[libsereal-decoder-perl] branch master updated (62f4a2d -> a86ef8e)

Alex Mestiashvili malex-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 16 21:01:59 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

malex-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository libsereal-decoder-perl.

      from  62f4a2d   releasing package libsereal-decoder-perl version 3.015-1
       new  19b9802   Exclude zstd/* via Files-Excluded option in d/copyright
       new  8fe914e   Update d/watch, add +ds extension as we strip bundled zstd
      adds  f075c19   New upstream version 4.004+ds
       new  c369c78   Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.004+ds'
       new  a891ce3   Bump Standards-Version, add new duild deps, run wrap-and-sort
       new  4d4909c   Set ENV to use packaged libzstd-dev, doesn't seem to affect other bundled libs
       new  a86ef8e   Update changelog

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                                            |  19 +-
 Decoder.xs                                         |   4 +-
 MANIFEST                                           |  38 +
 META.json                                          |   7 +-
 META.yml                                           |   7 +-
 Makefile.PL                                        |  12 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  14 +
 debian/control                                     |   9 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   2 +
 debian/rules                                       |   2 +-
 debian/watch                                       |   5 +-
 inc/Devel/CheckLib.pm                              | 200 +++++-
 inc/Sereal/BuildTools.pm                           |  46 +-
 lib/Sereal/Decoder.pm                              |  67 +-
 lib/Sereal/Decoder/Constants.pm                    |   5 +-
 miniz.c                                            | 776 ++++++++++-----------
 snappy/csnappy.h                                   |   7 +-
 snappy/csnappy_internal_userspace.h                |  15 +-
 srl_decoder.c                                      | 121 +++-
 srl_decoder.h                                      |  21 +-
 srl_protocol.h                                     |   3 +-
 srl_reader_decompress.h                            |  51 +-
 srl_reader_error.h                                 |  10 -
 srl_stack.h                                        |   6 +-
 t/080_set_readonly.t                               |  27 +-
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/dedudep_strings.t       |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/freeze_thaw.t           |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/plain.t                 |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/plain_canon.t           |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/readonly.t              |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/snappy.t                |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/v4/snappy_and_warn_unknown.t       |  45 ++
 t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/snappy_canon.t          |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/snappy_incr.t           |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/snappy_incr_canon.t     |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/sort_keys.t             |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/sort_keys_perl.t        |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/sort_keys_perl_rev.t    |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/zlib.t                  |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/zlib_force.t            |   0
 t/700_roundtrip/{v3/zlib.t => v4/zstd.t}           |   4 +-
 .../{v3/zlib_force.t => v4/zstd_force.t}           |   4 +-
 t/lib/Sereal/TestSet.pm                            |  75 +-
 typemap                                            |   1 +
 44 files changed, 1055 insertions(+), 548 deletions(-)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/dedudep_strings.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/freeze_thaw.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/plain.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/plain_canon.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/readonly.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/snappy.t (100%)
 create mode 100644 t/700_roundtrip/v4/snappy_and_warn_unknown.t
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v1 => v4}/snappy_canon.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/snappy_incr.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/snappy_incr_canon.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v2 => v4}/sort_keys.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/sort_keys_perl.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/sort_keys_perl_rev.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/zlib.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3 => v4}/zlib_force.t (100%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3/zlib.t => v4/zstd.t} (85%)
 copy t/700_roundtrip/{v3/zlib_force.t => v4/zstd_force.t} (84%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libsereal-decoder-perl.git

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