[libhtml-entities-numbered-perl] 01/03: [svn-inject] Installing original source of libhtml-entities-numbered-perl
dom at earth.li
dom at earth.li
Sun May 8 22:10:18 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dom pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libhtml-entities-numbered-perl.
commit c817e81c063dc682fa6c6c26b25c9be9d571e23c
Author: Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li>
Date: Thu Mar 6 20:54:03 2008 +0000
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libhtml-entities-numbered-perl
Changes | 12 ++
MANIFEST | 18 +++
META.yml | 11 ++
Makefile.PL | 8 +
README | 123 ++++++++++++++++
lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered/Table.pm | 286 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/00_compile.t | 4 +
t/01_name2decimal.t | 11 ++
t/02_name2hex.t | 11 ++
t/03_decimal2name.t | 11 ++
t/04_hex2name.t | 11 ++
t/05_hex2name_lc.t | 11 ++
t/06_invalid.t | 19 +++
t/07_cross.t | 14 ++
t/08_name2decimal_xml.t | 16 ++
t/09_name2hex_xml.t | 16 ++
t/entities.txt | 252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18 files changed, 1046 insertions(+)
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..127c805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Entities::Numbered
+0.04 Thu Sep 2 23:38:13 2004
+ - The following are suggested by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa.
+ o create HTML entities table in it's way.
+ o removed HTML::Entities from prerequisite pm to build this
+ distribution.
+ o added "_xml" suffixed two functions (name2decimal_xml() and
+ name2hex_xml()) for addapted to create valid XML.
+0.03 Tue Aug 11 22:00:26 2004
+ - original version
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483516c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
+META.yml Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f9280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name: HTML-Entities-Numbered
+version: 0.04
+version_from: lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm
+installdirs: site
+ Test::More: 0.32
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.21
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257fd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ NAME => 'HTML::Entities::Numbered',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm', # finds $VERSION
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ 'Test::More' => 0.32,
+ },
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b464e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+HTML::Entities::Numbered version 0.04
+ HTML::Entities::Numbered - Conversion of numbered HTML entities
+ use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+ $html = 'Hi Honey<b>♥</b>';
+ # convert named HTML entities to numbered (decimal)
+ $decimal = name2decimal($html); # Hi Honey<b>♥</b>
+ # to numbered (hexadecimal)
+ $hex = name2hex($html); # Hi Honey<b>♥</b>
+ $content = 'Copyright © Larry Wall';
+ # convert numbered HTML entities (decimal) to named
+ $name1 = decimal2name($content); # Copyright © Larry Wall
+ $content = 'Copyright © Larry Wall';
+ # convert numbered HTML entitites (hexadecimal) to named
+ $name2 = hex2name($content); # Copyright © Larry Wall
+ $xml = '"Give me ¥10,000" > cherie♠';
+ # convert named HTML entities to numbered
+ # except valid XML entities (decimal)
+ $decimal = name2decimal_xml($xml); # "Give me ¥10,000"
+ # > cherie♠
+ # to numbered except valid XML entities (hexdecimal)
+ $hex = name2hex_xml($xml); # "Give me ¥10,000"
+ # > cherie♠
+ HTML::Entities::Numbered is a content conversion filter for named HTML
+ entities (symbols, mathmetical symbols, Greek letters, Latin letters,
+ etc.). When an argument of "name2decimal()" or "name2hex()" contains
+ some nameable HTML entities, they will be replaced to numbered HTML
+ entities. And when an argument of "name2decimal_xml()" or
+ "name2hex_xml()" contains some nameable numbered HTML entities, they
+ will be replaced to numbered HTML entities except valid XML entities
+ (the excepted "valid XML entities" are the following five entities:
+ "<", ">", "&", """, "'"). By the same token, when an
+ argument of "decimal2name()" or "hex2name()" contains some nameable
+ numbered HTML entities, they will be replaced to named HTML entities.
+ (the exception "valid XML entities" means the following five entities:
+ "<", ">", "&", """, "'")
+ On version 0.03, the entities hash table is imported from HTML::Entities
+ (with obsolete class "HTML::Entities::Numbered::Extra" for older
+ releases of Perl). At the moment, 0.04 (or later) is included
+ HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table to import HTML entities table, and
+ thereby we do not need to have HTML::Entities (included in HTML::Parser
+ distribution).
