[libfinance-quote-perl] annotated tag v1.38 created (now ba6d9ae)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 10 21:39:00 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to annotated tag v1.38
in repository libfinance-quote-perl.

        at  ba6d9ae   (tag)
   tagging  ad8e7ea979e0fdb4e88597671b48a5c33f43ad9b (commit)
  replaces  v1.37
 tagged by  Erik Colson
        on  Sat Aug 22 13:23:36 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Anthony Waters (1):
      Updated the USFedBonds module

Ben Marsh (1):
      Fix git repo location in Documentation/README

Erik Colson (30):
      test added with lots of symbols to check if FQ goes fast enough
      test count was wrong
      Merge branch 'fidelity_fixed' of https://github.com/mta1309/finance-quote into fidelity_fixed
      use fidelityfixed now
      FidelityFixed.pm some code to enhance data verification
      Revert "use fidelityfixed now"
      updated current git repo location
      tiaacref.t made cleaner
      tiaacref.t checking price too
      tiaacref.t test count updated
      Merge pull request #28 from mta1309/fidelity_fixed
      Bug report 99783 - Finance::Quote::FTfunds does not detect GBX correctly
      BUGFIX: RT99784 - Finance::Quote::MStaruk does not detect the price correctly. Patch by Paul.
      Merge branch 'awaters1-master'
      Merge pull request #30 from blm/fix_readme
      new module YahooYQL
      yahoojson now returns INR as currency for Bombay stocks
      added TAG files into .gitignore
      Merge branch 'tiaacref_fixes' of https://github.com/mta1309/finance-quote into tiaacref
      yahoo_json currency support
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lancew/finance-quote into lancew
      removed mtgox from quote.pm
      GoldMoney must use default currency from quoter
      GoldMoney 'last' is a price !
      GoldMoney - remove USD as hardcoded currency
      GoldMoney - add tests to check EUR and USD quotes
      code cleanup
      Updated Changes
      update website page

Lance Wicks (2):
      Deleting MtGox as they are now bankrupt
      Fix GoldMoney module.

Mike Alexander (11):
      Add the FidelityFixed module from Peter Ratzlaff.
      Fix the URL.  It still doesn't work (gets an SSL failure) but this
      Change the URL used for FidelityFixed to one that works.  Also turn off
      If either the bid or the ask price is zero use the recent 3rd party price.
      Make FiedlityFixed work again, recent prices are now in a separate page.
      Replaced $VERSION with #VERSION tag
      Fix for another change in the Fidelity web site.
      Fix a typo where one test was calling fidelity_direct instead of fidelityfixed.
      Don't look at $check{$line[0]} until we know it exists to avoid an error message.
      Return value for old fake symbols (e.g. CREFstok) changed again.
      Add some more funds that TIAA/CREF has created recently.


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libfinance-quote-perl.git

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