[libdancer2-perl] branch master updated (451b261 -> 544851c)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Tue Jun 28 19:13:50 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libdancer2-perl.
from 451b261 releasing package libdancer2-perl version 0.200000+dfsg-1
new c621e58 Switch repackaging framework to Files-Excluded method.
new 3bd6e0f update changelog
adds 185c4a8 FileUtils::normalize_path should handle more than 2 concurrent '..'
adds 433af5c remove 'use Cwd' from FileUtils since it is not used.
adds 7011adc reflect changes
adds 8d615f8 Merge branch 'fix/gh-1102'
adds 2da5266 - Fixing missing prereqs as reported by CPANTS: http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/dist/Dancer2/errors
adds 2b3a5ba reflect changes
adds d654a4b Merge branch 'cpants-missing-prereqs'
adds 8dfec41 document exporting the utf8 pragma
adds 0fbb0d7 Add @Grimy to list of contributors
adds 3a55c9d reflect changes
adds a031a68 Merge branch 'docs/utf8_import'
adds a0020cd No warning if optional megasplat not present.
adds a72ec06 Test optional megasplat behaviour
adds 546529d reflect changes
adds 74afc7c Merge branch 'bigpresh/d1_issue_1144/warning_on_optional_megasplat'
adds c56951f Call engine.logger.* hooks around logging a message
adds 2e22cf2 reflect changes
adds fde8afb Merge branch 'feature/logger_hooks'
adds 523aa10 Fix spelling mistakes in POD
adds bbbc77b reflect changes
adds c7963d4 Merge branch 'docs/spelling_typos_thx_debian'
adds 88bb503 Fix spelling mistakes detected by codespell
adds 39e46a4 Add James McCoy to list of contributors
adds 8e457db reflect changes
adds e21ce5f Merge branch 'jamessan-spelling-fixes'
adds e4d68c6 Plugin2
adds e19efdf documentation
adds 2997dbe documentation! AND TESTS!
adds 5588498 document app() and config()
adds b9da40b typo
adds 7a87a54 add 'plugin_keywords' keyword
adds 7da4e91 was missing quotes
adds ab2ae3a adding hook support
adds dc6cb7c don't need the eval anymore
adds e099c01 ':app' is now implicit
adds 713f2bd documentation
adds 9c5e1cb allow 'from_config' in has
adds bc197d6 from_config being a coderef
adds 2f5034c accept synonyms in the keyword list
adds 113185b Don't use 5.10.0
adds 3834569 don't even need the 'no_app'
adds b8897da add MooX::ClassAttribute
adds 64c50c4 plugin's config returns empty hashref if not present
adds 08379f5 document testing trick
adds 713516b documentation for #1029
adds 6b9e57c improve the example
adds 7073e45 keywords as function tags or attributes
adds 63444a8 documentation
adds 40015a4 move docs at the end
adds 6a3dae6 test for keyword definitions
adds 060ae02 cleanup
adds 3f90c88 use Attribute::Handlers directly
adds e2c98ba cleanup
adds 86bc317 more tests
adds c4d04a8 deal with the p2_has fun with an 'around'
adds f9b0363 hooks were all put in the same namespace
adds adaed51 add section about hooks
adds f6eb3fb remove debugging statement
adds 47dee82 Remove Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI
adds 2639e12 document and tweak 'with_plugin'
adds 858e544 moved tests for plugin2
adds b2ab371 Removing MooX::ClassAttibute:
adds 2ce624f Support old syntax:
adds 158292d Make sure keywords are available:
adds 18b8e86 Support registering hooks with "register_hook":
adds 4164372 Support old non-fully-qualified execution using hook aliases:
adds 439af26 Implement additional necessary helpful methods:
adds 7473478 Replace characters for hook names with /g:
adds 40c25ff Add convenience method: execute_plugin_hook:
adds 40effd5 Move execute_plugin_hook() from Hookable role to Plugin:
adds 51d0fc6 Register hooks without instantiating hooks ahead of time:
adds 9c8c926 More plugin DSL and methods:
adds 1fd6a4b Use Dancer2::Plugin instead of Dancer2::Plugin2:
adds f8da3f7 Rename with proper prefix:
adds b97b6a0 use EXPR map
adds 68e73d5 Save the hooks instead of regenerating list every time:
adds 0cd3685 Move Plugin2.pm as Plugin.pm
adds dee3f28 use the proper prefix for plugins
adds f5cf7cd Use the proepr class name for control of DSL:
adds aa3ead3 Don't import compat-layer DSL with 'no_dsl' import flag:
adds dd30065 clarify text
adds 688c661 Do not ruin arguments for future candidates:
adds d2ef910 Run all iterations properly and return:
adds 6308871 Allow plugin classes with colons, allow non-fully qualified names:
adds 943fb96 test that ensure each plugin object gets its right app
adds 9c428c7 Remove unnecessary hack:
adds 9dcb633 Less crazy (and more reliable) hack + merge configs:
adds df1a2ee Double check that app was imported:
adds 5d74b02 meaningful names so i can keep track
adds 6ef9088 typo
adds 0b2fd77 remove uninitialized warning if no config available
adds 37acf53 Localize current plugin when run from import time callbacks:
adds 18fe500 Add Exporter::Tiny as a prerequisite
adds 5b66b7b uh.. yeah, yet another uninitialized plugin instance error fixed
adds 3e12c9a Fix two typos in hook wrapper comment.