+ This may be also useful for making valid XML (corrects the undefined
+ entity references, and enhanced by addition of functions conform to the
+ XML).
+ Following all functions are exported by default.
+ * name2decimal
+ Some included named HTML entities in argument of "name2decimal()"
+ will be replaced to decimal numbered HTML entities.
+ * name2hex
+ Some included named HTML entities in argument of "name2hex()" will
+ be replaced to hexadecimal numbered HTML entities.
+ * decimal2name
+ Some include decimal numbered HTML entities in argument of
+ "decimal2name()" will be replaced to named HTML entities (If they're
+ nameable).
+ * hex2name
+ Some include hexadecimal numbered HTML entities in argument of
+ "hex2name()" will be replaced to named HTML entities (If they're
+ nameable).
+ * name2decimal_xml
+ Some included named HTML entities in argument of
+ "name2decimal_xml()" will be replaced to decimal numbered HTML
+ entities except valid XML entities.
+ * name2hex_xml
+ Some included named HTML entities in argument of "name2hex_xml()"
+ will be replaced to hexadecimal numbered HTML entities except valid
+ XML entities.
+ If you'd prefer not to import them functions into the caller's
+ namespace, you can call them as below:
+ use HTML::Entities::Numbered ();
+ $decimal = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2decimal($str);
+ $hex = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2hex($str);
+ $named1 = HTML::Entities::Numbered::decimal2name($str);
+ $named2 = HTML::Entities::Numbered::hex2name($str);
+ $decimal = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2decimal_xml($str);
+ $hex = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2hex_xml($str);
+ Koichi Taniguchi <taniguchi at livedoor.jp>
+ Develop triggered by IKEBE Tomohiro <ikebe at cpan.org>
+ Many thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa at cpan.org>
+ Copyright (c) 2004 Koichi Taniguchi. Japan. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ HTML::Entities, <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html>
diff --git a/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm b/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6df3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+use strict;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+ at EXPORT = qw(
+ name2decimal name2hex name2decimal_xml name2hex_xml decimal2name hex2name
+$VERSION = '0.04';
+sub name2decimal {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s/(&[a-z0-9]+;)/_convert2num($1, '&#%d;')/ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub name2hex {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s/(&[a-z0-9]+;)/_convert2num($1, '&#x%X;')/ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub name2decimal_xml {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s{(&(?:(lt|gt|amp|quot|apos)|[a-z0-9]+);)}
+ { $2 ? $1 : _convert2num($1, '&#%d;') }ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub name2hex_xml {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s{(&(?:(lt|gt|amp|quot|apos)|[a-z0-9]+);)}
+ { $2 ? $1 : _convert2num($1, '&#x%X;') }ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub decimal2name {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s/(&#\d+;)/_convert2name($1)/ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub hex2name {
+ my $content = shift;
+ $content =~ s/(&#x[a-f0-9]+;)/_convert2name($1)/ieg;
+ return $content;
+sub _convert2num {
+ my($reference, $format) = @_;
+ my($name) = $reference =~ /^&([a-z0-9]+);$/i;
+ return exists $DECIMALS{$name} ?
+ sprintf($format, $DECIMALS{$name}) : $reference;
+sub _convert2name {
+ my $reference = shift;
+ my($is_hex, $decimal) = $reference =~ /^&#(x?)([a-f0-9]+);$/i;
+ $decimal = sprintf('%d', ($is_hex ? hex($decimal) : $decimal));
+ return exists $ENTITIES{$decimal} ?
+ sprintf('&%s;', $ENTITIES{$decimal}) : $reference;
+=head1 NAME
+HTML::Entities::Numbered - Conversion of numbered HTML entities
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+ $html = 'Hi Honey<b>♥</b>';
+ # convert named HTML entities to numbered (decimal)
+ $decimal = name2decimal($html); # Hi Honey<b>♥</b>
+ # to numbered (hexadecimal)
+ $hex = name2hex($html); # Hi Honey<b>♥</b>
+ $content = 'Copyright © Larry Wall';
+ # convert numbered HTML entities (decimal) to named
+ $name1 = decimal2name($content); # Copyright © Larry Wall
+ $content = 'Copyright © Larry Wall';
+ # convert numbered HTML entitites (hexadecimal) to named
+ $name2 = hex2name($content); # Copyright © Larry Wall
+ $xml = '"Give me ¥10,000" > cherie♠';
+ # convert named HTML entities to numbered
+ # except valid XML entities (decimal)
+ $decimal = name2decimal_xml($xml); # "Give me ¥10,000"
+ # > cherie♠
+ # to numbered except valid XML entities (hexdecimal)
+ $hex = name2hex_xml($xml); # "Give me ¥10,000"
+ # > cherie♠
+HTML::Entities::Numbered is a content conversion filter for named HTML
+entities (symbols, mathmetical symbols, Greek letters, Latin letters,
+When an argument of C<name2decimal()> or C<name2hex()> contains some
+B<nameable> HTML entities, they will be replaced to numbered HTML
+entities. And when an argument of C<name2decimal_xml()> or
+C<name2hex_xml()> contains some B<nameable> numbered HTML entities,
+they will be replaced to numbered HTML entities B<except valid XML
+entities> (the excepted "valid XML entities" are the following five
+entities: C<<>, C<>>, C<&>, C<">, C<'>).
