[libweasel-perl] 17/24: * In preparation of a release, add significant amounts of documentation

Robert James Clay jame at rocasa.us
Tue Aug 15 19:16:08 UTC 2017

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jame-guest pushed a commit to tag v0.02
in repository libweasel-perl.

commit ba87673400a9711cbe3e3a3d84fac3e7fad1ad07
Author: Erik Huelsmann <ehuels at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 22 12:28:57 2016 +0200

    * In preparation of a release, add significant amounts of documentation
 lib/Weasel.pm            | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Weasel/DriverRole.pm | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/Weasel/Element.pm    | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/Weasel/Session.pm    | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/Weasel.pm b/lib/Weasel.pm
index 602bd14..3745b8b 100644
--- a/lib/Weasel.pm
+++ b/lib/Weasel.pm
@@ -28,6 +28,78 @@ Weasel - Perl's php/Mink-inspired abstracted web-driver framework
 This module abstracts away the differences between the various
 web-driver protocols, like the Mink project does for PHP.
+While heavily inspired by Mink, C<Weasel> aims to improve over it
+by being extensible, providing not just access to the underlying
+browser, yet to provide building blocks for further development
+and abstraction.
+L<Pherkin::Extension::Weasel> provides integration with
+L<Test::BDD::Cucumber> (aka pherkin), for BDD testing.
+For the actual page interaction, this module needs a driver to
+be installed.  Currently, that means L<Weasel::Driver::Selenium2>.
+Other driver implementations, such as L<Sahi|http://sahipro.com/>
+can be independently developed and uploaded to CPAN, or contributed.
+(We welcome and encourage both!)
+=item Mnemonics for element lookup patterns
+The central registry of xpath expressions to find common page elements
+helps to keep page access code clean. E.g. compare:
+   use Weasel::FindExpanders::HTML;
+   $session->page->find('*contains', text => 'Some text');
+   $session->page->find(".//*[contains(.,'Some text')]
+                              [not(.//*[contains(.,'Some text')])]");
+Multiple patterns can be registered for a single mnemonic, which
+will be concatenated to a single xpath expression to find the matching
+tags in a single driver query.
+Besides good performance, this has the benefit that the following
+   $session->page->find('*button', text => 'Click!');
+can be easily extended to match
+L<Dojo toolkit's|http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/> buttons, which
+on the HTML level don't contain visible button or input tags, simply
+by using the widget support set:
+   use Weasel::Widgets::Dojo;
+=item Widgets encapsulate specific behaviours
+All elements in C<Weasel> are of the base type C<Weasel::Element>, which
+encapsulates the regular element interactions (click, find children, etc).
+While most elements will be represented by C<Weasel::Element>, it's possible
+to implement other wrappers.  These offer a logical extension point to
+implement tag-specific utility functions.  E.g.
+C<Weasel::Widgets::HTML::Select>, which adds the utility function
+These widgets also offer a good way to override default behaviours.  One
+such case is the Dojo implementation of a 'select' element.  This element
+replaces the select tag entirely and in contrast with the original, doesn't
+keep the options as child elements of the 'select'-replacing tag.  By using
+the Dojo widget library
+   use Weasel::Widget::Dojo;
+the lack of the parent/child relation between the the select and its options
+is transparently handled by overriding the widget's C<find> and C<find_all>
diff --git a/lib/Weasel/DriverRole.pm b/lib/Weasel/DriverRole.pm
index 496b0c9..2addf46 100644
--- a/lib/Weasel/DriverRole.pm
+++ b/lib/Weasel/DriverRole.pm
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Weasel::DriverRole - API definition for driver wrappers
+This module defines the API for all Weasel drivers to be implemented.
+By using this role in the driver implementation module, an abstract
+method is implmented croak()ing if it's called.
@@ -29,12 +33,20 @@ use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use Moose::Role;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
 =item started
+Every session is associated with a driver instance. The C<started> attribute
+holds a boolean value indicating whether or not the driver is ready to
+receive driver commands.
