[libhtml-scrubber-perl] 24/30: Merge PR#16 - Remove invalid end tags for empty elements (RT120384)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 11 13:46:20 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a commit to annotated tag release/0.16
in repository libhtml-scrubber-perl.

commit bb12d8805575524676a28f220bb915f1d2038512
Merge: 1e7af87 39b1159
Author: Nigel Metheringham <nigelm at cpan.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 25 17:02:02 2017 +0100

    Merge PR#16 - Remove invalid end tags for empty elements (RT120384)
    Merge branch 'pr/remove-false-tags-rt120384' of https://github.com/paultcochrane/html-scrubber into integration_branch

 lib/HTML/Scrubber.pm           |   7 +++
 t/jvn53973084.t                |   2 +-
 t/rt120384_remove_false_tags.t | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/rt19063_xhtml.t              |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --cc lib/HTML/Scrubber.pm
index 1383cda,cba6945..efbb793
--- a/lib/HTML/Scrubber.pm
+++ b/lib/HTML/Scrubber.pm
@@@ -434,6 -430,12 +435,12 @@@ sub _scrub_str 
      elsif ( $e eq 'end' ) {
+         # empty tags list taken from
+         # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Glossary/empty_element
 -        my @empty_tags =
 -            qw(area base br col embed hr img input link meta param source track wbr);
 -        return "" if $text ne '' && any { $t eq $_ } @empty_tags;  # skip false closing empty tags
++        my @empty_tags = qw(area base br col embed hr img input link meta param source track wbr);
++        return "" if $text ne '' && any { $t eq $_ } @empty_tags;    # skip false closing empty tags
          my $place = 0;
          if ( exists $s->{_rules}->{$t} ) {
              $place = 1 if $s->{_rules}->{$t};
diff --cc t/jvn53973084.t
index 7767609,7767609..d7985ee
--- a/t/jvn53973084.t
+++ b/t/jvn53973084.t
@@@ -15,7 -15,7 +15,7 @@@ my $html_2 = q[<img src="javascript:ale
  foreach my $comment_value ( 0, 1 ) {
      my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new( allow => \@allow, comment => $comment_value );
      is( $scrubber->scrub($html_1), '<hr>abc', "correct result (1) - with comment => $comment_value" );
--    is( $scrubber->scrub($html_2), '',            "correct result (2) - with comment => $comment_value" );
++    is( $scrubber->scrub($html_2), '',        "correct result (2) - with comment => $comment_value" );
diff --cc t/rt120384_remove_false_tags.t
index 0000000,30ed554..4a53e83
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/t/rt120384_remove_false_tags.t
+++ b/t/rt120384_remove_false_tags.t
@@@ -1,0 -1,107 +1,103 @@@
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ use utf8;
+ use Test::More;
+ use Test::Differences;
+ use HTML::Scrubber;
+ use HTML::Parser;
+ my $scrub = HTML::Scrubber->new(
+     allow => [
+         qw{ p b i area br base col colgroup embed hr img input
 -          link map meta object param table track source video wbr }
++            link map meta object param table track source video wbr }
+     ]
+ );
+ $scrub->default( undef, { '*' => 1 } );    # allow all attributes
+ $scrub->comment(1);
+ # html snippets adapted from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/
+ # except for the <br> snippet, which is taken from the example in the
+ # original ticket
+ my %snippets = (
+     "area" => '<map name="primary">
+       <area shape="circle" coords="75,75,75" href="left.html" alt="Click to go Left"></area>
+     </map>',
 -    "base" =>
 -      '<base target="_blank" href="http://www.example.com/page.html"></base>',
 -    "br" => '<P STYLE="font-size: 300%">
++    "base" => '<base target="_blank" href="http://www.example.com/page.html"></base>',
++    "br"   => '<P STYLE="font-size: 300%">
+     <BLINK>"You may get to touch her<BR>
+     If your gloves are sterilized<BR></BR>
+     Rinse your mouth with Listerine</BR>
+     Blow disinfectant in her eyes"</BLINK><BR>
+     -- X-Ray Spex, <I>Germ-Free Adolescents<I>',
+     "col" => '<table>
+       <colgroup>
+         <col span="2"></col>
+       </colgroup>
+     </table>',
 -    "embed" =>
 -'<embed type="video/quicktime" src="movie.mov" width="640" height="480"></embed>',
 -    "hr" => '<p>This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
++    "embed" => '<embed type="video/quicktime" src="movie.mov" width="640" height="480"></embed>',
++    "hr"    => '<p>This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
+     <hr></hr>
+     <p>This is the second paragraph of text.</p>',
+     "img"   => '<img src="image.png" alt="alt text"></img>',
+     "input" => '<input id="input1" type="text"></input>',
+     "link"  => '<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>',
+     "meta"  => '<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>',
+     "param" => '<object data="movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
+       <param name="foo" value="bar"></param>
+     </object>',
+     "source" => '<video controls>
+       <source src="foo.ogg" type="video/ogg"></source>
+     </video>',
+     "track" => '<video controls>
+       <source src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4">
+       <track kind="captions" src="sampleCaptions.vtt" srclang="en"></track>
+     </video>',
+     "wbr" => '<p>word<wbr>.break<wbr>.opportunity<wbr></wbr>.</p>',
+ );
+ plan tests => scalar keys %snippets;
+ my %expected = (
+     "area" => '<map name="primary">
+       <area shape="circle" coords="75,75,75" href="left.html" alt="Click to go Left">
+     </map>',
+     "base" => '<base target="_blank" href="http://www.example.com/page.html">',
+     "br"   => '<p style="font-size: 300%">
+     "You may get to touch her<br>
+     If your gloves are sterilized<br>
+     Rinse your mouth with Listerine
+     Blow disinfectant in her eyes"<br>
+     -- X-Ray Spex, <i>Germ-Free Adolescents<i>',
+     "col" => '<table>
+       <colgroup>
+         <col span="2">
+       </colgroup>
+     </table>',
 -    "embed" =>
 -      '<embed type="video/quicktime" src="movie.mov" width="640" height="480">',
 -    "hr" => '<p>This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
++    "embed" => '<embed type="video/quicktime" src="movie.mov" width="640" height="480">',
++    "hr"    => '<p>This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
+     <hr>
+     <p>This is the second paragraph of text.</p>',
+     "img"   => '<img src="image.png" alt="alt text">',
+     "input" => '<input id="input1" type="text">',
+     "link"  => '<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">',
+     "meta"  => '<meta charset="utf-8">',
+     "param" => '<object data="movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
+       <param name="foo" value="bar">
+     </object>',
+     "source" => '<video controls>
+       <source src="foo.ogg" type="video/ogg">
+     </video>',
+     "track" => '<video controls>
+       <source src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4">
+       <track kind="captions" src="sampleCaptions.vtt" srclang="en">
+     </video>',
+     "wbr" => "<p>word<wbr>.break<wbr>.opportunity<wbr>.</p>",
+ );
+ for my $tag_name ( sort keys %snippets ) {
 -    eq_or_diff $scrub->scrub( $snippets{$tag_name} ), $expected{$tag_name},
 -      "False ending <$tag_name> tags are removed";
++    eq_or_diff $scrub->scrub( $snippets{$tag_name} ), $expected{$tag_name}, "False ending <$tag_name> tags are removed";
+ }
+ # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libhtml-scrubber-perl.git

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