+By the same token, when an argument of C<decimal2name()> or
+C<hex2name()> contains some B<nameable> numbered HTML entities, they
+will be replaced to named HTML entities.
+(the exception "valid XML entities" means the following five entities:
+C<<>, C<>>, C<&>, C<">, C<'>)
+On version 0.03, the entities hash table is imported from
+L<HTML::Entities> (with obsolete class
+C<HTML::Entities::Numbered::Extra> for older releases of Perl).
+At the moment, 0.04 (or later) is included
+L<HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table> to import HTML entities table, and
+thereby we do not need to have L<HTML::Entities> (included in
+L<HTML::Parser> distribution).
+This may be also useful for making valid XML (corrects the undefined
+entity references, and enhanced by addition of functions conform to
+the XML).
+Following all functions are exported by default.
+=over 4
+=item * name2decimal
+Some included named HTML entities in argument of C<name2decimal()>
+will be replaced to decimal numbered HTML entities.
+=item * name2hex
+Some included named HTML entities in argument of C<name2hex()>
+will be replaced to hexadecimal numbered HTML entities.
+=item * decimal2name
+Some include decimal numbered HTML entities in argument of
+C<decimal2name()> will be replaced to named HTML entities
+(If they're nameable).
+=item * hex2name
+Some include hexadecimal numbered HTML entities in argument of
+C<hex2name()> will be replaced to named HTML entities
+(If they're nameable).
+=item * name2decimal_xml
+Some included named HTML entities in argument of C<name2decimal_xml()>
+will be replaced to decimal numbered HTML entities B<except valid XML
+=item * name2hex_xml
+Some included named HTML entities in argument of C<name2hex_xml()>
+will be replaced to hexadecimal numbered HTML entities B<except valid
+XML entities>.
+If you'd prefer not to import them functions into the caller's
+namespace, you can call them as below:
+ use HTML::Entities::Numbered ();
+ $decimal = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2decimal($str);
+ $hex = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2hex($str);
+ $named1 = HTML::Entities::Numbered::decimal2name($str);
+ $named2 = HTML::Entities::Numbered::hex2name($str);
+ $decimal = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2decimal_xml($str);
+ $hex = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2hex_xml($str);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Koichi Taniguchi E<lt>taniguchi at livedoor.jpE<gt>
+Develop triggered by IKEBE Tomohiro E<lt>ikebe at cpan.orgE<gt>
+Many thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa E<lt>miyagawa at cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright (c) 2004 Koichi Taniguchi. Japan. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered/Table.pm b/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered/Table.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff775fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/HTML/Entities/Numbered/Table.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+package HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+ at EXPORT = qw(%DECIMALS);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+ quot => 34,
+ amp => 38,
+ apos => 39,
+ lt => 60,
+ gt => 62,
+ nbsp => 160,
+ iexcl => 161,
+ cent => 162,
+ pound => 163,
+ curren => 164,
+ yen => 165,
+ brvbar => 166,
+ sect => 167,
+ uml => 168,
+ copy => 169,
+ ordf => 170,
+ laquo => 171,
+ not => 172,
+ shy => 173,
+ reg => 174,
+ macr => 175,
+ deg => 176,
+ plusmn => 177,
+ sup2 => 178,
+ sup3 => 179,
+ acute => 180,
+ micro => 181,
+ para => 182,
+ middot => 183,
+ cedil => 184,
+ sup1 => 185,
+ ordm => 186,
+ raquo => 187,
+ frac14 => 188,
+ frac12 => 189,
+ frac34 => 190,
+ iquest => 191,
+ Agrave => 192,
+ Aacute => 193,
+ Acirc => 194,
+ Atilde => 195,
+ Auml => 196,
+ Aring => 197,
+ AElig => 198,
+ Ccedil => 199,
+ Egrave => 200,
+ Eacute => 201,
+ Ecirc => 202,
