[libverilog-perl] 01/04: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.446'

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Nov 11 21:12:42 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libverilog-perl.

commit 9a82f97269f18551baa87188f9287870ac02bdbc
Merge: a806611 75750e6
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 11 22:06:56 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.446'
    Update to upstream version '3.446'
    with Debian dir d43ad1fecc12ca1a745942b19d628a68fa4ba55a

 Changes               |    5 +
 EditFiles.pm          |    2 +-
 Getopt.pm             |    2 +-
 Language.pm           |    2 +-
 META.yml              |    2 +-
 Netlist.pm            |    2 +-
 Netlist/Cell.pm       |    2 +-
 Netlist/ContAssign.pm |    2 +-
 Netlist/Defparam.pm   |    2 +-
 Netlist/File.pm       |    2 +-
 Netlist/Interface.pm  |    2 +-
 Netlist/Logger.pm     |    2 +-
 Netlist/ModPort.pm    |    2 +-
 Netlist/Module.pm     |    2 +-
 Netlist/Net.pm        |    2 +-
 Netlist/Pin.pm        |    2 +-
 Netlist/Port.pm       |    2 +-
 Netlist/Subclass.pm   |    2 +-
 Parser/Parser.pm      |    2 +-
 Parser/SigParser.pm   |    2 +-
 Parser/bisonpre       |    2 +-
 Parser/callbackgen    |    2 +-
 Parser/gen/bisonpre-0 |    2 +-
 Preproc/Preproc.pm    |    2 +-
 Preproc/VPreLex.h     |    2 +
 Preproc/VPreLex.l     |    4 +
 Preproc/VPreProc.cpp  |  103 ++--
 Preproc/gen/flex-0    |    2 +-
 Preproc/gen/flex-1    | 1430 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 Std.pm                |    2 +-
 t/30_preproc.out      |   81 +++
 t/30_preproc_nows.out |   43 +-
 t/30_preproc_on.out   |  121 ++++-
 t/30_preproc_sub.out  |  140 ++++-
 t/30_preproc_syn.out  |  121 ++++-
 verilog/inc1.v        |   81 +++
 vhier                 |    2 +-
 vpassert              |    2 +-
 vppreproc             |    2 +-
 vrename               |    2 +-
 40 files changed, 1340 insertions(+), 849 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libverilog-perl.git

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