[libdata-peek-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.46 created (now 658983b)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat May 21 15:30:00 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.46
in repository libdata-peek-perl.

        at  658983b   (tag)
   tagging  bffa3152ac460bbc3ba272540a102505013bed9f (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.45
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sat May 21 17:19:38 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.46

H.Merijn Brand (96):
      Initial checkin
      PerlIO is only available in 5.8 and up
      Perl 5.6 is a minimal requirement for 'use warnings'
      Tests for DPeek ()
      Inconsistencies in perl versions
      Tests modified to pass 5.6.2, 5.8.0, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, 5.10.0, and devel
      test.sh too volatile to keep track off
      More tests for DPeek, more passes
      Fix for dreaded threaded builds
      DDump_rf () isn't used, so removed
      Perl_sv_* () might not have been exported warning in README
      In void context DDumper prints to STDERR
      We need tests for DDump () too
      Generate test data
      Ahh, hell, sv_dump changes a lot over versions
      Added DDual ()
      $! and $1 are not constant accross OS's
      Release as 0.15
      Allocated length for PV's depends on arch (upped test to 8)
      Released on Amsterdam.pm
      Renamed DDumper to Data::Peek
      Default argument for DPeek is $_
      example should also use Data::Peek
      Optionally install DP as shortcut for Data::Peek
      Public git repo set up
      Typo in pod (Joshua Juran)
      MSwin doesn't use plain \n
      Some MSWin (ActivePerl) and AIX builds do not have Perl_sv_peek () exported
      Split on newline done in module
      Updated to ppport-3.14_01
      YAML declared 1.4 (META.yml) instead of 1.1 (YAML)
      Get DP.pm's version from Peek.pm
      Another YAML validation with Parse::CPAN::Meta
      Selecting to install DP did not install Data::Peek
      Implement DDisplay ()
      Implement triplevar ()
      Update ppport.h to 3.14_05
      Update ppport.h to 3.14_05 (mhx++)
      make leaktest/leakcheck enabled and executed
      Wrong e-mail in META.yml
      #34831 fixed tied $,
      It's 2009. Happy newyear
      Corrected paren placement for bless (...)
      for both ; and ,
      Documentation fixes
      Added Test::NoWarnings
      added resources/repository to META.yml
      add configure_requires to META.yml
      typo in genMETA
      Added DDsort ()
      Tests for DDsort
      void context behaviour for DPeek ()
      Add DGrow ()
      Document speed diff
      Added t/52_DGrow, so tell the MANIFEST
      Use skip instead of skip_all for builds that have no DPeek ()
      Reformat/podify README
      Initial length is 16 on 64bit Snow Leopard
      Be more lenient towards allocated space
      v 0.29
      use $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; instead of removing the quotes myself
      more Data::Dumper options
      Put first hash element after opening lonely brace
      Upped copyright to 2010
      Put first hash element after opening lonely brace in docs too
      Use warn () instead of print STDERR
      Dropped YAML spec to 1.0
      Modules should not include (3) in links
      DGrow tests for bigger gap
      Spell checking
      add DHexDump
      Add tests for DHexDump ()
      NetBSD uses multiples of 1k
      Complete DHexDump () distribution
      Require perl 5.8.0
      tiny doc change
      Added :tidy, stream DDumper output through Perl::Tidy
      Recommend Perl::Tidy
      Upped copyright to 2011
      Add tidy references to SEE ALSO
      Blame John for the good idea :)
      Added DTidy, updated docs
      make spelling happy
      Tests require Test::More-0.88 or up (RT#70538)
      Ignore (new) generated files
      Comply to new(er) Meta: generate correct JSON
      More cross-checks for META data
      Make minimal version checks subtests
      NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL
      Make all my ChangeLog's look more or less the same
      More performance data for DGrow
      Upped copyright to 2012
      Allow length for DHexDump ()
      More efficient way to cut buffer in DHexDump ()
      meta-spec in json is an integer
      Backslashed { in regex in test to satisfy perl-5.17

H.Merijn Brand - Tux (41):
      Upped copyright to 2013
      Update META checker
      The Lancaster Consensus changes the META-2.0 to 1.4 conversion
      Conformed the ChangeLog to the style all my other ChangeLogs
      No need for Test::Harness
      sv_dump () changed in 5.19.3
      Release 0.39
      Upped copyright to 2014
      space is whitespace (include tabs)
      Guard Perl::Tidy against stupid user options in .perltidyrc
      Data::Dumper option tester
      Old(er) perls (e.g. 5.8.0) do not like \my $x, more
      Add alternative test results for 5.21.5 and up (PADMY)
      Prevent caching of .perltidyrc (RT#99514)
      Upped copyright to 2015
      release 0.42
      Move repo to github
      Remove perl recommendation from META as it breaks cpan clients
      Enable Travis
      Don't ask questions inside travis
      env: in .travis.yml is a list of alternatives
      Prepare Travis for osx
      DDisplay in void context consistency
      Skip changelog test in parent check
      New meta checks (QAH 2105)
      merge META work
      Disable OSX on travis while it is still broken
      merge META work and used-by
      add 5.22 to travis
      It's 2016
      Test::More with Test2 does not preserve $! and $?
      Skip nomemoize in old Perl::Tidy (RT#113433, Slaven)
      Test with perl-5.24.0

gregor herrmann (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.46


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdata-peek-perl.git

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