+The value managed by the C<start> and C<stop> methods.
 has 'started' => (is => 'rw',
@@ -49,6 +61,13 @@ has 'started' => (is => 'rw',
 =item implements
+This method returns the version number of the API which it fully
+L<Weasel::Session> may carp (warn) the user about mismatching API levels
+in case a driver is coded against an earlier version than
 sub implements {
@@ -59,28 +78,65 @@ sub implements {
 =item start
+This method allows setup of the driver. It is invoked before any web
+driver methods as per the Web driver methods section below.
 sub start { my $self = shift; $self->started(1); }
 =item stop
+This method allows tear-down of the driver. After tear-down, the C<start>
+method may be called again, so the this function should leave the driver
+in a restartable state.
 sub stop { my $self = shift; $self->started(0); }
 =item restart
+This function stops (if started) and starts the driver.
 sub restart { my $self = shift; $self->stop; $self->start; }
+=head2 Web driver methods
+=head3 Terms
+=item element_id / parent_id
+These are opaque values used by the driver to identify DOM elements.
+Note: The driver should always accept an xpath locator as an id value
+  as well as id values returned from earlier driver calls
+=head3 API
 =item find_all( $parent_id, $locator, $scheme )
 Returns the _id values for the elements to be instanciated, matching
 the C<$locator> using C<scheme>.
-Depending on context, the return value is a list or an arrayref.
+Depending on array or scalar context, the return value is
+a list or an arrayref.
+Note: there's no function to find a single element. That function
+is implemented on the C<Weasel::Session> level.
@@ -90,6 +146,11 @@ sub find_all {
 =item get( $url )
+Loads the page at C<$url> into the driver's browser (browser emulator).
+The C<$url> passed in has been expanded by C<Weasel::Session>, prepending
+a registered prefix.
 sub get {
@@ -98,6 +159,9 @@ sub get {
 =item is_displayed($element_id)
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element indicated by
+C<$element_id> is interactable (can be selected, clicked on, etc)
 sub is_displayed {
@@ -112,6 +176,12 @@ The driver may interpret the 'poll_delay' in one of two ways:
  2. The 'poll_delay' equals the number of seconds to wait between the end
     of one poll request and the start of the next
+Note: The user should catch inside the callback any exceptions that are
+  thrown inside the callback, unless such exceptions are allowed to
+  terminate further polling attempts.
+  I.e. this function doesn't guard against early termination by
+  catching exceptions.
 sub wait_for {
@@ -153,6 +223,9 @@ sub dblclick {
 =item get_attribute($element_id, $attribute_name)
+Returns the value of the attribute named by C<$attribute_name>
+of the element indicated by C<$element_id>.
 sub get_attribute {
@@ -161,6 +234,9 @@ sub get_attribute {
 =item get_text($element_id)
+Returns the HTML content of the element identified by C<$element_id>,
+the so-called 'innerHTML'.
 sub get_text {
@@ -169,6 +245,9 @@ sub get_text {
 =item set_attribute($element_id, $attribute_name, $value)
+Changes the value of the attribute named by C<$attribute_name> to C<$value>
+for the element identified by C<$element_id>.
 sub set_attribute {
@@ -193,6 +272,12 @@ sub set_selected {
 =item screenshot($fh)
+Takes a screenshot and writes the image to the file handle C<$fh>.
+Note: In the current version of the driver, it's assumed the
+  driver writes a PNG image. Later versions may add APIs to
+  get/set the type of image generated.
 sub screenshot {
@@ -201,6 +286,15 @@ sub screenshot {
 =item send_keys($element_id, @keys)
+Simulates key input into the element identified by C<$element_id>.
+C<@keys> is an array of (groups of) inputs; multiple multi-character
+strings may be listed. In such cases the input will be appended. E.g.
