[libmath-bigint-gmp-perl] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.6001'

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Nov 29 19:17:30 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libmath-bigint-gmp-perl.

commit d42ed85ea8c3493f26dca8022ff8b54223932cbc
Merge: 5cd36b5 17c5b2d
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 29 20:11:01 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.6001'
    Upstream version 1.6001

 CHANGES                                      |    23 +
 MANIFEST                                     |    79 +
 META.json                                    |    16 +-
 META.yml                                     |     8 +-
 Makefile.PL                                  |     4 +-
 SIGNATURE                                    |   134 +-
 build/leak.pl                                |     3 +-
 build/leaktest                               |     1 -
 inc/Devel/CheckLib.pm                        |   180 +-
 lib/Math/BigInt/GMP.pm                       |   209 +-
 t/Math/BigInt/Lib/TestUtil.pm                |    39 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_add.dat      |   576 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_add.t        |   198 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_div.dat      |   399 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_div.t        |   185 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_gcd.dat      |  2607 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_gcd.t        |   168 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_lcm.dat      |  5057 ++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_lcm.t        |   168 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_log_int.t    |   146 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_mod.dat      | 12250 ++++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_mod.t        |   168 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_modinv.dat   |  7312 +++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_modinv.t     |   130 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_mul.dat      |   538 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_mul.t        |   196 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_nok.dat      | 20903 +++++++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_nok.t        |   160 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_pow.t        |   172 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_root.dat     | 80750 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_root.t       |   162 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_sub.dat      |   576 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-binary-_sub.t        |   168 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_lsft.dat    |  7559 +++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_lsft.t      |   166 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_modpow.dat  | 15077 +++++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_modpow.t    |   182 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_rsft.dat    |  4965 ++
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-ternary-_rsft.t      |   165 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_dec.t         |   151 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_fac.dat       |   151 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_fac.t         |   132 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_inc.t         |   151 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_sqrt.dat      |  1000 +
 t/author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_sqrt.t        |   160 +
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_and.dat                |  4761 ++
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_and.t                  |   192 +
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_or.dat                 |  4761 ++
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_or.t                   |   194 +
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_xor.dat                |  4761 ++
 t/author-lib-bitwise-_xor.t                  |   194 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_even.t              |   109 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_odd.t               |   109 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_one.t               |   101 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_ten.t               |   105 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_two.t               |   105 +
 t/author-lib-boolean-_is_zero.t              |   105 +
 t/author-lib-comparison-_acmp.t              |   138 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-nullary-_one.t      |   103 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-nullary-_ten.t      |   103 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-nullary-_two.t      |   103 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-nullary-_zero.t     |   103 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_copy.t       |   139 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_bin.dat |   650 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_bin.t   |   124 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_hex.dat |   340 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_hex.t   |   124 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_oct.dat |   490 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_from_oct.t   |   124 +
 t/author-lib-constructor-unary-_new.t        |   124 +
 t/author-lib-convert-number-_num.t           |   141 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_bin.dat      |   650 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_bin.t        |   111 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_hex.dat      |   340 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_hex.t        |   111 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_oct.dat      |   490 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_as_oct.t        |   111 +
 t/author-lib-convert-string-_str.t           |   113 +
 t/author-lib-misc-_check.t                   |   121 +
 t/author-lib-misc-api_version.t              |    86 +
 t/author-lib-property-_alen.t                |   125 +
 t/author-lib-property-_digit.t               |   126 +
 t/author-lib-property-_len.t                 |   111 +
 t/author-lib-property-_zeros.t               |   109 +
 t/author-lib.ini                             |     2 +
 t/author-lib.t                               |    51 +
 t/bigfltpm.inc                               |     2 +-
 t/bigfltpm.t                                 |    47 +-
 t/bigintg.t                                  |   853 +-
 t/bigintpm.inc                               |    20 +-
 t/bigintpm.t                                 |    40 +-
 t/biglog.t                                   |   303 +-
 t/bigroot.t                                  |    64 +-
 t/mbi-from-big-scalar.t                      |     2 +-
 t/mbi_rand.t                                 |   100 +
 t/mbimbf.inc                                 |  1433 +
 t/mbimbf.t                                   |    92 +
 t/storable.t                                 |     2 +
 t/threads.t                                  |     4 +-
 99 files changed, 186660 insertions(+), 806 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmath-bigint-gmp-perl.git

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