[libshell-guess-perl] branch master updated (af122c6 -> 8c3a98a)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sat Nov 11 21:50:16 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libshell-guess-perl.
from af122c6 clean up d/changelog
adds c3bb2d6 initial commit
adds 567a1e1 initial implementation (unix only)
adds fa75877 start with 0.01
adds 1f204e5 add README.pod
adds e7a9ed7 Native windows support
adds 39a06d8 make instance methods work as class methods to
adds a88873b rename some tests
adds e6fc364 update doco
adds dee2e64 fixes for VMS support
adds 6962ce5 POD coverage
adds b8f1a2b doco
adds 28c5e3d TODO
adds bbb9689 support for powershell
adds b230767 doco
adds 3702c6a use Unix::Process (ps) if there is no /proc
adds d8953ca FreeBSD support
adds 4fe7607 doco
adds 611e260 doco
adds 00a8436 better Mac OS X support
adds da4e9dc TODO: zsh
adds 854732b spelling
adds 7e93a66 support for zsh
adds 5c976e9 require Unix::Process if there doesn't appear to be a proc file system.
adds c212260 windows only prereqs
adds 14aa250 add default_location field
adds 153e301 only use gitppid if we can use getppid
adds ddb0c90 rm debug print
adds a338230 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:plicease/Shell-Guess
adds 267076c doco
adds ad8d8ad MS-DOS (djgpp) support
adds c611482 doco
adds fa0cfd0 doco
adds 254b529 doco
adds 540e713 don't bother trying /proc on VMS, dos or Windows (cygwin isn't windows)
adds be502e1 use [MakeMaker::Custom] instead of [MakeMaker::Awesome]
adds 692bf63 remove commented out directive
adds 7e45474 doco
adds 3ae479f doco
adds 980a62d doco
adds 66008c6 doco
adds 733ac9c v0.01
adds f801c72 todo
adds 1c52144 because Data::Dumper might not be used yet
adds a46d5f6 travis
adds fd72eeb update release tests
adds 5de6473 diagnostic
adds 4c8dd43 support for fish shell
adds 18573d0 rm dep on [MakeMaker::Custom]
adds 3679e70 update release tests
adds e8cb6f0 Update .travis.yml
adds f7dc379 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:plicease/Shell-Guess
adds 7745736 migrate to markdown for readme
adds 6ef8d88 include travis status
adds ba0cec9 test all versions of perl >= 5.8
adds 42e681a typo
adds 34ad3f6 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:plicease/Shell-Guess
adds 21be32c oops. Actually do the detection.
adds c98d9d5 v0.02
adds 0289479 update diagnostics
adds df6f51c update release tests
adds f9c0f23 only use argv[0] for guess #3
adds 02937c0 doco
adds 760be91 dist.ini
adds f7ebf81 doco
adds 952a80a migrate to Module::Build
adds fe7c020 v0.02_01
adds ed0a7fe dist should be dynamic_config
adds 262d418 v0.02_02
adds 89edb74 rm explicit dep on File::Spec due to typo
adds d90147f v0.02_03
adds 1dc60d9 v0.03
adds fba9403 reduce duplication
adds b034bd5 update release tests
adds a7d65ca avoid possible warnings on /proc read failure
adds 763591f v0.04
adds 5b1c166 fix for running shell method on solaris (#1)
adds 6112da0 v0.05
adds 9fdef47 use File::Spec
adds daf4ead doco
adds 9eb4ea1 let us see the list of available perls
adds 82ff6f0 update travis
adds e0ad3ea update diagnostic and release tests
adds 2c0c133 use Win32::Getppid instead of Win32::Process::Info
adds 5262e82 update Changes
adds 436d93a v0.06
adds ffec4e3 more testing
adds bb03ef6 some updates
adds e7f4c8c update release tests
adds 971d200 test 5.26
adds 8630553 better doco
adds dae920f switch to EUMM
adds 9ff4e81 rename
adds 9868a4a rename again
adds d5f764b hrm
adds 0b75581 rm unused
adds 95c5a49 do not test xt
adds 549019c v0.07
adds 5e7efff New upstream version 0.07
new 970cdfb Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.07'
new 7acbf33 Update debian/changelog
new dc5ddc8 Update build dependencies.
new bfab2c7 Reformat debian/control with cme
new 91ea27e Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.1.