+  $driver->send_keys($element_id, "hello", ' ', "world");
+is valid input to enter the text "hello world" into C<$element_id>.
 sub send_keys {
@@ -209,6 +303,8 @@ sub send_keys {
 =item tag_name($element_id)
+The name of the HTML tag identified by C<$element_id>.
 sub tag_name {
diff --git a/lib/Weasel/Element.pm b/lib/Weasel/Element.pm
index 5472c36..5fac30c 100644
--- a/lib/Weasel/Element.pm
+++ b/lib/Weasel/Element.pm
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ Weasel::Element - The base HTML/Widget element class
+This module provides the base class for all page elements, encapsulating
+the regular element interactions, such as finding child element, querying
+attributes and the tag name, etc.
 package Weasel::Element;
@@ -29,6 +33,9 @@ use Moose;
 =item session
+Required.  Holds a reference to the L<Weasel::Session> to which the element
+belongs.  Used to access the session's driver to query element properties.x
 has session => (is => 'ro',
@@ -37,6 +44,9 @@ has session => (is => 'ro',
 =item _id
+Required.  Holds the I<element_id> used by the session's driver to identify
+the element.
 has _id => (is => 'ro',
@@ -48,8 +58,15 @@ has _id => (is => 'ro',
-=item find($locator [, $scheme])
+=item find($locator [, scheme => $scheme] [, %locator_args])
+Finds the first child element matching c<$locator>.  Returns C<undef>
+when not found.  Optionally takes a scheme argument to identify non-xpath
+type locators.
+In case the C<$locator> is a mnemonic (starts with an asterisk ['*']),
+additional arguments may be provided for expansion of the mnemonic.  See
+L<Weasel::FindExpanders::HTML> for documentation of the standard expanders.
@@ -59,7 +76,16 @@ sub find {
     return $self->session->find($self, @args);
-=item find_all($locator [, $scheme])
+=item find_all($locator [, scheme => $scheme] [, %locator_args])
+Returns, depending on scalar vs array context, a list or an arrayref
+with matching elements.  Returns an empty list or ref to an empty array
+when none found.  Optionally takes a scheme argument to identify non-xpath
+type locators.
+In case the C<$locator> is a mnemonic (starts with an asterisk ['*']),
+additional arguments may be provided for expansion of the mnemonic.  See
+L<Weasel::FindExpanders::HTML> for documentation of the standard expanders.
@@ -72,6 +98,14 @@ sub find_all {
 =item get_attribute($attribute)
+Returns the value of the element's attribute named in C<$attribute> or
+C<undef> if none exists.
+Note: Some browsers apply default values to attributes which are not
+  part of the original page.  As such, there's no direct relation between
+  the existence of attributes in the original page and this function
+  returning C<undef>.
 sub get_attribute {
@@ -82,6 +116,8 @@ sub get_attribute {
 =item get_text()
+Returns the element's 'innerHTML'.
 sub get_text {
@@ -93,6 +129,9 @@ sub get_text {
 =item is_displayed
+Returns a boolean indicating if an element is visible (e.g.
+can potentially be scrolled into the viewport for interaction).
 sub is_displayed {
@@ -103,6 +142,8 @@ sub is_displayed {
 =item click()
+Scrolls the element into the viewport and simulates it being clicked on.
 sub click {
@@ -112,6 +153,11 @@ sub click {
 =item send_keys(@keys)
+Focusses the element and simulates keyboard input. C<@keys> can be any
+number of strings containing unicode characters to be sent.  E.g.
+   $element->send_keys("hello", ' ', "world");
 sub send_keys {
@@ -122,6 +168,8 @@ sub send_keys {
 =item tag_name()
+Returns the name of the tag of the element, e.g. 'div' or 'input'.
 sub tag_name {
diff --git a/lib/Weasel/Session.pm b/lib/Weasel/Session.pm
index 2162681..decb357 100644
--- a/lib/Weasel/Session.pm
+++ b/lib/Weasel/Session.pm
@@ -38,14 +38,12 @@ use warnings;
 use Moose;
-use Try::Tiny;
 use Weasel::Element::Document;
 use Weasel::FindExpanders qw/ expand_finder_pattern /;
 use Weasel::WidgetHandlers qw| best_match_handler_class |;
 =item driver
@@ -84,6 +82,8 @@ has 'base_url' => (is => 'rw',
 =item page
+Returns the root element of the target HTML page (the 'html' tag).
