connection_XXX methods in the C API,
+ so for further details on their behaviour, the C API documentation
+ may be of use.
+@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ sub get_max_message_size {
+ =item $con->set_max_received_size($bytes)
+ Sets the maximum size of the incoming message queue.
+-Once this threashold is exceeded, no more messages will
++Once this threshold is exceeded, no more messages will
+ be read from wire before one or more of the existing
+ messages are dispatched to their registered handlers.
+ The implication is that the message queue can exceed
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Introspector.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Introspector.pm
+index f45f06b..1bb3f3c 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Introspector.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Introspector.pm
+@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ sub has_property {
+ Register the object as providing a method called C<$name> accepting parameters
+ whose types are declared by C<$params> and returning values whose type
+-are declared by C<$returns>. The method will be scoped to the inteface
++are declared by C<$returns>. The method will be scoped to the interface
+ named by C<$interface>. The C<$attributes> parameter is a hash reference
+ for annotating the method. The C<$paramnames> and C<$returnames> parameters
+ are a list of argument and return value names.
+@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ sub add_method {
+ =item $ins->add_signal($name, $params, $interface, $attributes);
+ Register the object as providing a signal called C<$name> with parameters
+-whose types are declared by C<$params>. The signal will be scoped to the inteface
++whose types are declared by C<$params>. The signal will be scoped to the interface
+ named by C<$interface>. The C<$attributes> parameter is a hash reference
+ for annotating the signal.
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ sub add_signal {
+ Register the object as providing a property called C<$name> with a type
+ of C<$type>. The C<$access> parameter can be one of C<read>, C<write>,
+-or C<readwrite>. The property will be scoped to the inteface
++or C<readwrite>. The property will be scoped to the interface
+ named by C<$interface>. The C<$attributes> parameter is a hash reference
+ for annotating the signal.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Iterator.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Iterator.pm
+index 0a44e81..6100391 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Iterator.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Iterator.pm
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Creating a new message
+   $iterator->append_byte(123);
+-Reading from a mesage
++Reading from a message
+   my $msg = ...get it from somewhere...
+   my $iter = $msg->iterator();
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message.pm
+index 2e799e6..5ba8854 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message.pm
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ sub get_path {
+ =item my $name = $msg->get_destination
+-Retrieves the uniqe or well-known bus name for client intended to be
++Retrieves the unique or well-known bus name for client intended to be
+ the recipient of the message. Possibly returns an empty string if
+ the message is being broadcast to all clients.
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ sub get_sender {
+ =item my $serial = $msg->get_serial
+ Retrieves the unique serial number of this message. The number
+-is guarenteed unique for as long as the connection over which
++is guaranteed unique for as long as the connection over which
+ the message was sent remains open. May return zero, if the message
+ is yet to be sent.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Error.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Error.pm
+index 379e1e9..9a9ff71 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Error.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Error.pm
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Net::DBus::Binding::Message::Error - a message encoding a method call error
+ This module is part of the low-level DBus binding APIs, and
+-should not be used by application code. No guarentees are made
++should not be used by application code. No guarantees are made
+ about APIs under the C<Net::DBus::Binding::> namespace being
+ stable across releases.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodCall.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodCall.pm
+index d5c0909..a97bde5 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodCall.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodCall.pm
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Net::DBus::Binding::Message::MethodCall - a message encoding a method call
+ This module is part of the low-level DBus binding APIs, and
+-should not be used by application code. No guarentees are made
++should not be used by application code. No guarantees are made
+ about APIs under the C<Net::DBus::Binding::> namespace being
+ stable across releases.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodReturn.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodReturn.pm
+index c91f7b4..c0698c8 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodReturn.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/MethodReturn.pm
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Net::DBus::Binding::Message::MethodReturn - a message encoding a method return
+ This module is part of the low-level DBus binding APIs, and
+-should not be used by application code. No guarentees are made
++should not be used by application code. No guarantees are made
+ about APIs under the C<Net::DBus::Binding::> namespace being
+ stable across releases.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Signal.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Signal.pm
+index 05a03c8..be97a21 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Signal.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Message/Signal.pm
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Net::DBus::Binding::Message::Signal - a message encoding a signal
+ This module is part of the low-level DBus binding APIs, and
+-should not be used by application code. No guarentees are made
++should not be used by application code. No guarantees are made
+ about APIs under the C<Net::DBus::Binding::> namespace being
+ stable across releases.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Server.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Server.pm
+index 224ba81..223cee4 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Server.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Binding/Server.pm
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Managing the server and new connections in an event loop
+ A server for receiving connection from client programs.