adds 0e98822 whoops, shouldn't be here
adds 00a3a92 Silence warning for now:
adds 028847a Add test file demonstrating problem described in #1083.
adds e31fd54 fix test
adds aa86913 Removed the usage of AUTOLOAD in the Dancer2::Plugin code.
adds f932dd9 simpler version of register_plugin
adds be96d1a remove use of ... (yada-yada) operator introduced in Perl v5.12
adds 0846422 add {} to sub plugin_setting in Plugin - needed by Perl 5.8
adds 5b5787f Merge branch 'plugins-yanick'
adds 72fda9a Do not set wrong (character based) Content-Length.
adds 268aeca Update template content for autopage test
adds 149398b Add Michael Kröll as a contributor
adds ad97418 Update docs on writing your own handlers
adds 5936392 reflect changes
adds 6bdc104 Merge branch 'pepl-autopage_content-length'
adds 45c2b37 change <tt> to <span> in skel
adds ba59a55 Add Jason Lewis as a contributor
adds c0fad31 reflect changes
adds 14cedf1 Merge branch 'jasonblewis-change_tt_to_span_in_skel'
adds af276f8 Use a table for the error stacktrace & show 5 lines of context
adds fe420ca reflect changes
adds 71012a4 Merge branch 'vlyon/cleaner-default-error'
adds 36d702e Rename response header keywords
adds 801bb19 Use renamed response header keywords in tests
adds 8e45855 Add `request_header` keyword
adds e097b16 Test for `request` and `request_header` keywords
adds dae83ae Update docs with added/revised header keywords
adds 6d9b1b2 Comment deprecation warning on existing keywords
adds f1e988d reflect changes
adds 431d8d8 Merge branch 'feature/request_response_headers'
adds 103a3d8 Check `no_server_tokens` in config file, fixes GH #1046:
adds c03564f reflect changes
adds 25f6210 Merge branch 'fix/no_server_token-config'
adds c521408 Fix heading indentation
adds 01b6fdc Remove copyright. This appears to be added later on build, causing duplicate entries
adds b6abd9f Group all Apache config options together
adds e8af14c Add more detail to CGI and FastCGI Apache options
adds 387701f reflect changeg
adds 065f268 Merge branch 'fastcgi-docs'
adds 4b4c7bf Update changes
adds 148b72f Fix GH #1153, correct POD
adds 8abd023 Remove superfluous header
adds 88ff227 Update README with contributors while at it
adds 10ab958 Merge branch 'fix/gh-1153'
adds bb62eca reflect changes all too late
adds 0c6af28 Ensure megasplat keeps empty trailing fields
adds 354ee94 Update route tests with new megasplat behaviour
adds 966735a Add @miyagawa to list of contributors
adds 3338b16 reflect changes
adds a157279 Merge branch 'bugfix/inconsistent_megasplat_split'
adds 0c00abf v0.166001_01
adds da2e1ad template and session engines receive incorect log_cb on build
adds 663fdf9 reflect changes
adds 4e23286 Merge branch 'fix/correct_log_cb_on_engine_build'
adds 88da524 Dont use private methods for body param passing
adds 8b2e0cc reflect changes
adds 07ed5dd Merge branch 'bugfix/request_body_param'
adds 2e8c45c Changelog entry for merge of Dancer2::Plugin2
adds 69a2709 Merge branch 'feature/changelog_plugin2'
adds 18d8951 v0.166001_02
adds 014b1d8 Replace Class::Load with Module::Runtime:
adds e4e34f8 Use Module::Runtime::require_module to support older perls better:
adds afcb024 reflect changes
adds 1e97ed3 Merge branch 'feature/module-runtime'