 has 'page' => (is => 'ro',
@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ has 'poll_delay' => (is => 'rw',
 =item clear($element)
+Clears any input entered into elements supporting it.  Generally applies to
+textarea elements and input elements of type text and password.
 sub clear {
@@ -140,6 +143,10 @@ sub clear {
 =item click([$element])
+Simulates a single mouse click. If an element argument is provided, that
+element is clicked.  Otherwise, the browser window is clicked at the
+current mouse location.
 sub click {
@@ -148,7 +155,11 @@ sub click {
     $self->driver->click(($element) ? $element->_id : undef);
-=item find($element, $pattern, $args)
+=item find($element, $locator [, scheme => $scheme] [, %locator_args])
+Finds the first child of C<$element> matching C<$locator>.
+See L<Weasel::Element>'s C<find> function for more documentation.
@@ -156,23 +167,22 @@ sub find {
     my ($self, @args) = @_;
     my $rv;
-    $self->wait_for( sub {
-        my @rv;
-        try {
-            @rv =  @{$self->find_all(@args)};
-        }
-        catch {
-            ###TODO add logger statement warning of consumed error
-            print STDERR $_ . "\n";
-        };
-        return $rv = shift @rv;
-                     });
+    $self->wait_for(
+        sub {
+            my @rv = @{$self->find_all(@args)};
+            return $rv = shift @rv;
+        });
     return $rv;
-=item find_all($element, $pattern, $args)
+=item find_all($element, $locator, [, scheme => $scheme] [, %locator_args ])
+Finds all child elements of C<$element> matching C<$locator>. Returns,
+depending on scalar or list context, an arrayref or a list with matching
+See L<Weasel::Element>'s C<find_all> function for more documentation.
@@ -209,6 +219,9 @@ sub get {
 =item get_attribute($element, $attribute)
+Returns the value of the attribute named by C<$attribute> of the element
+identified by C<$element>, or C<undef> if the attribute isn't defined.
 sub get_attribute {
@@ -219,6 +232,8 @@ sub get_attribute {
 =item get_text($element)
+Returns the 'innerHTML' of the element identified by C<$element>.
 sub get_text {
@@ -229,6 +244,10 @@ sub get_text {
 =item is_displayed($element)
+Returns a boolean value indicating if the element identified by
+C<$element> is visible on the page, i.e. that it can be scrolled into
+the viewport for interaction.
 sub is_displayed {
@@ -239,6 +258,12 @@ sub is_displayed {
 =item screenshot($fh)
+Writes a screenshot of the browser's window to the filehandle C<$fh>.
+Note: this version assumes pictures of type PNG will be written;
+  later versions may provide a means to query the exact image type of
+  screenshots being generated.
 sub screenshot {
@@ -249,6 +274,9 @@ sub screenshot {
 =item send_keys($element, @keys)
+Send the characters specified in the strings in C<@keys> to C<$element>,
+simulating keyboard input.
 sub send_keys {
@@ -259,6 +287,8 @@ sub send_keys {
 =item tag_name($element)
+Returns the tag name of the element identified by C<$element>.
 sub tag_name {
@@ -267,13 +297,13 @@ sub tag_name {
     return $self->driver->tag_name($element->_id);
-=item wait_for($callback, [ retry_timeout => $number,] [poll_delay => number])
+=item wait_for($callback, [ retry_timeout => $number,] [poll_delay => $number])
-Waits until $callback->() returns true, or C<wait_timeout> expires -- whichever
-comes first.
+Polls $callback->() until it returns true, or C<wait_timeout> expires
+-- whichever comes first.
 The arguments retry_timeout and poll_delay can be used to override the
-session-global settings for the duration of the call.
+session-global settings.
@@ -288,10 +318,10 @@ sub wait_for {
 =item _wrap_widget($_id)
-Finds all matching widget selectors to instantiate an element off of.
+Finds all matching widget selectors to wrap the driver element in.
 In case of multiple matches, selects the most specific match
-(most matched criteria).
+(the one with the highest number of requirements).

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