[libdevel-globaldestruction-perl] branch master updated (172d5f4 -> e650a80)
Angel Abad
angel at debian.org
Tue Nov 1 10:24:30 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
angel pushed a change to branch master
in repository libdevel-globaldestruction-perl.
from 172d5f4 update changelog
new 6de5eec Add debian/upstream/metadata.
adds 4b4509f Add MANIFEST.SKIP
adds 3a42a9c Add Makefile.PL
adds 540edfc ignore dists
adds 07987bb Test::use::ok dep
adds b1e2487 change dist/disttest MANIFEST.SKIP pattern
adds 7ebe064 skip .t.log files in MANIFEST.SKIP
adds b5d98ea add .prove to MANIFEST.SKIP
adds 0ac5d3e add XS related stuff to MANIFEST.SKIP
adds e4e89c3 mkdir lib
adds 6e86cea mkdir t
adds dbdd3eb add .git to MANIFEST.SKIP
adds a91e8a7 Devel::GlobalDestruction
adds faf4ea2 deps
adds e7a04eb version bump
adds f615b0f avoid borging XSLoader errors
adds 53e46d4 Use XSLoader without falling back to DynaLoader
adds d453ae9 perl 5.6.0 and newer have the our keyword
adds 8801e4f Be explicit about the 5.6.0 dependency
adds 3790e92 Disable XS code on perls with ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}
adds b1bb8cb Add .gitignore
adds ec94b9e Version 0.03
adds eaac10b feature check rather than version check
adds 761f3ee update the docs
adds 38d57e4 stop depending on Scope::Guard just for tests
adds d374b2a Upgrade ppport.h from version 3.13 to 3.19
adds aaa7f60 Version 0.04
adds d4d91c2 gitignoring
adds f832e24 De-tabardize
adds 844f240 Add a thread test (just runs the basic one in a thread)
adds 9aaf364 Pureperlize
adds 701a370 adjust manifest
adds 0e762ad Fix some meta info
adds 989c3c9 changelog and version bump
adds 9d5ad14 De-retardize XS-less behavior under SpeedyCGI
adds 6e3fd33 MOAR commenting
adds c65b758 Make sure we work from space-containing paths
adds 19a66cb Version 0.06
adds 6d3e0a6 Actually detect errors in pure-perl test
adds 41ec1ea Add prototype to pure-perl pre-5.14 version
adds 78be2b4 Version 0.07
adds aaccce0 Switch to Sub::Exporter::Progressive
adds 1c89491 Version 0.08
adds 53daa83 Standardize on 2-space tab
adds 5197ed5 Extend the $? fix from 6d3e0a6f to the threadtest, make things more robust
adds 82ca1dd Make sure the pure-perl test *is* pure-perl
adds 140a388 Fix pure-perl implementation incorrectly reporting GD during END phase (liz++)
adds b0a0355 Rewrite completely broken pure-perl GD detection under threads
adds 62376bb Be on the safe side
adds df69e81 Work around a rather bizzare effect of compile flag THREADS_HAVE_PIDS
adds 23d57d8 Version 0.09
adds 09b1281 Make the pure-perl fallback work under -c (RT#78619)
adds 97415ce check B::main_start for old perl fallback
adds 23135b0 add comment to explain use of main_start
adds 5629eb9 fix detecting GD in BEGIN, with tests
adds 649cae5 test all phases instead of just BEGIN
adds 92b1474 test that CLONE time isn't detected as global destruction
adds efefa52 also make sure DESTROY inside a CLONE isn't GD
adds 5ed10b4 add self to authors
adds 6f93d76 update documentation to reflect new implementation
adds b1bee21 move XS code to separate dist
adds d4be4bd 5.6 compat
adds 89efeba Ask for S::Ex::Pro supporting :all (completeness)
adds 753fd2f Version 0.10
adds 3d084a8 Fix upgrading from versions < 0.10
adds 4259d99 fix version check in test script
adds 9e92a62 Version 0.11
adds 219ca4f support PUREPERL_ONLY
adds ead5da2 typo fix
adds e00dea6 fix PUREPERL_ONLY support
adds 350bef6 fix detection if loaded during global destruction
adds 9d52b29 Sub::Exporter::Progressive may break when loaded in GD so preload it in test
adds e029c65 bump Sub::Exporter::Progressive dep to fix loading in global destruction
adds e4d2104 update changelog
adds 0ad28f9 update changelog
adds 5936cc8 Version 0.12
adds 9ed7447 distar-ify
adds 95fbf87 update changes
adds 754056f bump version
adds b9b609c Release commit for 0.13
adds 734ce27 update Makefile.PL boilerplate
adds 9a8f446 fix my name in author data
adds caf20b6 use ExtUtils::HasCompiler for compiler detection
adds 6457c6f avoid needing . in @INC in dev mode
adds 192ddfb fix thread test with @INC lacks .
adds a49c57b changelog
adds 9b879e9 need to load EUMM early for arg parsing
adds 2c8ca8a drop CBuilder prereq
adds 962e36b Bumping version to 0.14
adds 596ade5 Release commit for 0.14
adds a7d698c New upstream version 0.14
new bd6db54 Merge tag 'upstream/0.14'
new 51ba075 Update debian/changelog
new 01252a1 debian/copyright: Update years.
new db96dd0 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
new 2f7b6f9 Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
new e650a80 Update changelog.
The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 5 +
META.json | 8 +-
META.yml | 8 +-
Makefile.PL | 133 +++----------------------
debian/changelog | 12 ++-
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 2 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/upstream/metadata | 8 ++
inc/ExtUtils/HasCompiler.pm | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/Devel/GlobalDestruction.pm | 2 +-
maint/Makefile.PL.include | 4 +-
t/02_thread.t | 4 +-
14 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
create mode 100644 inc/ExtUtils/HasCompiler.pm
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdevel-globaldestruction-perl.git
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