adds 0f8261a Make template keyword global (GH #1159):
adds ba73602 Test case for template as a global keyword
adds 2eec178 Ensure a request exists before checking for a session
adds 82656cf reflect changes
adds 5d3cdca Merge branch 'feature/global-template-keyword'
adds c5c4e2b test to verify proxy behaviour when using forward
adds 76604a9 Copy is_behind_proxy setting into new request on forward
adds 812e627 reflect changes
adds 1112f28 Merge branch 'bugfix/forward_proxy'
adds 4887a0a Pod update: List apache modules with apachectl -M
adds edc56b8 line break
adds 632c937 reflect changes
adds 1013a4e Merge branch 'fix/deployment_pod'
adds df27c9f switch from MooX::Types::MooseLike to Type::Tiny
adds 15cca0b update prereqs for Type::Tiny (with optional ::XS)
adds 1731cb9 Switch tp Dancer2::Core::Types in Response::Delayed
adds d23ae7f fixup test errors due to different exception message with Type::Tiny
adds bdef486 simplify and speedup some types
adds a4883f1 add explicit dep on Sub::Quote
adds ddf777c include type in expected regexp in types.t
adds a5106b6 add Type::Tiny::XS to Manual and Manual::Migration
adds b74e8ad reflect change
adds 086b7f7 Merge branch 'feature/type_tiny'
adds e70efd0 v0.166001_03
adds ee1dcf4 Dont call private method for query params
adds 7c13042 reflect changes
adds 56f76fd Merge branch 'bugfix/plack_query_params'
adds ffe1bc0 v0.166001_04
adds 10a2713 Require Type::Tiny 0.008 for InstanceOf and Enum:
adds 166283a Fix some more failing tests:
adds 6f9bfbf Merge branch 'fix/tests'
adds 494d889 Migrate send_as functionality into core
adds 2f7ac18 Add tests for send_as keyword
adds f92a8fc Document send_as keyword
adds 21264dd Remove trailing whitespace
adds 57d13de Special case handling of "send_as HTML"
adds 0d99c01 send_as error condition tests
adds b3d4821 Update Manual.pod with reworked send_as semantics
adds 4c48b90 Lowercase *html* in `send_as` and check for possible typos:
adds 8ccd2ab reflect changes
adds 2ea4bf1 Merge branch 'feature/send_as_rebased'
adds 7f8507f Update plugin tests to stop deprecation warnings.
adds 53dfff7 reflect changes
adds 1dfb5c6 Merge branch 'fix/silence_plugin2_deprecation_warnings_in_tests'
adds f6574f7 Reword logged error if serializaiton fails
adds 6b1ad03 reflect changes
adds 7a14d3a Merge branch 'bugfix/serializer_error_message'
adds f8a05e4 Reword logged error if deserializaiton fails
adds 1357690 reflect changes
adds f4b67e3 Merge branch 'bugfix/deserialize_error_message'
adds 785d8aa v0.200000
adds 74a2aec Add test for plugins in alternate namespaces
adds 15f613e Remove Dancer2::Plugin from REF regex
adds cb42fd1 with_plugin allows '+' prefix'd full class names
adds ff3303f typo fixes: need singular 'with_plugin'
adds ec6460a Check that the object isa Dancer2::Plugin
adds 7fd62ac Plugin hook test in non Dancer2::Plugin namespace
adds 6121b20 plugin->execute_plugin_hook handles full class names
adds 8d3f0c8 reflect changes
adds 6093110 Merge branch 'bugfix/plugin_namespaces'
adds 9329387 Stop using Test::Deep since we don't declare it as a build dep
adds 5b6fb90 reflect changes
adds 334c164 Merge branch 'fix/gh-1176-remove-test-deep'
adds 6056343 Add a link to authoring a plugin.
adds 66c0f19 Replaced out-of-date plugin authoring info with a relevant link.