+ Euml => 203,
+ Igrave => 204,
+ Iacute => 205,
+ Icirc => 206,
+ Iuml => 207,
+ ETH => 208,
+ Ntilde => 209,
+ Ograve => 210,
+ Oacute => 211,
+ Ocirc => 212,
+ Otilde => 213,
+ Ouml => 214,
+ times => 215,
+ Oslash => 216,
+ Ugrave => 217,
+ Uacute => 218,
+ Ucirc => 219,
+ Uuml => 220,
+ Yacute => 221,
+ THORN => 222,
+ szlig => 223,
+ agrave => 224,
+ aacute => 225,
+ acirc => 226,
+ atilde => 227,
+ auml => 228,
+ aring => 229,
+ aelig => 230,
+ ccedil => 231,
+ egrave => 232,
+ eacute => 233,
+ ecirc => 234,
+ euml => 235,
+ igrave => 236,
+ iacute => 237,
+ icirc => 238,
+ iuml => 239,
+ eth => 240,
+ ntilde => 241,
+ ograve => 242,
+ oacute => 243,
+ ocirc => 244,
+ otilde => 245,
+ ouml => 246,
+ divide => 247,
+ oslash => 248,
+ ugrave => 249,
+ uacute => 250,
+ ucirc => 251,
+ uuml => 252,
+ yacute => 253,
+ thorn => 254,
+ yuml => 255,
+ OElig => 338,
+ oelig => 339,
+ Scaron => 352,
+ scaron => 353,
+ Yuml => 376,
+ fnof => 402,
+ circ => 710,
+ tilde => 732,
+ Alpha => 913,
+ Beta => 914,
+ Gamma => 915,
+ Delta => 916,
+ Epsilon => 917,
+ Zeta => 918,
+ Eta => 919,
+ Theta => 920,
+ Iota => 921,
+ Kappa => 922,
+ Lambda => 923,
+ Mu => 924,
+ Nu => 925,
+ Xi => 926,
+ Omicron => 927,
+ Pi => 928,
+ Rho => 929,
+ Sigma => 931,
+ Tau => 932,
+ Upsilon => 933,
+ Phi => 934,
+ Chi => 935,
+ Psi => 936,
+ Omega => 937,
+ alpha => 945,
+ beta => 946,
+ gamma => 947,
+ delta => 948,
+ epsilon => 949,
+ zeta => 950,
+ eta => 951,
+ theta => 952,
+ iota => 953,
+ kappa => 954,
+ lambda => 955,
+ mu => 956,
+ nu => 957,
+ xi => 958,
+ omicron => 959,
+ pi => 960,
+ rho => 961,
+ sigmaf => 962,
+ sigma => 963,
+ tau => 964,
+ upsilon => 965,
+ phi => 966,
+ chi => 967,
+ psi => 968,
+ omega => 969,
+ thetasym => 977,
+ upsih => 978,
+ piv => 982,
+ ensp => 8194,
+ emsp => 8195,
+ thinsp => 8201,
+ zwnj => 8204,
+ zwj => 8205,
+ lrm => 8206,
+ rlm => 8207,
+ ndash => 8211,
+ mdash => 8212,
+ lsquo => 8216,
+ rsquo => 8217,
+ sbquo => 8218,
+ ldquo => 8220,
+ rdquo => 8221,
+ bdquo => 8222,
+ dagger => 8224,
+ Dagger => 8225,
+ bull => 8226,
+ hellip => 8230,
+ permil => 8240,
+ prime => 8242,
+ Prime => 8243,
+ lsaquo => 8249,
+ rsaquo => 8250,
+ oline => 8254,
+ frasl => 8260,
+ euro => 8364,
+ image => 8465,
+ weierp => 8472,
+ real => 8476,
+ trade => 8482,
+ alefsym => 8501,
+ larr => 8592,
+ uarr => 8593,
+ rarr => 8594,
+ darr => 8595,
+ harr => 8596,
+ crarr => 8629,
+ lArr => 8656,
+ uArr => 8657,
+ rArr => 8658,
+ dArr => 8659,
+ hArr => 8660,
+ forall => 8704,
+ part => 8706,
+ exist => 8707,
+ empty => 8709,
+ nabla => 8711,
+ isin => 8712,
+ notin => 8713,
+ ni => 8715,
+ prod => 8719,
+ sum => 8721,
+ minus => 8722,
+ lowast => 8727,
+ radic => 8730,
+ prop => 8733,
+ infin => 8734,
+ ang => 8736,
+ and => 8743,
+ or => 8744,
+ cap => 8745,
+ cup => 8746,
+ int => 8747,
+ there4 => 8756,
+ sim => 8764,
+ cong => 8773,
+ asymp => 8776,
+ ne => 8800,
+ equiv => 8801,
+ le => 8804,
+ ge => 8805,
+ sub => 8834,
+ sup => 8835,
+ nsub => 8836,
+ sube => 8838,
+ supe => 8839,
+ oplus => 8853,
+ otimes => 8855,
+ perp => 8869,
+ sdot => 8901,
+ lceil => 8968,
+ rceil => 8969,
+ lfloor => 8970,
+ rfloor => 8971,
+ lang => 9001,
+ rang => 9002,
+ loz => 9674,
+ spades => 9824,
+ clubs => 9827,
+ hearts => 9829,
+ diams => 9830,
+=head1 NAME
+HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table - HTML entities table
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table is HTML entities table. The table is
+including every named entity and decimal pairs.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Koichi Taniguchi E<lt>taniguchi at livedoor.jpE<gt>
diff --git a/t/00_compile.t b/t/00_compile.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6335ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/00_compile.t
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok 'HTML::Entities::Numbered' }