new 8c3a98a releasing package libshell-guess-perl version 0.07-1
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Build.PL | 52 ---------
Changes | 3 +
INSTALL | 20 ++--
MANIFEST | 65 +++++------
META.json | 33 ++++--
META.yml | 13 ++-
Makefile.PL | 89 +++++++++++++++
README | 123 ++++++++++++++------
xt/release/release.yml => author.yml | 0
{t/testlib => corpus}/print_guess.pl | 0
cpanfile | 20 +++-
debian/changelog | 9 ++
debian/control | 5 +-
dist.ini | 12 +-
inc/My/ModuleBuild.pm | 31 -----
lib/Shell/Guess.pm | 127 +++++++++++++++------
t/00_diag.t | 56 ++++-----
t/00_diag.txt | 5 -
t/{testlib => lib}/FakeLogin.pm | 0
t/{shell_bash.t => shell_guess__bash.t} | 0
t/{shell_bourne.t => shell_guess__bourne.t} | 0
t/{shell_c.t => shell_guess__c.t} | 0
t/{shell_cmd.t => shell_guess__cmd.t} | 0
t/{shell_command.t => shell_guess__command.t} | 0
t/{shell_dcl.t => shell_guess__dcl.t} | 0
t/{shell_fish.t => shell_guess__fish.t} | 0
t/{guess_login.t => shell_guess__guess_login.t} | 0
...uess_running.t => shell_guess__guess_running.t} | 0
t/{shell_korn.t => shell_guess__korn.t} | 0
t/{os_dos.t => shell_guess__os_dos.t} | 0
t/{os_proc.t => shell_guess__os_proc.t} | 12 +-
t/{os_vms.t => shell_guess__os_vms.t} | 0
t/{os_win32.t => shell_guess__os_win32.t} | 0
t/{shell_power.t => shell_guess__power.t} | 0
t/{shell_tc.t => shell_guess__tc.t} | 0
t/{shell_z.t => shell_guess__z.t} | 0
t/use.t | 5 -
xt/{release => author}/eol.t | 2 +
xt/{release => author}/no_tabs.t | 1 +
xt/{release => author}/pod.t | 1 +
xt/{release => author}/pod_coverage.t | 5 +-
xt/{release => author}/pod_spelling_common.t | 6 +-
xt/{release => author}/pod_spelling_system.t | 11 +-
xt/{release => author}/strict.t | 8 ++
xt/{release => author}/version.t | 15 ++-
xt/release/build_environment.t | 9 --
xt/release/changes.t | 2 +
xt/release/fixme.t | 3 +-
xt/release/unused_vars.t | 63 ----------
49 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 351 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Build.PL
create mode 100644 Makefile.PL
rename xt/release/release.yml => author.yml (100%)
rename {t/testlib => corpus}/print_guess.pl (100%)
delete mode 100644 inc/My/ModuleBuild.pm
delete mode 100644 t/00_diag.txt
rename t/{testlib => lib}/FakeLogin.pm (100%)
rename t/{shell_bash.t => shell_guess__bash.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_bourne.t => shell_guess__bourne.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_c.t => shell_guess__c.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_cmd.t => shell_guess__cmd.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_command.t => shell_guess__command.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_dcl.t => shell_guess__dcl.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_fish.t => shell_guess__fish.t} (100%)
rename t/{guess_login.t => shell_guess__guess_login.t} (100%)
rename t/{guess_running.t => shell_guess__guess_running.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_korn.t => shell_guess__korn.t} (100%)
rename t/{os_dos.t => shell_guess__os_dos.t} (100%)
rename t/{os_proc.t => shell_guess__os_proc.t} (61%)
rename t/{os_vms.t => shell_guess__os_vms.t} (100%)
rename t/{os_win32.t => shell_guess__os_win32.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_power.t => shell_guess__power.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_tc.t => shell_guess__tc.t} (100%)
rename t/{shell_z.t => shell_guess__z.t} (100%)
delete mode 100644 t/use.t
rename xt/{release => author}/eol.t (99%)
rename xt/{release => author}/no_tabs.t (99%)
rename xt/{release => author}/pod.t (99%)
rename xt/{release => author}/pod_coverage.t (92%)
rename xt/{release => author}/pod_spelling_common.t (86%)
rename xt/{release => author}/pod_spelling_system.t (92%)
rename xt/{release => author}/strict.t (62%)
rename xt/{release => author}/version.t (70%)
delete mode 100644 xt/release/build_environment.t
delete mode 100644 xt/release/unused_vars.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libshell-guess-perl.git
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