[libhtml-scrubber-perl] annotated tag release/0.11 created (now 5f02c64)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 11 13:46:07 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to annotated tag release/0.11
in repository libhtml-scrubber-perl.

        at  5f02c64   (tag)
   tagging  9419a719c1aaa3f98f3bcbd85c5822513f9ca1fe (commit)
  replaces  release/0.10-TRIAL
 tagged by  Nigel Metheringham
        on  Fri Oct 11 15:12:43 2013 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release of 0.11

Nigel Metheringham (1):


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  b4987f1   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.02.tar.gz.
       new  ee48eb2   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.03.tar.gz.
       new  2f8e2ee   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.04.tar.gz.
       new  cb2a689   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.05.tar.gz.
       new  6fe3115   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.06.tar.gz.
       new  7e3616a   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.07.tar.gz.
       new  1b778bc   Imported from HTML-Scrubber-0.08.tar.gz.
       new  c425d7e   Fixed windows line endings
       new  5fd38f0   Basic conversion to Dist::Zilla
       new  3e00369   Stripped spare spaces on end-of-lines + tabs
       new  e5c3323   Remove use of naked filehandle
       new  2975485   Move to Dist::Zilla managed versioning
       new  d420f9c   Documentation tweaks and spelling list
       new  4fc658d   Removed predictable tmp file vulnerability in tests
       new  365b222   Stripped trailing # in examples
       new  0182c55   Moved the common _scrub code to one place
       new  0622d65   Changes and github README updates
       new  671ec54   v0.09
       new  03cf0d9   Removed obsolete "vars" pragma
       new  fc1a695   Merge pull request #2 from sergeyromanov/master
       new  2de3c64   UTF8 tests to attempt to reproduce RF72659 report
       new  3adb8ed   Tweaked module for newer dist packaging style
       new  e281c77   RT3008 Changed examples to be XSS free
       new  d716636   Replace basic load test with neater version
       new  e2a61e6   Updated tests for new RT issues
       new  4532022   fix handling of self closing tags, like <hr/>
       new  6160ba3   treat * attr rule in the same way as any other
       new  4ef3e19   make it possible to process attributes with callabacks
       new  3931cd1   fixup
       new  ea74045   Update authors/contributors/copyright.  Fix spelling.
       new  53b037e   v0.10
       new  9419a71   v0.11

The 32 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libhtml-scrubber-perl.git

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