diff --git a/t/01_name2decimal.t b/t/01_name2decimal.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff593a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/01_name2decimal.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(name2decimal($entity[0]) eq $entity[1]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/02_name2hex.t b/t/02_name2hex.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb7a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02_name2hex.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(name2hex($entity[0]) eq $entity[2]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/03_decimal2name.t b/t/03_decimal2name.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2d2db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/03_decimal2name.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(decimal2name($entity[1]) eq $entity[0]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/04_hex2name.t b/t/04_hex2name.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3b2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/04_hex2name.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(hex2name($entity[2]) eq $entity[0]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/05_hex2name_lc.t b/t/05_hex2name_lc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca1d18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/05_hex2name_lc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(hex2name(lc($entity[2])) eq $entity[0]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/06_invalid.t b/t/06_invalid.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3dce1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/06_invalid.t
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 504;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ my $changed = $entity[0];
+ $changed =~ tr/A-Za-z/a-zA-Z/;
+ ok(name2decimal($changed) ne $entity[1]);
+ unless ($changed =~ /^&(?:thorn|eth);$/i) {
+ ok(name2decimal($changed) eq $changed);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(name2decimal($changed) ne $changed);
+ }
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/07_cross.t b/t/07_cross.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ead0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/07_cross.t
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1008;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ ok(decimal2name(name2decimal($entity[0])) eq $entity[0]);
+ ok(name2decimal(decimal2name($entity[1])) eq $entity[1]);
+ ok(name2hex(hex2name($entity[2])) eq $entity[2]);
+ ok(hex2name(name2hex(decimal2name(name2decimal($entity[0])))) eq $entity[0]);
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/08_name2decimal_xml.t b/t/08_name2decimal_xml.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4358a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/08_name2decimal_xml.t
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ unless ($entity[0] =~ /^&(?:lt|gt|amp|quot|apos);/) {
+ ok(name2decimal_xml($entity[0]) eq $entity[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(name2decimal_xml($entity[0]) eq $entity[0]);
+ }
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/09_name2hex_xml.t b/t/09_name2hex_xml.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6297a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/09_name2hex_xml.t
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 252;
+use HTML::Entities::Numbered;
+open(ENT, 't/entities.txt') || die $!;
+while (<ENT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @entity = split /\t+/, $_;
+ unless ($entity[0] =~ /^&(?:lt|gt|amp|quot|apos);/) {
+ ok(name2hex_xml($entity[0]) eq $entity[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(name2hex_xml($entity[0]) eq $entity[0]);
+ }
+close ENT;
diff --git a/t/entities.txt b/t/entities.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd85a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/entities.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
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