+ The methods defined on this module have a close
+-correspondance to the dbus_server_XXX methods in the C API,
++correspondence to the dbus_server_XXX methods in the C API,
+ so for further details on their behaviour, the C API documentation
+ may be of use.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Exporter.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Exporter.pm
+index dcbb266..cb118c3 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Exporter.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Exporter.pm
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ to the C structure
+       char *surname;
+     } name;
+-then, when calling the method one would provide an array refernce
++then, when calling the method one would provide an array reference
+ with the values orded to match the structure
+    $object->hello(["John", "Doe"]);
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Reactor.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Reactor.pm
+index 712938a..2550aa9 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Reactor.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Reactor.pm
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
+ =item my $reactor = Net::DBus::Reactor->new();
+ Creates a new event loop ready for monitoring file handles, or
+-generating timeouts. Except in very unsual circumstances (examples
++generating timeouts. Except in very unusual circumstances (examples
+ of which I can't think up) it is not necessary or desriable to
+ explicitly create new reactor instances. Instead call the L<main>
+ method to get a handle to the singleton instance.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteObject.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteObject.pm
+index 2490f77..c6c3d4e 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteObject.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteObject.pm
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ objects which implement more than one interface it is possible to specify an opt
+ name of an interface as the third parameter. This is only really required, however, if
+ two interfaces in the object provide methods with the same name, since introspection
+ data can be used to automatically resolve the correct interface to call cases where
+-method names are unique. Rather than using this constructor directly, it is preferrable
++method names are unique. Rather than using this constructor directly, it is preferable
+ to use the C<get_object> method on L<Net::DBus::RemoteService>, since this caches handles
+ to remote objects, eliminating unnecessary introspection data lookups.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteService.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteService.pm
+index 9aac751..09eca7d 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteService.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/RemoteService.pm
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ sub get_object {
+ =item my $timeout = $service->timeout(60 * 1000);
+ Sets or retrieves the timeout value which will be used for DBus
+-requests belongs to this service. The value is in miliseconds.
++requests belongs to this service. The value is in milliseconds.
+ If the timeout for a service is undefined, then the default
+ timeout from the bus will apply.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockConnection.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockConnection.pm
+index 3a5ffe0..4fc75a2 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockConnection.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockConnection.pm
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ sub new {
+ Send a message over the mock connection. If the message is
+ a method call, it will be dispatched straight to any corresponding
+-mock object registered. If the mesage is an error or method return
++mock object registered. If the message is an error or method return
+ it will be made available as a return value for the C<send_with_reply_and_block>
+ method. If the message is a signal it will be queued up for processing
+ by the C<dispatch> method.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockIterator.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockIterator.pm
+index 4130d00..055eaa5 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockIterator.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockIterator.pm
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Creating a new message
+   $iterator->append_byte(123);
+-Reading from a mesage
++Reading from a message
+   my $msg = ...get it from somewhere...
+   my $iter = $msg->iterator();
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockMessage.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockMessage.pm
+index f64807d..b584bc5 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockMessage.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockMessage.pm
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ sub get_path {
+ =item my $name = $msg->get_destination
+-Retrieves the uniqe or well-known bus name for client intended to be
++Retrieves the unique or well-known bus name for client intended to be
+ the recipient of the message. Possibly returns an empty string if
+ the message is being broadcast to all clients.
+@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ sub get_sender {
+ =item my $serial = $msg->get_serial
+ Retrieves the unique serial number of this message. The number
+-is guarenteed unique for as long as the connection over which
++is guaranteed unique for as long as the connection over which
+ the message was sent remains open. May return zero, if the message
+ is yet to be sent.
+diff --git a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockObject.pm b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockObject.pm
+index b19b7b0..d327413 100644
+--- a/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockObject.pm
++++ b/lib/Net/DBus/Test/MockObject.pm
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ be tested without actually starting a real bus.
+ !!!!! WARNING !!!
+ This object & its APIs should be considered very experimental at
+-this point in time, and no guarentees about future API compatibility
++this point in time, and no guarantees about future API compatibility
+ are provided what-so-ever. Comments & suggestions on how to evolve
+ this framework are, however, welcome & encouraged.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libnet-dbus-perl.git

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