adds 664f59f Updated list of contributors.
adds 66f39a4 reflect changes
adds 6c0532a Merge branch 'docs/plugin2-doc-fixes'
adds 5991a74 Add veriant of test gtom GH#1018
adds 702b025 Add Ruben Amortegui as a contributor
adds 957050a reflect changes
adds c1fc509 Merge branch 'tests/gh-1018_execute_hook_counts'
adds 5eb8728 before_template vs before_template_render
adds 38c9dee before_template_render in tutorial
adds 27f940a Add Philippe Bricout to list of contributors
adds 6e738c5 reflect changes
adds c0d9645 Merge branch 'docs/brxfork_before_template'
adds e1a88c0 don't use barewords under use strict
adds 2e661eb reflect change
adds 881f409 Merge branch 'fix/strict-barewords'
adds cf509f3 v0.200001
adds acfae05 Tidy a bit
adds 5a905f5 Make vars available in forwarded requests as well:
adds 2391c76 reflect changes
adds db65ff7 Merge branch 'fix/vars-in-forward'
adds 61e3a71 v0.200002
adds 6e602cb Imported Upstream version 0.200002+dfsg
new c9bf502 Merge tag 'upstream/0.200002+dfsg'
new f7d9aee Update debian/changelog
new c94314a Remove build dependency on libtest-deep-perl.
new bfde4f8 Add a patch to fix a spelling mistake in the documentation.
new 544851c releasing package libdancer2-perl version 0.200002+dfsg-1
The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 25 +++++
META.json | 116 +++++++++++-----------
META.yml | 116 +++++++++++-----------
Makefile.PL | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 9 ++
debian/control | 1 -
debian/copyright | 8 +-
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/patches/spelling.patch | 18 ++++
debian/repack.local | 2 -
debian/repack.stub | 88 ----------------
debian/watch | 5 +-
lib/Dancer2.pm | 9 +-
lib/Dancer2/CLI.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/CLI/Command/gen.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/CLI/Command/version.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Config.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Cookbook.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/App.pm | 18 +++-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Cookie.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/DSL.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Dispatcher.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Error.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Factory.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/HTTP.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Hook.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/MIME.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Request.pm | 9 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Request/Upload.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Response.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Response/Delayed.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/.Template.pm.swp | Bin 0 -> 16384 bytes
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/ConfigReader.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/DSL.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Engine.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Handler.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/HasLocation.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Hookable.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Logger.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Serializer.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/SessionFactory.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/SessionFactory/File.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/StandardResponses.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Template.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Route.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Runner.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Session.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Time.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Core/Types.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/FileUtils.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Handler/AutoPage.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Handler/File.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Capture.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Capture/Trap.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Console.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Diag.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/File.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Note.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Logger/Null.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Manual.pod | 89 +----------------
lib/Dancer2/Manual/Deployment.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Manual/Migration.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Manual/Testing.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Plugin.pm | 16 ++-
lib/Dancer2/Plugins.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Policy.pod | 2 +-
lib/Dancer2/Serializer/Dumper.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Serializer/JSON.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Serializer/Mutable.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Serializer/YAML.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Session/Simple.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Session/YAML.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Template/Implementation/ForkedTiny.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Template/Simple.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Template/TemplateToolkit.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Template/Tiny.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Test.pm | 4 +-
lib/Dancer2/Tutorial.pod | 18 ++--
script/dancer2 | 2 +-
t/author-no-tabs.t | 2 +
t/issues/vars-in-forward.t | 24 +++++
t/lib/PoC/Plugin/Polite.pm | 27 +++++
t/lib/poc2.pm | 14 ++-
t/plugin2/basic-2.t | 10 +-
t/plugin2/define-keywords.t | 5 +-
t/plugin2/hooks.t | 48 ++++++---
t/plugin2/keywords-hooks-namespace.t | 2 -
t/plugin2/with-plugins.t | 36 +++----
90 files changed, 464 insertions(+), 486 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
create mode 100644 debian/patches/spelling.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/repack.local
delete mode 100755 debian/repack.stub
create mode 100644 lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/.Template.pm.swp
create mode 100644 t/issues/vars-in-forward.t
create mode 100644 t/lib/PoC/Plugin/Polite.pm
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdancer2-perl.git
More information about the Pkg-perl-cvs-commits
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